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Creating bar charts

Note: Where possible, use qlik-embed and qlik-api rather than this framework.

This section describes how to create bar charts with the Visualization API.

Creating a basic bar chart

In this example, you will create a basic bar chart, containing one dimension and one measure, and with a custom title.

  1. Create the chart.

    Create the container for the chart. The visualization type is barchart.

    Visualization API:

  2. Define the dimension and the measure as columns.

  3. Define the title in the options.

    "showTitles": true,
    "title": "Net scores"


Bar chart example

Complete code example: Basic bar chart

  • Visualization API
    const config = {
    host: '<TENANT_URL>', //for example, ''
    prefix: '/',
    port: 443,
    isSecure: true,
    webIntegrationId: '<WEB_INTEGRATION_ID>'
    baseUrl: `https://${}/resources`,
    webIntegrationId: config.webIntegrationId
    require(["js/qlik"], (qlik) => {
    qlik.on('error', (error) => console.error(error));
    const app = qlik.openApp('<APP_ID>', config);
    "showTitles": true,
    "title": "Net scores"

Sorting and presentation settings

In this example, you will sort the dimension values based on its numerical representation (NetScoreDiff).

  1. Sorting

    Sorting is set on the dimension in the columns by disabling auto sort and defining the qSortCriterias object.

    Disable automatic sorting by setting "autoSort": false. In the qSortCriterias object, enable sort by expression and then define the expression, which in this case is the field NetScoreDiff: { "qSortByExpression": 1, "qExpression": {"qv": "NetScoreDiff" } }.

    "qDef": {
    "qFieldDefs": [
    "qSortCriterias": [
    "qSortByExpression": 1,
    "qExpression": {
    "qv": "NetScoreDiff"
    "autoSort": false
  2. Horizontal orientation

    If you also want to change the way the bar chart is presented by changing to horizontal orientation, adding narrow grid line spacing and also showing the value labels. All these changes are done in the options.

    Start by changing to horizontal orientation: "orientation": "horizontal".

    /*Horizontal orientation*/
    "orientation": "horizontal"
  3. Grid line spacing

    Grid line spacing is changed in the gridLine object. Disable automatic grid line spacing (“auto”: false) and then define the custom spacing.

    Set “spacing”: 3 since you want narrow grid line spacing.

    /*Horizontal orientation*/
    "orientation": "horizontal",
    /*Narrow grid line spacing*/
    "gridLine": {
    "auto": false,
    "spacing": 3
  4. Data points

    Value labels are displayed by setting “showLabels”: true in the dataPoint object.

    /*Horizontal orientation*/
    "orientation": "horizontal",
    /*Narrow grid line spacing*/
    "gridLine": {
    "auto": false,
    "spacing": 3
    /*show value labels*/
    "dataPoint": {
    "showLabels": true


Horizontal bar chart with extra labels and details

Complete code example: Sorting and presentation settings

  • Visualization API
    const config = {
    host: '<TENANT_URL>', //for example, ''
    prefix: '/',
    port: 443,
    isSecure: true,
    webIntegrationId: '<WEB_INTEGRATION_ID>'
    baseUrl: `https://${}/resources`,
    webIntegrationId: config.webIntegrationId
    require(["js/qlik"], (qlik) => {
    qlik.on('error', (error) => console.error(error));
    const app = qlik.openApp('<APP_ID>', config);
    "qDef": {
    "qFieldDefs": [
    "qSortCriterias": [
    "qSortByExpression": 1,
    "qExpression": {
    "qv": "NetScoreDiff"
    "autoSort": false
    "showTitles": true,
    "title": "Net scores",
    "orientation": "horizontal",
    "gridLine": {
    "auto": false,
    "spacing": 3
    "dataPoint": {
    "showLabels": true

Color and legend settings

In this example, you will color the bar chart by the measure and hide the color legend.

  1. Color by measure

    Coloring is defined in the color object. Custom coloring is done by setting "auto": false. When auto-colors are switched off, you must set a mode to color by.

    If you want to color the bar chart by measure, set "mode": "byMeasure". Then define the byMeasureDef property.

    /*Color by measure*/
    "color": {
    "auto": false,
    "mode": "byMeasure",
    "measureScheme": "dc",
    "reverseScheme": false,
    "autoMinMax": true,
    "byMeasureDef": {
    "label": "Count(NetScoreName)",
    "key": "Count(NetScoreName)",
    "type": "expression"
  2. Hide color legend

    In this example, you do not want to show the legend, so it is switched off in the legend object by setting "show": false.

