Brush - Range
Brush range component enables brushing a range, or set of ranges, of continuous data.
Since this component depends on other referenced components, it’s important that
the displayOrder
property is set to a larger value than all of the referenced components.
Data and scales
No data is required as input directly, instead the data is implicitly fetched from the referenced scale. The scale must however be linear.
There are two ways to set the layout, either by referencing a target
in which case, the rendering area extends from the target
components to the
start of the opposite docking area. Ex. if target
is docked to the right
then the rendering area includes the right
area and the center
The other option, which is default, is if no target
component is configured,
then the center
area is used.
A target
is configured in the target
settings: { target: { components: ['my-target-component']; }}
: initialize the range selectionrangeMove
: change the size of the range or move the current active rangerangeEnd
: end the current active rangerangeClear
: cancel the active rangebubbleStart
: start editing a bubble in the active rangebubbleEnd
: end bubble edit
The events are triggered from the component instance.
events expects an event object as parameter with the following properties:
const param = { center: { x: 1, y: 2, }, deltaX: 0, deltaY: 0,};
compInstance.emit('rangeStart', param);
expects an event object as parameter with the following properties:
const param = { target: <DOMElement>};
compInstance.emit('bubbleStart', param);
Set up the required interaction events.
interactions: [ { type: 'hammer', gestures: [{ type: 'Pan', options: { event: 'range', direction: Hammer.DIRECTION_VERTICAL, }, events: { rangestart: function(e) { this.component('my-brush-range-component').emit('rangeStart', e); }, rangemove: function(e) { this.component('my-brush-range-component').emit('rangeMove', e); }, rangend: function(e) { this.component('my-brush-range-component').emit('rangeEnd', e); } } }] }],
and configure the component:
components: [ { type: 'brush-range', key: 'my-brush-range-component', settings: { brush: 'some-brush-context', scale: 'some-linear-scale' }, target: { components: ['target-this-component'] } }, ...]
Observe brush change
It is possible to observe brush changes and render a range/s upon change.
{ type: 'brush-range', settings: { brush: { context: '<some-context>', observe: true // The brush range is than rendererd every time the brush context changes }, scale: '<some-linear-scale>' }}
// The following code will trigger the brush-range to renderchartInstance.brush('<some-context>').toggleRange('<key>', { min: 1, max: 2 });
API Reference
For more details, see the API.