Qlik Sense Engine (qix)

The JSON-RPC API over WebSocket API that enables you to interact with the Qlik Associative Engine for Qlik Sense applications.

Download specification

schemas AlfaNumString object



  • qStringstring

    Calculated value.

  • qIsNumboolean

    Is set to true if the value is a numeric.

schemas AlternateStateData object


  • qStateNamestring

    Name of the alternate state. Default is current selections: $

  • qFieldItemsarray of objects

    List of the selections.

    Show qFieldItems properties
    • qDefobject
      Show qDef properties
      • qNamestring

        Name of the field.

      • qTypestring


    • qLockedboolean

      Indicates if the field is locked. Default is false.

    • qSelectInfoobject
      Show qSelectInfo properties
      • qTextSearchstring

        Text search string. Everything that matches the text is selected. This parameter is optional.

      • qRangeLonumber

        Lower value of the search range. This parameter is used when performing range selections or text searches in dimensions. Default is Null.

      • qRangeHinumber

        Highest value of the search range. This parameter is used when performing range selections or text searches in dimensions. Default is Null.

      • qNumberFormatobject

        Sets the formatting of a field. The properties of qFieldAttributes and the formatting mechanism are described below.

        Formatting mechanism

        The formatting mechanism depends on the type set in qType, as shown below:

        In case of inconsistencies between the type and the format pattern, the format pattern takes precedence over the type.


        The following applies:

        • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the formatting is as defined in qFmt .
        • If qFmt is empty, the formatting is defined by the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( TimeFormat , DateFormat , TimeStampFormat ).
        • The properties qDec , qThou , qnDec , qUseThou are not used.

        Type is INTEGER

        The following applies:

        • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the formatting mechanism uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( DecimalSep and ThousandSep ).
        • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , no formatting is applied. The properties qDec , qThou , qnDec , qUseThou and the number interpretation variables defined in the script are not used .

        Type is REAL

        The following applies:

        • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( DecimalSep and ThousandSep ).
        • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , and if the value is almost an integer value (for example, 14,000012), the value is formatted as an integer. The properties qDec , qThou , qnDec , qUseThou are not used.
        • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , and if qnDec is defined and not 0, the property qDec is used. If qDec is not defined, the variable DecimalSep defined at the top of the script is used.
        • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , and if qnDec is 0, the number of decimals is 14 and the property qDec is used. If qDec is not defined, the variable DecimalSep defined at the top of the script is used.

        Type is FIX

        The following applies:

        • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( DecimalSep and ThousandSep ).
        • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , the properties qDec and qnDec are used. If qDec is not defined, the variable DecimalSep defined at the top of the script is used.

        Type is MONEY

        The following applies:

        • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of any script ( MoneyDecimalSep and MoneyThousandSep ).
        • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( MoneyDecimalSep and MoneyThousandSep ).

        Type is ASCII

        No formatting, qFmt is ignored.

        Show qNumberFormat properties
        • qTypestring

          Can be one of: "U""A""I""R""F""M""D""T""TS""IV"

        • qnDecinteger

          Number of decimals. Default is 10.

        • qUseThouinteger

          Defines whether or not a thousands separator must be used. Default is 0.

        • qFmtstring

          Defines the format pattern that applies to qText . Is used in connection to the type of the field (parameter qType ). For more information, see Formatting mechanism. Example: YYYY-MM-DD for a date.

        • qDecstring

          Defines the decimal separator. Example: .

        • qThoustring

          Defines the thousand separator (if any). Is used if qUseThou is set to 1. Example: ,

      • qRangeInfoarray of objects

        This parameter is used when performing range selections or text searches in measures. Gives information about the range of selections.

        Show qRangeInfo properties
        • qRangeLonumber

          Lowest value in the range.

        • qRangeHinumber

          Highest value in the range.

        • qMeasurestring

          Label of the measure.

      • qSoftLockboolean

        Set to true to ignore locks; in that case, locked fields can be selected. The default value is false.

      • qContinuousRangeInfoarray of objects

        List of information about ranges for selections.

        Show qContinuousRangeInfo properties
        • qMinnumber

          Lowest value in the range

        • qMaxnumber

          Highest value in the range

        • qMinInclEqboolean

          If set to true, the range includes the lowest value in the range of selections (Equals to ). [bn(50500)] Example: The range is [1,10]. If qMinInclEq is set to true it means that 1 is included in the range of selections.

        • qMaxInclEqboolean

          If set to true, the range includes the highest value in the range of selections (Equals to ). [bn(50500)] Example: The range is [1,10]. If qMinInclEq is set to true it means that 10 is included in the range of selections.

      • qSelectFieldSearchboolean

        This parameter is true if the TextSearch is a result of a Select Field operation.

    • qValuesarray of objects
      Show qValues properties
      • qTextstring

        Text related to the field value. This parameter is optional.

      • qIsNumericboolean

        Is set to true if the value is a numeric. This parameter is optional. Default is false.

      • qNumbernumber

        Numeric value of the field. This parameter is displayed if qIsNumeric is set to true. This parameter is optional.

    • qExcludedValuesarray of objects

      List of excluded values. Either the list of selected values or the list of excluded values is displayed.

      Show qExcludedValues properties
      • qTextstring

        Text related to the field value. This parameter is optional.

      • qIsNumericboolean

        Is set to true if the value is a numeric. This parameter is optional. Default is false.

      • qNumbernumber

        Numeric value of the field. This parameter is displayed if qIsNumeric is set to true. This parameter is optional.

    • qAndModeboolean

      If set to true, selections within a list object are made in AND mode; If you have a list object that lists all customers, by selecting Customer 1 and Customer 2 while in and-mode, all records that are associated with Customer 1 and Customer 2 are selected. The default value is false; selections within a list object are made in OR mode. If you have a list object that lists all customers, by selecting Customer 1 and Customer 2 while in or-mode, all records that are associated with either Customer 1 or Customer 2 are selected. This parameter is not returned if set to false.

    • qOneAndOnlyOneboolean

      If set to true, the field has always one selection (not 0 and not more than 1). If another value is selected, the previous one is unselected. The default value is false. This parameter is not returned if set to false.

schemas AppEntry object


  • qIDstring

    Identifier of the app.

  • qTitlestring

    Title of the app.

  • qPathstring

    Path of the app.

  • qLastReloadTimestring

    Last reload time of the app.

  • qReadOnlyboolean

    Is set to true if the app is read-only.

  • qMetaobject

    Layout for NxMetaDef.

    Show qMeta properties
    • qNamestring

      Name. This property is optional.

  • qThumbnailobject
    In addition, this structure can return dynamic properties.
    Show qThumbnail properties
    • qUrlstring

      Relative path of the thumbnail.

  • qFileSizeinteger
  • qHasSectionAccessboolean

    If true the app has section access configured.

schemas AppObjectList object

Lists the app objects. Is the layout for AppObjectListDef.

An app object is a generic object created at app level.


  • qItemsarray of objects

    Information about the list of dimensions.

    Show qItems properties
    • qInfoobject
      Show qInfo properties
      • qIdstring

        Identifier of the object. If the chosen identifier is already in use, the engine automatically sets another one. If an identifier is not set, the engine automatically sets one. This parameter is optional.

      • qTypestring

        Type of the object. This parameter is mandatory.

    • qMetaobject

      Layout for NxMetaDef.

      Show qMeta properties
      • qNamestring

        Name. This property is optional.

    • qDataobject

      Contains dynamic JSON data specified by the client.

schemas AppObjectListDef object

Defines the list of objects in an app.

An app object is a generic object created at app level.


  • qTypestring

    Type of the app list.

  • qDataobject

    Contains dynamic JSON data specified by the client.

schemas AppScript object


  • qScriptstring

    Script text.

  • qMetaobject

    Layout for NxMetaDef.

    Show qMeta properties
    • qNamestring

      Name. This property is optional.

  • qIsLockedboolean

    True if user is temporarily locked from modifying the script. Meta contains the ID of the last modifier. Only applicable to QCS.

schemas AppScriptMeta object



  • qMetaobject

    Layout for NxMetaDef.

    Show qMeta properties
    • qNamestring

      Name. This property is optional.

  • qIsLockedboolean

    True if user is temporarily locked from modifying the script. Meta contains the ID of the last modifier. Only applicable to QCS.

schemas ApplyGroupStateWarning object



  • qStateobject
    Show qState properties
    • qInfoobject
      Show qInfo properties
      • qIdstring

        Identifier of the object. If the chosen identifier is already in use, the engine automatically sets another one. If an identifier is not set, the engine automatically sets one. This parameter is optional.

      • qTypestring

        Type of the object. This parameter is mandatory.

    • qActiveFieldDefstring

      String defining the active field.