    /*Color by measure*/
    "color": {
    "auto": false,
    "mode": "byMeasure",
    "measureScheme": "dc",
    "reverseScheme": false,
    "autoMinMax": true,
    "byMeasureDef": {
    "label": "Count(NetScoreName)",
    "key": "Count(NetScoreName)",
    "type": "expression"
    /*Do not show color legend*/
    "legend": {
    "show": false


Horizontal bar chart with color modifiers

Complete code example: Color and legend settings

  • Visualization API
    const config = {
    host: '<TENANT_URL>', //for example, ''
    prefix: '/',
    port: 443,
    isSecure: true,
    webIntegrationId: '<WEB_INTEGRATION_ID>'
    baseUrl: `https://${}/resources`,
    webIntegrationId: config.webIntegrationId
    require(["js/qlik"], (qlik) => {
    qlik.on('error', (error) => console.error(error));
    const app = qlik.openApp('<APP_ID>', config);
    "qDef": {
    "qFieldDefs": [
    "qSortCriterias": [
    "qSortByExpression": 1,
    "qExpression": {
    "qv": "NetScoreDiff"
    "autoSort": false
    "showTitles": true,
    "title": "Net scores",
    "orientation": "horizontal",
    "gridLine": {
    "auto": false,
    "spacing": 3
    "dataPoint": {
    "showLabels": true
    "color": {
    "auto": false,
    "mode": "byMeasure",
    "measureScheme": "dc",
    "reverseScheme": false,
    "autoMinMax": true,
    "byMeasureDef": {
    "label": "Count(NetScoreName)",
    "key": "Count(NetScoreName)",
    "type": "expression"
    "legend": {
    "show": false

Dimension and measure axis settings

In this example, you want to do some changes to how the dimension axis and the measure axis are presented.

Note: This example is a continuation of the Sorting and presentation settings example.

  1. Dimension axis

    Dimension axis settings are set in the dimensionAxis object. Placement in the visualization is depending on the orientation of the bar chart.

    Set to display labels only on the dimension axis: "show": "labels".

    /*Dimension axis: Show labels only*/
    "dimensionAxis": {
    "show": "labels"
  2. Measure axis

    Measure axis settings are set in the measureAxis object. Placement in the visualization is depending on the orientation of the bar chart.

    Set to display labels only. Place the position of the axis at the top by setting "dock": "far". A custom range of the measure values can be used by disabling auto-range: "autoMinMax": false and setting the minMax mode. The mode can be either min, max or minMax. In this example, you select to use max and therefore need to set the maximum value.

    /*Dimension axis: Show labels only*/
    "dimensionAxis": {
    "show": "labels"
    /*Measure axis: Show labels only, axis on top, narrow scale,
    Custom range: max 1100*/
    "measureAxis": {
    "show": "labels",
    "dock": "far",
    "spacing": 0.5,
    "autoMinMax": false,
    "minMax": "max",
    "max": 1100


Horizontal bar chart with axis settings

Complete code example: Dimension and measure axis settings

  • Visualization API
    const config = {
    host: '<TENANT_URL>', //for example, ''
    prefix: '/',
    port: 443,
    isSecure: true,
    webIntegrationId: '<WEB_INTEGRATION_ID>'
    baseUrl: `https://${}/resources`,
    webIntegrationId: config.webIntegrationId
    require(["js/qlik"], (qlik) => {
    qlik.on('error', (error) => console.error(error));
    const app = qlik.openApp('<APP_ID>', config);
    "qDef": {
    "qFieldDefs": [
    "qSortCriterias": [
    "qSortByExpression": 1,
    "qExpression": {
    "qv": "NetScoreDiff"
    "autoSort": false
    "showTitles": true,
    "title": "Net scores",
    "orientation": "horizontal",
    "gridLine": {
    "auto": false,
    "spacing": 3
    "dataPoint": {
    "showLabels": true
    "dimensionAxis": {
    "show": "labels"
    "measureAxis": {
    "show": "labels",
    "dock": "far",
    "spacing": 0.5,
    "autoMinMax": false,
    "minMax": "max",
    "max": 1100

Using reference lines

In this example, you add a reference line to the bar chart.

  1. RefLine object

    Reference lines are defined in the refLine object. You can have several reference lines defined for the same visualization. The properties of the reference line are set in an array (refLines).

    This example depicts a reference line based on a value expression.

