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Deploy an automation to a tenant

Deploy an automation to a tenant

In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to deploy an automation for Qlik Application Automation from a source to a target tenant.

There are many use cases where automations can make management or operations more efficient, in this example automating the provisioning of user access to a space when the user logs into the tenant for the first time - this is useful in scenarios where your Identity Provider doesn’t support sending groups for space level access control. This removes the need for manual user onboarding steps and provides a timely (near-instant) onboarding for new users joining the tenant.

This guide is part of the Platform Operations path for creating and configuring target tenants to support embedded analytics in host applications like other SaaS software or enterprise applications.

Code examples

Complete script examples for deploying Qlik content using qlik-cli, curl, Python, and API collections are available here.


  • You have reviewed previous tutorials in the Platform Operations series, since this tutorial builds upon concepts covered in those earlier.
  • You have the name or id of an automation on your source tenant that you want to deploy to your target tenant.
  • You have deployed a sample automation to your source tenant. You can use the example payload provided in section 1.4, or import the workspace example from here.
  • cURL for running the inline examples.

Variable substitution

Throughout this tutorial, variables will be used to communicate value placement. The variable substitution format is <VARIABLE_NAME>. Here is a list of variables referred to in this tutorial.

<SOURCE_TENANT>The domain for the initial tenant created during account onboarding. Equivalent to
<TARGET_TENANT>The domain for the new tenant that this tutorial will create. Equivalent to
<SOURCE_ACCESS_TOKEN>A bearer token for authorizing https requests to the <SOURCE_TENANT>.
<TARGET_ACCESS_TOKEN>A bearer token for authorizing https requests to the <TARGET_TENANT>.
<BOT_USER_ID>The user id for the bot user (or whichever user is making the API calls) to the <SOURCE_TENANT>.
<DUMMY_USER_ID>The user id for the dummy account you created on the <TARGET_TENANT> for verifying that the deployed automation is functioning.
<ORIGINAL_USER_ID>The user id for the original owner of the automation on the <SOURCE_TENANT>.
<AUTOMATION_NAME>The name of the automation that you’re deploying from the <SOURCE_TENANT> to <TARGET_TENANT>.
<SOURCE_ATM_ID>The Qlik Cloud id for the automation <AUTOMATION_NAME> on the <SOURCE_TENANT>.
<TARGET_ATM_ID>The Qlik Cloud id for the automation <AUTOMATION_NAME> on the <TARGET_TENANT>.
<TARGET_SPACE_ID>The Qlik Cloud id for the space on the <TARGET_TENANT> used for verifying that the deployed automation is functioning.

1 Export a Qlik automation from the source tenant

Exporting automations from a tenant requires the following actions via the /automations API:

  • Retrieving the automation id (if you don’t know this already).
  • Verifying that the automation is owned by the bot user account (ownership is required to access an automation).
  • Retrieving the automation definition.

1.1 Retrieve the automation ID and owner

You can use filters to search for the correct automation. This example demonstrates searching for an automation by <AUTOMATION_NAME>, however as automation names are not unique within a tenant, additional filter attributes may be required.

curl -L -X GET "https://<SOURCE_TENANT>/api/v1/automations?filter=name eq \"<AUTOMATION_NAME>\"" ^
-H "Authorization: Bearer <SOURCE_ACCESS_TOKEN>" ^
-H "Content-Type: application/json" ^
-H "Accept: application/json"

The response carries the <SOURCE_ATM_ID>, and the owner of the automation <ORIGINAL_USER_ID>, which you will use later.

  "data": [
          "id": "<SOURCE_ATM_ID>",
          "ownerId": "<ORIGINAL_USER_ID>",
          "name": "<AUTOMATION_NAME>",
          "state": "available",
          "description": "This webhook-driven automation assigns a new user as a consumer to a managed space named \"Production\" once the user logs into Qlik for the first time.",
          "lastRunStatus": "success",
          "runMode": "webhook",
          "createdAt": "2022-12-22T17:53:05.000000Z",
          "updatedAt": "2022-12-22T17:57:04.000000Z",
          "lastRunAt": "2022-12-22T17:53:47.000000Z"

The automation will normally have been created by an interactive user on the <SOURCE_TENANT>, while your automation scripts will be running under a bot user, so the tutorial will show you how to change this ownership of the automation between these two users.

