UIs and parameters


The qlik-embed framework provides various UIs and configurations, which are leveraged in your web app with the <qlik-embed ...> HTML tag.

When building your web app, you must first load the relevant script header, and configure any authentication to be used by the objects you’ll add to the page. If you dynamically build the page, ensure this script is loaded before any qlik-embed tags are populated.

Once you’ve got the script tag, you can add one or many <qlik-embed> tags into your document to leverage components from Qlik.

UI Types

Each UI type provides a different experience in qlik-embed, and all provide the standard Qlik selection and filtering experience by default.

UI NamePurpose
analytics/sheetLightweight component designed to bring just the analytics on a sheet, without any other features.
analytics/chartLightweight component designed to bring a single chart object, or create on-the-fly charts, without any other features.
analytics/fieldLightweight list-box for displaying values from a single field.
analytics/selectionsLightweight selection bar containing selection controls and values for the referenced Qlik Sense app.
classic/appA full-featured component bringing the Qlik Sense sheet analysis and authoring experience into your web app, supporting most native features.
classic/chartBackwards-compatible component designed to bring single chart objects into your app. Supports extensions.
ai/assistantThe embedded version of Qlik Answers.

Review which chart types are supported with each UI in the visualization overview, and the published limitations.


The analytics sheet is a lightweight component designed to bring the primary Qlik Sense experience to users, with full selectivity, but without capabilities such as data alerts, notes, subscriptions, etc. You can leverage the Qlik Cloud APIs to add desired capabilities into your web app using the framework of your choice.

There is no context menu provided, so you are free to build a menu which suits the host web app, and your use case.

a screenshot of a sheet embedded into a web app
using qlik-embed and the analytics/sheet UI

Review an example for analytics/sheet.


As with analytics/sheet, the analytics chart provides a lightweight experience for single charts, allowing you to build much more complex web apps with better performance than legacy iframe or angular frameworks.

With the addition of the layout container chart object, you can opt to include either simple single objects, or complex, layered collations of charts and objects from within your app with this UI.

There is no context menu provided, so you are free to build a menu which suits the host web app, and your use case.

a screenshot of a single layout container
chart embedded into a web app using qlik-embed and the analytics/chart UI

Review an example for analytics/chart, or with chart on the fly.


The analytics field provides a lightweight listbox (filter pane) for allowing users to make selections in a single field within the app data model.

a screenshot of a listbox embedded into a web app
using qlik-embed and the analytics/field UI

Review an example for analytics/field.


This UI renders a default Qlik Sense selections bar, with back, forward, and clear selection buttons. Selections made in fields in the app will appear in this selections bar, where the user will be able to further refine or update selections in those fields without going to another UI type.

a screenshot of a Qlik Sense selections bar embedded into a web app
using qlik-embed and the analytics/selections UI

Review an example for analytics/selections.


This UI renders the entire Qlik Sense sheet analysis and authoring client, bringing most of the UIs and modals present in that experience to your users. Capabilities such as data alerts, insight advisor, subscriptions, self-service authoring of new sheets, and more, are available out of the box with the standard context menu.

a screenshot of a sheet embedded into a web app
using qlik-embed and the classic/app UI

This UI exposes analytics sheets in either analysis or authoring (edit) views, it does not support stories, data manager, data load editor, data model viewer, or any other UI types other than sheet.

In this experience, there are still some limitations or considerations for using certain features, although Qlik is working to bring the full native experience:

  • You may experience errors attempting to use Notes. It is suggested you turn off notes in embedded-only tenants.

    a screenshot of the error shown using Notes through classic/app embed with qlik-embed
  • Downloading data exports may not prompt for download location.

    a screenshot of download data from Qlik Sense
  • The chart context menu is not configurable. To hide features, you should turn off them in the tenant.

    a screenshot of a chart context menu
  • Alerts, subscriptions, and monitored charts UIs accessed from context menu will redirect to the Qlik Cloud hub. Turn off these features in the tenant and assign users the Embedded Analytics User role to prevent users from accessing the Qlik Cloud hub.

  • The NL chart object may return errors if too many components are loaded in the same page. Try to leverage just 1 component per page.

  • The microphone input in Insight Advisor will not accept audio inputs.

This UI emits the Qlik Sense sheet usage event, allowing you to understand which sheets were accessed by your users. No other UIs support this event.

Review an example for analytics/sheet.


This UI renders visualizations that have not been converted to nebula.js or use the classic extension API with the use if it’s iframe mode.

There is no context menu provided, so you are free to build a menu which suits the host web app, and your use case.

With the addition of the layout container chart object, you can opt to include either simple single objects, or complex, layered collations of charts and objects from within your app with this UI.

a screenshot of a layout container chart embedded into a web app
using qlik-embed and the classic/chart UI

Review an example for classic/chart.


The AI assistant component brings you the Qlik Answers experience in embedded format.

ai/assistant supports two themes:

  • Light mode (default), set with appearance="qlik-light"
  • Dark mode, set with appearance="qlik-dark"
a screenshot of a Qlik Answers assistant embedded into a web app
using qlik-embed and the ai/assistant UI

Review an example for ai/assistant.

Configuring the UI

Once you’ve put the relevant script header into your web app, and configured any authentication, you can add qlik-embed tags to the page.

You set the UI type in the qlik-embed tag in <ui>:


Each UI type will support a specific set of properties, which are detailed below.

Setting UI parameters

The UI options are configured on the <qlik-embed> object as parameters, an example for classic/app:


This sets:

  • The UI to classic/app with ui="classic/app".
  • The Qlik Sense app loaded to 7973436d-250c-46a8-bca3-8448556c5457 with app-id="7973436d-250c-46a8-bca3-8448556c5457".
  • The sheet opened in the Qlik Sense app to ayLHeE with sheet-id="ayLHeE".
  • The theme used in the app to breeze with theme="breeze".
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