webhook update
qlik webhook update
Update all webhook properties
Updates a webhook, any omitted fields will be cleared, returns updated webhook.
qlik webhook update <webhookId> [flags]
--checkCertificateRevocation If enabled the certificate chain of the configured URL will be checked for revocation before sending the webhook. --description string The reason for creating the webhook --enabled Whether the webhook is active and sending requests --eventTypes strings Types of events for which the webhook should trigger. Retrieve available types from ˋ/v1/webhooks/event-typesˋ. -f, --file string Reads request from a file --filter string Filter that should match for a webhook to be triggered. Supported common attribute names are 'id', 'spaceId' and 'topLevelResourceId', beside the common attributes the "com.qlik.v1.app.reload.finished" event also supports "data.status" that could be either "ok" or "error" but can't be used together with other event types. Supported attribute operators are 'eq' and 'ne'. Supported logical operators are 'and' and 'or'. Note that attribute values must be valid JSON strings, hence they're enclosed with double quotes For more detailed information regarding the SCIM filter syntax (RFC7644) used please follow the link to external documentation. -h, --help help for update --interval int Duration in seconds to wait between retries, at least 1 (default 1) --level string Defines at what level the webhook should operate: for all resources belonging to a tenant or restricted to only those accessible by the webhook-creator. --name string The name for the webhook --ownerId string The id of the user that owns the webhook, only applicable for user level webhooks -q, --quiet Return only IDs from the command --raw Return original response from server without any processing --retry int Number of retries to do before failing, max 10 --secret string String used as secret for calculating HMAC hash sent as header --url string Target URL for webhook HTTPS requests --webhook-headers stringToString Additional headers in the post request (default [])
Options inherited from parent commands
-c, --config string path/to/config.yml where parameters can be set instead of on the command line --context string Name of the context used when connecting to Qlik Associative Engine --headers stringToString HTTP headers to use when connecting to Qlik Associative Engine (default []) --insecure Enabling insecure will make it possible to connect using self-signed certificates --json Returns output in JSON format, if possible. Disables verbose and traffic output -s, --server string URL to Qlik Cloud or directly to a Qlik Associative Engine --server-type string The type of server you are using: cloud, Windows (Enterprise on Windows) or engine -v, --verbose Log extra information