Get started with Lineage integration


This tutorial is going to show how to use the Lineage API to retrieve lineage and impact analysis information for the selected objects in Qlik Sense.

The Lineage API enables users to keep track of the origins and impacted content of the base objects on resource, table, and field levels.

In addition to displaying the input graphs and output content for the base nodes, the Lineage API also supports search, expansion, and overview on the nodes within input and output graphs.


  1. An API key. See Generate your first API key for more information.

  2. Upload an app If you don’t have an app or data already prepared, you can download the movies dataset from the GitHub repository and upload it to the cloud.

  3. A Qlik Resource identifier (QRI). In the Lineage service, the QRIs are served as the node IDs in the graphs. They are also used as query parameters in the API. Here is how you can get the QRIs for applications and datasets:

    1. An app QRI is based on its global unique identifier (GUID). The GUID can be extracted from the URL and is the part that follows /app. For example, if the URL is, then the GUID of the app is 7fc4d85c-0e07-4160-90a9-c2ca4a45fd81, and the QRI is a string composed of the GUID and the prefix qri:app:sense://. Therefore in this example, the QRI will be qri:app:sense://7fc4d85c-0e07-4160-90a9-c2ca4a45fd81.
    2. To retrieve the QRI of a dataset, you can use the Items API GET /items/{itemId}. The itemId used in the API is the unique identifier of the item. It can be extracted from the dataset URL. For example, if the URL is, the unique identifier of the item is 6269671709cdb300381e80d2. The dataset QRI is the value of secureQri under the resourceAttributes section in the API response. It looks approximately like this, qri:qdf:user://g_T6cPqyb7PDRwWKUeLLyx6W85HwvPvgO4cSNod5mLA#b7lP72MUZw8o-iS6deFptraRKOv-EGzFRkQ5gdAzAh8.

Lineage API Usage

Lineage Endpoints

Retrieve lineage graphs for a base node

GET /api/v1/lineage-graphs/nodes/{id} HTTP/1.1
content-type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>

<API_KEY> is your API key.

{id} is the QRI of the base node.

To retrieve the lineage graph with different options, you can add the following optional parameters in the request:

  • level to return a graph on resource, table, field level. By default, the resource level is returned. Example of the request URL with level being used:{id}?level=field
  • up to return a graph based on different numbers of upstream layers of nodes. For instance, if an app has only one input data source and nothing preceding, the upstream layers of the app is one in total. By default, the up parameter is set to 5. To return all layers of upstream nodes, you can use up=-1.
  • collapse to collapse internal nodes. By default, collapse is true. To expand internal nodes in the returned graph, you can use collapse=false.

Here is an example of the returned graph in the response:

  "graph": {
    "directed": true,
    "type": "RESOURCE",
    "label": "Resource Level Lineage for qri:app:sense://d941992a-11b3-42f7-853d-b61274add8b9",
    "nodes": {
      "qri:app:sense://d941992a-11b3-42f7-853d-b61274add8b9": {
        "label": "app",
        "metadata": {
          "subtype": "APPLICATION",
          "type": "DA_APP"
      "qri:qdf:user://g_T6cPqyb7PDRwWKUeLLyx6W85HwvPvgO4cSNod5mLA#b7lP72MUZw8o-iS6deFptraRKOv-EGzFRkQ5gdAzAh8": {
        "label": "test.csv",
        "metadata": {
          "subtype": "FILE",
          "type": "DATASET"
    "edges": [
        "metadata": {},
        "relation": "LOAD",
        "source": "qri:qdf:user://g_T6cPqyb7PDRwWKUeLLyx6W85HwvPvgO4cSNod5mLA#b7lP72MUZw8o-iS6deFptraRKOv-EGzFRkQ5gdAzAh8",
        "target": "qri:app:sense://d941992a-11b3-42f7-853d-b61274add8b9"
    "metadata": {
      "id": "RESOURCE::qri:app:sense://d941992a-11b3-42f7-853d-b61274add8b9",
      "total": 2

Expand a node in a lineage graph

With this endpoint, the user can expand a node to the next level in a lineage graph retrieved using the base node QRI. In the response, the expanded node and its edges are returned, whereas the up and downstream nodes are not included.

GET /api/v1/lineage-graphs/nodes/{id}/actions/expand?node={node_qri}&level=TABLE HTTP/1.1
content-type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>

<API_KEY> is your API key.

