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Manage iframe Embedded Content Session State using enigma.js and JSON web tokens

Use qlik-embed for new integrations

For new integrations, use qlik-embed to safeguard against third-party cookie blocking and unlock future features.

This tutorial remains available for those with existing implementations, but upgrading to qlik-embed ensures a robust, forward-looking solution.

A similar concept can be leveraged with supported auth providers in qlik-embed if needed.

Contributed by Daniel Pilla


In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to embed an iframe and monitor its session state when using JSON web tokens (JWTs) for authorization to Qlik Cloud.

Note: This tutorial contains sample code using JWTs for authorization. If you are using OpenID Connect (OIDC), refer to this tutorial.


  • You are embedding Qlik content using iframes and need to display custom modals, add private labels to dialogs, or control messages when a user’s session disconnects.
  • You’ve embedded Qlik content into a portal and you want to keep the portal open for the duration of the user’s session.

Monitoring iframe content from Qlik uses enigma.js, a JavaScript library with access to Qlik Sense session state information.


This code example uses JWTs to authorize users to Qlik Cloud. Ensure you have configured a JWT identity provider by following this article before proceeding. This article illustrates how to configure a JWT identity provider on Qlik Cloud and it includes sample code for generating a JWT. In addition, the example code in this tutorial utilizes backend code to ensure secure generation and signing of the token. You may choose to generate JWTs using a language a tech stack you prefer. The preceding referenced guide is written in NodeJS, and there is another example using Python to generate JSON web tokens.

Note: The backend code configured to generate the JWT uses a REST endpoint to GET request and return a JWT with a response payload like this: {"body":{"<token>"}}.

To use the example page in this tutorial, ensure you also have the following:

  • An existing application ID and sheet ID to embed.
  • A web integration configured which contains the location of the web page that will be embedding the Qlik Cloud application.
  • A content security policy entry with the frame-ancestors directive added for the location of the web page that will be embedding the Qlik Cloud application.
  • A method of generating and fetching the JWT from your backend.

Variable substitution and vocabulary

Throughout this tutorial, variables will be used to communicate value placement. The variable substitution format is <VARIABLE_NAME>. Here is a list of variables that appear in the sample code.

<TENANT>The domain for the tenant you are accessing. Equivalent to
<JWT_ENDPOINT>RESTful endpoint to retrieve JWT.
<WEB_INTEGRATION_ID>The unique identifier of the web integration.
<APP_ID>The unique identifier of the application.
<SHEET_ID>The unique identifier of the sheet.
<IDENTITY>An arbitrary string to establish a separate session state.

Note: The IDENTITY parameter can be used across iframes or other methods of embedding to tie and/or separate sessions accordingly. It is an optional parameter included in this example for illustrative purposes.


The code in this sample ultimately does the following:

  1. Handles logging into Qlik.
  2. Fetches the CSRF token so that a WebSocket connection can be made to the engine.
  3. Connects to the application leveraging enigma.js.
  4. Establishes listeners on the WebSocket session closed and suspended and events.
  5. Fetches the active theme of the application to style the embedded visualization consistently across user interfaces.
  6. Renders the iframe.
  7. A timer is set to automatically close the engine WebSocket session in 10 seconds.
  8. The Engine WebSocket session is closed, which triggers the listener on the closed event, illustrating the catch.
  9. The iframe is hidden and a custom message is displayed.

Sample code

The code example in this tutorial provides a basic, fully functional web page after successfully logging in to Qlik Cloud with JWT. It showcases a few capabilities in one example, providing a boilerplate you can modify. Here are some of the features:

  • Automatically hides the iframe and displays a message inline.

  • Catches session events, such as, displaying a custom modal dialog or redirecting to another web page.

  • Handles browser support for third-party cookies. Refer to this article for more information.

