Default settings for a KPI

The following settings are used by default in a KPI visualization:

  • Centered alignment
  • Black text color
  • Medium font size
  • No titles
  • Measure label displayed
  • Conditional colors and symbols are turned off
  • No link to sheet

Conditional colors and symbols

When you use conditional colors for your KPI visualization, you have the option to use symbols to be displayed next to your measure value. Additionally, you can use the following options:

  • Set range limits.
  • Add limits to create subsections with different colors to indicate performance, for example, good (green), below expectations (yellow), or critical (red).
  • Add symbols to the values.
  • Use gradient coloring between color sections.

You can use expressions to set the limits.

Number of columns (dimensions and measures)

In a KPI visualization, you can have one or two measures and no dimensions.

You can add a second measure and with two measures, the second value automatically becomes a complementary value and is shown with a smaller font size.

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