If you attempt to access the automation via a user other than the owner, a 403 error will be shown.

Note: If you change ownership of an automation, any connections (other than the Qlik Cloud connector) will stop working as these are not transferred with the automation. Changelog history will be lost. Creating or recreating connections is not yet supported via API.

1.2 Retrieve the bot user id

To retrieve the user id of the identity making these API calls, use the users API:

curl -L -X GET "https://<SOURCE_TENANT>/api/v1/users/me" ^
-H "Authorization: Bearer <SOURCE_ACCESS_TOKEN>" ^
-H "Content-Type: application/json" ^
-H "Accept: application/json"

If you follow the redirect response from this endpoint, you will return the user’s information and be able to retrieve the <BOT_USER_ID>:

    "id": "<BOT_USER_ID>",
    "tenantId": "BL4tTJ4S7xrHTcq0zQxQrJ5qB1_Q6cSo",
    "clientId": "f0e92f326ac77427df155940fec39e6a",
    "status": "active",
    "subject": "qlikbot\\f0e92f326ac77427df155940fec39e6a",
    "name": "EU OAuth Client",
    "roles": [

1.3 Change the owner of the automation to the bot user

Now change the ownership of the automation with a POST request:

curl -L -X POST "https://<SOURCE_TENANT>/api/v1/automations/<SOURCE_ATM_ID>/actions/move" ^
-H "Authorization: Bearer <SOURCE_ACCESS_TOKEN>" ^
-H "Content-Type: application/json" ^
-H "Accept: application/json" ^
-d "{
    \"userId\": \"<BOT_USER_ID>\"

The automation will now be owned by the bot user, and you will now be able to access the automation definition.

1.4 Retrieve the automation definition

You can retrieve the automation definition and metadata with:

curl -L -X GET "https://<SOURCE_TENANT>/api/v1/automations/<SOURCE_ATM_ID>" ^
-H "Authorization: Bearer <SOURCE_ACCESS_TOKEN>" ^
-H "Content-Type: application/json" ^
-H "Accept: application/json"

The response will be a large JSON object which details the automation name, description, other metadata, and the blocks and logic within the automation. This can be used as the payload for the request into the <TARGET_TENANT> as the API will strip out any redundant fields or metadata during the import process.

The JSON response is shown in full here in case you wish to use it directly in your tenant, but the automation workspace file is also referenced in the prerequisites section if you prefer to build the request yourself.

