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Legend - Sequential

The Sequential legend can represent sequential data mapped to a color range.

Data and scales

The legend component doesn’t take any data as input directly, instead the data is implicitly fetched from the referenced scales.

There are two required scales, a fill scale and a major scale. The fill scale represent the color range, via a sequential color scale, and major is the numerical representation, via a linear scale.


The legend can be laid out in two directions; horizontal and vertical. The direction is dependent on the docking area, top and bottom are horizontal and left and right are vertical.

Horizontal layout:

Example of a legend with horizontal layout

Vertical layout:

Example of a legend with vertical layout

Custom labels

Custom labels can be configured using a ticks function. The ticks function is evaluated for each tick (start and stop) and expects a string value to be returned.

type: 'legend-seq',
settings: {
fill: 'sequential-color-scale',
major: 'linear-scale',
tick: {
label: (tickValue, index) => {
const temp = ['Hot', 'Cold'];
return temp[index % 2];
Example of a legend with custom labels


Label formatting is derived from the major scale and the data itself. But as with any component, it is possible to reference a custom formatter using the formatter property.

type: 'legend-seq',
formatter: {
formatter: 'd3', // The type of formatter to use
type: 'number', // The type of data to format
format: '-1.0%' // Format pattern


There is no direct way to configure interactions, instead it is done via other components, such as the brush-range.

Enable range selection

To enable range selection, two scene nodes are exposed that can be referenced, via a CSS selector, by the brush-range component as a target.

This reference enables the brush-range component to limit the target area to a sub-area of the legends dock area.

chartSettings = {
interactions: [
... // Setup required brush-range interactions here.
scales: {
'sequential-color-scale': { source: '0/1', type: 'color' },
'linear-scale': { source: '0/1', type: 'linear' },
components: [
type: 'legend-seq',
layout: {
dock: 'right',
key: 'myLegend' // Reference by the brush-range component,
settings: {
fill: 'sequential-color-scale',
major: 'linear-scale'
type: 'brush-range',
key: 'myBrushRange',
layout: {
dock: '@myLegend', // Legend reference
settings: {
brush: 'highlight',
scale: 'linear-scale',
direction: 'vertical',
bubbles: {
align: 'start',
placement: 'outside' // Render bubbles outside the legends dock area
target: {
selector: '[id="legend-seq-target"]', // Define the target area. Must reference a node from @myLegend
fillSelector: '[id="legend-seq-ticks"]', // Define the target fill area. Must reference a node from @myLegend
fill: 'rgba(82,204,82,0.3)',

API Reference

For more details, see the API.

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