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All nebula.js modules are available on the public npm registry as npm packages and can be installed through either npm or as a script import.

@nebula.js/stardust is the primarily used module and it’s required when integrating nebula.js on the web.

Script import

The easiest way to load the module is from a CDN like jsdelivr:

<script src="" crossorigin></script>

When imported using the script tag, it adds the variable stardust to the global namespace.

For production, it’s recommended to use a specific version of the module to avoid surprises from newer or breaking versions of the APIs:

<script src="" crossorigin></script>

Npm or yarn

If you are building your own web project using Webpack, Rollup, Parcel, or similar, you can install the package with npm:

Terminal window
npm install @nebula.js/stardust

or yarn:

Terminal window
yarn add @nebula.js/stardust


nebula.js documentation use the package manager npm, yarn can be used interchangeable. You can compare npm and yarn commands in the yarn docs, here.

and then import { embed } wherever you intend to embed a visualization:

import { embed } from '@nebula.js/stardust';


nebula.js provides a CLI to quickly get you started with a project and provides a development server to help you during the development phase.

Terminal window
npm install @nebula.js/cli

If you would like to learn more about running nebula.js through the command line, take a look at the nebula.js CLI Options page.

Development builds

Some modules are available as a development build which provide more errors and warnings when detecting potentially bad usage of the APIs. You should only use these during the development phase of your project, never in production.

<script src="" crossorigin></script>
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