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Data and scales

The axis component doesn’t take any data as input directly, instead the data is implicitly fetched from the referenced scale.

From the scale, which is either discrete or continuous, an axis is constructed.


Example of a discrete axis


Example of a continuous axis


There are two directions in which the axis can be laid out, either horizontal or vertical. Depending on direction, different labeling modes are available.

A vertical axis is limited to only horizontal labels. While a horizontal axis have the option to show horizontal labels on two rows or show vertical labels tilted at an angle.

Tilted labels

Tilted labels are only supported on a discrete axis. When the mode property is set to auto, labels are tilted when there is not enough space available.

type: 'axis',
scale: 'myDiscreteScale',
layout: {
dock: 'bottom'
settings: {
labels: {
mode: 'tilted',
tiltAngle: 35
Example of a tilted axis

Layered labels

Layered labels are only supported on a discrete axis.

type: 'axis',
scale: 'myDiscreteScale',
layout: {
dock: 'bottom'
settings: {
labels: {
mode: 'layered'
Example of an axis with layered labels

Using maxGlyphCount

The maxGlyphCount property is used to measure the largest possible size of a label. The size of a label primarily affects two things: first, when determining the required size to render an axis (this can also be limited via the maxLengthPx property), and second, when the mode is set to auto, it is used to calculate the threshold for switching between horizontal and tilted labels.

Under the hood, maxGlyphCount is a multiplier on the size of the character M, as measured using the fontSize and fontFamily.

type: 'axis',
scale: 'myDiscreteScale',
settings: {
labels: {
mode: 'auto',
maxGlyphCount: 20

Using paddingStart

The paddingStart property adds padding to the opposite side of where the axis is docked (or aligned when using dock: center). It can be specified as either a number or a function (does not receive any parameters).

Specified as a number, in this case 100px padding is added the right side of the axis:

type: 'axis',
scale: 'myScale',
dock: 'left',
settings: {
paddingStart: 100,

In this example, a function is used to move the axis next to a specific element (for example useful when adding one axis per bar in a bar chart):

type: 'axis',
scale: 'myScale',
dock: 'center',
settings: {
align: 'left',
paddingStart: () => {
// Move the axis next to a specific element
const label = 'A value on the major axis';
const majorScale = chart.scale('myMajorScale');
return chartWidth * (majorScale(label) + majorScale.bandwidth());

Using paddingEnd

The paddingEnd property can be used in the same way as paddingStart. If not specified it defaults to 10. It adds padding to the same side as the axis is docked (or aligned when using dock: center).


Label formatting is derived from the scale and the data itself. But as with any component, it is possible to reference a custom formatter using the formatter property.

Custom formatting

type: 'axis',
formatter: {
formatter: 'd3', // The type of formatter to use
type: 'number', // The type of data to format
format: '-1.0%' // Format pattern


On a discrete axis it possible to configure the axis to consume and trigger brush events.

type: 'axis',
scale: 'myDiscreteScale',
brush: {
trigger: [{
on: 'tap',
contexts: ['highlight']
consume: [{
context: 'highlight',
style: {
inactive: {
opacity: 0.3

For a continuous axis there is no direct way to configure interactions, instead it is done via other components, such as the brush-range or brush-area component.

API Reference

For more details, see the API.

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