Line area
The line
component draws a line/area through every
data set point.

Get started
Here is a simple code example with the bare-minimun required properties, this example outputs a simple line chart:
{ key: "lines", type: "line", data: { extract: { field: "Year", props: { v: { field: "Sales" }, }, }, }, settings: { coordinates: { major: { scale: "t" }, minor: { scale: "y", ref: "v" }, }, orientation: "horizontal", layers: {}, },}

Data and Scales are required properties within the chart for the line component to work so take a moment to understand them/ Here is the sample data and scales used in the preceding example:
data: [ { type: "matrix", data: [ ["Year", "Sales"], [2015, 56], [2016, 49], [2017, 30], [2018, 89], [2019, 75], [2020, 0], [2021, 50], ], },],
scales: { y: { data: { field: "Sales" }, invert: true, expand: 0.2, }, t: { data: { extract: { field: "Year" } } },},
There are two required properties that are required inside the settings of a line chart:
An object containing a reference to a scale and an extracted data value
coordinates: { major: { scale: 't' }, minor: { scale: 'y', ref: 'v' },}
This property is used to style and customize the component, seeCommon use cases
Common use cases
Smooth edges
To smooth edges try using the property curve
inside the layers
layers: { curve: 'monotone',}
Fill the area
To fill the area delimited by the line try using the area
property inside the
area: { fill: "#9bcd25", opacity: () => Math.random(),},
Customize the line
To customize the line, try using the line
line: { strokeWidth: 4, stroke: "#9bcd25"}
API Reference
For more details, see the API.