user ls

qlik user ls

List users


Returns a list of users using cursor-based pagination.

qlik user ls [flags]


      --email filter         (Deprecated) The email to filter by. Deprecated. Use the new filter parameter to provide an advanced query filter.
      --endingBefore prev    (Deprecated) Get users with IDs that are lower than the target user ID. Cannot be used in conjunction with startingAfter. Deprecated. Use prev instead.
      --fields string        A comma-delimited string of the requested fields per entity. If the 'links' value is omitted, then the entity HATEOAS link will also be omitted.
      --filter eq            The advanced filtering to use for the query. Refer to [RFC 7644]( for the syntax. Cannot be combined with any of the fields marked as deprecated. All conditional statements within this query parameter are case insensitive.
                             The following fields support the eq operator: `id`, `subject`, `name`, `email`, `status`, `clientId`, `` ``, ``, ``
                             Additionally, the following fields support the `co` operator: `name`, `email`, `subject`
                             Queries may be rate limited if they differ greatly from these examples:

(id eq “62716ab404a7bd8626af9bd6” or id eq “62716ac4c7e500e13ff5fa22”) and (status eq “active” or status eq “disabled”)

name co “query” or email co “query” or subject co “query” or id eq “query” or eq “query”

Any filters for status must be grouped together and applied to the whole query.


(name eq “Bob” or name eq “Alice”) and (status eq “active” or status eq “disabled”)


name eq “Bob” or name eq “Alice” and (status eq “active” or status eq “disabled”)

-h, --help                 help for ls
--interval int         Duration in seconds to wait between retries, at least 1 (default 1)
--limit int            The number of user entries to retrieve.
--next prev            Get users that come after this cursor value when sorted. Cannot be used in conjunction with prev.
--prev next            Get users that come before this cursor value when sorted. Cannot be used in conjunction with next.
-q, --quiet                Return only IDs from the command
--raw                  Return original response from server without any processing
--retry int            Number of retries to do before failing, max 10
--role string          (Deprecated) The role to filter by. Deprecated.
--sort string          The field to sort by, with +/- prefix indicating sort order
--sortBy sort          (Deprecated) The user parameter to sort by. Deprecated. Use sort instead.
--sortOrder sort       (Deprecated) The sort order, either ascending or descending. Deprecated. Use sort instead.
--startingAfter next   (Deprecated) Get users with IDs that are higher than the target user ID. Cannot be used in conjunction with endingBefore. Deprecated. Use next instead.
--status filter        (Deprecated) The status to filter by. Supports multiple values delimited by commas. Deprecated. Use the new filter parameter to provide an advanced query filter.
--subject filter       (Deprecated) The subject to filter by. Deprecated. Use the new filter parameter to provide an advanced query filter.
--tenantId string      (Deprecated) The tenant ID to filter by. Deprecated.
--totalResults         Whether to return a total match count in the result. Defaults to false. It will trigger an extra DB query to count, reducing the efficiency of the endpoint.

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string            path/to/config.yml where parameters can be set instead of on the command line
      --context string           Name of the context used when connecting to Qlik Associative Engine
      --headers stringToString   HTTP headers to use when connecting to Qlik Associative Engine (default [])
      --insecure                 Enabling insecure will make it possible to connect using self-signed certificates
      --json                     Returns output in JSON format, if possible. Disables verbose and traffic output
  -s, --server string            URL to Qlik Cloud or directly to a Qlik Associative Engine
      --server-type string       The type of server you are using: cloud, Windows (Enterprise on Windows) or engine
  -v, --verbose                  Log extra information
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