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Creating pivot tables

Note: Where possible, use qlik-embed and qlik/api rather than this framework.

The pivot table presents dimensions and measures as rows and columns in a table. In a pivot table you can analyze data by multiple measures and in multiple dimensions at the same time.

Learn more about the pivot chart, or review the pivot chart API specification.

pivot table example
// Configure nucleus
const n = window.stardust.embed(app, {
types: [
name: "pivot-table",
load: () => Promise.resolve(window["sn-pivot-table"]),
// Rendering a pivot table
type: "pivot-table",
element: document.querySelector(".object"),
fields: [
"Product Group Desc",
"=Sum([Budget Amount])",
"=Sum([Sales Amount])",

More examples

You can customize the pivot table. Here are some basic examples.

Pivoting data

When you want to rearrange your data you can set properties that defines if a dimension should be positioned as a row or a column.

This is done using the qNoOfLeftDims property. It specifies how many of the dimensions that should be rows.

pivot table pivoting data example
type: "pivot-table",
element: document.querySelector(".object"),
fields: ["Product Group Desc", "Region Name", "=Sum([Sales Amount])"],
properties: {
qHyperCubeDef: {
qMode: "P",
qNoOfLeftDims: 1,

Measure grouping

Multiple measures in the pivot table are always grouped together. This group of measures can be pivoted just like dimensions and positioned either as a row or a column.

To pivot the measure group use the qInterColumnSortOrder and position the -1 value. Note that qNoOfLeftDims defines if the measure group is positioned as a row or a column. Also, when you want set more advanced settings, the data needs to be defined in qHyperCubeDef, instead of the fields property.

pivot table measure grouping example
type: "pivot-table",
element: document.querySelector(".object"),
properties: {
qHyperCubeDef: {
qDimensions: [
qDef: {
qFieldDefs: ["Product Group Desc"],
qDef: {
qFieldDefs: ["Region Name"],
qMeasures: [
qDef: {
qDef: "Sum([Sales Amount])",
qDef: {
qDef: "Sum([Budget Amount])",
qMode: "P",
qNoOfLeftDims: 2,
qInterColumnSortOrder: [0, -1, 1],

Column width

The column width can be defined in different ways:

  • auto (default) calculates the column width so that the total pivot table width equals the chart width (for rows, auto it is the same as fitToContent).
  • fitToContent calculates a width based on the cells’ content.
  • pixels uses a specified pixel value.
  • percentage sets the column width to the specified percentage of the chart width (for columns, it is the percentage of the chart width minus the total width of rows).

The setting is applied to each field.

pivot table column width example
type: "pivot-table",
element: document.querySelector(".object"),
properties: {
qHyperCubeDef: {
qDimensions: [
qDef: {
qFieldDefs: ["Product Group Desc"],
columnWidth: {
type: "percentage",
percentage: 25,
qDef: {
qFieldDefs: ["Region Name"],
qMeasures: [
qDef: {
qDef: "Sum([Sales Amount])",
columnWidth: {
type: "pixels",
pixels: 200,
qDef: {
qDef: "Sum([Budget Amount])",
columnWidth: {
type: "fitToContent",
qMode: "P",
qAlwaysFullyExpanded: true,


The pivot table can be extensively styled. The headers, dimension values, measure values and measure labels can styled by setting font family, font size, font color and background color. In addition, the border color and height (in number of lines) can be set for all cells. The null value text can also be set.

pivot table styling example
type: "pivot-table",
element: document.querySelector(".object"),
fields: ["Product Group Desc", "Region Name", "=Sum([Sales Amount])"],
properties: {
qHyperCubeDef: {
qMode: "P",
qNoOfLeftDims: 1,
components: [
key: "theme",
header: {
background: { color: "#b353e3" },
fontColor: { color: "#ffffff" },
fontFamily: "Verdana, sans-serif",
fontSize: "14px",
fontStyle: ["bold", "underline"],
dimensionValues: {
background: { color: "#a96bba" },
fontColor: { color: "#ffffff" },
fontFamily: "Verdana, sans-serif",
fontSize: "14px",
fontStyle: ["italic"],
measureValues: {
background: { color: "#9783d1" },
fontColor: { color: "#ffffff" },
fontFamily: "Monaco, monospace",
measureLabels: {
background: { color: "#a96bba" },
fontColor: { color: "#ffffff" },
fontStyle: ["italic"],
nullValues: {
background: { color: "#8a89b3" },
fontColor: { color: "#ffffff" },
grid: {
background: { color: "#9783d1" },
border: { color: "#c986d1" },
divider: { color: "#8f1680" },
nullValueRepresentation: {
text: "X",

Measure and dimension specific Styling

The value cells of either a measure or dimension can be styled with a specific background or font color. This is achieved through expressions, allowing the color to vary based on the cell’s value.

pivot table column styling example
type: "pivot-table",
element: document.querySelector(".object"),
properties: {
qHyperCubeDef: {
qDimensions: [
qDef: {
qFieldDefs: ["Product Group Desc"],
qDef: {
qFieldDefs: ["Region Name"],
qMeasures: [
qDef: {
qDef: "Sum([Sales Amount])",
qAttributeExpressions: [
qExpression: "if(Sum([Sales Amount]) < 100000, 'red', 'green')",
id: "cellBackgroundColor",
qDef: {
qDef: "Sum([Budget Amount])",
qAttributeExpressions: [
qExpression: "'orange'",
id: "cellBackgroundColor",
qExpression: "'blue'",
id: "cellForegroundColor",
qMode: "P",
qNoOfLeftDims: 2,
qInterColumnSortOrder: [0, -1, 1],
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