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Step 3: Create an experiment version to train models

After creating an experiment and profiling your dataset, you can create an experiment version which represents a specific configuration for your experiment. This allows you to refine your approach and optimize model performance by testing different configurations. Training generates models based on your configurations.

Create an experiment version

Create an experiment using the following API call:

curl -L -X POST "https://<TENANT>/api/v1/ml/experiments/<EXPERIMENT_ID>/versions" ^
-H "Content-Type: application/json" ^
-H "Accept: application/json" ^
-H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" ^
-d "{
  \"data\": {
      \"type\": \"experiment-version\",
      \"attributes\": {
      \"name\": \"<EXPERIMENT_NAME>\",
      \"datasetOrigin\": \"new\",
      \"dataSetId\": \"<DATASET_ID>\",
      \"experimentMode\": \"<EXPERIMENT_MODE>\",
      \"featuresList\": [
          { \"name\": \"<FEATURE_NAME>\", \"dataType\": \"<DATA_TYPE>\", \"include\": true, \"changeType\": <TYPE> }
      \"target\": \"<TARGET_VARIABLE>\",
      \"experimentType\": \"<EXPERIMENT_TYPE>\",
      \"algorithms\": [\"<ALGORITHM>\", \"<ALGORITHM>\"]

You can use the defaultVersionConfig template returned when profiling the dataset as the basis for the attributes property in the request body. However, you must edit or add the following properties:

  • You can edit the name property to describe the purpose of the experiment. By default, the name of the experiment version is a timestamp (for example, 2024-12-01T23:59:59.123Z).

  • Add a target property to specify the target variable. For example, "target": "Churned". For guidance, see Select the target.

  • Add an experimentType property to specify the experiment type. The experiment type for the selected target must be one of the experimentTypes from the insights property returned when profiling the dataset. In the following example, if the target feature is Churned, binary can be used as the experiment type.

    Profile insights response example

      "insights": [
                      "name": "Churned",
                      "experimentTypes": [
                      "insights": [
                      "willBeDropped": false,
                      "cannotBeTarget": false
  • If you don’t add an algorithms property to specify the algorithms to test, all compatible for the specified experiment type will automatically be used to train models. Specifying a subset of compatible algorithms can help reduce model training duration. The following table shows the compatible algorithms for each experiment type:

    Experiment typeDescriptionCompatible algorithms
    binaryBinary classification (for example, churn/no churn)catboost_classifier, elasticnet_regression, gaussian_nb, lasso_regression, lgbm_classifier, logistic_regression, random_forest_classifier, xgb_classifier
    multiclassMulticlass classification (for example, categories)catboost_classifier, elasticnet_regression, gaussian_nb, lasso_regression, lgbm_classifier, logistic_regression, random_forest_classifier, xgb_classifier
    regressionPredicting continuous numerical valuescatboost_regression, lgbm_regression, linear_regression, random_forest_regression, sgd_regression, xgb_regression

    For example, if the experimentType is binary and the target is Churned, you can add "algorithms": ["gaussian_nb", "random_forest_classifier"] to only train models with these algorithms. For more information about algorithms, see Understanding model algorithms on Qlik Help.

