Extended object styling
These examples show how to apply extended styling to the individual Qlik Sense chart types using custom themes. All properties referenced in the following example are described in detail in Custom theme JSON properties.
Object type specific styling overview
In addition to the chart type specific properties presented in Custom theme JSON properties, you can also style titles and labels for the individual chart types. If you do this, the chart type styling will override the styling defined for all objects.
This example shows how the title object has been defined on object level and also on chart type level for bar charts.
"object" : { "title": { "main": { "color" : "@grayscale-40", "fontSize" : "20px" }, "subTitle" : { "color" : "@grayscale-40", "fontSize" : "16px" }, "footer" : { "color" : "@grayscale-15", "fontSize" : "@text", "backgroundColor" : "@grayscale-85" } }, "barChart": { "title": { "main": { "color" : "@grayscale-35", "fontSize" : "22px" }, "subTitle" : { "color" : "@grayscale-35", "fontSize" : "18px" }, "footer" : { "color" : "@grayscale-35", "fontSize" : "14px", "backgroundColor" : "@grayscale-80" } }, "outOfRange": { "color": "@grayscale-40" } }}
Bar chart specific styling
In this example, you’ll define the out of range color for bar charts.
"barChart": { "outOfRange": { "color": "@grayscale-40" }}
Boxplot specific styling
For boxplot charts, you can style the stroke colors for the whiskers, lines, and boxes. In addition, you can also style the fill color for the boxes.
"boxPlot": { "box": { "whisker": { "stroke": "@grayscale-35" }, "line": { "stroke": "@grayscale-35" }, "box": { "fill": "@grayscale-35", "stroke": "@grayscale-35" } }}
Distribution plot specific styling
You can style the fill color of the box for distribution plots.
"distributionPlot": { "box": { "fill": "@grayscale-35" }}
Filter pane specific styling
The title is the only filterpane specific styling you can apply. Filterpanes consist of list boxes, and the content of a filterpane is controlled by the styling in the listBox object.
"filterpane": { "title": { "main": { "color": "@grayscale-35", "fontSize": "@text" } }}
KPI specific styling
There are no KPI specific properties for styling. This example shows how to style the title of KPIs.
"kpi": { "title": { "main": { "color": "@grayscale-35", "fontSize": "@text" } }}
Gauge specific styling
There are no gauge specific properties for styling. This example shows how to style the labels of gauges.
"gauge": { "label": { "value": { "color": "@grayscale-35", "fontSize": "@text" } }}
Histogram specific styling
There are no histogram specific properties for styling. This example shows how to style the labels of histograms.
"histogram": { "label": { "value": { "color": "@grayscale-35", "fontSize": "20px" } }}
Line chart specific styling
You can style the out of range colors for line charts.
"lineChart": { "outOfRange": { "color": "@grayscale-40" }}
List box specific styling
You can style the title, content, and data colors of list boxes. This styling also controls the appearance of:
- Filter panes.
- List boxes in the selections tool.
- Searches of values in charts.
"listBox": { "title": { "main": { "color": "@grayscale-40", "fontSize": "@text" } }, "content": { "color": "@grayscale-35", "fontSize": "@text" }, "dataColors": { "selected": "#0363ff", "alternative": "#a8c9ff", "excluded": "#ffaf03", "selectedExcluded": "#ffe58f", "possible": "#ffffff" }}
Map chart specific styling
For map charts, you can style the background color, labels, and legends.
"mapChart": { "backgroundColor": "@light", "legend": { "title": { "color": "@grayscale-35" }, "label": { "color": "@grayscale-35" } }, "label": { "value": { "dark": { "color": "@grayscale-20" }, "light": { "color": "@grayscale-70" }, "fontSize": "@text" } }}
Pie chart specific styling
You can style the axis title and the labels for pie charts.
"pieChart": { "axis": { "title": { "fontSize": "@text" } }, "label": { "name": { "color": "@grayscale-35", "fontSize": "@text" }, "value": { "color": "@grayscale-35", "fontSize": "@text" } }}
Pivot table specific styling
For pivot tables, you can style the headers and the content.
