Set default options for embedded applications from the URL

qlik-embed: Where possible, use qlik-embed rather than this framework. Review the tutorial embedding Qlik Analytics using qlik-embed web components.

Third-party cookies: This tutorial leverages cookies for auth, which are blocked by some browser vendors. Please use an OAuth solution where possible, which doesn’t leverage cookies.


The App Integration API is a URL based embedding method that accepts parameters in the URL path for default selections, bookmarks, and more. Here are some different ways you can use the App Integration API to control the behavior of an embedded Qlik Cloud Analytics application.


  • A Qlik Cloud tenant
  • A web application hosted on an external domain
  • A content security policy entry for embedding an iframe in your web application. Learn more here.
  • A web integration ID entry to allow your web application domain to access Qlik Cloud. Learn more here.

App integration examples

These examples make use of the App Integration API.

Integrating app

This example integrates the Qlik Sense demo app “Sales Discovery” (appid=4d541aea-a8b1-4cef-a4c2-6bda620321a9).

Example: iframe integration

<iframe src="https://<TENANT_URL>/sense/app/4d541aea-a8b1-4cef-a4c2-6bda620321a9"/>

Integrating sheet

This example integrates the Qlik Sense demo app “Sales Discovery” with sheet “Performance Dashboard” (sheetid=XuWLHFK).

Example: iframe integration

<iframe src="https://<TENANT_URL>/sense/app/4d541aea-a8b1-4cef-a4c2-6bda620321a9/sheet/XuWLHFK/state/analysis"/>

Integrating app with bookmark

This example integrates the Qlik Sense demo app “Sales Discovery” with bookmark “Sales Rep Name” (bookmarkid=UCVp).

Example: iframe integration

<iframe src="https://<TENANT_URL>/sense/app/4d541aea-a8b1-4cef-a4c2-6bda620321a9/sheet/XuWLHFK/state/analysis/bookmark/UCVp"/>

Integrating app with single selection

This example integrates the Qlik Sense demo app “Sales Discovery” selecting the Region Name “International” on the “Transactions” sheet (sheetid=zBAFH).

Example: iframe integration

<iframe src="https://<TENANT_URL>/sense/app/4d541aea-a8b1-4cef-a4c2-6bda620321a9/
sheet/zBAFH/state/analysis/select/Region Name/International"/>

Integrating app with numeric value selections

Information noteFor selections containing numeric values and search terms, the text representation should be added within square brackets, as in [value1]. This example integrates the Qlik Sense demo app “Sales Discovery” selecting the Month “Feb” which has a numeric value “2” on the “Transactions” sheet (sheetid=zBAFH).

Example: iframe integration text representation

<iframe src="https://<TENANT_URL>/sense/app/4d541aea-a8b1-4cef-a4c2-6bda620321a9/sheet/zBAFH/state/analysis/select/Month/[Feb]/"/>

You can also define the numeric value instead of the text representation value, and the result will be the same.

Example: iframe integration numeric value

<iframe src="https://<TENANT_URL>/sense/app/4d541aea-a8b1-4cef-a4c2-6bda620321a9/sheet/zBAFH/state/analysis/options/clearselections/select/Month/2"/>

Clearing previous selections in an app

You may want to clear all selections in the app before applying your own selections. To do so, add option parameter clearselections.

Example: iframe integration

<iframe src="https://<TENANT_URL>/sense/app/4d541aea-a8b1-4cef-a4c2-6bda620321a9/
sheet/zBAFH/state/analysis/options/clearselections/select/Region Name/International"/>

Integrating app with multiple selections

This example integrates the Qlik Sense demo app “Sales Discovery” with the following selections made on the “Top Customers” sheet (sheetid=JTxTF).

Year: 2014 Region Name: Canada and International The option parameter clearselections is also included to clear all previous selections in the app before applying the selections.

Example: iframe integration

<iframe src="https://<TENANT_URL>/sense/app/4d541aea-a8b1-4cef-a4c2-6bda620321a9/sheet/XuWLHFK/state/
analysis/options/clearselections/select/Year/2014/select/Region Name/International;Canada"/>
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