    "id": "74b4a630-8225-11ed-a03f-afd11588e895",
    "ownerId": "637390ec6541614d3a88d6c1",
    "name": "Add new user to Production managed space",
    "state": "available",
    "description": "This webhook-driven automation assigns a new user as a consumer to a managed space named \"Production\" once the user logs into Qlik for the first time.",
    "schedules": [
            "id": "74c5be00-8225-11ed-b81c-77de9cdb8edd",
            "startAt": null,
            "stopAt": null,
            "lastStartAt": null,
            "interval": -1,
            "timezone": "Europe/London"
    "snippetIds": [],
    "endpointIds": [
    "connectorIds": [
    "workspace": {
        "blocks": [
                "x": 0,
                "y": 0,
                "id": "2252CA1C-FDAF-4634-B1B4-F43283AA074B",
                "name": "UserCreated",
                "type": "StartBlock",
                "inputs": [
                        "id": "run_mode",
                        "type": "select",
                        "value": "webhook",
                        "structure": []
                        "id": "datasourcetype_guid",
                        "type": "select",
                        "value": "61a87510-c7a3-11ea-95da-0fb0c241e75c",
                        "structure": [],
                        "displayValue": "Qlik Cloud Services"
                        "id": "webhook_event_guid",
                        "type": "select",
                        "value": "5be4c220-6156-11eb-a3df-fdbac6cc38a0",
                        "structure": [],
                        "displayValue": "User Created"
                        "id": "test_payload",
                        "type": "json",
                        "value": "{\n  \"data\": {\n    \"id\": \"example_4Py5kq5i3OhUWAfBauEyPd423eSNJF8X\",\n    \"subject\": \"example_auth0|f6b3fd7b7a3f625904134b89379372375300cff2dafc31a65a17cc093bb690b2\",\n    \"tenantId\": \"example_WL69WlNT4PRbwAA8EZ1sDblqjthluHL1\"\n  },\n  \"source\": \"com.qlik/users\",\n  \"eventId\": \"example_CGMoX8zP3RaPcGLKxQ_Sy5N4O0bh9XxE\",\n  \"eventTime\": \"2021-09-09T09:32:53.782Z\",\n  \"eventType\": \"com.qlik.v1.user.created\",\n  \"extensions\": {\n    \"userId\": \"example_BlVarUAUM9I0ei3MmKMejlDaF1sKPnN5\",\n    \"tenantId\": \"example_WL69WlNT4PRbwAA8EZ1sDblqjthluHL1\"\n  },\n  \"contentType\": \"application/json\",\n  \"eventTypeVersion\": \"1.0.0\",\n  \"cloudEventsVersion\": \"0.1\"\n}",
                        "structure": []
                        "id": "webhook_documentation",
                        "type": "string",
                        "value": null,
                        "structure": []
                "childId": "689E8B00-5803-4A44-B0C2-BBE363933BBC",
                "comment": null,
                "disabled": false,
                "settings": [],
                "collapsed": [
                        "name": "loop",
                        "isCollapsed": false
                "displayName": "User Created",
                "loopBlockId": null
                "x": -60,
                "y": 277,
                "id": "9303A69B-E135-4911-A930-A50904EB9D3E",
                "name": "addMemberToSpace",
                "type": "EndpointBlock",
                "inputs": [
                        "id": "3162f740-6d33-11eb-a089-71f7ccab24b9",
                        "type": "string",
                        "value": "{$}",
                        "structure": []
                        "id": "27499b00-6d31-11eb-bbe5-5b3db3c974dc",
                        "type": "string",
                        "value": "{$}",
                        "structure": []
                        "id": "2751b870-6d31-11eb-9d77-41c5fae28bc5",
                        "type": "string",
                        "value": "[\"consumer\"]",