"pivotTable": { "header" : { "fontSize" : "@text", "color": "@grayscale-35" }, "content": { "fontSize": "@text", "color": "@grayscale-35" }}
Scatter plot specific styling
You can style the labels for scatter plots.
"scatterPlot": { "label": { "value": { "color": "@grayscale-40", "fontSize": "@14px" } }}
Straight table specific styling
For (straight) tables, you can style the headers and the content.
"straightTable" : { "header" : { "fontSize" : "@text", "color": "@grayscale-60" }, "content": { "fontSize": "@text", "color": "@grayscale-35" }}
Treemap specific styling
You can style the branches and the leaves for treemaps.
"treemap": { "branch": { "backgroundColor": "@grayscale-70", "label": { "color": "@grayscale-35", "fontSize": "@text" } }, "leaf": { "label": { "fontSize": "@text" } }}
Waterfall chart specific styling
For a waterfall chart, you can style labels, values, and shapes.
"waterfallChart": { "label": { "value": { "fontSize": "20px" } }, "value": { "color": { "default": "@grayscale-45", "dark": "@grayscale-20", "light": "@grayscale-70" } }, "shape": { "positiveValue": { "fill": "@grayscale-70" }, "negativeValue": { "fill": "@grayscale-45" }, "subtotal": { "fill": "@grayscale-20" }, "bridge": { "stroke": "@grayscale-35" } }}
Full code example
{ "_inherit": false, "_variables" : { "@grayscale-100" : "#FFFFFF", "@grayscale-98" : "#FBFBFB", "@grayscale-95" : "#F2F2F2", "@grayscale-90" : "#E6E6E6", "@grayscale-85" : "#D9D9D9", "@grayscale-80" : "#CCCCCC", "@grayscale-75" : "#BFBFBF", "@grayscale-70" : "#B3B3B3", "@grayscale-65" : "#A6A6A6", "@grayscale-60" : "#999999", "@grayscale-55" : "#8C8C8C", "@grayscale-50" : "#808080", "@grayscale-45" : "#737373", "@grayscale-40" : "#666666", "@grayscale-35" : "#595959", "@grayscale-30" : "#4D4D4D", "@grayscale-28" : "#474747", "@grayscale-25" : "#404040", "@grayscale-20" : "#333333", "@grayscale-15" : "#262626", "@grayscale-10" : "#1A1A1A", "@grayscale-5" : "#0D0D0D", "@grayscale-0" : "#000000", "@text" : "13px" }, "color": "@grayscale-20", "fontSize": "@text", "backgroundColor": "@grayscale-95", "dataColors": { "primaryColor": "@grayscale-28", "othersColor": "@grayscale-55", "errorColor": "@grayscale-90", "nullColor": "@grayscale-85" }, "object" : { "title": { "main": { "color" : "@grayscale-40", "fontSize" : "20px" }, "subTitle" : { "color" : "@grayscale-40", "fontSize" : "16px" }, "footer" : { "color" : "@grayscale-15", "fontSize" : "@text", "backgroundColor" : "@grayscale-85" } }, "label" : { "name" : { "color" : "@grayscale-35", "fontSize" : "@text" }, "value" : { "color" : "@grayscale-35", "fontSize" : "@text" } }, "axis" : { "title" : { "color" : "@grayscale-35", "fontSize" : "@text" }, "label" : { "color" : "@grayscale-35", "fontSize" : "@text" }, "line" : { "major" : { "color" : "@grayscale-20" }, "minor" : { "color" : "@grayscale-40" } } }, "grid" : { "line": { "highContrast": { "color": "#999999" }, "major": { "color": "#CCCCCC" }, "minor": { "color": "#E6E6E6" } } }, "referenceLine": { "label": { "name": { "color": "@grayscale-35", "fontSize": "@text" } }, "outOfBounds": { "color": "@grayscale-35", "backgroundColor": "@grayscale