  • qTypestring

    Can be one of: "group_missing""group_not_applicable""fielddef_missing"

schemas ApplyGroupStateWarningType string


  • group_missing


  • group_not_applicable


  • fielddef_missing


schemas ApplyGroupStatesResult object


Result of applying GroupState to multiple cyclic groups.


  • qApplySuccessboolean

    When true, the operation was successful.

  • qWarningsarray of objects

    Lists which states failed to be applied and why.

    Show qWarnings properties
    • qStateobject
      Show qState properties
      • qInfoobject
        Show qInfo properties
        • qIdstring

          Identifier of the object. If the chosen identifier is already in use, the engine automatically sets another one. If an identifier is not set, the engine automatically sets one. This parameter is optional.

        • qTypestring

          Type of the object. This parameter is mandatory.

      • qActiveFieldDefstring

        String defining the active field.

    • qTypestring

      Can be one of: "group_missing""group_not_applicable""fielddef_missing"

schemas ArrayOfNxValuePoint object[]

Element properties

  • qLabelstring

    Label of the cell. This parameter is optional.

  • qTextstring

    Some text related to the cell.

  • qNumnumber

    Value of the cell.

  • qTypestring

    Can be one of: "V""E""N""T""O""A""P""R""U""G"

  • qAttrExpsobject
    Show qAttrExps properties
    • qValuesarray of objects

      List of attribute expressions values.

      Show qValues properties
      • qTextstring

        Text related to the attribute expression value.

      • qNumnumber

        Numeric value of the attribute expression. Set to NaN (Not a Number) if the attribute expression value is not numeric.

  • qAttrDimsobject
    Show qAttrDims properties
    • qValuesarray of objects

      List of values.

      Show qValues properties
      • qTextstring

        Text related to the attribute expression value. This property is optional. No text is returned if the attribute expression value is a numeric.

      • qElemNointeger

        Element number.

schemas AssociationScore object


  • qFieldPairNamestring

    Pair of fields. < FieldName1> / < FieldName2> Where: < FieldName1 > is a field in the table 1 (defined in qTable1 ) < FieldName2 > is a field in the table 2 (defined in qTable2 ) If the field is a synthetic key, the name of the field is preceded by [Synthetic key]: .

  • qScoreSummaryinteger

    Flag used to interpret calculated scores. One of the following values or sum of values that apply:

    • 0: The cardinal ratio cannot be zero but the symbol score and the row score can be zero.
    • -1: The fields do not have the same type.
    • -2: The number of rows of the field FieldName1 is zero.
    • -4: The number of distinct values of the field FieldName1 is zero.
    • -8: The number of rows of the field FieldName2 is zero.
    • -16: The number of distinct values of the field FieldName2 is zero.

    Example: The number of rows of the field FieldName1 is zero, and the number of distinct values of the field FieldName2 is zero, then qScoreSummary is -18.

  • qField1Scoresobject
    Show qField1Scores properties
    • qFieldNamestring

      Field name. One of the field names defined in qFieldPairName.

    • qReadableNamestring
    • qCardinalRationumber

      Cardinality of a column/field divided by the number of rows in the table. If the cardinal ratio is 1, it means that the column is a candidate/primary key.

    • qSymbolScorenumber

      Number of distinct matches between the two fields defined in qFieldPairName divided by the number of distinct values in the field qFieldName . If 0, it means that there are no common values between the two fields defined in qFieldPairName .

    • qRowScorenumber

      Number of matches between the two fields defined in qFieldPairName divided by the number of values in the field qFieldName . If 0, it means that there are no common values between the two fields defined in qFieldPairName .

  • qField2Scoresobject
    Show qField2Scores properties
    • qFieldNamestring

      Field name. One of the field names defined in qFieldPairName.

    • qReadableNamestring
    • qCardinalRationumber

      Cardinality of a column/field divided by the number of rows in the table. If the cardinal ratio is 1, it means that the column is a candidate/primary key.

    • qSymbolScorenumber

      Number of distinct matches between the two fields defined in qFieldPairName divided by the number of distinct values in the field qFieldName . If 0, it means that there are no common values between the two fields defined in qFieldPairName .

    • qRowScorenumber

      Number of matches between the two fields defined in qFieldPairName divided by the number of values in the field qFieldName . If 0, it means that there are no common values between the two fields defined in qFieldPairName .

schemas BNFDef object


  • qBnfarray of integers

    Array of token references that all together build up the definition of the current token. Generally, if the array is not empty, the definition is a BNF rule (qIsBnfRule is set to true). However, some BNF  rules do have an empty array (qIsBnfRule is set to true, but qBnf is empty).

  • qNbrinteger

    Number of the current token definition.

  • qPNbrinteger

    Number of the parent rule definition.

  • qHelpIdinteger

    Reference identifier to a function described in the documentation. The identifier is stored in the definition of the token containing the function name. Is not used in Qlik Sense.

  • qNamestring

    Token name. One of:

    • A rule name
    • An identifier
    • A literal value
  • qStrstring

    Literal string of the token. Examples: 'Round' and '('.

  • qIsBnfRuleboolean

    If set to true, a list of related rule tokens is assigned to qBnf . This parameter is optional. The default value is false.

  • qScriptStatementboolean

    If set to true, the definition specifies a script statement. This parameter is optional. The default value is false.

  • qControlStatementboolean

    If set to true, the definition specifies a control statement. This parameter is optional. The default value is false.

  • qBnfLiteralboolean

    If set to true, the definition specifies a literal token. This parameter is optional. The default value is false.

  • qQvFuncboolean

    If set to true, the definition is related to a Qlik Sense function. It cannot be an aggregation function. This parameter is optional. The default value is false.

  • qAggrFuncboolean

    If set to true, the definition is related to an aggregation function. This parameter is optional. The default value is false.

  • qFGstring


  • qFieldFlagboolean

    If set to true, the definition is related to a field. This parameter is optional. The default value is false.

  • qMTstring

    Can be one of: "N""D""R""V"

  • qDeprboolean

    Indicates whether a script statement, a chart or a script function is deprecated (not recommended for use). If set to true, the script statement or the function is not recommended for use in Qlik Sense. This parameter is optional. The default value is false.

  • qFGListarray of strings

    List of groups the function belongs to.


schemas BNFDefMetaType string


  • N


  • D


  • R


  • V


schemas BNFType string


  • S


  • E


schemas Blob string

schemas Bookmark object


  • qIdstring
  • qNamestring
  • qUtcModifyTimenumber
  • qUtcRecallTimenumber
  • qRecallCountinteger
  • qApplyAdditiveboolean
  • qFieldItemsarray of objects
    Show qFieldItems properties
    • qDefobject
      Show qDef properties
      • qNamestring

        Name of the field.

      • qTypestring


    • qLockedboolean

      Indicates if the field is locked. Default is false.

    • qSelectInfoobject
      Show qSelectInfo properties
      • qTextSearchstring

        Text search string. Everything that matches the text is selected. This parameter is optional.

      • qRangeLonumber

        Lower value of the search range. This parameter is used when performing range selections or text searches in dimensions. Default is Null.

      • qRangeHinumber

        Highest value of the search range. This parameter is used when performing range selections or text searches in dimensions. Default is Null.

      • qNumberFormatobject

        Sets the formatting of a field. The properties of qFieldAttributes and the formatting mechanism are described below.

        Formatting mechanism

        The formatting mechanism depends on the type set in qType, as shown below:

        In case of inconsistencies between the type and the format pattern, the format pattern takes precedence over the type.


        The following applies:

        • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the formatting is as defined in qFmt .
        • If qFmt is empty, the formatting is defined by the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( TimeFormat , DateFormat , TimeStampFormat ).
        • The properties qDec , qThou , qnDec , qUseThou are not used.

        Type is INTEGER

        The following applies:

        • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the formatting mechanism uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( DecimalSep and ThousandSep ).
        • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , no formatting is applied. The properties qDec , qThou , qnDec , qUseThou and the number interpretation variables defined in the script are not used .

        Type is REAL

        The following applies:

        • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( DecimalSep and ThousandSep ).
        • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , and if the value is almost an integer value (for example, 14,000012), the value is formatted as an integer. The properties qDec , qThou , qnDec , qUseThou are not used.
        • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , and if qnDec is defined and not 0, the property qDec is used. If qDec is not defined, the variable DecimalSep defined at the top of the script is used.
        • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , and if qnDec is 0, the number of decimals is 14 and the property qDec is used. If qDec is not defined, the variable DecimalSep defined at the top of the script is used.

        Type is FIX

        The following applies:

        • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( DecimalSep and ThousandSep ).
        • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , the properties qDec and qnDec are used. If qDec is not defined, the variable DecimalSep defined at the top of the script is used.

