Creating a session app - Advanced tutorial
Note: Where possible, use qlik-embed and qlik-api rather than this framework.
Learn how to create a session app, including a couple of visualizations on the fly using the Capability APIs.
If you are new to session apps, review apps and session apps before continuing.
The session app is created when clicking a button which also loads data from the prepared test script and displays two visualizations.

The Session App Tutorial screen. Two visualizations are displayed, a bar chart and a pie chart.
Creating the container
Create a folder that will contain your assets. The folder can be created in a location of your choice.
Creating the main script file
Then it is time to create the main JavaScript file. This file is placed in the
same folder that you just created. Name the file session-app-tutorial.js
Configuring your connection to Qlik Cloud
The Qlik Cloud tenant being used must be configured in your mashup. This is needed for the following reasons:
To define the actual Qlik associative engine connection, which is used when you open an app or get a list of apps. This is covered by the
JavaScript object, used as a parameter in theqlik.sessionApp()
call. -
To define where the Qlik Sense client side software and extensions should be loaded from. This is achieved by configuring
with therequire.config()
call and setting thebaseUrl
In most cases, you use the same Qlik CLoud tenant for both purposes, which means
you can create the baseUrl
from the config
const config = {
host: '<TENANT_URL>', //for example, ''
prefix: '/',
port: 443,
isSecure: true,
webIntegrationId: '<WEB_INTEGRATION_ID>'
require.config( {
baseUrl: ( config.isSecure ? "https://" : "http://" ) + +
(config.port ? ":" + config.port : "") + config.prefix + "resources"});
Setting the global require and alert
The JavaScript file is loaded in the browser when your mashup is used. RequireJS is used as a module loader.
require( ["js/qlik"], ( qlik )=> {
qlik.on( "error", ( error )=> {
$( '#popupText' ).append( error.message + "<br>" );
$( '#popup' ).fadeIn( 1000 );
} );
$( "#closePopup" ).click( ()=> {
$( '#popup' ).hide();
Creating the session app
The session app is created using the qlik.sessionApp
$( ".create-session-app" ).click( ()=> {
const sessionApp = qlik.sessionApp(config);
} );
Setting and loading the data load script
The script used in this tutorial is a from a shortened version of the prepared test script that loads a set of inline data fields into the session app.
The script is set with the app.setScript
method and then loaded into the
session app using the app.doReload
$( ".create-session-app" ).click(()=> {
const sessionApp = qlik.sessionApp(config);
const script =
"Characters: Load Chr(RecNo()+Ord('A')-1) as Alpha, RecNo() as Num
autogenerate 26;
ASCII: Load if(RecNo()>=65 and RecNo()<=90,RecNo()-64) as Num,
Chr(RecNo()) as AsciiAlpha, RecNo() as AsciiNum autogenerate 255 Where
(RecNo()>=32 and RecNo()<=126) or RecNo()>=160 ; Transactions: Load
TransLineID, TransID, mod(TransID,26)+1 as Num,
Pick(Ceil(3*Rand1),'A','B','C') as Dim1,
Pick(Ceil(6*Rand1),'a','b','c','d','e','f') as Dim2,
Pick(Ceil(3*Rand()),'X','Y','Z') as Dim3, Round(1000*Rand()*Rand()*Rand1) as
Expression1, Round( 10*Rand()*Rand()*Rand1) as Expression2,
Round(Rand()*Rand1,0.00001) as Expression3; Load Rand() as Rand1, IterNo()
as TransLineID, RecNo() as TransID Autogenerate 1000 While Rand()<=0.5 or
IterNo()=1; Comment Field Dim1 With 'This is a field comment';";
const stop = setInterval(()=>{>{
//console.log("DoReload progress", progress);
}, 100);
Creating the visualizations
Use the app.visualization.create
method to create two visualizations: a bar
chart and a pie chart. Also add a selections bar.
sessionApp.visualization.create('barchart',["Dim1", "=Sum([Expression1])"],
{"title":"Session App - Bar Chart"}).then((vis)=>{"QV01");
sessionApp.visualization.create('piechart',["Dim1", "=Count([Expression1])"],
{"title":"Session App - Pie Chart"}).then((vis)=>{"QV02");
Setting actions for selections
Then use the app.clearAll, app.forward, app.back, and app.lockAll methods to add actions for clearing all selections, stepping back and forward in the selection history list, and locking all selections. These actions can be assigned to buttons in the HTML.
