identity-provider patch oidc
qlik identity-provider patch oidc
Update an IdP
Updates the configuration of an IdP. Requesting user must be assigned the TenantAdmin
role. Partial failure is treated as complete failure and returns an error.
Allowed operations:
Allowed paths:
qlik identity-provider patch oidc <identity-providerId> [flags]
qlik identity-provider oidc <identity-providerId> --body '[{"op":"`replace`","path":"`/active`","value":<value>}]'
--body string A patch request for an identity provider using the ˋOIDCˋ protocol. (JSON array) Array of JSON-objects with the fields: "op" - The "operation" to be performed on a given IdP. Currently supports a custom operation value called "promote-options" that allows the test configuration to be promoted to the current configuration used for login. (string) "path" - The "path" to the part of the IdP document. (string) "value" - The "value" data type is dependent on the path value being used. (any) Required fields: op Example value: [{"op":"abc","path":"abc","value":<any>}] -f, --file string Reads request from a file -h, --help help for oidc --interval int Duration in seconds to wait between retries, at least 1 (default 1) -q, --quiet Return only IDs from the command --raw Return original response from server without any processing --retry int Number of retries to do before failing, max 10
Options inherited from parent commands
-c, --config string path/to/config.yml where parameters can be set instead of on the command line --context string Name of the context used when connecting to Qlik Associative Engine --headers stringToString HTTP headers to use when connecting to Qlik Associative Engine (default []) --insecure Enabling insecure will make it possible to connect using self-signed certificates --json Returns output in JSON format, if possible. Disables verbose and traffic output -s, --server string URL to Qlik Cloud or directly to a Qlik Associative Engine --server-type string The type of server you are using: cloud, Windows (Enterprise on Windows) or engine -v, --verbose Log extra information