Use interactive auth or separated credentials


Some analytics data connections in Qlik Cloud support interactive authentication patterns, and/or support the storage of their credentials separate to the data connection definition.

Interactive credentials are those which require a user to visit a web page to log in and click a button to authorize the use of these credentials with the connection.

Separated credentials allow each user of a data connection to bring their own authentication, rather than requiring the owner of the data connection to embed their credentials in the connection.

If you are not familiar with creating analytics data connections, or you wish to create a connection using password, key, or certificate based credentials, refer to the create data connections topic.


Note: The cURL examples in this tutorial show the command syntax for Windows Command Prompt. If you are using another command line interface, different syntax may be required for line continuation. You may also need to adjust the number and type of quotes surrounding the parameters and their values.

Variable substitution and vocabulary

Throughout this tutorial, variables will be used to communicate value placement. The variable substitution format is <VARIABLE_NAME>. Here is a list of variables referred to in this tutorial.

<TENANT>The hostname for the initial tenant created during account onboarding. Such as
<ACCESS_TOKEN>A bearer token for authorizing https requests to the <TENANT> tenant. Can be an API key, or a token generated via an OAuth client.
<SPACE_ID>The ID of the space you’ll create data connections in.
<CONNECTION_ID>The ID for the data connection created in <SPACE_NAME>.
<CONNECTION_NAME>The ID for the data connection to be created in <SPACE_NAME>.
<CRED_OAUTH>An OAuth code for <CONNECTION_NAME>, for use with interactive OAuth - must be copied from an interactive session.

Using separated credentials

By default, the credentials that you enter when you create the data connection are shared with all users of that data connection. Some data sources support a feature called separated credentials, which means that when another user uses the data connection, they are required to bring their own credentials for the connection.

If you wish to use separated credentials, verify that the data source supports the attribute separateCredentials, and then set this to true.

Note: Credentials created on data connections where separateCredentials is set to true will not be deleted if the data connection is deleted. These can be reused with other data connections made to the same data source, or they can be deleted using the data-credentials API.

To create a new connection to AWS S3 with a set of separated credentials named serviceAccount123 for the current user:

curl --location "https://<TENANT>/api/v1/data-connections" ^
--header "Content-Type: application/json" ^
--header "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" ^
--data "{
    \"dataSourceId\": \"File_AmazonS3Connector\",
    \"qName\": \"<CONNECTION_NAME>\",
    \"space\": \"<SPACE_ID>\",
    \"connectionProperties\": {
        \"accessKey\": \"<CRED_USERNAME>\",
        \"secretKey\": \"<CRED_PASSWORD>\",
        \"separateCredentials\": \"true\",
        \"credentialsName\": \"serviceAccount123\",
        \"region\": \"<BUCKET_REGION>\",
        \"bucketName\": \"<BUCKET_NAME>\"

If you wish to create another connection to AWS S3, leveraging a previously created set of credentials with the name serviceAccount123, you should first retrieve the ID of these credentials from data-credentials:

curl --location "https://<TENANT>/api/v1/data-credentials/serviceAccount123?byCredentialName=true" ^
--header "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"

If found, this returns a 200:

    "connectionId": "",
    "created": "2024-03-01T14:35:23.829Z",
    "datasourceID": "File_AmazonS3Connector",
    "links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "https://<TENANT>/v1/data-credentials/<CREDENTIAL_ID>"
    "qConnCount": 0,
    "qID": "<CREDENTIAL_ID>",
    "qName": "serviceAccount123",
    "qSeparated": 1,
    "qType": "QvWebStorageProviderConnectorPackage.exe",
    "updated": "2024-03-01T14:35:23.829Z"

Using the <CREDENTIAL_ID> you can now create a new connection to the same data source with the credential:

curl --location "https://<TENANT>/api/v1/data-connections" ^
--header "Content-Type: application/json" ^
--header "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" ^
--data "{
    \"dataSourceId\": \"File_AmazonS3Connector\",
    \"qName\": \"<CONNECTION_NAME>\",
    \"space\": \"<SPACE_ID>\",
    \"connectionProperties\": {
        \"region\": \"<BUCKET_REGION>\",
        \"bucketName\": \"<BUCKET_NAME>\",
        \"separateCredentials\": \"true\",
        \"selectedCredentials\": \"<CREDENTIAL_ID>\"

If successful it will return 201 created, and the new data connection definition.

Create data connection with interactive authentication

If you are not using interactive OAuth for authentication, such as a certificate or username and password credentials, you should instead review create data connections. Some data sources support or require the use of interactive OAuth authorization, which requires a different API call flow to retrieve the callback URL for the connector.

There is a three step process:

  1. Send an unauthenticated request to the data-connections API to request creation of the new connection. This will return a URL which must be accessed interactively.
  2. Manually go to the returned URL to complete the OAuth auth, and collect the provided auth code.
  3. Send a second request to the data-connections API with the correct auth code.

For creating a connection to a Google Big Query Catalog by the name of gbq-example-catalog, you first send this request with the authUrlOnly parameter set to true:

curl -L 'https://<TENANT>/api/v1/dcaas/actions/data-connections' ^
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' ^
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' ^
-d '{
    "dataSourceId": "gbq",
    "connectionName": "<CONNECTION_NAME>",
    "spaceId": "<SPACE_ID>",
    "authUrlOnly": "true",
    "connectionProperties": {
        "OAuthMechanism": "1",
        "Catalog": "gbq-example-catalog",
        "authCode": ""

The system will return a http 201 code and the following response:

    "authUrl": ""

Opening the authUrl will begin an interactive prompt which results in an authentication code, which is <CRED_OAUTH>. This code can be used in the final response to the system. Either set the value of authUrlOnly to false, or omit it:

curl -L 'https://<TENANT>/api/v1/dcaas/actions/data-connections' ^
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' ^
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' ^
-d '{
    "dataSourceId": "gbq",
    "connectionName": "<CONNECTION_NAME>",
    "spaceId": "<SPACE_ID>",
    "connectionProperties": {
        "OAuthMechanism": "1",
        "Catalog": "gbq-example-catalog",
        "authCode": "<CRED_OAUTH>"

This results in the normal http 201 response and the new connection being returned by the API.

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