
Visualizations are used to present the data that is loaded into the app. The selections you make in the app are reflected in all associated visualizations. If you’re new to creating visualizations, review choosing the right visualization.

This section summaries the compatibility of these visualizations across embedding frameworks. For support for Insight Advisor, review Insight Advisor compatibility.

Chart types and properties

Native charts

Native charts are those built into the core Qlik Sense experience, and are accessible via the Charts menu in the Qlik Sense authoring experience.

Chartanalytics/sheet1 & analytics/chart1classic/app1classic/chart1Viz on the fly ID2Nebula IDQlik Help reference
Bar chartbarchartsn-bar-chartBar chart
Box plotboxplotsn-boxplotBox plot
Bullet chartsn-bullet-chartBullet chart
Combo chartcombochartsn-combo-chartCombo chart
Distribution plotdistributionplotsn-distplotDistribution plot
Filter paneFilter pane
Line chartlinechartsn-line-chartLine chart
Map chart✖️✖️sn-mapMap
Mekko chartsn-mekko-chartMekko chart
NL Insights✖️✖️NL Insights
Pie chartpiechartsn-pie-chartPie chart
Pivot tablepivot-tableN/A3Pivot table
Scatter plotscatterplotsn-scatter-plotScatter plot
Text & image✖️✖️Text & image
Waterfall chartwaterfallchartsn-waterfallWaterfall chart
  1. These refer to qlik-embed UI types.
  2. Viz on the fly is supported by the capability APIs.
  3. See Pivot table in Visualization bundle for a nebula alternative, note that features and capabilities are different to the native chart.
  4. See Straight table in Visualization bundle for a nebula alternative, note that features and capabilities are different to the native chart.

Dashboard bundle and visualization bundle charts

These visualizations are extensions that enhance navigation and selection in your Qlik Sense app.

They may not be built to the same standards as the native objects, and may have additional limitations.

Chartanalytics/sheet1 & analytics/chart1classic/app1classic/chart1Viz on the fly support2Nebula IDQlik Help reference
Date picker✖️qlik-date-pickerDate range picker
Funnel chartsn-funnel-chartFunnel chart
Grid chartsn-grid-chartGrid chart
Layout containersn-layout-containerLayout container
Multi KPI chart✖️qlik-multi-kpiMulti KPI chart
Network chart3✖️sn-network-chartNetwork chart
Org chartsn-org-chartOrg chart
P&L pivot chart✖️qlik-smart-pivotP&L pivot chart
Pivot tablesn-pivot-tablePivot table
Radar chart✖️qlik-radar-chartRadar chart
Sankey chartsn-sankey-chartSankey chart
Straight tablesn-table Straight table
Trellis container✖️qlik-trellis-containerTrellis container
Variable input✖️qlik-variable-inputVariable input control
Variance waterfall✖️✖️qlik-variance-waterfallVariance waterfall
Video player✖️sn-video-playerVideo player
Word cloud chart3✖️sn-word-cloudWord cloud chart
  1. These refer to qlik-embed UI types.
  2. Viz on the fly is supported by the capability APIs.
  3. Works with analytics/sheet, but not with analytics/chart.

Third-party extensions

Third-party visualization extensions are supported via:

  • qlik-embed:
    • classic/app
    • classic/chart, when iframe="true" is added to the <qlik-embed ...> tag.
  • Capability APIs
  • iFrame embedding APIs.
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