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Build a HelloWorld extension using nebula.js

In this tutorial you’ll learn how to build a simple extension that renders a table using nebula.js.

It includes the following steps:

  1. Create a project
  2. Configure data structure
  3. Render data
  4. Select data
  5. Build and upload extension

Note: To upload the extension to Qlik Cloud you need access to a Qlik Cloud Analytics tenant, and either tenant administrator rights yourself, or the means to get an API key generated for you.


This tutorial requires you to have the following accessible:

  • Node.js (version 18 or newer)
  • A terminal (for example Git Bash on Windows, or on Mac)
  • A modern web browser, for example Google Chrome
  • A text editor or IDE of your choice, for example Visual Studio Code
  • An existing web integration, or possibility to get one created in your tenant

Create a project

The quickest way to get started is to use the nebula.js CLI:

Terminal window
npx @nebula.js/cli create hello --picasso none

The --picasso none option tells the command to not create a picasso visualization template, other options are minimal and barchart.

The command scaffolds a project into the /hello folder with the following structure:

  • /src
    • data.js - Data configuration
    • ext.js - Extension settings
    • index.js - Main entry point of this visualization
    • meta.json - Metadata for the extension
    • object-properties.js - Default object properties
  • /test - Integration tests
  • package.json

The folder contains some additional dotfiles that provides linting and formatting of code.

Start the development server

Start the development server with:

Terminal window
cd hello
npm run start

The command starts a local development server and opens up http://localhost:8080 in your browser.

Connect to an engine

The development server needs to connect to a Qlik Associative Engine running in any Qlik deployment. Enter the WebSocket URL that corresponds to the Qlik product you are using.

For more information on connecting to various deployments, see the nebula CLI documentation.

Next, select an app to connect to.

Connect to an app

You are then redirected to the main developer UI where you can see your visualization rendered:

Development server

Any updates in /src/index.js that affects the output automatically causes a refresh of the visualization and you can see the changes immediately.

Note: If the changes do not appear, try running nebula build in a new terminal and refresh the browser.

Configure data structure

A simple Hello message isn’t really that useful, time to add some data.

Add a qHyperCubeDef definition in object-properties.js:

const properties = {
qHyperCubeDef: {
qInitialDataFetch: [{ qWidth: 2, qHeight: 10 }],
// ...

Then add /qHyperCubeDef as a data target in data.js:

export default {
targets: [
path: "/qHyperCubeDef",

With only those changes you should now have the option to add data from the property panel on the right:

Data targets

Add a dimension by clicking on Add dimension and selecting a value in the menu that appears, do the same with measure.

Render data

In order to render the data you first need to access it through the useLayout hook:

import { useLayout, useElement, useEffect } from '@nebula.js/stardust';
// ...
component() {

You can then useLayout in combination with useEffect to render the headers and rows of data in qHyperCube:

component() {
const element = useElement();
const layout = useLayout();
useEffect(() => {
if (layout.qSelectionInfo.qInSelections) {
// skip rendering when in selection mode
const hc = layout.qHyperCube;
// headers
const columns = [...hc.qDimensionInfo, ...hc.qMeasureInfo].map((f) => f.qFallbackTitle);
const header = `<thead><tr>${ => `<th>${c}</th>`).join('')}</tr></thead>`;
// rows
const rows = hc.qDataPages[0].qMatrix
.map((row) => `<tr>${ => `<td>${cell.qText}</td>`).join('')}</tr>`)
// table
const table = `<table>${header}<tbody>${rows}</tbody></table>`;
// output
element.innerHTML = table;
}, [element, layout])
Data table

Select data

Before selecting data, meta data on each row needs to be added so that the values can be identified for selection:

// rows
const rows = hc.qDataPages[0].qMatrix
(row, rowIdx) =>
`<tr data-row="${rowIdx}">
${ => `<td>${cell.qText}</td>`).join("")}

And then add a 'click' event handler on element which does the following:

  • Verifies that the clicked element is a td
  • Begins selections in /qHyperCubeDef if not already activated
  • Extracts the data-row index from tr
  • Updates selectedRows based on the click data-row
const element = useElement();
const selections = useSelections();
const [selectedRows, setSelectedRows] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
const listener = (e) => {
if ( === "TD") {
if (!selections.isActive()) {
const row ="data-row");
setSelectedRows((prev) => {
if (prev.includes(row)) {
return prev.filter((v) => v !== row);
return [...prev, row];
element.addEventListener("click", listener);
return () => {
element.removeEventListener("click", listener);
}, [element]);

Next, update the styling of the selected rows in the table whenever they change:

useEffect(() => {
if (!layout.qSelectionInfo.qInSelections) {
// no need to update when not in selection mode
element.querySelectorAll("tbody tr").forEach((tr) => {
const idx = +tr.getAttribute("data-row"); = selectedRows.includes(idx) ? "#eee" : "";
}, [element, selectedRows, layout]);

Finally, apply the selected values through the selections API:

useEffect(() => {
if (selections.isActive()) {
if (selectedRows.length) {{
method: "selectHyperCubeCells",
params: ["/qHyperCubeDef", selectedRows, []],
} else {{
method: "resetMadeSelections",
params: [],
} else if (selectedRows.length) {
}, [selections.isActive(), selectedRows]);

Build and upload extension

You have so far been working in a local isolated environment on a chart that’s not dependant on any specific Qlik product.

The command:

Terminal window
npm run build

generates a bundle into the /dist folder which is all you need to distribute the chart as an npm package.

Qlik Sense however requires some additional files and slightly different format to interpret the chart as an extension. To generate these files you can run the command:

Terminal window
npm run sense

The command generates all files into the folder /hello-ext, which you then can use as an extension in your choice of Qlik Sense.

To upload the extension to your Qlik Cloud tenant, follow the instructions on managing extensions.

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