        Type is MONEY

        The following applies:

        • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of any script ( MoneyDecimalSep and MoneyThousandSep ).
        • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( MoneyDecimalSep and MoneyThousandSep ).

        Type is ASCII

        No formatting, qFmt is ignored.

        Show qNumberFormat properties
        • qTypestring

          Can be one of: "U""A""I""R""F""M""D""T""TS""IV"

        • qnDecinteger

          Number of decimals. Default is 10.

        • qUseThouinteger

          Defines whether or not a thousands separator must be used. Default is 0.

        • qFmtstring

          Defines the format pattern that applies to qText . Is used in connection to the type of the field (parameter qType ). For more information, see Formatting mechanism. Example: YYYY-MM-DD for a date.

        • qDecstring

          Defines the decimal separator. Example: .

        • qThoustring

          Defines the thousand separator (if any). Is used if qUseThou is set to 1. Example: ,

      • qRangeInfoarray of objects

        This parameter is used when performing range selections or text searches in measures. Gives information about the range of selections.

        Show qRangeInfo properties
        • qRangeLonumber

          Lowest value in the range.

        • qRangeHinumber

          Highest value in the range.

        • qMeasurestring

          Label of the measure.

      • qSoftLockboolean

        Set to true to ignore locks; in that case, locked fields can be selected. The default value is false.

      • qContinuousRangeInfoarray of objects

        List of information about ranges for selections.

        Show qContinuousRangeInfo properties
        • qMinnumber

          Lowest value in the range

        • qMaxnumber

          Highest value in the range

        • qMinInclEqboolean

          If set to true, the range includes the lowest value in the range of selections (Equals to ). [bn(50500)] Example: The range is [1,10]. If qMinInclEq is set to true it means that 1 is included in the range of selections.

        • qMaxInclEqboolean

          If set to true, the range includes the highest value in the range of selections (Equals to ). [bn(50500)] Example: The range is [1,10]. If qMinInclEq is set to true it means that 10 is included in the range of selections.

      • qSelectFieldSearchboolean

        This parameter is true if the TextSearch is a result of a Select Field operation.

    • qValuesarray of objects
      Show qValues properties
      • qTextstring

        Text related to the field value. This parameter is optional.

      • qIsNumericboolean

        Is set to true if the value is a numeric. This parameter is optional. Default is false.

      • qNumbernumber

        Numeric value of the field. This parameter is displayed if qIsNumeric is set to true. This parameter is optional.

    • qExcludedValuesarray of objects

      List of excluded values. Either the list of selected values or the list of excluded values is displayed.

      Show qExcludedValues properties
      • qTextstring

        Text related to the field value. This parameter is optional.

      • qIsNumericboolean

        Is set to true if the value is a numeric. This parameter is optional. Default is false.

      • qNumbernumber

        Numeric value of the field. This parameter is displayed if qIsNumeric is set to true. This parameter is optional.

    • qAndModeboolean

      If set to true, selections within a list object are made in AND mode; If you have a list object that lists all customers, by selecting Customer 1 and Customer 2 while in and-mode, all records that are associated with Customer 1 and Customer 2 are selected. The default value is false; selections within a list object are made in OR mode. If you have a list object that lists all customers, by selecting Customer 1 and Customer 2 while in or-mode, all records that are associated with either Customer 1 or Customer 2 are selected. This parameter is not returned if set to false.

    • qOneAndOnlyOneboolean

      If set to true, the field has always one selection (not 0 and not more than 1). If another value is selected, the previous one is unselected. The default value is false. This parameter is not returned if set to false.

  • qVariableItemsarray of objects
    Show qVariableItems properties
    • qNamestring

      Name of the variable.

    • qValueobject
      Show qValue properties
      • qTextstring

        Text related to the field value. This parameter is optional.

      • qIsNumericboolean

        Is set to true if the value is a numeric. This parameter is optional. Default is false.

      • qNumbernumber

        Numeric value of the field. This parameter is displayed if qIsNumeric is set to true. This parameter is optional.

    • qDefinitionstring

      The Reporting mode definition of the variable.

  • qSheetIdstring
  • qObjectsarray of objects
    Show qObjects properties
    • qIdstring
    • qActiveboolean
    • qShowModeinteger
    • qScrollPosobject
      Show qScrollPos properties
      • qUsePositionboolean
      • qPosobject
        Show qPos properties
        • qxinteger

          x-coordinate in pixels. The origin is the top left of the screen.

        • qyinteger

          y-coordinate in pixels. The origin is the top left of the screen.

  • qApplyLayoutStateboolean
  • qShowPopupInfoboolean
  • qInfoTextstring
  • qOwnerstring
  • qGroupsarray of objects
    Show qGroups properties
    • qIdstring
    • qCyclePosinteger
  • qShowobject
    Show qShow properties
    • qAlwaysboolean
    • qExpressionobject
      Show qExpression properties
      • qvstring

        Expression evaluated to dual.

  • qApplyInputFieldValuesboolean
  • qInputFieldItemsarray of objects
    Show qInputFieldItems properties
    • qFieldNamestring
    • qValuesarray of objects
      Show qValues properties
      • qTextstring

        Text related to the field value. This parameter is optional.

      • qIsNumericboolean

        Is set to true if the value is a numeric. This parameter is optional. Default is false.

      • qNumbernumber

        Numeric value of the field. This parameter is displayed if qIsNumeric is set to true. This parameter is optional.

    • qPackedHashKeysarray of integers
  • qObjectsLayoutarray of objects
    Show qObjectsLayout properties
    • qIdstring
    • qActiveboolean
    • qShowModeinteger
    • qScrollPosobject
      Show qScrollPos properties
      • qUsePositionboolean
      • qPosobject
        Show qPos properties
        • qxinteger

          x-coordinate in pixels. The origin is the top left of the screen.

        • qyinteger

          y-coordinate in pixels. The origin is the top left of the screen.

    • qExpansionInfoarray of objects
      Show qExpansionInfo properties
      • qExcludeListboolean
      • qPosobject
        Show qPos properties
        • qDimNamestring
        • qElemNoarray of integers
        • qElemValuesarray of strings
    • qLeftCollapsedboolean
    • qTopCollapsedboolean
    • qSortDataarray of objects
      Show qSortData properties
      • qNamestring
      • qReversedboolean
    • qDimensionGroupPosarray of objects
      Show qDimensionGroupPos properties
      • qGroupNamestring
      • qCurrentItemNamestring
    • qExpressionGroupPosarray of objects
      Show qExpressionGroupPos properties
      • qGroupNamestring
      • qCurrentItemNamestring
    • qUseGraphModeboolean
    • qGraphModestring


    • qActiveContainerChildObjectIdstring
    • qExtendedPivotStateobject
      Show qExtendedPivotState properties
      • qExpressionPositioninteger
      • qNumberOfLeftDimensionsinteger
      • qDimensionNamesarray of strings
      • qEnableConditionsarray of strings
  • qIncludeSelectionStateboolean
  • qIncludeScrollPositionboolean
  • qAlternateStateDataarray of objects
    Show qAlternateStateData properties
    • qStateNamestring

      Name of the alternate state. Default is current selections: $

    • qFieldItemsarray of objects

      List of the selections.

      Show qFieldItems properties
      • qDefobject
        Show qDef properties
        • qNamestring

          Name of the field.

        • qTypestring


      • qLockedboolean

        Indicates if the field is locked. Default is false.

      • qSelectInfoobject
        Show qSelectInfo properties
        • qTextSearchstring

          Text search string. Everything that matches the text is selected. This parameter is optional.

        • qRangeLonumber

          Lower value of the search range. This parameter is used when performing range selections or text searches in dimensions. Default is Null.

        • qRangeHinumber

          Highest value of the search range. This parameter is used when performing range selections or text searches in dimensions. Default is Null.

        • qNumberFormatobject

          Sets the formatting of a field. The properties of qFieldAttributes and the formatting mechanism are described below.

          Formatting mechanism

          The formatting mechanism depends on the type set in qType, as shown below:

          In case of inconsistencies between the type and the format pattern, the format pattern takes precedence over the type.


          The following applies:

          • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the formatting is as defined in qFmt .
          • If qFmt is empty, the formatting is defined by the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( TimeFormat , DateFormat , TimeStampFormat ).
          • The properties qDec , qThou , qnDec , qUseThou are not used.

          Type is INTEGER

          The following applies:

          • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the formatting mechanism uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( DecimalSep and ThousandSep ).
          • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , no formatting is applied. The properties qDec , qThou , qnDec , qUseThou and the number interpretation variables defined in the script are not used .

