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nebula serve

Run a nebula visualization with a nebula web development server for local development and testing purposes.


Terminal window
nebula serve


Connect to enigma on port 9077 to start the server

Terminal window
nebula serve --enigma.port 9077

Start the server without building the visualization

Terminal window
nebula serve --build false

Start the server and set a generic object type with sn-table

Terminal window
nebula serve --type sn-table

Start the server with a nebula configuration file in a new path

Terminal window
nebula serve --type combochart --config config/my-nebula-config.js


—version booleanShow version number
—config, -c stringSet the path to the config file”nebula.config.js”
—entry stringSet the file entry point
—type stringSet the generic object type
—build booleanBuild the nebula visualization into the /dist dictionarytrue
—host stringSet the host to use”localhost”
—port numberSet the port number to listen for requests on
—disableHostCheck booleanBypasses host checkingfalse
—keyboardNavigation booleanTurn on or off nebula to handle keyboard navigationfalse
—resources stringSet the path to a folder served as static files under /resources
—scripts arraySet an array of scripts to inject
—stylesheets arraySet an array of stylesheets to inject
— stringSet the host to communicate with Qlik Associative Engine”localhost”
—enigma.port numberSet the port number to communicate with Qlik Associative Engine9076
—clientId stringSet the tenant’s clientId for OAuth connection
—webIntegrationId stringSet the tenant’s webIntegrationId for enabling CORS
—fixturePath stringSet the path to a folder for locating fixtures”test/component”
—mfe booleanServe the SystemJS format bundle to use in micro frontendfalse
-help, -h booleanShow help for the command


Using node.js API

Here is an example usage of @nebula.js/cli-serve in a Node.js script. This can be used for automated tests.

const serve = require('@nebula.js/cli-serve');
port: 3000,
entry: path.resolve(__dirname, 'sn.js') // custom entrypoint
enigma: {
port: 9077
}).then(s => {
s.url; // serve url
s.close(); // close the server

Configuration file

The nebula.config.js file is a configuration file used in nebula.js

module.exports = {
serve: {
types: [
{ name: "barchart", url: "" },
themes: [
id: "sense",
theme: {
/* valid sense json theme */
renderConfigs: [{ element: el, id: "abcdef" }],
flags: { SOME_FEATURE: true },
resources: "your-resources-path",
snapshots: [
/* valid snapshots property */
webIntegrationId: "your_web_integration_id",

Serve properties

The properties in the serve section of the configuration file are:

  • types: An array of additional chart types to load into the serve instance. This is useful when used in conjunction with useEmbed and allows you to load additional visualizations from external sources.
  • themes: An array of theme files to load. Themes are used to customize the appearance of the visualization, and you can specify multiple themes to be loaded.
  • renderConfigs: Configuration for rendering visualizations, either creating or fetching existing objects, which can used for testing visualizations.
  • flags: Additional flag settings for feature toggling. You can specify various feature flags and set their values to turn on or off certain features.
  • resources: The path to the /resources folder, which is used for storing resources such as images, fonts, and other assets used in the visualization.
  • snapshots: Snapshots property structure, generally used for automated tests.
  • webIntegrationId: The unique id for a web integration representing a list of allowlisted origins that can make requests to a specified tenant. It is used to turn on the CORS mechanism within Qlik Cloud.

The Qlik Sense native chart types are listed here.

Themes selection

Once the themes are correctly set in the configuration file, they will be available for selection at the top-right corner of the running nebula hub.

theme selection in current app

Engine WebSocket URL

When visiting the URL to the nebula web development server, make sure to point the engine WebSocket URL to your tenant, which should be in the format wss://


To obtain the clientID (OAuth2 client Id) for running visualizations against the SaaS Edition of Qlik Sense, you can refer to the tutorial. This tutorial will guide you on how to create a new OAuth2 client and obtain theclientID.

The redirect URL should be in the format http://localhost:8000/login/callback where port 8000 is the default for nebula serve.

Note: For Nebula 5.0.0, the redirect URL has changed to http://localhost:8000/auth/login/callback

Web Integration Id

To obtain the webIntegrationId (qlik-web-integration-id) for running visualizations against the SaaS Edition of Qlik Sense, you can refer to the tutorial. This tutorial will guide you on how to set up a Qlik Cloud tenant and create your web integration to obtain the webIntegrationId.

Note: The URL to the nebula web development server, such as http://localhost:8000, should be added to the allowlisted origins when you create your web integration.

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