{id} is the QRI of the base node.

{node_qri} is the QRI of the node to expand. It’s used in the node as a required parameter. In order to get the TABLE level nodes inside a RESOURCE level node, a RESOURCE level QRI should be used. Similarly, use the TABLE level QRI to get the FIELD level nodes. If a TABLE level QRI is used with level parameter being TABLE, only the RESOURCE level QRI of the node will be taken into consideration.

level is another required parameter to determine what level to expand to. The default value is table. It can also be field.

up and collapse can be used as optional parameters in the request. They work in the same way as they do in the GET /lineage-graphs/nodes/{id}.

Here is an example of the returned graph of the expanded node and its edges:

  "graph": {
    "directed": true,
    "type": "TABLE",
    "label": "Expansion for qri:app:sense://d941992a-11b3-42f7-853d-b61274add8b9",
    "nodes": {
      "qri:app:sense://d941992a-11b3-42f7-853d-b61274add8b9#0PYxyh3bqNs7z8ueBXzcmNA3nxvuAOdaVFFHon2t2YI": {
        "label": "c1",
        "metadata": {
          "type": "TABLE"
    "edges": [
        "relation": "from",
        "source": "qri:qdf:user://g_T6cPqyb7PDRwWKUeLLyx6W85HwvPvgO4cSNod5mLA#b7lP72MUZw8o-iS6deFptraRKOv-EGzFRkQ5gdAzAh8#A7TgITl2fGTo0ZuwU8PWXIAC4ot2TdsMMkLL7-4hSWA",
        "target": "qri:app:sense://d941992a-11b3-42f7-853d-b61274add8b9#0PYxyh3bqNs7z8ueBXzcmNA3nxvuAOdaVFFHon2t2YI"
    "metadata": {}

Retrieve the overview for a list of field level nodes

This endpoint first retrieves a lineage graph using a base node QRI, and then returns the first generation upstream direct lineage for each provided field level node QRI in the request body.

POST /api/v1/lineage-graphs/nodes/{id}/overview HTTP/1.1
content-type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>


<API_KEY> is your API key.

{id} is the QRI of the base node.

up and collapse can be used as optional parameters in the request. They work in the same way as they do in the GET /lineage-graphs/nodes/{id}.

Here is an example of the response:

  "resources": [
      "qri": "qri:app:sense://d941992a-11b3-42f7-853d-b61274add8b9#0PYxyh3bqNs7z8ueBXzcmNA3nxvuAOdaVFFHon2t2YI#0PYxyh3bqNs7z8ueBXzcmNA3nxvuAOdaVFFHon2t2YI",
      "lineage": [
          "resourceLabel": "c1_1.csv",
          "resourceQRI": "qri:qdf:user://g_T6cPqyb7PDRwWKUeLLyx6W85HwvPvgO4cSNod5mLA#b7lP72MUZw8o-iS6deFptraRKOv-EGzFRkQ5gdAzAh8",
          "tableQRI": "qri:qdf:user://g_T6cPqyb7PDRwWKUeLLyx6W85HwvPvgO4cSNod5mLA#b7lP72MUZw8o-iS6deFptraRKOv-EGzFRkQ5gdAzAh8#A7TgITl2fGTo0ZuwU8PWXIAC4ot2TdsMMkLL7-4hSWA",
          "tableLabel": "c1_1"
      "qri": "qri:qdf:user://g_T6cPqyb7PDRwWKUeLLyx6W85HwvPvgO4cSNod5mLA#fbZ_6xbtUgP2_yRC1BND3FKCemE7pWolHOCPQgTALQk#4O6LtQaF4F-g9H7QQgOulT_f0FX1vSiS6hhlBCVPjDo#0PYxyh3bqNs7z8ueBXzcmNA3nxvuAOdaVFFHon2t2YI",
      "lineage": [
          "resourceLabel": "app",
          "resourceQRI": "qri:app:sense://d941992a-11b3-42f7-853d-b61274add8b9",
          "tableQRI": "qri:app:sense://d941992a-11b3-42f7-853d-b61274add8b9#0PYxyh3bqNs7z8ueBXzcmNA3nxvuAOdaVFFHon2t2YI",
          "tableLabel": "c1"

Search for nodes in a lineage graph

This will search for all the nodes in the lineage graphs of all available levels where the labels of the nodes match the search filter. The lineage graphs are retrieved with a base node QRI provided in the request URL.

