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Brushing in a component is handled in two ways: trigger and consume.

Observe actions on the component

trigger controls how the component reacts to various user actions like ‘tapping on a shape’:

  • on: type of interaction to react to
  • action: type of action to respond with. Optional
  • contexts: name of the brushing contexts to affect
  • data: the mapped data properties to add to the brush. Optional
  • propagation: control the event propagation when multiple shapes are tapped. Disabled by default. Optional
  • globalPropagation: control the event propagation between components. Disabled by default. Optional
  • touchRadius: extend contact area for tap events. Disabled by default. Optional
  • mouseRadius: extend contact area for regular mouse events. Disabled by default. Optional
trigger: [{
on: 'tap',
action: 'toggle',
contexts: ['selection', 'tooltip'],
data: ['x'],
propagation: 'stop', // 'stop' => prevent trigger from propagating further than the first shape
globalPropagation: 'stop', // 'stop' => prevent trigger of same type to be triggered on other components
touchRadius: 24,
mouseRadius: 10

Observe changes of a brush context

consume controls how the component uses active brushes.

  • context: name of the brush context to observe
  • data: the mapped data properties to observe. Optional
  • mode: data properties operator: and, or, xor. Optional
  • filter: a filtering function. Optional
  • style: the style to apply to the shapes of the component
    • active: the style of active data points
    • inactive: the style of inactive data points
consume: [
context: "selection",
data: ["x"],
filter: (shape) => shape.type === "circle",
style: {
active: {
fill: "red",
stroke: "#333",
strokeWidth: (shape) => shape.strokeWidth * 2,
inactive: {},

Programmatic changes

Brushes can be controlled programmatically by accessing a certain brush from the picasso instance:

const pic = picasso.chart(...);
const highlighter = pic.brush('highlight'); // get brush instance
highlighter.addValue('products', 'Bike'); // highlight 'Bike'

when addValue is called, components that are consuming the highlight brushing context reacts automatically and apply the specified style.

Brushing and linking

All components using a trigger or consume configuration is automatically linked within the same chart. To link brushes from two different chart instances, use link:

const scatter = picasso.chart(/* */);
const bars = picasso.chart(/* */);

Now, whenever a value is brushed in the scatter instance, the same values is also brushed in the bars instance:


Scenario: tapping on a data point in a component should activate a brush called highlight, add the relevant data to the brush, and finally highlight the point in the component.

type: 'point',
data: {...},
settings: {...},
brush: {
trigger: [{
on: 'tap',
contexts: ['highlight']
consume: [{
context: 'highlight',
style: {
inactive: {
opacity: 0.3

To make the component react to a tap, a trigger is added with an on of type 'tap', and 'highlight' as brush contexts that should be affected.

To have the component listen to brush changes and update itself, a consume object is added with the name of the context to observe.

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