Request example

curl -L "https://<TENANT>/api/v1/ml/experiments/<EXPERIMENT_ID>/versions" ^
-H "Content-Type: application/json" ^
-H "Accept: application/json" ^
-H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" ^
-d "{
  \"data\": {
      \"type\": \"experiment-version\",
      \"attributes\": {
          \"name\": \"Experiment version for churn predictions\",
          \"datasetOrigin\": \"new\",
          \"dataSetId\": \"6749ddb893296645bb4bd795\",
          \"experimentMode\": \"intelligent\",
          \"featuresList\": [
              {\"name\": \"AccountID\", \"dataType\": \"STRING\", \"include\": true, \"featureType\": \"numeric\", \"changeType\": null},
              {\"name\": \"Territory\", \"dataType\": \"STRING\", \"include\": true, \"featureType\": \"numeric\", \"changeType\": null},
              {\"name\": \"Country\", \"dataType\": \"STRING\", \"include\": true, \"featureType\": \"numeric\", \"changeType\": null},
              {\"name\": \"DeviceType\", \"dataType\": \"STRING\", \"include\": true, \"featureType\": \"numeric\", \"changeType\": null},
              {\"name\": \"Promotion\", \"dataType\": \"STRING\", \"include\": true, \"featureType\": \"numeric\", \"changeType\": null},
              {\"name\": \"HasRenewed\", \"dataType\": \"STRING\", \"include\": true, \"featureType\": \"numeric\", \"changeType\": null},
              {\"name\": \"PlanType\", \"dataType\": \"STRING\", \"include\": true, \"featureType\": \"numeric\", \"changeType\": null},
              {\"name\": \"BaseFee\", \"dataType\": \"DOUBLE\", \"include\": true, \"featureType\": \"numeric\", \"changeType\": null},
              {\"name\": \"AdditionalFeatureSpend\", \"dataType\": \"INTEGER\", \"include\": true, \"featureType\": \"numeric\", \"changeType\": null},
              {\"name\": \"NumberOfPenalties\", \"dataType\": \"INTEGER\", \"include\": true, \"featureType\": \"numeric\", \"changeType\": null},
              {\"name\": \"CurrentPeriodUsage\", \"dataType\": \"DOUBLE\", \"include\": true, \"featureType\": \"numeric\", \"changeType\": null},
              {\"name\": \"PriorPeriodUsage\", \"dataType\": \"DOUBLE\", \"include\": true, \"featureType\": \"numeric\", \"changeType\": null},
              {\"name\": \"DaysSinceLastService\", \"dataType\": \"INTEGER\", \"include\": true, \"featureType\": \"numeric\", \"changeType\": null},
              {\"name\": \"ServiceRating\", \"dataType\": \"DOUBLE\", \"include\": true, \"featureType\": \"numeric\", \"changeType\": null},
              {\"name\": \"ServiceTickets\", \"dataType\": \"INTEGER\", \"include\": true, \"featureType\": \"numeric\", \"changeType\": null},
              \"name\": \"StartMonth\", \"dataType\": \"STRING\", \"include\": true, \"featureType\": \"numeric\", \"changeType\": null},
              {\"name\": \"StartWeek\", \"dataType\": \"STRING\", \"include\": true, \"featureType\": \"numeric\", \"changeType\": null},
              {\"name\": \"CustomerTenure\", \"dataType\": \"INTEGER\", \"include\": true, \"featureType\": \"numeric\", \"changeType\": null},
              {\"name\": \"Churned\", \"dataType\": \"STRING\", \"include\": true, \"featureType\": \"numeric\", \"changeType\": null}
          \"target\": \"Churned\",
          \"experimentType\": \"binary\",
          \"algorithms\": [\"gaussian_nb\", \"random_forest_classifier\"]

Response example

  "data": {
      "type": "experiment-version",
      "id": "d06918b6-0bf8-404d-9b0d-dad9b4b0b17d",
      "attributes": {
          "id": "b336d5b6-f62b-4ef3-863e-99e737c53582",
          "experimentId": "4aaf4e82-d2d4-4fb3-9ff3-4dda6731a35b",
          "experimentType": "binary",
          "algorithms": [
          "target": "Churned",
          "name": "Experiment version for churn predictions",
          "datasetOrigin": "new",
          "createdAt": "2024-12-01T14:17:43.641375111Z",
          "updatedAt": "2024-12-01T14:17:43.641375111Z",
          "createdByUserId": "67475097984561d02f0cb3dc",
          "topModelId": null,
          "status": "pending",
          "experimentMode": "intelligent",
          "featuresList": [
                  "name": "AccountID",
                  "changeType": null,
                  "include": true
                  "name": "Territory",
                  "changeType": null,
                  "include": true
                  "name": "Country",
                  "changeType": null,
                  "include": true
                  "name": "DeviceType",
                  "changeType": null,
                  "include": true
                  "name": "Promotion",
                  "changeType": null,
                  "include": true
                  "name": "HasRenewed",
                  "changeType": null,
                  "include": true
                  "name": "PlanType",
                  "changeType": null,
                  "include": true
                  "name": "BaseFee",
                  "changeType": null,
                  "include": true
                  "name": "AdditionalFeatureSpend",
                  "changeType": null,
                  "include": true
                  "name": "NumberOfPenalties",
                  "changeType": null,
                  "include": true
                  "name": "CurrentPeriodUsage",
                  "changeType": null,
                  "include": true
                  "name": "PriorPeriodUsage",
                  "changeType": null,
                  "include": true
                  "name": "DaysSinceLastService",
                  "changeType": null,
                  "include": true
                  "name": "ServiceRating",
                  "changeType": null,
                  "include": true
                  "name": "ServiceTickets",
                  "changeType": null,
                  "include": true
                  "name": "StartMonth",
                  "changeType": null,
                  "include": true
                  "name": "StartWeek",
                  "changeType": null,
                  "include": true
                  "name": "CustomerTenure",
                  "changeType": null,
                  "include": true
                  "name": "Churned",
                  "changeType": null,
                  "include": true
          "dataSetId": "6749ddb893296645bb4bd795"

After creating an experiment version, the training process starts.