GET /api/v1/lineage-graphs/nodes/{id}/actions/search HTTP/1.1
content-type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>

<API_KEY> is your API key.

{id} is the QRI of the base node.

filter is a required parameter in this request that follows RFC 7644. The currently supported attribute is label, attribute operator co (contains), and grouping operator or. The search queries are case insensitive. Here is an example of the request URL with filter label co "label1" or label co "label2":{id}/search?filter=label%20co%20%22label1%22%20or%20label%20co%20%22label2%22

up and collapse can be used as optional parameters in the request. They work in the same way as they do in the GET /lineage-graphs/nodes/{id}.

The search response is a list of graphs on all available levels containing the nodes that match the search filter.

Here is an example of the search response:

  "graphs": [
      "directed": false,
      "type": "RESOURCE",
      "label": "",
      "nodes": {
        "qri:qdf:user://g_T6cPqyb7PDRwWKUeLLyx6W85HwvPvgO4cSNod5mLA#b7lP72MUZw8o-iS6deFptraRKOv-EGzFRkQ5gdAzAh8": {
          "label": "c1_1.csv",
          "metadata": {
            "subtype": "FILE",
            "type": "DATASET"
      "edges": null,
      "metadata": null
      "directed": false,
      "type": "TABLE",
      "label": "",
      "nodes": {
        "qri:app:sense://d941992a-11b3-42f7-853d-b61274add8b9#0PYxyh3bqNs7z8ueBXzcmNA3nxvuAOdaVFFHon2t2YI": {
          "label": "c1",
          "metadata": {
            "type": "TABLE"
        "qri:qdf:user://g_T6cPqyb7PDRwWKUeLLyx6W85HwvPvgO4cSNod5mLA#b7lP72MUZw8o-iS6deFptraRKOv-EGzFRkQ5gdAzAh8#A7TgITl2fGTo0ZuwU8PWXIAC4ot2TdsMMkLL7-4hSWA": {
          "label": "c1_1",
          "metadata": {
            "type": "TABLE"
      "edges": null,
      "metadata": null
      "directed": false,
      "type": "FIELD",
      "label": "",
      "nodes": {
        "qri:app:sense://d941992a-11b3-42f7-853d-b61274add8b9#0PYxyh3bqNs7z8ueBXzcmNA3nxvuAOdaVFFHon2t2YI#0PYxyh3bqNs7z8ueBXzcmNA3nxvuAOdaVFFHon2t2YI": {
          "label": "c1",
          "metadata": {
            "type": "FIELD"
        "qri:qdf:user://g_T6cPqyb7PDRwWKUeLLyx6W85HwvPvgO4cSNod5mLA#b7lP72MUZw8o-iS6deFptraRKOv-EGzFRkQ5gdAzAh8#A7TgITl2fGTo0ZuwU8PWXIAC4ot2TdsMMkLL7-4hSWA#0PYxyh3bqNs7z8ueBXzcmNA3nxvuAOdaVFFHon2t2YI": {
          "label": "c1",
          "metadata": {
            "type": "FIELD"
        "qri:qdf:user://g_T6cPqyb7PDRwWKUeLLyx6W85HwvPvgO4cSNod5mLA#fbZ_6xbtUgP2_yRC1BND3FKCemE7pWolHOCPQgTALQk#4O6LtQaF4F-g9H7QQgOulT_f0FX1vSiS6hhlBCVPjDo#0PYxyh3bqNs7z8ueBXzcmNA3nxvuAOdaVFFHon2t2YI": {
          "label": "c1",
          "metadata": {
            "type": "FIELD"
      "edges": null,
      "metadata": null

Impact Analysis Endpoints

Only users with Tenant Admin role have access to these endpoints.

Retrieve the source information of an impact graph

This endpoint retrieves the node information of the base node on all levels.

GET /api/v1/lineage-graphs/impact/{id}/source HTTP/1.1
content-type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>

<API_KEY> is your API key.

{id} is the QRI of the base node.