          Type is REAL

          The following applies:

          • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( DecimalSep and ThousandSep ).
          • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , and if the value is almost an integer value (for example, 14,000012), the value is formatted as an integer. The properties qDec , qThou , qnDec , qUseThou are not used.
          • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , and if qnDec is defined and not 0, the property qDec is used. If qDec is not defined, the variable DecimalSep defined at the top of the script is used.
          • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , and if qnDec is 0, the number of decimals is 14 and the property qDec is used. If qDec is not defined, the variable DecimalSep defined at the top of the script is used.

          Type is FIX

          The following applies:

          • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( DecimalSep and ThousandSep ).
          • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , the properties qDec and qnDec are used. If qDec is not defined, the variable DecimalSep defined at the top of the script is used.

          Type is MONEY

          The following applies:

          • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of any script ( MoneyDecimalSep and MoneyThousandSep ).
          • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( MoneyDecimalSep and MoneyThousandSep ).

          Type is ASCII

          No formatting, qFmt is ignored.

          Show qNumberFormat properties
          • qTypestring

            Can be one of: "U""A""I""R""F""M""D""T""TS""IV"

          • qnDecinteger

            Number of decimals. Default is 10.

          • qUseThouinteger

            Defines whether or not a thousands separator must be used. Default is 0.

          • qFmtstring

            Defines the format pattern that applies to qText . Is used in connection to the type of the field (parameter qType ). For more information, see Formatting mechanism. Example: YYYY-MM-DD for a date.

          • qDecstring

            Defines the decimal separator. Example: .

          • qThoustring

            Defines the thousand separator (if any). Is used if qUseThou is set to 1. Example: ,

        • qRangeInfoarray of objects

          This parameter is used when performing range selections or text searches in measures. Gives information about the range of selections.

          Show qRangeInfo properties
          • qRangeLonumber

            Lowest value in the range.

          • qRangeHinumber

            Highest value in the range.

          • qMeasurestring

            Label of the measure.

        • qSoftLockboolean

          Set to true to ignore locks; in that case, locked fields can be selected. The default value is false.

        • qContinuousRangeInfoarray of objects

          List of information about ranges for selections.

          Show qContinuousRangeInfo properties
          • qMinnumber

            Lowest value in the range

          • qMaxnumber

            Highest value in the range

          • qMinInclEqboolean

            If set to true, the range includes the lowest value in the range of selections (Equals to ). [bn(50500)] Example: The range is [1,10]. If qMinInclEq is set to true it means that 1 is included in the range of selections.

          • qMaxInclEqboolean

            If set to true, the range includes the highest value in the range of selections (Equals to ). [bn(50500)] Example: The range is [1,10]. If qMinInclEq is set to true it means that 10 is included in the range of selections.

        • qSelectFieldSearchboolean

          This parameter is true if the TextSearch is a result of a Select Field operation.

      • qValuesarray of objects
        Show qValues properties
        • qTextstring

          Text related to the field value. This parameter is optional.

        • qIsNumericboolean

          Is set to true if the value is a numeric. This parameter is optional. Default is false.

        • qNumbernumber

          Numeric value of the field. This parameter is displayed if qIsNumeric is set to true. This parameter is optional.

      • qExcludedValuesarray of objects

        List of excluded values. Either the list of selected values or the list of excluded values is displayed.

        Show qExcludedValues properties
        • qTextstring

          Text related to the field value. This parameter is optional.

        • qIsNumericboolean

          Is set to true if the value is a numeric. This parameter is optional. Default is false.

        • qNumbernumber

          Numeric value of the field. This parameter is displayed if qIsNumeric is set to true. This parameter is optional.

      • qAndModeboolean

        If set to true, selections within a list object are made in AND mode; If you have a list object that lists all customers, by selecting Customer 1 and Customer 2 while in and-mode, all records that are associated with Customer 1 and Customer 2 are selected. The default value is false; selections within a list object are made in OR mode. If you have a list object that lists all customers, by selecting Customer 1 and Customer 2 while in or-mode, all records that are associated with either Customer 1 or Customer 2 are selected. This parameter is not returned if set to false.

      • qOneAndOnlyOneboolean

        If set to true, the field has always one selection (not 0 and not more than 1). If another value is selected, the previous one is unselected. The default value is false. This parameter is not returned if set to false.

  • qForAnnotationsboolean
  • qIncludeAllVariablesboolean

schemas BookmarkApplyAndVerifyResult object



  • qApplySuccessboolean

    Apply successfully or not *

  • qWarningsarray of objects

    Field values verfication result *

    Show qWarnings properties
    • qStatestring

      Alternate State *

    • qFieldstring

      Field Name *

    • qVerifyResultstring


    • qMissingValuesarray of strings
  • qGroupStateResultobject

    Result of applying GroupState to multiple cyclic groups.

    Show qGroupStateResult properties
    • qApplySuccessboolean

      When true, the operation was successful.

    • qWarningsarray of objects

      Lists which states failed to be applied and why.

      Show qWarnings properties
      • qStateobject
        Show qState properties
        • qInfoobject
          Show qInfo properties
          • qIdstring

            Identifier of the object. If the chosen identifier is already in use, the engine automatically sets another one. If an identifier is not set, the engine automatically sets one. This parameter is optional.

          • qTypestring

            Type of the object. This parameter is mandatory.

        • qActiveFieldDefstring

          String defining the active field.

      • qTypestring

        Can be one of: "group_missing""group_not_applicable""fielddef_missing"

schemas BookmarkFieldItem object


  • qDefobject
    Show qDef properties
    • qNamestring

      Name of the field.

    • qTypestring


  • qLockedboolean

    Indicates if the field is locked. Default is false.

  • qSelectInfoobject
    Show qSelectInfo properties
    • qTextSearchstring

      Text search string. Everything that matches the text is selected. This parameter is optional.

    • qRangeLonumber

      Lower value of the search range. This parameter is used when performing range selections or text searches in dimensions. Default is Null.

    • qRangeHinumber

      Highest value of the search range. This parameter is used when performing range selections or text searches in dimensions. Default is Null.

    • qNumberFormatobject

      Sets the formatting of a field. The properties of qFieldAttributes and the formatting mechanism are described below.

      Formatting mechanism

      The formatting mechanism depends on the type set in qType, as shown below:

      In case of inconsistencies between the type and the format pattern, the format pattern takes precedence over the type.


      The following applies:

      • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the formatting is as defined in qFmt .
      • If qFmt is empty, the formatting is defined by the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( TimeFormat , DateFormat , TimeStampFormat ).
      • The properties qDec , qThou , qnDec , qUseThou are not used.

      Type is INTEGER

      The following applies:

      • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the formatting mechanism uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( DecimalSep and ThousandSep ).
      • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , no formatting is applied. The properties qDec , qThou , qnDec , qUseThou and the number interpretation variables defined in the script are not used .

      Type is REAL

      The following applies:

      • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( DecimalSep and ThousandSep ).
      • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , and if the value is almost an integer value (for example, 14,000012), the value is formatted as an integer. The properties qDec , qThou , qnDec , qUseThou are not used.
      • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , and if qnDec is defined and not 0, the property qDec is used. If qDec is not defined, the variable DecimalSep defined at the top of the script is used.
      • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , and if qnDec is 0, the number of decimals is 14 and the property qDec is used. If qDec is not defined, the variable DecimalSep defined at the top of the script is used.

      Type is FIX

      The following applies:

      • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( DecimalSep and ThousandSep ).
      • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , the properties qDec and qnDec are used. If qDec is not defined, the variable DecimalSep defined at the top of the script is used.

      Type is MONEY

      The following applies:

      • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of any script ( MoneyDecimalSep and MoneyThousandSep ).
      • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( MoneyDecimalSep and MoneyThousandSep ).

      Type is ASCII

      No formatting, qFmt is ignored.

      Show qNumberFormat properties
      • qTypestring

        Can be one of: "U""A""I""R""F""M""D""T""TS""IV"

      • qnDecinteger

        Number of decimals. Default is 10.

      • qUseThouinteger

        Defines whether or not a thousands separator must be used. Default is 0.

      • qFmtstring

        Defines the format pattern that applies to qText . Is used in connection to the type of the field (parameter qType ). For more information, see Formatting mechanism. Example: YYYY-MM-DD for a date.

      • qDecstring

        Defines the decimal separator. Example: .

      • qThoustring

        Defines the thousand separator (if any). Is used if qUseThou is set to 1. Example: ,

    • qRangeInfoarray of objects

      This parameter is used when performing range selections or text searches in measures. Gives information about the range of selections.

      Show qRangeInfo properties
      • qRangeLonumber

        Lowest value in the range.

      • qRangeHinumber

        Highest value in the range.

      • qMeasurestring

        Label of the measure.

    • qSoftLockboolean

      Set to true to ignore locks; in that case, locked fields can be selected. The default value is false.

    • qContinuousRangeInfoarray of objects

      List of information about ranges for selections.