                        "structure": []
                        "id": "275e2c50-6d31-11eb-8eeb-157347755492",
                        "type": "select",
                        "value": "aec7c5b0-6d32-11eb-a4b2-f5e181a2c241",
                        "structure": [],
                        "displayValue": "user"
                "childId": null,
                "comment": null,
                "disabled": false,
                "settings": [
                        "id": "blendr_on_error",
                        "type": "select",
                        "value": "stop",
                        "structure": []
                "collapsed": [
                        "name": "loop",
                        "isCollapsed": false
                "displayName": "Qlik Cloud Services - Add Member To Space",
                "loopBlockId": null,
                "endpoint_guid": "272d9c70-6d31-11eb-870f-67624392ed86",
                "datasourcetype_guid": "61a87510-c7a3-11ea-95da-0fb0c241e75c"
                "x": 249,
                "y": 200,
                "id": "689E8B00-5803-4A44-B0C2-BBE363933BBC",
                "name": "searchSpaces",
                "type": "EndpointBlock",
                "inputs": [
                        "id": "592e21a0-6d2e-11eb-9985-3ff14fb3335f",
                        "type": "string",
                        "value": "managed",
                        "structure": []
                        "id": "5935dec0-6d2e-11eb-8365-ab8493d4c237",
                        "type": "string",
                        "value": null,
                        "structure": []
                        "id": "593c5340-6d2e-11eb-a82b-e17cfa6c8a6d",
                        "type": "string",
                        "value": "+name",
                        "structure": []
                        "id": "59429c60-6d2e-11eb-b7b1-e7ca1f22830c",
                        "type": "string",
                        "value": "Production",
                        "structure": []
                        "id": "5949c230-6d2e-11eb-b345-99be61e9908c",
                        "type": "string",
                        "value": null,
                        "structure": []
                "childId": null,
                "comment": null,
                "disabled": false,
                "settings": [
                        "id": "maxitemcount",
                        "type": "string",
                        "value": null,
                        "structure": []
                        "id": "blendr_on_error",
                        "type": "select",
                        "value": "stop",
                        "structure": []
                "collapsed": [
                        "name": "loop",
                        "isCollapsed": false
                "displayName": "Qlik Cloud Services - Search Spaces",
                "loopBlockId": "9303A69B-E135-4911-A930-A50904EB9D3E",
                "endpoint_guid": "590a1a20-6d2e-11eb-9714-df1bbaac055d",
                "datasourcetype_guid": "61a87510-c7a3-11ea-95da-0fb0c241e75c"
        "variables": []
    "lastRun": {
        "id": "c45cdd10-82ad-11ed-834b-63e6d75919cb",
        "context": "webhook",
        "status": "finished",
        "title": null,
        "isTestRun": false,
        "isArchived": true,
        "error": null,
        "startTime": "2022-12-23T10:37:15.000000Z",
        "stopTime": "2022-12-23T10:37:15.000000Z",
        "scheduledStartTime": null,
        "createdAt": "2022-12-23T10:37:15.000000Z",
        "updatedAt": null
    "lastRunStatus": "finished",
    "executionToken": "H1uYyOyeziIvUVKljy5rgd9ypneELVSTwg08uN2FNIyxrkveOhEwuAuHjw2E2tYH",
    "runMode": "webhook",
    "createdAt": "2022-12-22T18:21:30.000000Z",
    "updatedAt": "2022-12-23T10:37:15.000000Z",
    "lastRunAt": "2022-12-23T10:37:15.000000Z"

