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Creating box plot charts

Note: Where possible, use qlik-embed and qlik-api rather than this framework.

This section describes how to create box plots with the Visualization API.

Creating a basic box plot

In this example, you want to create a basic box plot, containing one dimension and one measure, and with a custom title.

  1. Create the chart.

    Create the container for the chart. The visualization type is boxplot.

    Visualization API

  2. Define the dimension and the measure as columns.

    "qDef": {
    "qFieldDefs": [
    "qFieldLabels": [
    "qDef": {
    "qLabel": "Driving average",
    "qDef": "Avg({<Par={'4','5'}>}DrDist)"
  3. Define the title in the options

    "showTitles": true,
    "title": "Driving average"


Box plot example

Complete code examples: Basic box plot

  • Visualization API
    const config = {
    host: '<TENANT_URL>', //for example, ''
    prefix: '/',
    port: 443,
    isSecure: true,
    webIntegrationId: '<WEB_INTEGRATION_ID>'
    baseUrl: `https://${}/resources`,
    webIntegrationId: config.webIntegrationId
    require(["js/qlik"], (qlik) => {
    qlik.on('error', (error) => console.error(error));
    const app = qlik.openApp('<APP_ID>', config);
    "qDef": {
    "qFieldDefs": [
    "qFieldLabels": [
    "qDef": {
    "qLabel": "Driving average",
    "qDef": "Avg({<Par={'4','5'}>}DrDist)"
    "showTitles": true,
    "title": "Driving average"

Calculation presets and presentation

The box plot elements are configured in the options within the boxplotDef. You can select to use one of three calculation preset modes:

  • tukey
  • fractiles
  • stdDev
  1. Set the preset mode.

    In this example, you will select to use the Standard deviation preset with two standard deviations.

    "boxplotDef": {
    /*Standard deviation preset*/
    "calculations": {
    "auto": true,
    "mode": "stdDev",
    "parameters": {
    "stdDev": 3
  2. Show whiskers.

    Enable ticks at the end of each whisker: "presentation": {"whiskers": {"show": true}}.

    "boxplotDef": {
    /*Standard deviation preset*/
    "calculations": {
    "auto": true,
    "mode": "stdDev",
    "parameters": {
    "stdDev": 3
    /*Show whiskers*/
    "presentation": {
    "whiskers": {
    "show": true
  3. Define the orientation.

    You might also want to change the way the box plot is presented by changing to horizontal orientation.

    "orientation": "horizontal"
  4. Define grid line spacing.

    This example also uses narrow grid line spacing.

    "orientation": "horizontal",
    "gridlines": {
    "auto": false,
    "spacing": 3


Box plot with calculation modes

Complete code example: Calculation presets and presentation

  • Visualization API
    const config = {
    host: '<TENANT_URL>', //for example, ''
    prefix: '/',
    port: 443,
    isSecure: true,
    webIntegrationId: '<WEB_INTEGRATION_ID>'
    baseUrl: `https://${}/resources`,
    webIntegrationId: config.webIntegrationId
    require(["js/qlik"], (qlik) => {
    qlik.on('error', (error) => console.error(error));
    const app = qlik.openApp('<APP_ID>', config);
    "qDef": {
    "qFieldDefs": [
    "qFieldLabels": [
    "qDef": {
    "qLabel": "Driving average",
    "qDef": "Avg({<Par={'4','5'}>}DrDist)"
    "boxplotDef": {
    "calculations": {
    "auto": true,
    "mode": "stdDev",
    "parameters": {
    "stdDev": 3
    "presentation": {
    "whiskers": {
    "show": true
    "showTitles": true,
    "title": "Driving average",
    "orientation": "horizontal",
    "gridlines": {
    "auto": false,
    "spacing": 3

Color settings

In this example, you will add custom colors to the box and the points.

  1. Box color Box color settings are specified in the color object within the boxplotDef.

    "color": {
    /*Box color*/
    "box": {
    "paletteColor": {
    "index": 9,
    "color": "#f8981d"
  2. Define point / outlier color.

    Point, or outlier, color settings are also specified in the color object within the boxplotDef.