      Show qContinuousRangeInfo properties
      • qMinnumber

        Lowest value in the range

      • qMaxnumber

        Highest value in the range

      • qMinInclEqboolean

        If set to true, the range includes the lowest value in the range of selections (Equals to ). [bn(50500)] Example: The range is [1,10]. If qMinInclEq is set to true it means that 1 is included in the range of selections.

      • qMaxInclEqboolean

        If set to true, the range includes the highest value in the range of selections (Equals to ). [bn(50500)] Example: The range is [1,10]. If qMinInclEq is set to true it means that 10 is included in the range of selections.

    • qSelectFieldSearchboolean

      This parameter is true if the TextSearch is a result of a Select Field operation.

  • qValuesarray of objects
    Show qValues properties
    • qTextstring

      Text related to the field value. This parameter is optional.

    • qIsNumericboolean

      Is set to true if the value is a numeric. This parameter is optional. Default is false.

    • qNumbernumber

      Numeric value of the field. This parameter is displayed if qIsNumeric is set to true. This parameter is optional.

  • qExcludedValuesarray of objects

    List of excluded values. Either the list of selected values or the list of excluded values is displayed.

    Show qExcludedValues properties
    • qTextstring

      Text related to the field value. This parameter is optional.

    • qIsNumericboolean

      Is set to true if the value is a numeric. This parameter is optional. Default is false.

    • qNumbernumber

      Numeric value of the field. This parameter is displayed if qIsNumeric is set to true. This parameter is optional.

  • qAndModeboolean

    If set to true, selections within a list object are made in AND mode; If you have a list object that lists all customers, by selecting Customer 1 and Customer 2 while in and-mode, all records that are associated with Customer 1 and Customer 2 are selected. The default value is false; selections within a list object are made in OR mode. If you have a list object that lists all customers, by selecting Customer 1 and Customer 2 while in or-mode, all records that are associated with either Customer 1 or Customer 2 are selected. This parameter is not returned if set to false.

  • qOneAndOnlyOneboolean

    If set to true, the field has always one selection (not 0 and not more than 1). If another value is selected, the previous one is unselected. The default value is false. This parameter is not returned if set to false.

schemas BookmarkFieldPage object

Defines the range of the bookmark fields that are returned.


  • qStartIndexinteger

    The start value of the range.

  • qEndIndexinteger

    The end value of the range.

schemas BookmarkFieldPageEx object


  • qStateNamestring

    The name of the selected state.

  • qStartIndexinteger

    The start value of the range.

  • qEndIndexinteger

    The end value of the range.

schemas BookmarkFieldVerifyResultState string







schemas BookmarkFieldVerifyWarning object



  • qStatestring

    Alternate State *

  • qFieldstring

    Field Name *

  • qVerifyResultstring


  • qMissingValuesarray of strings

schemas BookmarkList object

Lists the bookmarks. Is the layout for BookmarkListDef.


  • qItemsarray of objects

    Information about the list of bookmarks.

    Show qItems properties
    • qInfoobject
      Show qInfo properties
      • qIdstring

        Identifier of the object. If the chosen identifier is already in use, the engine automatically sets another one. If an identifier is not set, the engine automatically sets one. This parameter is optional.

      • qTypestring

        Type of the object. This parameter is mandatory.

    • qMetaobject

      Layout for NxMetaDef.

      Show qMeta properties
      • qNamestring

        Name. This property is optional.

    • qDataobject

      Contains dynamic JSON data specified by the client.

schemas BookmarkListDef object

Defines the list of bookmarks.


  • qTypestring

    Type of the list.

  • qDataobject

    Contains dynamic JSON data specified by the client.

  • qIncludePatchesboolean

    Include the bookmark patches. Patches can be very large and may make the list result unmanageable.

schemas BookmarkStateFieldPages object


  • qStatePagesarray of objects

    Bookmark field pages for different states.

    Show qStatePages properties
    • qStateNamestring

      The name of the selected state.

    • qStartIndexinteger

      The start value of the range.

    • qEndIndexinteger

      The end value of the range.

schemas BookmarkVariableItem object


  • qNamestring

    Name of the variable.

  • qValueobject
    Show qValue properties
    • qTextstring

      Text related to the field value. This parameter is optional.

    • qIsNumericboolean

      Is set to true if the value is a numeric. This parameter is optional. Default is false.

    • qNumbernumber

      Numeric value of the field. This parameter is displayed if qIsNumeric is set to true. This parameter is optional.

  • qDefinitionstring

    The Reporting mode definition of the variable.

schemas CalendarStrings object


  • qDayNamesarray of strings

    List of short day names.

  • qMonthNamesarray of strings

    List of short month names.

  • qLongDayNamesarray of strings

    List of long day names.

  • qLongMonthNamesarray of strings

    List of long month names.

schemas CharEncodingType string


  • Utf8


  • Utf16


schemas CharRange object


  • qCharPosinteger

    Position of the first search occurrence.

  • qCharCountinteger

    Number of occurrences found.

schemas ChildList object

Lists the children of a generic object. Is the layout for ChildListDef.

ChildList is used by the _GetLayout Method_ to list the children of a generic object.


  • qItemsarray of objects

    Information about the items in the app object.

    Show qItems properties
    • qInfoobject
      Show qInfo properties
      • qIdstring

        Identifier of the object. If the chosen identifier is already in use, the engine automatically sets another one. If an identifier is not set, the engine automatically sets one. This parameter is optional.

      • qTypestring

        Type of the object. This parameter is mandatory.

    • qMetaobject

      Layout for NxMetaDef.

      Show qMeta properties
      • qNamestring

        Name. This property is optional.

    • qDataobject

      Contains dynamic JSON data specified by the client.

schemas ChildListDef object

Defines the list of children of a generic object. What is defined in ChildListDef has an impact on what the GetLayout method returns. See Example for more information.


  • qDataobject

    Contains dynamic JSON data specified by the client.

schemas CodePage object


  • qNumberinteger

    Number of the code page.

  • qNamestring

    Name of the code page.

  • qDescriptionstring

    Description of the code page.

schemas CondDef object


  • qAlwaysboolean
  • qExpressionobject
    Show qExpression properties
    • qvstring

      Expression evaluated to dual.

schemas Connection object


  • qIdstring

    Identifier of the connection. Is generated by the engine and is unique.

  • qNamestring

    Name of the connection. This parameter is mandatory and must be set when creating or modifying a connection.

  • qConnectionStringstring

    One of:

    • ODBC CONNECT TO [<provider name>]
    • OLEDB CONNECT TO [<provider name>]
    • CUSTOM CONNECT TO [<provider name>]
    • "<local absolute or relative path, UNC path>"
    • "<URL>"

    Connection string. This parameter is mandatory and must be set when creating or modifying a connection.

  • qTypestring

    One of:

    • ODBC
    • OLEDB
    • <Name of the custom connection file>
    • folder
    • internet

    Type of the connection. This parameter is mandatory and must be set when creating or modifying a connection. For ODBC, OLEDB and custom connections, the engine checks that the connection type matches the connection string. The type is not case sensitive.

  • qUserNamestring

    Name of the user who creates the connection. This parameter is optional; it is only used for OLEDB, ODBC and CUSTOM connections. A call to GetConnection Method does not return the user name.

  • qPasswordstring

    Password of the user who creates the connection. This parameter is optional; it is only used for OLEDB, ODBC and CUSTOM connections. A call to GetConnection Method does not return the password.

  • qModifiedDatestring

    Is generated by the engine. Creation date of the connection or last modification date of the connection.

  • qMetaobject

    Layout for NxMetaDef.

    Show qMeta properties
    • qNamestring

      Name. This property is optional.

  • qLogOnstring


schemas ContentLibraryList object


  • qItemsarray of objects

    Information about the content library.

    Show qItems properties
    • qNamestring

      Name of the library.

    • qAppSpecificboolean

      Is set to true if the library is specific to the app (not a global content library).

    • qMetaobject

      Layout for NxMetaDef.

      Show qMeta properties
      • qNamestring

        Name. This property is optional.

schemas ContentLibraryListItem object


  • qNamestring

    Name of the library.

  • qAppSpecificboolean

    Is set to true if the library is specific to the app (not a global content library).

  • qMetaobject

    Layout for NxMetaDef.

    Show qMeta properties
    • qNamestring

      Name. This property is optional.

schemas CustomConnector object


  • qProviderstring

    Name of the custom connector file.

  • qParentstring

    Name of the parent folder that contains the custom connector file.

  • qDisplayNamestring

    Name of the custom connector as displayed in the Qlik interface.

