Get started with qlik-cli examples

If you’ve already installed qlik-cli and configured a context, you can try it out with one of the following common use cases.

List and switch between contexts

If you have multiple users or tenants, you can list and switch between them through the contexts.

Listing the configured contexts

qlik context ls

Setting the context that should be used.

qlik context use <context-name>

Only one context can be configured as the current context.

Note: The context to be used for a single command can also be overriden using the --context flag.

Renaming and updating a context

If you want to rename an existing context

qlik context rename <old-context-name> <new-context-name>

It is also possible to update secrets in the context using the qlik context update command. For example if you need to update the API-key of a context.

qlik context update <context-name> --api-key <my-api-key>

Import a local app

Import a locally stored app to Qlik Cloud.

qlik app import -f the_app.qvf

More information about the app resource can be found in qlik app --help.

Search for an app by name

Search for an app by name in Qlik Cloud.

qlik item ls --resourceType app --name "app name"

More information about the app resource can be found in qlik item --help.

Create a managed space and assign users

First you create the space and copy the returned ID.

qlik space create --name "Demo Space" --type managed --quiet

Then you assign a user with consumer, contributor, and publisher access by supplying the ID returned by the first call.

qlik space assignment create --spaceId=<ID> --type user --roles consumer,contributor,publisher --assigneeId=<userid> -q

More information about the app resource can be found in qlik space --help.

List failed reloads

To list your reloads for an app you enter:

qlik reload ls --appId=<appId>

Since this list can be large, you may wish to employ some type of sorting or selection tool. jq is one such tool and can be used to filter out all failed reloads from the list.

qlik reload ls --appId=<appId> | jq '.[] | select(.status == "FAILED")'

More information about the app resource can be found in qlik reload --help.

Analyze an app

With qlik app meta, you get an overview of the app with information about its fields, tables, and associations.

qlik app meta --app <appid/app_name>

You can drill down even further and evaluate dimensions or measures.

qlik app eval --app <appid/app_name> 'Avg(Revenue)' by 'Country'

More information about the app resource can be found in qlik app eval --help.

Limit the output to only return the id

Most commands return the full API response as json. If you are only interested in the created or requested resource id, you can add the quiet flag --quiet to suppress all but the ID output.

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