1.5 Return the automation to the original owner

To ensure the former owner of the automation regains access to it, you should move the automation back to that user with another POST request, this time specifying the <ORIGINAL_USER_ID>:

curl -L -X POST "https://<SOURCE_TENANT>/api/v1/automations/<SOURCE_ATM_ID>/actions/move" ^
-H "Authorization: Bearer <SOURCE_ACCESS_TOKEN>" ^
-H "Content-Type: application/json" ^
-H "Accept: application/json" ^
-d "{
    \"userId\": \"<ORIGINAL_USER_ID>\"

2 Deploy the automation to the target tenant

Now that you have the automation definition, you can deploy it to the target tenant. You can use the definition returned from the source tenant, or construct the JSON payload using a workspace and provide your own automation configuration and metadata. See the /automations API specification for the attributes that are respected from the payload.

In this example, you send the unmodified payload from section 1.4 and use this to recreate the automation in the target tenant:

curl -L -X POST "https://<TARGET_TENANT>/api/v1/automations" ^
-H "Content-Type: application/json" ^
-H "Authorization: Bearer <TARGET_ACCESS_TOKEN>" ^
-d "{
    \"id\": \"74b4a630-8225-11ed-a03f-afd11588e895\",
    \"ownerId\": \"637390ec6541614d3a88d6c1\",
    \"name\": \"Add new user to Production managed space\",
    \"state\": \"available\",
    \"description\": \"This webhook-driven automation assigns a new user as a consumer to a managed space named \\\"Production\\\" once the user logs into Qlik for the first time.\",
    \"schedules\": [
            \"id\": \"74c5be00-8225-11ed-b81c-77de9cdb8edd\",
            \"startAt\": null,
            \"stopAt\": null,
            \"lastStartAt\": null,
            \"interval\": -1,
            \"timezone\": \"Europe/London\"
    \"snippetIds\": [],
    \"endpointIds\": [
    \"connectorIds\": [
    \"workspace\": {
        \"blocks\": [
                \"x\": 0,
                \"y\": 0,
                \"id\": \"2252CA1C-FDAF-4634-B1B4-F43283AA074B\",
                \"name\": \"UserCreated\",
                \"type\": \"StartBlock\",
                \"inputs\": [
                        \"id\": \"run_mode\",
                        \"type\": \"select\",
                        \"value\": \"webhook\",
                        \"structure\": []
                        \"id\": \"datasourcetype_guid\",
                        \"type\": \"select\",
                        \"value\": \"61a87510-c7a3-11ea-95da-0fb0c241e75c\",
                        \"structure\": [],
                        \"displayValue\": \"Qlik Cloud Services\"
                        \"id\": \"webhook_event_guid\",
                        \"type\": \"select\",
                        \"value\": \"5be4c220-6156-11eb-a3df-fdbac6cc38a0\",
                        \"structure\": [],
                        \"displayValue\": \"User Created\"
                        \"id\": \"test_payload\",
                        \"type\": \"json\",
                        \"value\": \"{\n  \\\"data\\\": {\n    \\\"id\\\": \\\"example_4Py5kq5i3OhUWAfBauEyPd423eSNJF8X\\\",\\n    \\\"subject\\\": \\\"example_auth0|f6b3fd7b7a3f625904134b89379372375300cff2dafc31a65a17cc093bb690b2\\\",\\n    \\\"tenantId\\\": \\\"example_WL69WlNT4PRbwAA8EZ1sDblqjthluHL1\\\"\\n  },\\n  \\\"source\\\": \\\"com.qlik/users\\\",\\n  \\\"eventId\\\": \\\"example_CGMoX8zP3RaPcGLKxQ_Sy5N4O0bh9XxE\\\",\\n  \\\"eventTime\\\": \\\"2021-09-09T09:32:53.782Z\\\",\\n  \\\"eventType\\\": \\\"com.qlik.v1.user.created\\\",\\n  \\\"extensions\\\": {\\n    \\\"userId\\\": \\\"example_BlVarUAUM9I0ei3MmKMejlDaF1sKPnN5\\\",\\n    \\\"tenantId\\\": \\\"example_WL69WlNT4PRbwAA8EZ1sDblqjthluHL1\\\"\\n  },\\n  \\\"contentType\\\": \\\"application/json\\\",\\n  \\\"eventTypeVersion\\\": \\\"1.0.0\\\",\\n  \\\"cloudEventsVersion\\\": \\\"0.1\\\"\\n}\",
                        \"structure\": []
                        \"id\": \"webhook_documentation\",
                        \"type\": \"string\",
                        \"value\": null,
                        \"structure\": []
                \"childId\": \"689E8B00-5803-4A44-B0C2-BBE363933BBC\",
                \"comment\": null,
                \"disabled\": false,
                \"settings\": [],
                \"collapsed\": [
                        \"name\": \"loop\",
                        \"isCollapsed\": false
                \"displayName\": \"User Created\",
                \"loopBlockId\": null
        \"variables\": []
    \"lastRun\": {
        \"id\": \"c45cdd10-82ad-11ed-834b-63e6d75919cb\",
        \"context\": \"webhook\",
        \"status\": \"finished\",
        \"title\": null,
        \"isTestRun\": false,
        \"isArchived\": true,
        \"error\": null,
        \"startTime\": \"2022-12-23T10:37:15.000000Z\",
        \"stopTime\": \"2022-12-23T10:37:15.000000Z\",
        \"scheduledStartTime\": null,
        \"createdAt\": \"2022-12-23T10:37:15.000000Z\",
        \"updatedAt\": null
    \"lastRunStatus\": \"finished\",
    \"executionToken\": \"H1uYyOyeziIvUVKljy5rgd9ypneELVSTwg08uN2FNIyxrkveOhEwuAuHjw2E2tYH\",
    \"runMode\": \"webhook\",
    \"createdAt\": \"2022-12-22T18:21:30.000000Z\",
    \"updatedAt\": \"2022-12-23T10:37:15.000000Z\",
    \"lastRunAt\": \"2022-12-23T10:37:15.000000Z\"

The response will contain the definition for the new automation:

    "id": "2e59b3c0-82ac-11ed-9a55-0f12ebd2b675",
    "ownerId": "CBg-NdDpqyFZIHRxylm03Pr2Gp3U7Ynn",
    "name": "Add new user to Production managed space",
    "state": "available",
    "description": "This webhook-driven automation assigns a new user as a consumer to a managed space named \"Production\" once the user logs into Qlik for the first time.",
    "schedules": [
            "id": "2e69ca60-82ac-11ed-9db9-31ce2f4c6db4",
            "startAt": null,
            "stopAt": null,
            "lastStartAt": null,
            "interval": -1,
            "timezone": "Europe/London"
    "snippetIds": [],
    "endpointIds": [
    "connectorIds": [
    "workspace": {

3 Test the automation by creating a test user

If you deployed the example automation referenced in this guide, you can verify it is functioning correctly by creating a dummy user in the tenant. The automation will trigger on creation of the user and assign them access to a managed space named Production.