  • qMachineModestring

    Can be one of: "CONNECT_DEFAULT""CONNECT_64""CONNECT_32"

  • qSupportFileStreamingboolean

schemas CyclicGroupPosition object


  • qInfoobject
    Show qInfo properties
    • qIdstring

      Identifier of the object. If the chosen identifier is already in use, the engine automatically sets another one. If an identifier is not set, the engine automatically sets one. This parameter is optional.

    • qTypestring

      Type of the object. This parameter is mandatory.

  • qActiveFieldinteger

    Active field of the cyclic group, identified by a zero-based index.

schemas DataField object


  • qNamestring

    Name of the field.

  • qIsKeyboolean

    Is set to true if the field is a primary key.

  • qOriginalFieldNamestring

    Is shown for fixed records. qOriginalFieldName and qName are identical if no field names are used in the file. qOriginalFieldName differs from qName if embedded file names are used in the file.

schemas DataRecord object


  • qValuesarray of strings

    List of values inside the table. The first values (in result/qPreview/0/qValues ) correspond to the field names in the table. The following values (from result/qPreview/1/qValues ) are the values of the fields in the table.

schemas DataTable object


  • qNamestring

    Name of the table.

  • qTypestring

    Type of the table. For example: Table or View.

schemas DataTableEx object


  • qNamestring

    Name of the table.

  • qFieldsarray of objects

    List of the fields in the table.

    Show qFields properties
    • qNamestring

      Name of the field.

    • qIsKeyboolean

      Is set to true if the field is a primary key.

    • qOriginalFieldNamestring

      Is shown for fixed records. qOriginalFieldName and qName are identical if no field names are used in the file. qOriginalFieldName differs from qName if embedded file names are used in the file.

  • qFormatSpecstring

    List of format specification items, within brackets. Examples of specification items:

    • file type
    • embedded labels, no labels
    • table is <table name>

schemas Database object


  • qNamestring

    Name of the database.

  • qIsDefaultboolean

    Is set to true if the database is set by default.

schemas DatabaseInfo object


  • qDBMSNamestring

    Name of the product accessed by the provider.

  • qDBUsageboolean

    If set to true, it means that the data source contains some databases.

  • qOwnerUsageboolean

    If set to true, it means that the data source contains some owners.

  • qDBSeparatorstring

    Character string used after the database name. Example with separator " . ": FROM LinkedTablesData.dbo.Months Where:

    • LinkedTablesData is the database name
    • dbo is the owner name
    • Months is the table name
  • qOwnerSeparatorstring

    Character string used after the owner name. Example with separator " . ": FROM LinkedTablesData.dbo.Months Where:

    • LinkedTablesData is the database name
    • dbo is the owner name
    • Months is the table name
  • qDBFirstboolean

    If set to true, it means that the database is displayed first, before the owners and tables.

  • qQuotePreffixstring

    Prefix used with field, database or owner names that contain special characters or keywords.

  • qQuoteSuffixstring

    Suffix used with field, database or owner names that contain special characters or keywords.

  • qSpecialCharsstring

    List of the special characters.

  • qDefaultDatabasestring

    Name of the default database.

  • qKeywordsarray of strings

    List of the script keywords.

schemas DatabaseOwner object


  • qNamestring

    Name of the owner.

schemas DelimiterInfo object


  • qNamestring

    Name of the delimiter. Example: "Tab_DELIMITER"

  • qScriptCodestring

    Representation of the delimiter value that is used in the script. Example: "'\t'"

  • qNumberinteger

    Delimiter character number used by the engine to determine how to separate the values.

  • qIsMultipleboolean

    Is set to true if multiple spaces are used to separate the values.

schemas DerivedFieldsInTableData object


  • qDefinitionNamestring

    Name of the derived definition.

  • qTagsarray of strings

    List of tags.

  • qActiveboolean

    Is set to true is the derived field is in use.

schemas DimensionList object

Lists the dimensions. Is the layout for DimensionListDef.


  • qItemsarray of objects

    Information about the list of dimensions.

    Show qItems properties
    • qInfoobject
      Show qInfo properties
      • qIdstring

        Identifier of the object. If the chosen identifier is already in use, the engine automatically sets another one. If an identifier is not set, the engine automatically sets one. This parameter is optional.

      • qTypestring

        Type of the object. This parameter is mandatory.

    • qMetaobject

      Layout for NxMetaDef.

      Show qMeta properties
      • qNamestring

        Name. This property is optional.

    • qDataobject

      Contains dynamic JSON data specified by the client.

schemas DimensionListDef object

Defines the lists of dimensions.


  • qTypestring

    Type of the list.

  • qDataobject

    Contains dynamic JSON data specified by the client.

schemas DimensionReference object


The DimensionReference structure points to a GenericDimension.


  • qIdstring

    Identifier of the associated dimension.

  • qLabelstring

    Text label.

schemas DoReloadExParams object

Parameters for a reload.


  • qModeinteger
    1. : for default mode.
    2. : for ABEND; the reload of the script ends if an error occurs.
    3. : for ignore; the reload of the script continues even if an error is detected in the script.
  • qPartialboolean

    Set to true for partial reload. The default value is false.

  • qDebugboolean

    Set to true to debug reload. The default value is false.

  • qReloadIdstring

    Optional reload ID. ID will be automatically generated if not set.

  • qSkipStoreboolean

    Set to true to skip Store statements. The default value is false.

  • qRowLimitinteger

    If greater than or equal 0, defines max number of rows loaded from a data source.

schemas DoReloadExResult object

The result and path to script log for a reload.


  • qSuccessboolean

    The reload is successful if True.

  • qScriptLogFilestring

    Path to the script log file.

  • qEndedWithMemoryConstraintboolean

    true if memory limits were exhausted during reload.

schemas DocListEntry object


  • qDocNamestring

    Name of the app.

  • qConnectedUsersinteger

    Not used.

  • qFileTimenumber

    Last modified time stamp of the app. This property is used only with Qlik Sense Desktop. It is set to 0 for Qlik Sense Enterprise.

  • qFileSizenumber

    Size of remote app. This property is used only with Qlik Sense Desktop. It is set to 0 for Qlik Sense Enterprise.

  • qDocIdstring

    Identifier of the app.

    • In Qlik Sense Desktop, the identifier is the path and name of the app.
    • In Qlik Sense Enterprise, the identifier is the app's GUID.
  • qMetaobject

    Layout for NxMetaDef.

    Show qMeta properties
    • qNamestring

      Name. This property is optional.

  • qLastReloadTimestring

    Last reload time of the app.

  • qReadOnlyboolean

    If set to true, the app is read-only.

  • qTitlestring

    Title of the app.

  • qThumbnailobject
    In addition, this structure can return dynamic properties.
    Show qThumbnail properties
    • qUrlstring

      Relative path of the thumbnail.

  • qHasSectionAccessboolean

    If true the app has section access configured.

  • qIsDirectQueryModeboolean

    Is the app a Direct Query app?

  • qUsagestring


schemas DriveInfo object


  • qDrivestring

    Value of the drive. Examples: C:\, E:\\

  • qTypestring

    Type of the drive. Fixed means physical drive.

  • qNamestring

    Name of the drive.

  • qTypeIdentifierstring


  • qUnnamedDriveboolean

schemas DriveType string





  • CD_ROM

  • RAM


schemas EditorBreakpoint object


  • qbufferNamestring

    Name of the breakpoint.

  • qlineIxinteger

    Line number in the script where the breakpoint is set.

  • qEnabledboolean

    If set to true then the breakpoint is enabled (in use).

schemas EmbeddedSnapshot object

Renders the embedded snapshot in an object. The following is returned:

  • Any dynamic properties defined in the bookmark
  • Any properties defined in qEmbeddedSnapshot


"qEmbeddedSnapshot": {}

schemas EmbeddedSnapshotDef object

Defines the embedded snapshot in a generic object.


"EmbeddedSnapshotDef": {}

schemas ErrorData object


  • qErrorStringstring

    Detailed information about the error message.

  • qLineEndstring

    Line termination characters.

  • qLinestring

    Script statement where the error occurs.

  • qErrorDataCodestring


  • qMessageobject
    Show qMessage properties
    • qMessageCodeinteger

      Code number to the corresponding localized message string.

    • qMessageParametersarray of strings

      Parameters to be inserted in the localized message string.

schemas ErrorDataCode string





schemas ExpansionData object


  • qExcludeListboolean
  • qPosobject
    Show qPos properties
    • qDimNamestring
    • qElemNoarray of integers
    • qElemValuesarray of strings

schemas ExtendedLayoutBookmarkData object


  • qIdstring
  • qActiveboolean
  • qShowModeinteger
  • qScrollPosobject
    Show qScrollPos properties
    • qUsePositionboolean
    • qPosobject
      Show qPos properties
      • qxinteger

        x-coordinate in pixels. The origin is the top left of the screen.

      • qyinteger

        y-coordinate in pixels. The origin is the top left of the screen.