These actions can be assigned to buttons in the HTML.
sessionApp.visualization.create('barchart',["Dim1", "=Sum([Expression1])"],
{"title":"Session App - Bar Chart"}).then((vis)=>{"QV01");
sessionApp.visualization.create('piechart',["Dim1", "=Count([Expression1])"],
{"title":"Session App - Pie Chart"}).then((vis)=>{"QV02");
$( ".clear-all" ).click( ()=>{
} );
$( ".step-forward" ).click( ()=>{
} );
$( ".step-back" ).click( ()=>{
} );
$( ".lock-all" ).click( ()=>{
} );
Creating the main HTML file
Create an HTML file and name it session-app-tutorial.html
. Save the file in
the same folder as the previously created files.
Defining the relationships
Relationships between the current document and the linked Qlik Cloud defined
style sheets are specified in link rel
tags inside the head
of the HTML file.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<TENANT_URL>/resources/autogenerated/qlik-styles.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="session-app-tutorial.css">
<script src="<TENANT_URL>/resources/assets/external/requirejs/require.js"></script>
<script src="session-app-tutorial.js"></script>
Placing the session objects
The session objects that have been defined in the JavaScript file are placed
inside div
tags inside the body
of the HTML file.
<div class="sections section-3">
Test qlik.sessionApp()
<div class="content content-3">
<div class="row">
<button class="lui-button lui-button--info create-session-app">Create Session
<div class="text1">*Creates a session app loaded with data from a prepared
test script (Ctrl+00). </div>
<div class="row result">
<div class="bold">RESULT</div>
<div id="CurrentSelections"></div>
<div class="flex-container">
<div id="QV01" class="object"></div>
<div id="QV02" class="object"></div>
<div class="row result buttons-wrapper">
<button class="lui-button lui-button--info clear-all">Clear all selections</button>
<button class="lui-button lui-button--info step-forward">Step forward</button>
<button class="lui-button lui-button--info step-back">Step back</button>
<button class="lui-button lui-button--info lock-all">Lock all selections</button>
<div class="row result">
<div class="bold">NOTE:</div>
<div>Two visualizations should be displayed: a bar chart and a pie chart.</div>
Styling your mashup
To add some styling to your mashup, create a CSS file and name it
. This file is also saved in the same folder as the
previously created files.
position: absolute;
font-size: 15px;
font-weight: bold;
top: 14px;
left: 46px;
flex: 1 1 auto;
height: 300px;
min-width: 400px;
margin: 45px 0 0 45px;
height: 70px;
background: rgb(70, 139, 176);
color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
line-height: 70px;
font-size: 33px;
font-family: Arial;
text-align: center;
border-bottom: 2px solid white;
height: 35px;
background: #468bb0;
color: white;
line-height: 35px;
font-size: 18px;
font-family: Arial;
text-align: center;
cursor: pointer;
border-bottom: 2px solid white;
font-family: Arial;
display: none;
Tutorial source code
Explore the full source code of this tutorial below.
Click to expand this section
const config = {
host: '<TENANT_URL>', //for example, ''
prefix: '/',
port: 443,
isSecure: true,
webIntegrationId: '<WEB_INTEGRATION_ID>'
require.config( {
baseUrl: ( config.isSecure ? "https://" : "http://" ) + +
(config.port ? ":" + config.port : "") + config.prefix + "resources"});
require( ["js/qlik"], ( qlik ) => {
qlik.setOnError( ( error ) => {
$( '#popupText' ).append( error.message + "<br>" );
$( '#popup' ).fadeIn( 1000 );
} );
$( "#closePopup" ).click( () => {
$( '#popup' ).hide();
} );
$( ".create-viz" ).addClass( "lui-disabled" );
$( ".section-3" ).click( () => {
$( ".content-3" ).toggleClass( "show-section" );
} );
$( ".get-script" ).click( () => {
const appId = $( ".app-id" ).val();
app1 = qlik.openApp(appId, config);
app1.getScript().then(( script ) => {
$( ".get-script-result" ).val( script.qScript );
//console.log( script );
$( ".set-script" ).click( () => {
$( ".msg-success" ).removeClass( "show" );
$( ".msg-fail" ).removeClass( "show" );
const script = $( ".set-script-input" ).val();
const app2 = qlik.sessionApp(config);
app2.setScript(script).then(() => {
const stop = setInterval(() => { => {
//console.log("DoReload progress", progress);
}, 100);
app2.doReload().then((result) => {
if( result ){
$( ".msg-success" ).addClass( "show" );
else {