<script src=""></script>
<div id="main">
<div id="message"></div>
<iframe id='qlik_frame' style='border:none;width:100%;height:900px;'></iframe>
const TENANT = '<TENANT>';
const APPID = '<APP_ID>';
const SHEETID = '<SHEET_ID>';
(async function main() {
const isLoggedIn = await qlikLogin();
const qcsHeaders = await getQCSHeaders();
const [session, enigmaApp] = await connectEnigma(qcsHeaders, APPID, IDENTITY);
const theme = await getTheme(enigmaApp);
renderSingleIframe('qlik_frame', APPID, SHEETID, theme, IDENTITY);
const message = 'Session will be automatically closed in 10 seconds to showcase the handling.';
document.getElementById('message').innerHTML = message;
setTimeout(() => { // remove this after testing
}, "10000")
async function qlikLogin() {
const loggedIn = await checkLoggedIn();
if (loggedIn.status !== 200) {
const tokenRes = await (await getJWTToken(JWTENDPOINT)).json();
const loginRes = await jwtLogin(tokenRes.body);
if (loginRes.status != 200) {
const message = 'Something went wrong while logging in.';
throw new Error(message);
const recheckLoggedIn = await checkLoggedIn();
if (recheckLoggedIn.status !== 200) {
const message = 'Third-party cookies are not enabled in your browser settings and/or browser mode.';
throw new Error(message);
console.log('Logged in!');
return true;
async function checkLoggedIn() {
return await fetch(`https://${TENANT}/api/v1/users/me`, {
mode: 'cors',
credentials: 'include',
headers: {
'qlik-web-integration-id': WEBINTEGRATIONID
// Get the JWT and use it to obtain Qlik Cloud session cookie.
async function getJWTToken(jwtEndpoint) {
return await fetch(jwtEndpoint, {
mode: 'cors',
method: 'GET'
async function jwtLogin(token) {
const authHeader = `Bearer ${token}`;
return await fetch(`https://${TENANT}/login/jwt-session?qlik-web-integration-id=${WEBINTEGRATIONID}`, {
credentials: 'include',
mode: 'cors',
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Authorization': authHeader,
'qlik-web-integration-id': WEBINTEGRATIONID
async function getQCSHeaders() {
const response = await fetch(`https://${TENANT}/api/v1/csrf-token`, {
mode: 'cors',
credentials: 'include',
headers: {
'qlik-web-integration-id': WEBINTEGRATIONID
const csrfToken = new Map(response.headers).get('qlik-csrf-token');
return {
'qlik-web-integration-id': WEBINTEGRATIONID,
'qlik-csrf-token': csrfToken,
async function connectEnigma(qcsHeaders, appId, identity) {
const [session, app] = await getEnigmaSessionAndApp(qcsHeaders, appId, identity);
return [session, app];
async function getEnigmaSessionAndApp(headers, appId, identity) {
const params = Object.keys(headers)
.map((key) => `${key}=${headers[key]}`)
return (async () => {
const schema = await (await fetch('')).json();
try {
return await createEnigmaAppSession(schema, appId, identity, params);
catch {
// Handle race condition with new users who do not have permissions to access the application. The code makes another attempt after a 1.5 seconds.
const waitSecond = await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1500));
try {
return await createEnigmaAppSession(schema, appId, identity, params);
catch (e) {
throw new Error(e);
async function createEnigmaAppSession(schema, appId, identity, params) {
const session = enigma.create({
url: `wss://${TENANT}/app/${appId}/identity/${identity}?${params}`
const enigmaGlobal = await;
const enigmaApp = await enigmaGlobal.openDoc(appId);
return [session, enigmaApp];
async function getTheme(enigmaApp) {
const createAppProps = await enigmaApp.createSessionObject({
qInfo: {
qId: "AppPropsList",
qType: "AppPropsList"
qAppObjectListDef: {
qType: "appprops",
qData: {
theme: "/theme"
const appProps = await enigmaApp.getObject('AppPropsList');
const appPropsLayout = await appProps.getLayout();
const theme = appPropsLayout.qAppObjectList.qItems[0].qData.theme;
return theme;
function handleDisconnect(session) {
session.on('closed', () => {
const message = '<Your text here> Due to inactivity or loss of connection, this session has ended.';
document.getElementById('qlik_frame').style.display = "none";
document.getElementById('message').innerHTML = message;
session.on('suspended', () => {
const message = '<Your text here> Due to loss of connection, this session has been suspended.';
document.getElementById('qlik_frame').style.display = "none";
document.getElementById('message').innerHTML = message;
window.addEventListener('offline', () => {
function renderSingleIframe(frameId, appId, sheetId, theme, identity) {
const frameUrl = `https://${TENANT}/single/?appid=${appId}&sheet=${sheetId}&theme=${theme}&identity=${identity}&opt=ctxmenu,currsel`;
document.getElementById(frameId).setAttribute('src', frameUrl);
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