Disable & delete tenants

Important! Deleting a tenant is a permanent action. Neither you nor Qlik can restore data from the tenant after it has been purged from Qlik Cloud. Use this capability with caution.


Tenants are the highest level of logical separation in Qlik Cloud available to Qlik customers. When using a multitenant entitlement, you gain the ability to programmatically create and delete tenants via API, which is not possible for single tenant entitlements.

The most common use case for tenant deletion is in an OEM context where you create a tenant per end customer and offboard customers and delete their tenant as their contracts with you come to an end. To learn more about the lifecycle of OEM in Qlik Cloud, review the Platform Operations tutorial series.

Note: A region level OAuth client is required to request the deletion of tenants. This is not available if you have a single tenant entitlement.

Tenant deletion

Tenant deletion is a process that is designed to reduce the risk of accidental data loss through human or system error.

The process is:

  1. You send a request to the deletion endpoint. To do this, you will need:
    • Regional OAuth client credentials. For more information on these credentials, refer to the guide for authenticating for platform operations and review how to deploy regional OAuth clients for the tenant which you wish to delete.
    • The hostname for the tenant which you wish to delete.
    • The tenant ID for the tenant which you wish to delete.
    • The number of days that the tenant will be in a deactivated state before being deleted. This can be 10-90 days; the default is 30 days.
  2. At any point up until the estimated purge date (calculated using your input for the number of days the tenant will remain in deactivated state) you may reactivate the tenant or reset the countdown timer with no loss of data.
  3. After the estimated purge date has passed, neither you nor Qlik will be able to retrieve any data from the tenant.

It is not possible to immediately delete a tenant from Qlik Cloud via this API; the minimum purge delay is 10 days. If you require immediate removal, contact Qlik.

Entitlements and usage

If you have a limit on the number of tenants that can be created on your entitlement, then each tenant deleted will permit you to create a new tenant to replace it.

Deleting a tenant will not deallocate user-based entitlements assigned on that tenant - you should do this activity using the licenses API. Any entitlements consumed in the month, such as Application Automation runs, will still be counted in your overall monthly consumption.


  • A regional OAuth client and a tenant that you wish to delete.
  • Development environment or terminal for running examples on the command-line.
  • cURL for running the inline examples.

Note: The cURL examples in this tutorial show the command syntax for Windows Command Prompt. If you are using another command line interface, different syntax may be required for line continuation. You may also need to adjust the number and type of quotes surrounding the parameters and their values.

Variable substitution and vocabulary

Throughout this tutorial, variables will be used to communicate value placement. The variable substitution format is <VARIABLE_NAME>. Here is a list of variables referred to in this tutorial.

<TENANT>The domain for the tenant that this tutorial will request deletion for. Equivalent to tenanthostname.<REGION>.qlikcloud.com.
<TENANT_ID>The Qlik Cloud ID for tenant <TENANT>.
<REGISTRATION_TENANT>The registration endpoint used for requesting deletion of Qlik Cloud tenants (the same as for creating new tenants). Equivalent to register.<REGION>.qlikcloud.com
<REGION>The region identifier for the Qlik Cloud region that you’re sending requests to. Examples include ap for Australia, eu for Ireland, sg for Singapore, and us for North America.
<REGISTER_ACCESS_TOKEN>A bearer token for authorizing https requests to the <REGISTRATION_TENANT> endpoint.

Generate credentials & retrieve an access token

To send tenant deactivation and reactivation requests, you require an access token valid for the <REGISTRATION_TENANT>. These can be generated from the relevant regional OAuth clients. For a reminder of how to do this, review Create a tenant. Save the access token as <REGISTER_ACCESS_TOKEN>.

Deactivating a tenant

To schedule a tenant for deletion, it must be deactivated. Deactivate the tenant by issuing a request to the tenant registration endpoint, adding the following information:

  • The tenant ID, <TENANT_ID>, needs to be in the URL path.
  • The tenant hostname, <TENANT>, needs to be in the qlik-confirm-hostname header to confirm the tenant that you wish to deactivate.
  • If you wish to set a purge period different than the default of 30 days, you should set this value in the POST body in the purgeAfterDays attribute.

Note: If you need to retrieve the tenant ID, review how to obtain the tenant ID.

This example demonstrates a 10 day grace period after the API call is made before the tenant is deleted. After this period has passed, there will be no way of recovering the tenant. You can set purgeAfterDays to a value between 10 and 90 days.

Using cURL, send the request:

curl -L "https://<REGISTRATION_TENANT>/api/v1/tenants/<TENANT_ID>/actions/deactivate" ^
-H "Authorization: Bearer <REGISTER_ACCESS_TOKEN>" ^
-H "qlik-confirm-hostname: <TENANT>" ^
-H "Content-Type: application/json" ^
-H "Accept: application/json" ^
-d "{\"purgeAfterDays\": 10}"

The result is a JSON object confirming the new tenant state:

    "id": "zWbTyyJ5lzYLnm9taTD49ja4JVdNKBUM",
    "status": "disabled",
    "estimatedPurgeDate": "2023-07-30T14:01:22.000Z"

The tenant will be permanently deleted from Qlik Cloud around the estimatedPurgeDate. Until that date, you can re-enable the tenant. Learn how to do that at manage tenants.

Reactivating a tenant

A tenant in the deactivated state can be reactivated at any point until the estimated purge date, with no loss of data.

To reactivate a tenant, send the following request:

curl -L "https://<REGISTRATION_TENANT>/api/v1/tenants/<TENANT_ID>/actions/reactivate" ^
-H "Authorization: Bearer <REGISTER_ACCESS_TOKEN>" ^
-H "qlik-confirm-hostname: <TENANT>" ^
-H "Content-Type: application/json" ^
-H "Accept: application/json"

The result is a JSON object informing you that the tenant has been reactivated.

    "id": "zWbTyyJ5lzYLnm9taTD49ja4JVdNKBUM",
    "status": "active"

Tracking tenant deletion events

If you schedule a tenant for deletion, attempting to access that tenant will result in a message similar to:

    "errors": [
            "title": "Tenant has been deactivated. Contact your administrator for more details.",
            "code": "TENANT_DISABLED",
            "status": "401"
    "traceId": "00000000000000009a3a5a25531c1e2d"

It will not be possible to access any data on this tenant while deactivated. If you subsequently choose to reactivate the tenant, you will be able to review prior deletion requests using the audits API by filtering on eventType of com.qlik.v1.tenant.deactivated for deactivations and com.qlik.v1.tenant.reactivated for reactivations.

A deactivation event will appear as com.qlik.v1.tenant.deactivated with:

    "hostnames": [
    "id": "zWbTyyJ5lzYLnm9taTD49ja4JVdNKBUM",
    "name": "tenant name",
    "purgeAfterDays": "2023-07-30T04:31:29.000Z"

A reactivation event will appear as com.qlik.v1.tenant.reactivated with:

    "hostnames": [
    "id": "zWbTyyJ5lzYLnm9taTD49ja4JVdNKBUM",
    "name": "tenant name"
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