$( ".msg-fail" ).addClass( "show" );
}).finally(( => {
}).catch( ( error ) => {
console.log( error );
} );
app2.getScript().then(( script ) => {
$( ".set-script-result" ).val( script.qScript );
$( ".create-session-app" ).click( () => {
const sessionApp = qlik.sessionApp(config);
const script2 = "Characters: Load Chr(RecNo()+Ord('A')-1) as Alpha, RecNo()
as Num autogenerate 26; ASCII: Load if(RecNo()>=65
and RecNo()<=90,RecNo()-64) as Num, Chr(RecNo()) as AsciiAlpha, RecNo() as
AsciiNum autogenerate 255 Where (RecNo()>=32 and RecNo()<=126) or
RecNo()>=160 ; Transactions: Load TransLineID, TransID,
mod(TransID,26)+1 as Num, Pick(Ceil(3*Rand1),'A','B','C') as Dim1,
Pick(Ceil(6*Rand1),'a','b','c','d','e','f') as Dim2,
Pick(Ceil(3*Rand()),'X','Y','Z') as Dim3, Round(1000*Rand()*Rand()*Rand1) as
Expression1, Round( 10*Rand()*Rand()*Rand1) as Expression2,
Round(Rand()*Rand1,0.00001) as Expression3; Load Rand() as Rand1, IterNo()
as TransLineID, RecNo() as TransID Autogenerate 1000 While Rand()<=0.5 or
IterNo()=1; Comment Field Dim1 With 'This is a field comment';";
sessionApp.setScript(script2).then(() => {
const stop = setInterval((){>{
//console.log("DoReload progress", progress);
}, 100);
sessionApp.doReload().then((result) => {
"=Sum([Expression1])"], {"title":"Session App - Bar Chart"}).then((vis)=>{"QV01");
"=Count([Expression1])"], {"title":"Session App - Pie Chart"}).then((vis)=>{"QV02");
} );
$( ".clear-all" ).click( () => {
} );
$( ".step-forward" ).click( () => {
} );
$( ".step-back" ).click( () => {
} );
$( ".lock-all" ).click( () => {
} );
}).catch( function ( error ) {
console.log( error );
Click to expand this section
<!doctype html>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
<title>Qlik Sense Mashup</title>
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="<TENANT_URL>/resources/autogenerated/qlik-styles.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="session-app-tutorial.css">
<script src="<TENANT_URL>/resources/assets/external/requirejs/require.js"></script>
<script src="session-app-tutorial.js"></script>
<body style="overflow: auto">
<div class="header-row">
Session app tutorial
<div class="sections section-3">
Test qlik.sessionApp()
<div class="content content-3">
<div class="row">
<button class="lui-button lui-button--info create-session-app">Create
Session App</button>
<div class="text1">*Creates a session app loaded with data from a prepared
test script (Ctrl+00).</div>
<div class="row result">
<div class="bold">RESULT</div>
<div id="CurrentSelections"></div>
<div class="flex-container">
<div id="QV01" class="object"></div>
<div id="QV02" class="object"></div>
<div class="row result buttons-wrapper">
<button class="lui-button lui-button--info clear-all">Clear all selections</button>
<button class="lui-button lui-button--info step-forward">Step forward</button>
<button class="lui-button lui-button--info step-back">Step back</button>
<button class="lui-button lui-button--info lock-all">Lock all selections</button>
<div class="row result">
<div class="bold">NOTE:</div>
<div>Two visualizations should be displayed: a bar chart and a pie chart.</div>
{/*Error Popup*/}
<div id="popup">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"
id="closePopup"><span aria-hidden="true">�</span></button>
<p id="popupText"></p>
<script src=""></script>
Click to expand this section
@keyframes example {
0% { height: 0; }
25% { height: 25%; }
50% { height: 50%; }
100% { height: 100%; }
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background: #468bb0;
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text-align: center;
cursor: pointer;
border-bottom: 2px solid white;
font-family: Arial;
display: none;
display: inline;
display: flex;
padding: 10px 20px;
.app-id, .created-app, .app-id-session {
width: 300px;
margin: 0 30px 0 5px;
.object-id-1, .object-id-2 {
width: 150px;
margin: 0 30px 0 5px;
margin: 0px 30px 0px 11px;
min-height: 189px;
padding-right: 6px;
background: #e3e4e5;
padding-left: 15px;
color: green;
color: red;
color: green;
color: red;
display: inline;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
.buttons-wrapper button{
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flex: 1 1 auto;
#popup {
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right: 9px;
top: 7px;
.close:hover {
opacity: .5;
#popupText {
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