    "refLine": {
    "refLines": [
    "show": true,
    "label": "Pars this year",
    "paletteColor": {
    "index": 14,
    "color": "#545352"
    "refLineExpr": {
    "value": {
    "qValueExpression": {
    "qExpr": "=Count({<[Date.autoCalendar.YearsAgo]={'3'},NetScoreName={'Pars'}>}NetScoreName)"
    "label": {
    "qStringExpression": {
    "qExpr": "=Count({<[Date.autoCalendar.YearsAgo]={'3'},NetScoreName={'Pars'}>}NetScoreName)"


Horizontal bar chart with reference lines

Complete code example: Using reference lines

  • Visualization API
    const config = {
    host: '<TENANT_URL>', //for example, ''
    prefix: '/',
    port: 443,
    isSecure: true,
    webIntegrationId: '<WEB_INTEGRATION_ID>'
    baseUrl: `https://${}/resources`,
    webIntegrationId: config.webIntegrationId
    require(["js/qlik"], (qlik) => {
    qlik.on('error', (error) => console.error(error));
    const app = qlik.openApp('<APP_ID>', config);
    "qDef": {
    "qFieldDefs": [
    "qSortCriterias": [
    "qSortByExpression": 1,
    "qExpression": {
    "qv": "NetScoreDiff"
    "autoSort": false
    "refLine": {
    "refLines": [
    "show": true,
    "label": "Pars this year",
    "paletteColor": {
    "index": 14,
    "color": "#545352"
    "refLineExpr": {
    "value": {
    "qValueExpression": {
    "qExpr": "=Count({<[Date.autoCalendar.YearsAgo]={'3'},NetScoreName={'Pars'}>}NetScoreName)"
    "label": {
    "qStringExpression": {
    "qExpr": "=Count({<[Date.autoCalendar.YearsAgo]={'3'},NetScoreName={'Pars'}>}NetScoreName)"
    "showTitles": true,
    "title": "Net scores",
    "orientation": "horizontal",
    "gridLine": {
    "auto": false,
    "spacing": 3
    "dataPoint": {
    "showLabels": true
    "dimensionAxis": {
    "show": "labels"
    "measureAxis": {
    "show": "labels",
    "dock": "near",
    "spacing": 0.5,
    "autoMinMax": false,
    "minMax": "max",
    "max": 1250

Grouped and stacked bar charts

You can make more complex comparisons of data by using grouped or stacked bars. This requires using two dimensions and one measure. The two example charts use the same two dimensions and the same measure.

  1. Grouped bar chart

    With grouped bars, you can easily compare two or more items in the same categorical group. Grouped bars are defined in the barGrouping object.

    "barGrouping": {
    "grouping": "grouped"


    Grouped bar chart
  2. Stacked bar chart

    With stacked bars it is easier to compare the total quantity between different periods. Stacked bars combine bars of different groups on top of each other and the total height of the resulting bar represents the combined result.

    When creating stacked bar charts, you must define the way the data is handled internally by the engine. This is done in the qMode property inside the qHyperCubeDef.

    "qHyperCubeDef": {
    "qMode": "K"

    Stacked bars are then defined in the barGrouping object.

    "barGrouping": {
    "grouping": "stacked"


Stacked bar chart

Complete code example: Grouped bar chart

  • Visualization API
    const config = {
    host: '<TENANT_URL>', //for example, ''
    prefix: '/',
    port: 443,
    isSecure: true,
    webIntegrationId: '<WEB_INTEGRATION_ID>'
    baseUrl: `https://${}/resources`,
    webIntegrationId: config.webIntegrationId
    require(["js/qlik"], (qlik) => {
    qlik.on('error', (error) => console.error(error));
    const app = qlik.openApp('<APP_ID>', config);
    "qDef": {
    "qFieldDefs": [
    "qFieldLabels": [
    "qDef": {
    "qFieldDefs": [
    "qSortCriterias": [
    "qSortByExpression": 1,
    "qExpression": {
    "qv": "NetScoreDiff"
    "autoSort": false
    "showTitles": true,
    "title": "Net scores per year",
    "showDetails": false,
    "barGrouping": {
    "grouping": "grouped"
    "legend": {
    "show": false

Complete code example: Stacked bar chart

  • Visualization API
    const config = {
    host: '<TENANT_URL>', //for example, ''
    prefix: '/',
    port: 443,
    isSecure: true,
    webIntegrationId: '<WEB_INTEGRATION_ID>'
    baseUrl: `https://${}/resources`,
    webIntegrationId: config.webIntegrationId
    require(["js/qlik"], (qlik) => {
    qlik.on('error', (error) => console.error(error));
    const app = qlik.openApp('<APP_ID>', config);
    "qDef": {
    "qFieldDefs": [
    "qSortCriterias": [
    "qSortByExpression": 1,
    "qExpression": {
    "qv": "NetScoreDiff"
    "autoSort": false
    "qDef": {
    "qFieldDefs": [
    "qFieldLabels": [
    "showTitles": true,
    "title": "Net scores per year",
    "showDetails": false,
    "qHyperCubeDef": {
    "qMode": "K"
    "barGrouping": {
    "grouping": "stacked"
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