  • qExpansionInfoarray of objects
    Show qExpansionInfo properties
    • qExcludeListboolean
    • qPosobject
      Show qPos properties
      • qDimNamestring
      • qElemNoarray of integers
      • qElemValuesarray of strings
  • qLeftCollapsedboolean
  • qTopCollapsedboolean
  • qSortDataarray of objects
    Show qSortData properties
    • qNamestring
    • qReversedboolean
  • qDimensionGroupPosarray of objects
    Show qDimensionGroupPos properties
    • qGroupNamestring
    • qCurrentItemNamestring
  • qExpressionGroupPosarray of objects
    Show qExpressionGroupPos properties
    • qGroupNamestring
    • qCurrentItemNamestring
  • qUseGraphModeboolean
  • qGraphModestring


  • qActiveContainerChildObjectIdstring
  • qExtendedPivotStateobject
    Show qExtendedPivotState properties
    • qExpressionPositioninteger
    • qNumberOfLeftDimensionsinteger
    • qDimensionNamesarray of strings
    • qEnableConditionsarray of strings

schemas ExtendedPivotStateData object


  • qExpressionPositioninteger
  • qNumberOfLeftDimensionsinteger
  • qDimensionNamesarray of strings
  • qEnableConditionsarray of strings

schemas ExtensionList object

Obsolete, use qrs API's to fetch extensions.


  • qItemsarray of strings

schemas ExtensionListDef object

Obsolete, use qrs API's to fetch extensions.

schemas FieldAttrType string


  • U


  • A


  • I


  • R


  • F


  • M


  • D


  • T


  • TS


  • IV


schemas FieldAttributes object

Sets the formatting of a field. The properties of qFieldAttributes and the formatting mechanism are described below.

Formatting mechanism

The formatting mechanism depends on the type set in qType, as shown below:

In case of inconsistencies between the type and the format pattern, the format pattern takes precedence over the type.


The following applies:

  • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the formatting is as defined in qFmt .
  • If qFmt is empty, the formatting is defined by the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( TimeFormat , DateFormat , TimeStampFormat ).
  • The properties qDec , qThou , qnDec , qUseThou are not used.


The following applies:

  • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the formatting mechanism uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( DecimalSep and ThousandSep ).
  • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , no formatting is applied. The properties qDec , qThou , qnDec , qUseThou and the number interpretation variables defined in the script are not used .

Type is REAL

The following applies:

  • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( DecimalSep and ThousandSep ).
  • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , and if the value is almost an integer value (for example, 14,000012), the value is formatted as an integer. The properties qDec , qThou , qnDec , qUseThou are not used.
  • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , and if qnDec is defined and not 0, the property qDec is used. If qDec is not defined, the variable DecimalSep defined at the top of the script is used.
  • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , and if qnDec is 0, the number of decimals is 14 and the property qDec is used. If qDec is not defined, the variable DecimalSep defined at the top of the script is used.

Type is FIX

The following applies:

  • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( DecimalSep and ThousandSep ).
  • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , the properties qDec and qnDec are used. If qDec is not defined, the variable DecimalSep defined at the top of the script is used.

Type is MONEY

The following applies:

  • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of any script ( MoneyDecimalSep and MoneyThousandSep ).
  • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( MoneyDecimalSep and MoneyThousandSep ).

Type is ASCII

No formatting, qFmt is ignored.


  • qTypestring

    Can be one of: "U""A""I""R""F""M""D""T""TS""IV"

  • qnDecinteger

    Number of decimals. Default is 10.

  • qUseThouinteger

    Defines whether or not a thousands separator must be used. Default is 0.

  • qFmtstring

    Defines the format pattern that applies to qText . Is used in connection to the type of the field (parameter qType ). For more information, see Formatting mechanism. Example: YYYY-MM-DD for a date.

  • qDecstring

    Defines the decimal separator. Example: .

  • qThoustring

    Defines the thousand separator (if any). Is used if qUseThou is set to 1. Example: ,

schemas FieldDefEx object


  • qNamestring

    Name of the field.

  • qTypestring


schemas FieldDescription object


  • qInternalNumberinteger

    Internal number of the field.

  • qNamestring

    Name of the field.

  • qSrcTablesarray of strings

    List of table names.

  • qIsSystemboolean

    If set to true, it means that the field is a system field. The default value is false.

  • qIsHiddenboolean

    If set to true, it means that the field is hidden. The default value is false.

  • qIsSemanticboolean

    If set to true, it means that the field is a semantic. The default value is false.

  • qDistinctOnlyboolean

    If set to true, only distinct field values are shown. The default value is false.

  • qCardinalinteger

    Number of distinct field values.

  • qTotalCountinteger

    Total number of field values.

  • qPossibleCount_OBSOLETEinteger
  • qHasInfo_OBSOLETEboolean
  • qIsLockedboolean

    If set to true, it means that the field is locked. The default value is false.

  • qAlwaysOneSelectedboolean

    If set to true, it means that the field has one and only one selection (not 0 and not more than 1). If this property is set to true, the field cannot be cleared anymore and no more selections can be performed in that field. The default value is false.

  • qAndModeboolean

    If set to true a logical AND (instead of a logical OR) is used when making selections in a field. The default value is false.

  • qIsNumericboolean

    Is set to true if the value is a numeric. The default value is false.

  • qCommentstring

    Field comment.

  • qTagsarray of strings

    Gives information on a field. For example, it can return the type of the field. Examples: key, text, ASCII.

  • qIsDefinitionOnlyboolean

    If set to true, it means that the field is a field on the fly. The default value is false.

  • qByteSizeinteger

    Static RAM memory used in bytes.

schemas FieldInTableData object


  • qNamestring

    Name of the field.

  • qOriginalFieldsarray of strings

    Is shown for fixed records. qOriginalFieldName and qName are identical if no field names are used in the file. qOriginalFieldName differs from qName if embedded file names are used in the file.

  • qPresentboolean
  • qHasNullboolean

    This property is set to true if the field contains some Null values.

  • qHasWildboolean
  • qHasDuplicatesboolean

    This property is set to true if the field contains some duplicate values.

  • qIsSyntheticboolean

    This property is set to true if the field contains a synthetic key.

  • qInformationDensitynumber

    Number of records that have values (for example, not NULL) in the field as compared to the total number of records in the table.

  • qnNonNullsinteger

    Number of values that are non Null.

  • qnRowsinteger

    Number of rows in the field.

  • qSubsetRationumber

    Number of distinct values in the field (in the current table) as compared to the total number of distinct values of this field (in all tables).

  • qnTotalDistinctValuesinteger

    Number of distinct values in the field.

  • qnPresentDistinctValuesinteger
  • qKeyTypestring


  • qCommentstring

    Comment related to the field.

  • qTagsarray of strings

    List of tags related to the field.

  • qDerivedFieldsarray of objects

    List of the derived fields.

    Show qDerivedFields properties
    • qDefinitionNamestring

      Name of the derived definition.

    • qTagsarray of strings

      List of tags.

    • qActiveboolean

      Is set to true is the derived field is in use.

  • qIsFieldOnTheFlyboolean
  • qReadableNamestring

schemas FieldInTableProfilingData object


  • qNamestring

    Name of the field.

  • qFieldTagsarray of strings

    List of tags related to the field.

  • qNumberFormatobject

    Sets the formatting of a field. The properties of qFieldAttributes and the formatting mechanism are described below.

    Formatting mechanism

    The formatting mechanism depends on the type set in qType, as shown below:

    In case of inconsistencies between the type and the format pattern, the format pattern takes precedence over the type.


    The following applies:

    • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the formatting is as defined in qFmt .
    • If qFmt is empty, the formatting is defined by the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( TimeFormat , DateFormat , TimeStampFormat ).
    • The properties qDec , qThou , qnDec , qUseThou are not used.

    Type is INTEGER

    The following applies:

    • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the formatting mechanism uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( DecimalSep and ThousandSep ).
    • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , no formatting is applied. The properties qDec , qThou , qnDec , qUseThou and the number interpretation variables defined in the script are not used .

    Type is REAL

    The following applies:

    • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( DecimalSep and ThousandSep ).
    • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , and if the value is almost an integer value (for example, 14,000012), the value is formatted as an integer. The properties qDec , qThou , qnDec , qUseThou are not used.
    • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , and if qnDec is defined and not 0, the property qDec is used. If qDec is not defined, the variable DecimalSep defined at the top of the script is used.
    • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , and if qnDec is 0, the number of decimals is 14 and the property qDec is used. If qDec is not defined, the variable DecimalSep defined at the top of the script is used.

    Type is FIX

    The following applies:

    • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( DecimalSep and ThousandSep ).
    • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , the properties qDec and qnDec are used. If qDec is not defined, the variable DecimalSep defined at the top of the script is used.

