
The resource representing a role in the system.

Download specification

List roles

Returns a list of roles using cursor-based pagination.


Rate limit Tier 1 (1000 requests per minute)
Categories externalmanage

Query Parameters

  • filterstring

    The advanced filtering to use for the query. Refer to RFC 7644 for the syntax. All conditional statements within this query parameter are case insensitive.

  • limitnumber

    The number of roles to retrieve.

  • nextstring

    The next page cursor.

  • prevstring

    The previous page cursor.

  • sortstring

    Optional resource field name to sort on, eg. name. Can be prefixed with +/- to determine order, defaults to (+) ascending.

  • totalResultsboolean

    Determines wether to return a count of the total records matched in the query. Defaults to false.




An array of roles, and pagination links.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • dataarray of objects

      An array of roles.

      Show data properties
      • idstring

        The unique identifier for the role.

      • namestring

        The name of the role.

      • typestring

        The type of role.

        Can be one of: "default""custom"

      • levelstring

        The level of access associated to the role.

        Can be one of: "admin""user"

      • linksobject

        Contains links for the role.

        Show links properties
        • selfobject
          Show self properties
          • hrefstring

            Link to the role.

      • canEditboolean

        Indicate if role can be edited by tenant (Shown as Profile in MC)

      • fullUserbooleanDeprecated

        DEPRECATED. Use userEntitlementType instead for impact of roles on user entitlements with a capacity-based subscription.

      • tenantIdstring

        The tenant unique identifier associated with the given Role.

      • canDeleteboolean

        Indicate if role can be deleted

      • createdAtstring

        The timestamp for when the role was created.

      • createdBystring

        Id of user that created role

      • updatedBystring

        Id of user that last updated this role

      • descriptionstring

        Descriptive text for the role.

      • permissionsarray of strings

        An array of permissions associated with the role.

      • lastUpdatedAtstring

        The timestamp for when the role was last updated.

      • assignedScopesarray of strings

        Selection of scopes added to this Role

      • userEntitlementTypestring

        Indicate whether this role will trigger promotion of a user from a basic to a full user on tenants with a capacity-based subscription. Does not apply to tenants with a user-based subscription. Returns fullUser if it will trigger promotion.

    • linksobject

      Contains pagination links

      Show links properties
      • nextobject

        Link to the next page of items

        Show next properties
        • hrefstring
      • prevobject

        Link to the previous page of items

        Show prev properties
        • hrefstring
      • selfobject

        Link to the current page of items

        Show self properties
        • hrefstring
    • totalResultsinteger

      Indicates the total number of matching documents. Will only be returned if the query parameter "totalResults" is true.



Invalid request parameters for querying roles.

The error response object describing the error from the handling of an HTTP request.

  • application/jsonobject

    The error response object describing the error from the handling of an HTTP request.

    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring

      A unique identifier for tracing the error.



Unauthorized, JWT is invalid or not provided.

The error response object describing the error from the handling of an HTTP request.

  • application/jsonobject

    The error response object describing the error from the handling of an HTTP request.

    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring

      A unique identifier for tracing the error.



Request has been rate limited.

The error response object describing the error from the handling of an HTTP request.

  • application/jsonobject

    The error response object describing the error from the handling of an HTTP request.

    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring

      A unique identifier for tracing the error.



Internal server error.

The error response object describing the error from the handling of an HTTP request.

  • application/jsonobject

    The error response object describing the error from the handling of an HTTP request.

    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring

      A unique identifier for tracing the error.

