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Creating pie charts

Note: Where possible, use qlik-embed and qlik-api rather than this framework.

This section describes how to create pie charts with the Visualization API.

Creating a basic pie chart

In this example, you will create a basic pie chart, containing one dimension and one measure, and switch the titles off.

  1. Create the chart.

    Create the container for the chart. The visualization type is piechart.

  2. Define the dimension.

    Define the dimension as a column.

    "qDef": {
    "qFieldDefs": [
    "qFieldLabels": [
    "Greens in regulation"
  3. Define the measure.

    Define the measure as a column.

    "qDef": {
    "qFieldDefs": [
    "qFieldLabels": [
    "Greens in regulation"
  4. Switch off the titles.

    Since the dimension label by default is visible in the visualization, you will select to switch the titles off.

    "showTitles": false


Example of pie chart

Complete code example: Basic pie chart

  • Visualization API
    const config = {
    host: '<TENANT_URL>', //for example, ''
    prefix: '/',
    port: 443,
    isSecure: true,
    webIntegrationId: '<WEB_INTEGRATION_ID>'
    baseUrl: `https://${}/resources`,
    webIntegrationId: config.webIntegrationId
    require(["js/qlik"], (qlik) => {
    qlik.on('error', (error) => console.error(error));
    const app = qlik.openApp('<APP_ID>', config);
    "qDef": {
    "qFieldDefs": [
    "qFieldLabels": [
    "Greens in regulation"
    "showTitles": false

Creating a basic donut chart

In this example, you will create exactly the same chart as in Creating a basic pie chart, but you will select to display it as a donut. This is done by simply adding the donut definition in the options.

  1. Define the dimension.

    Define the dimension as a column.

    "qDef": {
    "qFieldDefs": [
    "qFieldLabels": [
    "Greens in regulation"
  2. Define the measure.

    Define the measure as a column.

    "qDef": {
    "qFieldDefs": [
    "qFieldLabels": [
    "Greens in regulation"
  3. Switch off the titles.

    Since the dimension label by default is visible in the visualization, you will select to switch the titles off.

    "showTitles": false
  4. Display the chart as a donut.

    Since the dimension label by default is visible in the visualization, you will select to switch the titles off.

    "showTitles": false,
    "donut": {
    "showAsDonut": true


Example of pie chart in donut format

Complete code example: Basic donut chart

  • Visualization API
    const config = {
    host: '<TENANT_URL>', //for example, ''
    prefix: '/',
    port: 443,
    isSecure: true,
    webIntegrationId: '<WEB_INTEGRATION_ID>'
    baseUrl: `https://${}/resources`,
    webIntegrationId: config.webIntegrationId
    require(["js/qlik"], (qlik) => {
    qlik.on('error', (error) => console.error(error));
    const app = qlik.openApp('<APP_ID>', config);
    "qDef": {
    "qFieldDefs": [
    "qFieldLabels": [
    "Greens in regulation"
    "showTitles": false,
    "donut": {
    "showAsDonut": true

Using custom value labels

In this example, you will change the value labels so that they display actual values instead of percentage.

  1. Change number formatting of measure.

    First, you will change the number formatting of the measure in the columns. Set "qType": "F" to indicate that a fixed number of decimals is used. Then set "qnDec": 0 to indicate that no decimals are used.

    "qDef": {
    "qLabel": "Frequency",
    "qGrouping": "N",
    "qDef": "Count(HoID)",
    "qNumFormat": {
    "qType": "F",
    "qnDec": 0,
    "qUseThou": 0,
    "qFmt": "#,##0",
    "qDec": ".",
    "qThou": ","
  2. Define value label mode.

    You want to display the actual values instead of the share so inside the dataPoint object (in the options), set "labelMode": "value".

    "showTitles": false,
    "donut": {
    "showAsDonut": true
    "dataPoint": {
    "auto": false,
    "labelMode": "value"


Example of pie chart with custom value labels

Complete code example: Custom value labels

  • Visualization API
    const config = {
    host: '<TENANT_URL>', //for example, ''
    prefix: '/',
    port: 443,
    isSecure: true,
    webIntegrationId: '<WEB_INTEGRATION_ID>'
    baseUrl: `https://${}/resources`,
    webIntegrationId: config.webIntegrationId
    require(["js/qlik"], (qlik) => {
    qlik.on('error', (error) => console.error(error));
    const app = qlik.openApp('<APP_ID>', config);
    "qDef": {
    "qFieldDefs": [
    "qFieldLabels": [
    "Greens in regulation"
    "qDef": {
    "qLabel": "Frequency",
    "qGrouping": "N",
    "qDef": "Count(HoID)",
    "qNumFormat": {
    "qType": "F",
    "qnDec": 0,
    "qUseThou": 0,
    "qFmt": "#,##0",
    "qDec": ".",
    "qThou": ","
    "showTitles": false,
    "donut": {
    "showAsDonut": true
    "dataPoint": {
    "auto": false,
    "labelMode": "value"

Adding a radius measure

In this example, you will add a second measure to calculate the radius. The measure added is the average Stableford points.

  1. Create the chart.

    Create the container for the chart. The visualization type is piechart.

  2. Define the dimension.

    Define the dimension as a column.

    "qDef": {
    "qFieldDefs": [
    "qFieldLabels": [
    "Greens in regulation"
  3. Define the first measure.

    Define the first measure as a column.

    "qDef": {
    "qFieldDefs": [
    "qFieldLabels": [
    "Greens in regulation"
  4. Define the second measure.

    Define the second measure as a column.

    "qDef": {
    "qFieldDefs": [
    "qFieldLabels": [
    "Greens in regulation"
  5. Switch off the titles.

    Since the dimension label, by default, is visible in the visualization, you will select to switch the titles off.

    "showTitles": false


Example of pie chart with radius measure

Complete code example: Radius measure

  • Visualization API
    const config = {
    host: '<TENANT_URL>', //for example, ''
    prefix: '/',
    port: 443,
    isSecure: true,
    webIntegrationId: '<WEB_INTEGRATION_ID>'
    baseUrl: `https://${}/resources`,
    webIntegrationId: config.webIntegrationId
    require(["js/qlik"], (qlik) => {
    qlik.on('error', (error) => console.error(error));
    const app = qlik.openApp('<APP_ID>', config);
    "qDef": {
    "qFieldDefs": [
    "qFieldLabels": [
    "Greens in regulation"
    "showTitles": false
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