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Applying themes

Nebula supports using Qlik Sense themes to alter the style of the embedded visualizations. Not all Sense theme properties are supported, see section at the end.

Registering themes

When configuring your Nebula instance you can pass in an array of themes for usage in your mashup.

import { embed } from '@nebula.js/stardust';
import theme from './myTheme';
const secondTheme = {
type: "dark", // dark OR light Nebula UI theme
/* Theme definition... */
const n = embed(enigmaApp, {
context: {
theme: 'myTheme',
themes: [
id: 'myTheme',
load: () => Promise.resolve(myTheme),
id: 'otherTheme',
load: () => Promise.resolve(secondTheme),
types: [
/* types */
n.render(/* chart 1*/);
n.render(/* chart 2*/);

Where the two theme variables are JavaScript objects following the Qlik Sense theme properties. They are free to include additional properties for custom charts.

Consuming themes in charts

Utilizing themes in a chart is fairly straightforward, especially if you can inherit from an already existing chart.

import { useEffect, useTheme, useElement } from '@nebula.js/stardust';
import ext from './properties';
export default function supernova(galaxy) {
return {
qae: {
properties: {},
data: {},
component() {
const element = useElement();
const Theme = useTheme();
// Using the same styles as the bar chart
const objectKey = 'object.barChart';
useEffect(() => {
const styles = {
labelColor: Theme.getStyle(objectKey, '', 'color') || '#232323',
fontSize: Theme.getStyle(objectKey, '', 'fontSize') || '12px',
fontFamily: Theme.getStyle(objectKey, '', 'fontFamily') || 'Roboto',
palette: Theme.getDataColorPickerPalettes()[0],
primaryColor: Theme.getDataColorSpecials().primary,
render(element, styles); // Do some rendering
}, [, element]);
ext: ext(galaxy),

The getStyle(...) function takes three arguments, an object key, a property key and an attribute. These combine to create the search path for the value you are after. The preceding example has as one full path, which means it starts to look there. If color is not specified at this path it traverses the theme to find the best match.

To use the theme in property panel components it needs to be accessed through the galaxy object, passed into the supernova. In this example you pass the galaxy directly into the ext function which returns the property panel definition.

export default function ext(galaxy) {
return {
definition: {
type: 'items',
component: 'accordion',
items: {
data: {
uses: 'data',
sorting: {
uses: 'sorting',
settings: {
uses: 'settings',
items: {
color: {
component: 'color-picker',
translation: 'properties.color',
ref: 'myColor',
defaultValue: galaxy.anything.theme.getDataColorSpecials().primary,

Differences to themes in Sense

While Nebula charts supports Sense themes, they are not applied to items outside of the charts. An example of this is the chart title and background. This is instead possible through CSS overrides. These are defined in the Nebula API as follows, each detailing a CSS class to target the specified element.

When using these CSS selectors keep in mind that you need higher specificity to override the default styles.

div.njs-cell {
/* background of cell */
background: maroon;
p.njs-cell-sub-title {
/* color of titles font */
color: white;
button.njs-cell-action {
/* color of toolbar buttons */
color: white;
div.njs-action-toolbar-popover {
/* background of popover toolbar */
background: darkolivegreen;

Differences in chart themes

The specification for chart themes in Nebula is the same as in Sense, with a few exceptions.

Qlik Sense help on Themes

Unsupported properties:

  • _inherit - used by Sense to inherit from the default theme. Nebula uses a different default theme, so this does not work the same way.
  • _cards - used by the Sense sheet, not applicable in Nebula.
  • custom_styles - used in the client to inject arbitrary CSS. In a Nebula mashup, you can do this manually instead.


An example mashup can be found here:

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