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The Band scales are convenient for charts with an ordinal or categorical dimension.

In this scale, the domain range is represented inside the data property as a 2D array that includes the items from start to end.


To connect a band scale to the data, you need to specify the scale in the component. The following example creates a band scale (myScale) with the domain defined in the data property. Specifying the type band is required since it is not the default option for a scale.

data: {
type: "matrix",
data: [
["Month", "Sales"],
["Jan", 3088],
["Feb", 4545],
["Mar", 4542],
["Apr", 6530],
["May", 1785],
["June", 1785],
["July", 9736],
["Aug", 7965],
["Sep", 6710],
["Oct", 4171],
["Nov", 6724],
["Dec", 266],
settings: {
scales: {
myScale: {
type: "band",
data: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar"],
components: [
type: "some-component",
scale: "myScale",
Example rendering of a bar chart


Sets the scale’s range to the specified two-element array of numbers. If range is not specified it uses [0, 1] as a default value.

myBandScale: {
type: "band",
data: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar"],
range: [0, 0.5],
Example rendering of a bar chart with a scale
band and range


This property sets the inner and outer padding to the same padding value. It is also possible to specify the paddingInner or paddingOuter value which is typically in the range [0, 1]

myBandScale: {
type: "band",
data: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar"],
padding: 0.5,
Example rendering of a bar chart with a scale
band and padding


Sets the alignment to the specified number value between 0 and 1, if align is not specified, it uses 0.5 as a default value. Control how the outer padding should be distributed, where 0.5 would distribute the padding equally on both sides

myBandScale: {
type: "band",
data: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar"],
padding: 0.5,
align : 0.75
Example rendering of a bar chart with a scale
band and align

API Reference

For more details, see the API.

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