    "color": {
    /*Box color*/
    "box": {
    "paletteColor": {
    "index": 9,
    "color": "#f8981d"
    /*Outlier color*/
    "point": {
    "paletteColor": {
    "index": -1,
    "color": "#214152"


Box plot with color settings

Complete code example: Color settings

  • Visualization API
    const config = {
    host: '<TENANT_URL>', //for example, ''
    prefix: '/',
    port: 443,
    isSecure: true,
    webIntegrationId: '<WEB_INTEGRATION_ID>'
    baseUrl: `https://${}/resources`,
    webIntegrationId: config.webIntegrationId
    require(["js/qlik"], (qlik) => {
    qlik.on('error', (error) => console.error(error));
    const app = qlik.openApp('<APP_ID>', config);
    "qDef": {
    "qFieldDefs": [
    "qFieldLabels": [
    "qDef": {
    "qLabel": "Driving average",
    "qDef": "Avg({<Par={'4','5'}>}DrDist)"
    "boxplotDef": {
    "calculations": {
    "auto": true,
    "mode": "stdDev",
    "parameters": {
    "stdDev": 3
    "presentation": {
    "whiskers": {
    "show": true
    "color": {
    "auto": false,
    "box": {
    "paletteColor": {
    "index": 9
    "point": {
    "paletteColor": {
    "index": -1,
    "color": "#214152"
    "showTitles": true,
    "title": "Driving average",
    "orientation": "horizontal",
    "gridlines": {
    "auto": false,
    "spacing": 3

Using inner and outer dimensions

When creating box plots with a single dimension, you will receive a single box visualization. In this example, you will add a second dimension that will give you one box for each value of the second, or outer, dimension.

  1. Adding the inner dimension.

    This example uses Date as the inner dimension. Dimensions are defined as columns.

    /*Inner dimension*/
    "qDef": {
    "qFieldDefs": [
    "qFieldLabels": [
  2. Adding the outer dimension.

    This example uses Year as the outer dimension. Dimensions are defined as columns.

    /*Inner dimension*/
    "qDef": {
    "qFieldDefs": [
    "qFieldLabels": [
    /*Outer dimension*/
    "qDef": {
    "qFieldDefs": [
    "qFieldLabels": [
  3. Add the measure.

    You then add a measure with some special number formatting. The measure to be used is average driving distance on par 4 and par 5 holes, which is added as a set statement. You define that the letter m (meaning meters) precedes the number on the measure axis.

    "qDef": {
    "qLabel": "Driving average",
    "qDef": "Avg({<Par={'4','5'}>}DrDist)",
    /*Special number format*/
    "qNumFormat": {
    "qType": "F",
    "qnDec": 2,
    "qUseThou": 0,
    "qFmt": "# m"
    "numFormatFromTemplate": false
  4. Define the measure axis.

    This example shows only labels and uses narrow scale on the measure axis.

    "measureAxis": {
    "show": "labels",
    "spacing": 0.5
  5. Define the dimension axis.

    This example shows only labels on the dimension axis.

    "measureAxis": {
    "show": "labels",
    "spacing": 0.5
    "dimensionAxis": {
    "show": "labels"


Box plot example with inner and outer dimensions

Complete code example: Using inner and outer dimensions

  • Visualization API
    const config = {
    host: '<TENANT_URL>', //for example, ''
    prefix: '/',
    port: 443,
    isSecure: true,
    webIntegrationId: '<WEB_INTEGRATION_ID>'
    baseUrl: `https://${}/resources`,
    webIntegrationId: config.webIntegrationId
    require(["js/qlik"], (qlik) => {
    qlik.on('error', (error) => console.error(error));
    const app = qlik.openApp('<APP_ID>', config);
    "qDef": {
    "qFieldDefs": [
    "qFieldLabels": [
    "qDef": {
    "qFieldDefs": [
    "qFieldLabels": [
    "qDef": {
    "qLabel": "Driving average",
    "qDef": "Avg({<Par={'4','5'}>}DrDist)",
    "qNumFormat": {
    "qType": "F",
    "qnDec": 2,
    "qUseThou": 0,
    "qFmt": "#,##0 m"
    "numFormatFromTemplate": false
    "boxplotDef": {
    "calculations": {
    "auto": true,
    "mode": "stdDev",
    "parameters": {
    "stdDev": 3
    "presentation": {
    "whiskers": {
    "show": true
    "sorting": {
    "autoSort": false,
    "elementId": "firstWhisker",
    "sortCriteria": {
    "sortByNumeric": -1
    "showTitles": true,
    "title": "Driving average per year",
    "orientation": "horizontal",
    "gridlines": {
    "auto": false,
    "spacing": 3
    "measureAxis": {
    "show": "labels",
    "spacing": 0.5
    "dimensionAxis": {
    "show": "labels"
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