-35", "fontSize": "@text" } }, "legend": { "title": { "fontSize": "@text", "color": "@grayscale-35" }, "label": { "fontSize": "@text", "color": "@grayscale-35" } }, "barChart": { "outOfRange": { "color": "@grayscale-40" } }, "boxPlot": { "box": { "whisker": { "stroke": "@grayscale-35" }, "line": { "stroke": "@grayscale-35" }, "box": { "fill": "@grayscale-35", "stroke": "@grayscale-35" } } }, "distributionPlot": { "box": { "fill": "@grayscale-35" } }, "filterpane": { "title": { "main": { "color": "@grayscale-35", "fontSize": "@text" } } }, "kpi": { "title": { "main": { "color": "@grayscale-35", "fontSize": "@text" } } }, "gauge": { "label": { "value": { "color": "@grayscale-35", "fontSize": "@text" } } }, "histogram": { "label": { "value": { "color": "@grayscale-35", "fontSize": "20px" } } }, "lineChart": { "outOfRange": { "color": "@grayscale-40" } }, "listBox": { "title": { "main": { "color": "@grayscale-40", "fontSize": "@text" } }, "content": { "color": "@grayscale-35", "fontSize": "@text" }, "dataColors": { "selected": "#0363ff", "alternative": "#a8c9ff", "excluded": "#ffaf03", "selectedExcluded": "#ffe58f", "possible": "#ffffff" } }, "mapChart": { "backgroundColor": "@grayscale-95", "label": { "value": { "color": "@grayscale-35", "fontSize": "@text" } }, "legend": { "title": { "color": "@grayscale-35" }, "label": { "color": "@grayscale-35" } } }, "pieChart": { "axis": { "title": { "fontSize": "@text" } }, "label": { "name": { "color": "@grayscale-35", "fontSize": "@text" }, "value": { "color": "@grayscale-35", "fontSize": "@text" } } }, "pivotTable": { "header" : { "fontSize" : "@text", "color": "@grayscale-35" }, "content": { "fontSize": "@text", "color": "@grayscale-35" } }, "scatterPlot": { "label": { "value": { "color": "@grayscale-40", "fontSize": "@14px" } } }, "straightTable" : { "header" : { "fontSize" : "@text", "color": "@grayscale-35" }, "content": { "fontSize": "@text", "color": "@grayscale-35" } }, "treemap": { "branch": { "backgroundColor": "@grayscale-70", "label": { "color": "@grayscale-35", "fontSize": "@text" } }, "leaf": { "label": { "fontSize": "@text" } } }, "waterfallChart": { "label": { "value": { "fontSize": "20px" } }, "value": { "color": { "default": "@grayscale-45", "dark": "@grayscale-20", "light": "@grayscale-70" } }, "shape": { "positiveValue": { "fill": "@grayscale-70" }, "negativeValue": { "fill": "@grayscale-45" }, "subtotal": { "fill": "@grayscale-20" }, "bridge": { "stroke": "@grayscale-35" } } } }, "palettes" : { "data" : [ { "name": "Dark colors", "translation": "Dark colors", "propertyValue": "12", "type": "row", "scale": [ "#808080", "#737373", "#666666", "#595959", "#4D4D4D", "#474747", "#404040", "#333333", "#262626", "#1A1A1A", "#0D0D0D", "#000000" ] }, { "name": "Light colors", "translation": "Light colors", "propertyValue": "11", "type": "row", "scale": [ "#FFFFFF", "#FBFBFB", "#F2F2F2", "#E6E6E6", "#D9D9D9", "#CCCCCC", "#BFBFBF", "#B3B3B3", "#A6A6A6", "#999999", "#8C8C8C" ] } ], "ui": [ { "name": "Palette", "colors": [ "none", "#FFFFFF", "#FBFBFB", "#F2F2F2", "#D9D9D9", "#BFBFBF", 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