Here is an example of the response:

  "graphs": [
      "directed": true,
      "type": "RESOURCE",
      "label": "",
      "nodes": {
        "qri:app:sense://d941992a-11b3-42f7-853d-b61274add8b9": {
          "label": "app",
          "metadata": {
            "subtype": "PROCESSOR",
            "type": "DA_APP"
      "edges": [],
      "metadata": {
        "id": "qri:app:sense://d941992a-11b3-42f7-853d-b61274add8b9"
      "directed": true,
      "type": "TABLE",
      "label": "",
      "nodes": {
        "qri:app:sense://d941992a-11b3-42f7-853d-b61274add8b9#0PYxyh3bqNs7z8ueBXzcmNA3nxvuAOdaVFFHon2t2YI": {
          "label": "c1",
          "metadata": {
            "type": "TABLE"
      "edges": [],
      "metadata": {
        "id": "qri:app:sense://d941992a-11b3-42f7-853d-b61274add8b9"
      "directed": true,
      "type": "FIELD",
      "label": "",
      "nodes": {
        "qri:app:sense://d941992a-11b3-42f7-853d-b61274add8b9#0PYxyh3bqNs7z8ueBXzcmNA3nxvuAOdaVFFHon2t2YI#0PYxyh3bqNs7z8ueBXzcmNA3nxvuAOdaVFFHon2t2YI": {
          "label": "c1",
          "metadata": {
            "type": "FIELD"
      "edges": [],
      "metadata": {
        "id": "qri:app:sense://d941992a-11b3-42f7-853d-b61274add8b9"

Retrieve the impact overview for a base node

This returns all the nodes that are impacted by the base node on the resource level. The response graph includes the number of table and field level nodes of each resource level node in the metadata.

GET /api/v1/lineage-graphs/impact/{id}/overview HTTP/1.1
content-type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>

<API_KEY> is your API key.

{id} is the QRI of the base node.

down can be used as an optional parameter in the request. It returns a different number of downstream layers of nodes in the impact graph. By default, the down parameter is set to 5. To get all layers of nodes, you can use down=-1.

Here is an example of the response:

  "graph": {
    "directed": true,
    "type": "RESOURCE",
    "label": "",
    "nodes": {
      "qri:qdf:user://g_T6cPqyb7PDRwWKUeLLyx6W85HwvPvgO4cSNod5mLA#R2nrC7G3EU5LxIBnXten-xk7FIsLMRenDro3ieVoTRA": {
        "label": "output.qvd",
        "metadata": {
          "fields": 1,
          "tables": 1
      "qri:qdf:user://g_T6cPqyb7PDRwWKUeLLyx6W85HwvPvgO4cSNod5mLA#fbZ_6xbtUgP2_yRC1BND3FKCemE7pWolHOCPQgTALQk": {
        "label": "output.csv",
        "metadata": {
          "fields": 1,
          "tables": 1
    "edges": [],
    "metadata": {
      "id": "OVERVIEW:qri:app:sense://d941992a-11b3-42f7-853d-b61274add8b9"

Expand a node impacted by the base node

With this endpoint, the user can expand a node in an impact graph retrieved using the base node QRI. In the response, the expanded node and its edges are returned, whereas the up and downstream nodes are not included.

GET /api/v1/lineage-graphs/nodes/{id}/actions/expand?node={node_qri}&level=TABLE HTTP/1.1
content-type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>

<API_KEY> is your API key.

{id} is the QRI of the base node.

{node_qri} is the QRI of the node to expand. It’s used in the node as a required parameter.

level is another required parameter to determine to what level to expand. The default value is table. It can also be field.

down can be used as an optional parameter in the request. It returns different number of downstream layers of nodes in the impact graph. By default, the down parameter is set to 5. To get all layers of nodes, you can use down=-1.

Here is an example of the response:

  "graph": {
    "directed": true,
    "type": "TABLE",
    "label": "test",
    "nodes": {
      "qri:app:sense://d941992a-11b3-42f7-853d-b61274add8b9#0PYxyh3bqNs7z8ueBXzcmNA3nxvuAOdaVFFHon2t2YI": {
        "label": "c1",
        "metadata": {
          "fields": 1,
          "type": "TABLE"
    "edges": [],
    "metadata": {
      "id": "qri:app:sense://d941992a-11b3-42f7-853d-b61274add8b9"

Search for nodes impacted by the base node

This will search for all the nodes in the impact graphs of all available levels where the labels of the nodes match the search filter. The impact graphs are retrieved with a base node QRI provided in the request URL.