Prior to running this test, ensure that you have either:

  • Created a managed space called Production, or
  • Amended the automation to point to a space that you have created with a different name.

3.1 Create a dummy user

To create a dummy user, specify a subject and email address that don’t exist and send the request to the target tenant:

curl -L -X POST "https://<TARGET_TENANT>/api/v1/users" ^
-H "Authorization: Bearer <TARGET_ACCESS_TOKEN>" ^
-H "Content-Type: application/json" ^
-H "Accept: application/json" ^
-d "{
    \"name\": \"AutomationTestUser\",
    \"email\": \"null@null.null\",
    \"status\": \"active\",
    \"subject\": \"thiswontwork|doesntwork\"

If the user is created successfully, a new user record will be returned with a new <DUMMY_USER_ID>:

    "id": "<DUMMY_USER_ID>",
    "tenantId": "BL4tTJ4S7xrHTcq0zQxQrJ5qB1_Q6cSo",
    "status": "active",
    "subject": "thiswontwork|doesntwork",
    "name": "AutomationTestUser",
    "email": "null@null.null",

At this point, you can verify the last run state of the automation by loading the definition as you did in section 1.4, or you can review the target space to validate that the user was correctly assigned with the expected roles.

3.2 Get the id of the managed space

If you wish to review what role the user was assigned, you need to load the details for the space.

To load the assignments to the managed space you need to retrieve the space id. This can be done using a filter on the /spaces API for name eq "Production":

curl -L -X GET "https://<TARGET_TENANT>/api/v1/spaces?filter=name eq \"Production\"" ^
-H "Authorization: Bearer <TARGET_ACCESS_TOKEN>" ^
-H "Content-Type: application/json" ^
-H "Accept: application/json"

This will return the space definition, from which you can retrieve the id as <TARGET_SPACE_ID>:

    "data": [
            "id": "<TARGET_SPACE_ID>",
            "type": "managed",
            "ownerId": "637390ec6541614d3a88d6c1",
            "tenantId": "BL4tTJ4S7xrHTcq0zQxQrJ5qB1_Q6cSo",
            "name": "Production",
            "description": "External production space for app consumption",

3.3 Review space assignment listing

Using <TARGET_SPACE_ID> you can retrieve the users assigned to the space to verify that the automation was successful:

curl -L -X GET "https://<TARGET_TENANT>/api/v1/spaces/<TARGET_SPACE_ID>/assignments" ^
-H "Authorization: Bearer <TARGET_ACCESS_TOKEN>" ^
-H "Content-Type: application/json" ^
-H "Accept: application/json"

You can review the response to locate the <DUMMY_USER_ID> user and verify that they were correctly assigned the consumer role as specified in the automation:

    "data": [
            "id": "63a584db606b935ecf83c547",
            "type": "user",
            "assigneeId": "<DUMMY_USER_ID>",
            "roles": [
            "spaceId": "6373a8d19ae129379863f613",
            "tenantId": "BL4tTJ4S7xrHTcq0zQxQrJ5qB1_Q6cSo",

3.4 Delete the test user

With the test complete, it is good practice to delete any dummy users. You can do this with a DELETE call to the users API:

curl -L -X DELETE "https://<TARGET_TENANT>/api/v1/users/<DUMMY_USER_ID>" ^
-H "Content-Type: application/json" ^
-H "Authorization: Bearer <TARGET_ACCESS_TOKEN>"

A 204 response indicates that the dummy user has been successfully deleted from the target tenant.

Next steps

Now that you have a tenant configured and hydrated with content, you can delete the tenant.

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