Monitor training progress

Monitoring the training progress ensures your experiment version is running as expected and helps you track when results are ready.

After the training has started, you can monitor its status with the following API call:

curl -L "https://<TENANT>/api/v1/ml/experiments/<EXPERIMENT_ID>/versions/<VERSION_ID>" ^
-H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"

The API returns details about the experiment version, including:

  • The training status. For example, pending means the training is in progress, while ready means that training has completed, and you can evaluate the results.
  • The list of features used.
  • The algorithms tested.
  • The top-performing model, once models finish training. topModelId is the identifier for the best-performing model.
  • Other configuration attributes.

Response example

    "data": {
        "type": "experiment-version",
        "id": "eb60cbd9-838f-4d4e-bb1c-18aaa6ad3ccf",
        "attributes": {
            "id": "eb60cbd9-838f-4d4e-bb1c-18aaa6ad3ccf",
            "experimentId": "22b753dc-8ffb-473c-987f-7ebf67c34d27",
            "experimentType": "binary",
            "algorithms": [
            "target": "Churned",
            "name": "Experiment version for churn predictions",
            "datasetOrigin": "new",
            "createdAt": "2024-11-27T13:18:57.335013Z",
            "updatedAt": "2024-11-27T13:19:49.223574Z",
            "createdByUserId": "673dff8f87fc59e2a6a76f7c",
            "topModelId": "e87ee00a-e1cc-48ed-b1a5-0e56b7c5f5a1",
            "status": "ready",
            "experimentMode": "intelligent",
            "featuresList": [
                    "name": "AccountID",
                    "changeType": null,
                    "include": true,
                    "dataType": "STRING"
                    "name": "Territory",
                    "changeType": null,
                    "include": true,
                    "dataType": "STRING"
                    "name": "Country",
                    "changeType": null,
                    "include": true,
                    "dataType": "STRING"
                    "name": "DeviceType",
                    "changeType": null,
                    "include": true,
                    "dataType": "STRING"
                    "name": "Promotion",
                    "changeType": null,
                    "include": true,
                    "dataType": "STRING"
                    "name": "HasRenewed",
                    "changeType": null,
                    "include": true,
                    "dataType": "STRING"
                    "name": "PlanType",
                    "changeType": null,
                    "include": true,
                    "dataType": "STRING"
                    "name": "BaseFee",
                    "changeType": null,
                    "include": true,
                    "dataType": "DOUBLE"
                    "name": "AdditionalFeatureSpend",
                    "changeType": null,
                    "include": true,
                    "dataType": "INTEGER"
                    "name": "NumberOfPenalties",
                    "changeType": null,
                    "include": true,
                    "dataType": "INTEGER"
                    "name": "CurrentPeriodUsage",
                    "changeType": null,
                    "include": true,
                    "dataType": "DOUBLE"
                    "name": "PriorPeriodUsage",
                    "changeType": null,
                    "include": true,
                    "dataType": "DOUBLE"
                    "name": "ServiceRating",
                    "changeType": null,
                    "include": true,
                    "dataType": "DOUBLE"
                    "name": "ServiceTickets",
                    "changeType": null,
                    "include": true,
                    "dataType": "INTEGER"
                    "name": "StartMonth",
                    "changeType": null,
                    "include": true,
                    "dataType": "STRING"
                    "name": "StartWeek",
                    "changeType": null,
                    "include": true,
                    "dataType": "STRING"
                    "name": "CustomerTenure",
                    "changeType": null,
                    "include": true,
                    "dataType": "INTEGER"
                    "name": "Churned",
                    "changeType": null,
                    "include": true,
                    "dataType": "STRING"
            "dataSetId": "6749ddb893296645bb4bd795"

Note: Every version of an experiment must use the same target feature and experimentType as the first version. These settings can’t change between versions. If they don’t match, the API will return an error.

Next step

Once training is complete, retrieve and evaluate models to identify the best-performing model for deployment based on metrics like accuracy and precision.

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