GET /api/v1/lineage-graphs/impact/{id}/actions/search HTTP/1.1
content-type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>

<API_KEY> is your API key.

{id} is the QRI of the base node.

filter is a required parameter in this request that follows RFC 7644. The currently supported attribute is label, attribute operator co (contains), and grouping operator or. The search queries are case insensitive. Here is an example of the request URL with filter label co "label1" or label co "label2":{id}/search?filter=label%20co%20%22label1%22%20or%20label%20co%20%22label2%22

down can be used as an optional parameter in the request. It works in the same way as it does in the GET /lineage-graphs/impact/{id}/overview.

The search response is a list of graphs on all available levels containing the nodes that match the search filter.

Here is an example of the response:

    "graphs": [
            "directed": false,
            "type": "RESOURCE",
            "label": "",
            "nodes": {
                "qri:qdf:user://g_T6cPqyb7PDRwWKUeLLyx6W85HwvPvgO4cSNod5mLA#fbZ_6xbtUgP2_yRC1BND3FKCemE7pWolHOCPQgTALQk": {
                    "label": "output.csv",
                    "metadata": {
                        "subtype": "FILE",
                        "type": "DATASET"
            "edges": null,
            "metadata": null
            "directed": false,
            "type": "TABLE",
            "label": "",
            "nodes": {
                "qri:app:sense://d941992a-11b3-42f7-853d-b61274add8b9#0PYxyh3bqNs7z8ueBXzcmNA3nxvuAOdaVFFHon2t2YI-v0": {
                    "label": "c1",
                    "metadata": {
                        "type": "TABLE"
                "qri:app:sense://d941992a-11b3-42f7-853d-b61274add8b9#0PYxyh3bqNs7z8ueBXzcmNA3nxvuAOdaVFFHon2t2YI-v1": {
                    "label": "c1",
                    "metadata": {
                        "stored": true,
                        "type": "TABLE"
                "qri:qdf:user://g_T6cPqyb7PDRwWKUeLLyx6W85HwvPvgO4cSNod5mLA#R2nrC7G3EU5LxIBnXten-xk7FIsLMRenDro3ieVoTRA#0PYxyh3bqNs7z8ueBXzcmNA3nxvuAOdaVFFHon2t2YI-v0": {
                    "label": "c1",
                    "metadata": {
                        "type": "TABLE"
            "edges": null,
            "metadata": null
            "directed": false,
            "type": "FIELD",
            "label": "",
            "nodes": {
                "qri:app:sense://d941992a-11b3-42f7-853d-b61274add8b9#0PYxyh3bqNs7z8ueBXzcmNA3nxvuAOdaVFFHon2t2YI#0PYxyh3bqNs7z8ueBXzcmNA3nxvuAOdaVFFHon2t2YI-v0": {
                    "label": "c1",
                    "metadata": {
                        "type": "FIELD"
                "qri:app:sense://d941992a-11b3-42f7-853d-b61274add8b9#0PYxyh3bqNs7z8ueBXzcmNA3nxvuAOdaVFFHon2t2YI#0PYxyh3bqNs7z8ueBXzcmNA3nxvuAOdaVFFHon2t2YI-v1": {
                    "label": "c1",
                    "metadata": {
                        "type": "FIELD"
                "qri:qdf:user://g_T6cPqyb7PDRwWKUeLLyx6W85HwvPvgO4cSNod5mLA#R2nrC7G3EU5LxIBnXten-xk7FIsLMRenDro3ieVoTRA#0PYxyh3bqNs7z8ueBXzcmNA3nxvuAOdaVFFHon2t2YI#0PYxyh3bqNs7z8ueBXzcmNA3nxvuAOdaVFFHon2t2YI-v0": {
                    "label": "c1",
                    "metadata": {
                        "type": "FIELD"
                "qri:qdf:user://g_T6cPqyb7PDRwWKUeLLyx6W85HwvPvgO4cSNod5mLA#fbZ_6xbtUgP2_yRC1BND3FKCemE7pWolHOCPQgTALQk#4O6LtQaF4F-g9H7QQgOulT_f0FX1vSiS6hhlBCVPjDo#0PYxyh3bqNs7z8ueBXzcmNA3nxvuAOdaVFFHon2t2YI-v0": {
                    "label": "c1",
                    "metadata": {
                        "type": "FIELD"
            "edges": null,
            "metadata": null
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