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Create Signed Tokens for JWT Authorization

Third-party cookies

JWT solutions leverage cookies for auth, which are blocked by some browser vendors. If you can’t use OAuth2 impersonation in your solution, you may need to use a JWT proxy.


In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to configure Qlik Cloud to use JSON web tokens (JWT) for authorizing users in your tenant.


  • Before you begin
  • Create a public / private key pair for signing JWTs
  • Configure JWT identity provider
  • JWT format for Qlik Sense authorization
  • Example JWT signing code

Before you begin

  • Only a user with the Tenant Admin role may access the management console settings and add roles to users. If you aren’t the Tenant Admin of your Qlik Sense SaaS tenant, contact your Tenant Admin and direct them to this tutorial.

Create a public / private key pair for signing JWTs

Open a terminal window and use OpenSSL to generate public and private key. Store the private key someplace safe and don’t share it. The public key is used in the configuration section.

openssl genrsa -out privatekey.pem 4096
openssl req -new -x509 -key privatekey.pem -out publickey.cer -days 1825

If you are using Windows, you need to download and install OpenSSL. You can obtain a copy of OpenSSL from the Win32/Win64 OpenSSL Installation Project page.

Configure JWT identity provider

Inside the management console, click the Identity provider menu item on the left side of the screen.

a screenshot of the tenant management console
with the Identity provider menu item selected

Click the Create new button to begin the configuration. When the configuration panel appears, click the Type dropdown control and choose JWT from the list.

a screenshot of the dropdown list of available
identity management configurations.

The remaining configuration dialogs appear after making the selection from the dropdown. There are four input boxes to fill in:

  1. Description
  2. Certificate (required) - the placeholder for the public key created earlier.
  3. Issuer (required) - the value input here identifies the application or service that issues the JWT.
  4. Key ID (required) - the value input here informs the application which signing key to use.

If an Issuer or Key ID isn’t supplied during configuration, values automatically generate upon creation. These claims need to be supplied in the JWT for Qlik to trust the JWT and authorize users.

Add the public key to the configuration

Open the file containing the public key in your favorite text editor.

a screenshot of the public key certificate in a text

Remove any carriage returns or line feeds existing in the text. In Visual Studio Code, removing the characters can be done using a regular expression find and replace on \n. Once the characters are removed, the text should appear in the editor as a single line with no spaces.

Copy the text and paste it into the certificate input field in the configuration.

a screenshot of the public key certificate input into
the identity provider configuration.

A public key certificate with trailing spaces, carriage returns, or line feeds triggers an error upon saving the configuration.

Input Issuer and Key ID values

As stated previously, adding an Issuer or Key ID is optional. However, they’re required attributes (claims) in the JWT sent to Qlik. Both values are strings so entering any information here is suitable as long as a matching value exists in the JWT.

When no Issuer or Key ID values are supplied, upon completing the configuration the management console presents a window with generated values.

a screenshot of the autogenerated issuer and
key id for JWT authorization in your tenant.

Alternatively, entering Issuer and Key ID values surface the input values in the confirmation screen.

a screenshot of the populated issuer and
key id for JWT authorization in your tenant.

Complete the configuration

Press the Create button to save the JWT authorization configuration. The confirmation screen appears to copy the Issuer and Key ID values to the clipboard.

JWT format for Qlik Sense authorization

The JWT is made of three pieces:

  1. The payload.
  2. The signing options.
  3. The private key for signing the token.

The payload

The required claims for a Qlik JWT payload are the following:

  • jti - (JWT ID) claim provides a unique identifier for the JWT.
  • iat - The issued at date of the JWT provided as a Unix epoch timestamp.
  • sub - The main identifier (aka subject) of the user.
  • subType - The type of identifier the sub represents. In this case, user is the only applicable value.
  • name - The friendly name to apply to the user.
  • email - The email address of the user.
  • email_verified - A claim indicating to Qlik that the JWT source has verified that the email address belongs to the subject.
  • iss - This is a value created or supplied previously with identity provider configuration. It can be a random string.
  • exp - The date/time the JWT expires. The time difference between nbf and exp cannot exceed 1 hour (3600 seconds).
  • nbf - the date/time before which the JWT MUST NOT be accepted for processing. The time difference between nbf and exp cannot exceed 1 hour (3600 seconds).
  • aud - A required value instructing the Qlik platform how to treat the received JWT.

It’s possible to send additional claims in the JWT. Today, only the optional claim groups is read.

Here is a sample JWT payload including the groups attribute:

  "jti": "k5bU_cFI4_-vFfpJ3DjDsIZK-ZhJGRbBfusUWZ0ifBI",
  "iat": 1658416389,
  "sub": "SomeSampleSeedValue", //e.g. 0hEhiPyhMBdtOCv2UZKoLo4G24p-7R6eeGdZUQHF0-c
  "subType": "user",
  "name": "Hardcore Harry",
  "email": "",
  "email_verified": true,
  "groups": ["Administrators", "Sales", "Marketing"]

Depending on the library you use to sign JWTs, you may have to manually assign an iat value to the JWT payload. Many JWT signing libraries - like JSONWebToken for Node - add the iat attribute automatically upon JWT signing. Refer to the documentation for the JWT signing library you are using to determine iat handling.

The signing options

The required properties for the signing options of the JWT are as follows:

  • kid - This is a value created or supplied previously with identity provider configuration. It can be a random string.
  • alg - The encryption algorithm to protect the JWT with the private key.

Here is a sample of JWT signing options:

  "kid": "my-custom-jwt",
  "alg": "RS256",
  "iss": "https://my-custom-jwt",
  "exp": "5m", //Expires 5 minutes after the issue date/time.
  "nbf": "1s", //JWT is valid 1 second after the issue date/time.
  "aud": "qlik.api/login/jwt-session"

The time between nbf and exp must not exceed sixty minutes.

Combining the payload, the signing options, and the private key using a library like jsonwebtoken in JavaScript produces a token.

Example of JWT signing code

The following code is a sample of an express application that creates JWTs.

const fs = require('fs');
const uid = require('uid-safe');
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');

const payload = {
  jti: uid.sync(32), // 32 bytes random string
  sub: '0hEhiPyhMBdtOCv2UZKoLo4G24p-7R6eeGdZUQHF0-c',
  subType: 'user',
  name: 'Hardcore Harry',
  email: '',
  email_verified: true,
  groups: ['Administrators', 'Sales', 'Marketing'],

const privateKey = fs.readFileSync('./certs/privatekey.pem');

// kid and issuer have to match with the IDP config and the
// audience has to be qlik.api/jwt-login-session
const signingOptions = {
  kid: 'my-custom-jwt',
  alg: 'RS256',
  iss: 'https://my-custom-jwt',
  exp: '5m',
  nbf: '1s',
  aud: 'qlik.api/login/jwt-session',

const myToken = jwt.sign(payload, privateKey, signingOptions);


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