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data-file create

qlik data-file create

Upload a new data file or create a new folder.


Upload a new data file or create a new folder.

qlik data-file create [flags]


--appId string If this file should be bound to the lifecycle of a specific app, this is the ID of this app. If this
request is creating a folder, the specification of an app ID is not allowed.
--connectionId string If present, this is the DataFiles connection that the upload should occur in the context of. If absent,
the default is that the upload will occur in the context of the Personal Space DataFiles connection. If the
DataFiles connection is different from the one specified when the file or folder was last POSTed or PUT, this
will result in a logical move of this file or folder into the new space.
-f, --file string Path to the file that should be included in the request.
--folder If true, a folder will be created. If false, a file is created.
--folderId string If the specified file or folder should be moved to become a a sub-item of an existing folder, this is the ID
of this parent folder. Any additional folder path that is present on the Name property will be created
as a subfolder hierarchy of this folder. If the FolderID is null, the file or folder specified in the
Name property (including any folder prefix on that name), will be created in the root of the space.
-h, --help help for create
--interval int Duration in seconds to wait between retries, at least 1 (default 1)
--name string Name that will be given to the file or folder. It should be noted that the '/' character
in the name indicates a 'path' separator in a logical folder hierarchy for the name. Names that
contain '/'s should be used with the assumption that a logical 'folder hierarchy' is being defined for the
full pathname of that file or folder. IE, a '/' is a significant character in the name.
-q, --quiet Return only IDs from the command
--raw Return original response from server without any processing
--resumable Make a resumable request, recommended for large payloads.
The request is split in chunks. If the request is interrupted, it can be resumed by repeating the same command. (default true)
--retry int Number of retries to do before failing, max 10
--sourceId string If a SourceId is specified, this is the ID of the existing data file or folder whose content should be copied
into the specified data file or folder. That is, for a file instead of the file content being specified in
the Data element, it is effectively copied from an existing, previously uploaded file. For a folder, rather
than the new folder being empty, it's contents are copied from an existing, previously created folder.
--tempContentFileId string If a TempContentFileId is specified, this is the ID of a previously uploaded temporary content file whose
content should be copied into the specified data file. That is, instead of the file content being specified
in the Data element, it is effectively copied from an existing, previously uploaded file. The expectation
is that this file was previously uploaded to the temporary content service, and the ID specified here is
the one returned from the temp content upload request. This option does not apply when POSTing a folder.

Options inherited from parent commands

-c, --config string path/to/config.yml where parameters can be set instead of on the command line
--context string Name of the context used when connecting to Qlik Associative Engine
--headers stringToString HTTP headers to use when connecting to Qlik Associative Engine (default [])
--insecure Enabling insecure will make it possible to connect using self-signed certificates
--json Returns output in JSON format, if possible. Disables verbose and traffic output
-s, --server string URL to Qlik Cloud or directly to a Qlik Associative Engine
--server-type string The type of server you are using: cloud, Windows (Enterprise on Windows) or engine
-v, --verbose Log extra information
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