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Assign roles to users or groups

Tenant roles, or security roles, are assigned to users or groups to grant them general access to features or capabilities in the tenant. To learn more about the types of roles available in a tenant, see the roles overview.

In this topic, you will retrieve a list of roles available in the tenant, and then both assign and remove a role from a user and a group.

Assigning a role to a user or a group follows the same process, but using different endpoints. In this example, you will assign the custom role to a user using the Users API, but groups can be assigned roles using the Groups API.

Both default and custom roles are assigned in the same way, as all role names are unique within a tenant.


  • You have an API key of a user assigned the TenantAdmin role, for use as the <ACCESS_TOKEN> in the examples below.
  • cURL for running the inline examples.

Manage user role assignments

Assign roles to users

1 Retrieve the user’s current assigned roles

The Users API only supports replacement of roles. You must retrieve the current roles assigned to the user before assigning the new role. You can retrieve a list of users in the tenant using the List users endpoint.

In this example, you retrieve the user definition for the user with the subject user1234:

curl -L -G "" ^
--data-urlencode "filter=subject eq 'user1234'" ^
-H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" ^
-H "Content-Type: application/json" ^
-H "Accept: application/json"

The response contains assignedRoles, which is an array of roles assigned to the user. You will need to append the new custom role to this array:

    "data": [
            "id": "637390ec6541614d3a88d6c1",
            "tenantId": "BL4tTJ4S7xrHTcq0zQxQrJ5qB1_Q6cSo",
            "clientId": "f0e92f326ac77427df155940fec39e6a",
            "status": "active",
            "subject": "user1234",
            "assignedRoles": [
                    "id": "608050f7634644db3678b1a2",
                    "name": "Developer",
                    "type": "default",
                    "level": "user"
                    "id": "605a1c2151382ffc836af862",
                    "name": "SharedSpaceCreator",
                    "type": "default",
                    "level": "user"
            "links": {
                "self": {
                    "href": ""
    "links": {
        "self": {
            "href": ""

2 Replace the user’s assigned roles

Send a PATCH request to the Users API containing both the existing roles and the name of the role that you wish to add. To find the role name, refer to the Tenant role list, or send a request to the List roles endpoint.

Change the <USER_ID> value to match the id value from the call to /api/v1/users.

In this example, you are adding the ManagedSpaceCreator role to this user:

curl -L -X PATCH "<USER_ID>" ^
-H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" ^
-H "Content-Type: application/json" ^
-d "[
        \"op\": \"replace\",
        \"path\": \"/assignedRoles\",
        \"value\": [
                \"name\": \"Developer\"
                \"name\": \"SharedSpaceCreator\"
                \"name\": \"ManagedSpaceCreator\"

If successful, you’ll receive an HTTP 204 response with no content. The role is now assigned to the user.

Unassign roles from users

As with assigning a role, you must retrieve the current roles assigned to the user, remove the role you wish to unassign, and then send a PATCH request to the Users API with the updated list of roles.

If you wish to find all users assigned a particular role, you can once again use the List users endpoint, this time passing the assigned role name in the filter param:

curl -L -G "" ^
--data-urlencode " eq 'ManagedSpaceCreator'" ^
-H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" ^
-H "Content-Type: application/json" ^
-H "Accept: application/json"

This will return an HTTP 200 response with a list of users assigned the specified role. You can then send PATCH requests to each user to update their assigned roles.

Manage group role assignments

Assign roles to groups

1 Retrieve the group’s current assigned roles

To assign a role to a group, you must first identify the ID of the group you wish to update, and retrieve the list of roles currently assigned to the group. You can retrieve a list of groups in the tenant using the List groups endpoint.

Send a request to the Groups API to retrieve a list of groups in the tenant, specifying the name of the group you wish to update in the filter param (in this case, My Group):

curl -L -G "" ^
--data-urlencode "filter=name eq 'My Group'" ^
-H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" ^
-H "Content-Type: application/json" ^
-H "Accept: application/json"

The response will contain the id of the group you wish to update:

    "data": [
            "id": "6425d62641d2b80a9a0f92c3",
            "tenantId": "BL4tTJ4S7xrHTcq0zQxQrJ5qB1_Q6cSo",
            "createdAt": "2023-03-30T18:34:14.006Z",
            "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-03-30T18:34:14.006Z",
            "name": "My Group",
            "status": "active",
            "idpId": "6425d61fbb406d75678f1204",
            "providerType": "idp",
            "assignedRoles": [
                    "id": "608050f7634644db3678b1a2",
                    "name": "Developer",
                    "type": "default",
                    "level": "user"
                    "id": "605a1c2151382ffc836af862",
                    "name": "SharedSpaceCreator",
                    "type": "default",
                    "level": "user"
            "links": {
                "self": {
                    "href": ""
    "links": {
        "self": {
            "href": ""

Use the id value for <GROUP_ID> in the following steps.

The response also contains assignedRoles, which is an array of roles assigned to the user. You will need to append the new custom role to this array.

2 Replace the group’s assigned roles

Send a PATCH request to the Groups API containing both the existing roles and the name of the role that you wish to add. To find the role name, refer to the Tenant role list, or send a request to the List roles endpoint.

Change the <GROUP_ID> value to match the id value from the call to /api/v1/groups.

In this example, you are adding the ManagedSpaceCreator role to this group:

curl -L -X PATCH "<USER_ID>" ^
-H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" ^
-H "Content-Type: application/json" ^
-d "[
        \"op\": \"replace\",
        \"path\": \"/assignedRoles\",
        \"value\": [
                \"name\": \"Developer\"
                \"name\": \"SharedSpaceCreator\"
                \"name\": \"ManagedSpaceCreator\"

If successful, you’ll receive an HTTP 204 response with no content. The role is now assigned to the group.

Unassign roles from groups

As with assigning a role, you must retrieve the current roles assigned to the group, remove the role you wish to unassign, and then send a PATCH request to the Groups API with the updated list of roles.

If you wish to find all groups assigned a particular role, you can once again use the List groups endpoint, this time passing the assigned role name in the filter param:

curl -L -G "" ^
--data-urlencode " eq 'ManagedSpaceCreator'" ^
-H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" ^
-H "Content-Type: application/json" ^
-H "Accept: application/json"

This will return an HTTP 200 response with a list of groups assigned the specified role. You can then send PATCH requests to each group to update their assigned roles.

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