GET /v1/roles
curl "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <API-key>"
const https = require('https')
  const data = JSON.stringify("")
  const options =   {
    'hostname': '',
    'port': 443,
    'path': '/api/v1/roles',
    'method': 'GET',
    'headers': {
      'Authorization': 'Bearer <API-key>'
  const req = https.request(options)
qlik role ls


  "data": [
      "id": "507f191e810c19729de860ea",
      "name": "Developer",
      "type": "default",
      "level": "admin",
      "links": {
        "self": {
          "href": ""
      "canEdit": false,
      "fullUser": true,
      "tenantId": "q3VRZ4YMixRaLKEPhkZWM-XMIDN7cO8f",
      "canDelete": false,
      "createdAt": "2021-03-21T17:32:28Z",
      "createdBy": "string",
      "updatedBy": "string",
      "description": "Grants permission to generate API keys",
      "permissions": [
      "lastUpdatedAt": "2021-03-22T10:01:02Z",
      "assignedScopes": [
      "userEntitlementType": "fullUser"
  "links": {
    "next": {
      "href": ""
    "prev": {
      "href": ""
    "self": {
      "href": ""
  "totalResults": 42

Get role by ID

Returns the requested role.


Rate limit Tier 1 (1000 requests per minute)
Categories externalmanage

Path Parameters

  • idstring

    The role's unique identifier




Request successfully completed.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • idstring

      The unique identifier for the role.

    • namestring

      The name of the role.

    • typestring

      The type of role.

      Can be one of: "default""custom"

    • levelstring

      The level of access associated to the role.

      Can be one of: "admin""user"

    • linksobject

      Contains links for the role.

      Show links properties
      • selfobject
        Show self properties
        • hrefstring

          Link to the role.

    • canEditboolean

      Indicate if role can be edited by tenant (Shown as Profile in MC)

    • fullUserbooleanDeprecated

      DEPRECATED. Use userEntitlementType instead for impact of roles on user entitlements with a capacity-based subscription.

    • tenantIdstring

      The tenant unique identifier associated with the given Role.

    • canDeleteboolean

      Indicate if role can be deleted

    • createdAtstring

      The timestamp for when the role was created.

    • createdBystring

      Id of user that created role

    • updatedBystring

      Id of user that last updated this role

    • descriptionstring

      Descriptive text for the role.

    • permissionsarray of strings

      An array of permissions associated with the role.

    • lastUpdatedAtstring

      The timestamp for when the role was last updated.

    • assignedScopesarray of strings

      Selection of scopes added to this Role

    • userEntitlementTypestring

      Indicate whether this role will trigger promotion of a user from a basic to a full user on tenants with a capacity-based subscription. Does not apply to tenants with a user-based subscription. Returns fullUser if it will trigger promotion.



Role ID not found or Invalid format.

The error response object describing the error from the handling of an HTTP request.

  • application/jsonobject

    The error response object describing the error from the handling of an HTTP request.

    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring

      A unique identifier for tracing the error.



Request has been rate limited.

The error response object describing the error from the handling of an HTTP request.

  • application/jsonobject

    The error response object describing the error from the handling of an HTTP request.

    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring

      A unique identifier for tracing the error.



Internal Server Error.

The error response object describing the error from the handling of an HTTP request.

  • application/jsonobject

    The error response object describing the error from the handling of an HTTP request.

    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring

      A unique identifier for tracing the error.

GET /v1/roles/{id}
curl "{id}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <API-key>"
const https = require('https')
  const data = JSON.stringify("")
  const options =   {
    'hostname': '',
    'port': 443,
    'path': '/api/v1/roles/{id}',
    'method': 'GET',
    'headers': {
      'Authorization': 'Bearer <API-key>'
  const req = https.request(options)
qlik role get <roleId>


  "id": "507f191e810c19729de860ea",
  "name": "Developer",
  "type": "default",
  "level": "admin",
  "links": {
    "self": {
      "href": ""
  "canEdit": false,
  "fullUser": true,
  "tenantId": "q3VRZ4YMixRaLKEPhkZWM-XMIDN7cO8f",
  "canDelete": false,
  "createdAt": "2021-03-21T17:32:28Z",
  "createdBy": "string",
  "updatedBy": "string",
  "description": "Grants permission to generate API keys",
  "permissions": [
  "lastUpdatedAt": "2021-03-22T10:01:02Z",
  "assignedScopes": [
  "userEntitlementType": "fullUser"