    Type is MONEY

    The following applies:

    • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of any script ( MoneyDecimalSep and MoneyThousandSep ).
    • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( MoneyDecimalSep and MoneyThousandSep ).

    Type is ASCII

    No formatting, qFmt is ignored.

    Show qNumberFormat properties
    • qTypestring

      Can be one of: "U""A""I""R""F""M""D""T""TS""IV"

    • qnDecinteger

      Number of decimals. Default is 10.

    • qUseThouinteger

      Defines whether or not a thousands separator must be used. Default is 0.

    • qFmtstring

      Defines the format pattern that applies to qText . Is used in connection to the type of the field (parameter qType ). For more information, see Formatting mechanism. Example: YYYY-MM-DD for a date.

    • qDecstring

      Defines the decimal separator. Example: .

    • qThoustring

      Defines the thousand separator (if any). Is used if qUseThou is set to 1. Example: ,

  • qDistinctValuesinteger

    Number of distinct values

  • qDistinctNumericValuesinteger

    Number of distinct numeric values

  • qDistinctTextValuesinteger

    Number of distinct text values

  • qNumericValuesinteger

    Number of numeric values

  • qNullValuesinteger

    Number of null values

  • qTextValuesinteger

    Number of textual values

  • qNegValuesinteger

    Number of negative values

  • qPosValuesinteger

    Number of positive values

  • qZeroValuesinteger

    Number of zero values for numerical values

  • qSumnumber

    Sum of all numerical values. NaN otherwise.

  • qSum2number

    Squared sum of all numerical values. NaN otherwise.

  • qAveragenumber

    Average of all numerical values. NaN otherwise.

  • qMediannumber

    Median of all numerical values. NaN otherwise.

  • qStdnumber

    Standard deviation of numerical values. NaN otherwise.

  • qMinnumber

    Minimum value of numerical values. NaN otherwise.

  • qMaxnumber

    Maximum value of numerical values. NaN otherwise.

  • qSkewnessnumber

    Skewness of the numerical values. NaN otherwise.

  • qKurtosisnumber

    Kurtosis of the numerical values. NaN otherwise.

  • qFractilesarray of numbers

    The .01, .05, .1, .25, .5, .75, .9, .95, .99 fractiles. Array of NaN otherwise.

  • qEmptyStringsinteger

    Number of empty strings

  • qMaxStringLeninteger

    Maximum string length of textual values. 0 otherwise.

  • qMinStringLeninteger

    Minimum string length of textual values. 0 otherwise.

  • qSumStringLeninteger

    Sum of all characters in strings in the field

  • qAvgStringLennumber

    Average string length of textual values. 0 otherwise.

  • qFirstSortedstring

    For textual values the first sorted string.

  • qLastSortedstring

    For textual values the last sorted string.

  • qMostFrequentarray of objects

    Three most frequent values and their frequencies

    Show qMostFrequent properties
    • qSymbolobject
      Show qSymbol properties
      • qTextstring

        String value of the symbol. This parameter is optional and present only if Symbol is a string.

      • qNumbernumber

        Numeric value of the symbol. NaN otherwise.

    • qFrequencyinteger

      Frequency of the above symbol in the field

  • qFrequencyDistributionobject
    Show qFrequencyDistribution properties
    • qNumberOfBinsinteger

      Number of bins.

    • qBinsEdgesarray of numbers

      Bins edges.

    • qFrequenciesarray of integers

      Bins frequencies.

schemas FieldList object

Lists the fields present in the data model viewer. Is the layout for FieldListDef.


  • qItemsarray of objects

    Array of items.

    Show qItems properties
    • qIsSemanticboolean

      If set to true, it means that the field is a semantic.

    • qIsHiddenboolean

      If set to true, it means that the field is hidden.

    • qIsSystemboolean

      If set to true, it means that the field is a system field.

    • qAndModeboolean

      If set to true a logical AND (instead of a logical OR) is used when making selections in a field. The default value is false.

    • qNamestring

      Name of the field

    • qCardinalinteger

      Number of distinct field values

    • qTagsarray of strings

      Gives information on a field. For example, it can return the type of the field. Examples: key, text, ASCII

    • qIsDefinitionOnlyboolean

      If set to true, it means that the field is a field on the fly.

    • qDerivedFieldDataobject
      Show qDerivedFieldData properties
      • qDerivedFieldListsarray of objects

        Information about the derived fields.

        Show qDerivedFieldLists properties
        • qDerivedDefinitionNamestring

          Name of the derived definition.

        • qFieldDefsarray of objects

          List of the derived fields.

          Show qFieldDefs properties
          • qIdstring

            Identifier of the derived field. The identifier is unique.

          • qNamestring

            Combination of field name, definition and method. Example: OrderDate.MyDefinition.Year

          • qMethodstring

            Method name associated to the derived field.

          • qExprstring

            Expression of the derived field. Example: If qName is OrderDate.MyDefinition.Year , the expression is as follows: =${Mydefinition(OrderDate).Year}

          • qTagsarray of strings

            List of tags.

        • qGroupDefsarray of objects

          List of the derived groups.

          Show qGroupDefs properties
          • qIdstring

            Identifier of the group.

          • qNamestring

            Name of the derived group.

          • qGroupingstring

            Can be one of: "N""H""C"

          • qFieldDefsarray of strings

            List of the derived fields in the group.

        • qTagsarray of strings

          List of tags on the derived fields.

    • qIsDetailboolean

      Is used for Direct Discovery. If set to true, it means that the type of the field is detail.

    • qIsImplicitboolean

      Is used for Direct Discovery. If set to true, it means that the type of the field is measure.

    • qReadableNamestring

schemas FieldListDef object

Defines the fields to show.


  • qShowSystemboolean

    Shows the system tables if set to true. Default is false.

  • qShowHiddenboolean

    Shows the hidden fields if set to true. Default is false.

  • qShowSemanticboolean

    Show the semantic fields if set to true. Default is false.

  • qShowSrcTablesboolean

    Shows the tables and fields present in the data model viewer if set to true. Default is false.

  • qShowDefinitionOnlyboolean

    Shows the fields defined on the fly if set to true. Default is false.

  • qShowDerivedFieldsboolean

    Shows the fields and derived fields if set to true. Default is false.

  • qShowImplicitboolean

    Shows the Direct Discovery measure fields if set to true. Default is false.

schemas FieldOrColumn object


  • qFieldNamestring

    Name of the field or column to be matched.

  • qTableNamestring

    Name of the table to be matched on. This parameter is optional. If TableName is set, FieldName represent the Table column with that name. If TableName is not set, FieldName represents the the field with that name.

schemas FieldScores object


  • qFieldNamestring

    Field name. One of the field names defined in qFieldPairName.

  • qReadableNamestring
  • qCardinalRationumber

    Cardinality of a column/field divided by the number of rows in the table. If the cardinal ratio is 1, it means that the column is a candidate/primary key.

  • qSymbolScorenumber

    Number of distinct matches between the two fields defined in qFieldPairName divided by the number of distinct values in the field qFieldName . If 0, it means that there are no common values between the two fields defined in qFieldPairName .

  • qRowScorenumber

    Number of matches between the two fields defined in qFieldPairName divided by the number of values in the field qFieldName . If 0, it means that there are no common values between the two fields defined in qFieldPairName .

schemas FieldType string






  • IS_VAR




schemas FieldValue object


  • qTextstring

    Text related to the field value. This parameter is optional.

  • qIsNumericboolean

    Is set to true if the value is a numeric. This parameter is optional. Default is false.

  • qNumbernumber

    Numeric value of the field. This parameter is displayed if qIsNumeric is set to true. This parameter is optional.

schemas FileDataFormat object


Recognized file formats are:

  • CSV for Delimited
  • FIX for Fixed Record
  • DIF for Data Interchange Format
  • EXCEL_BIFF for Microsoft Excel (XLS)
  • EXCEL_OOXML for Microsoft Excel (XLSX)
  • HTML for HTML
  • QVD for QVD file
  • XML for XML
  • QVX for QVX file
  • JSON for JSON format
  • KML for KML file
  • PARQUET for PARQUET file


  • qTypestring


  • qLabelstring

    One of:

    • Embedded labels (field names are present in the file)
    • No labels
    • Explicit labels (for DIFfiles)
  • qQuotestring

    One of:

    • None (no quotes)
    • MSQ (Modern Style Quoting)
    • Standard (quotes " " or ' ' can be used, but only if they are the first and last non blank characters of a field value)

    This property is used for delimited files.

  • qCommentstring

    String that marks the beginning of the comment line. Example: “#” or “//” The engine ignores the commented lines during the data load. This property is only used for delimited files.

  • qDelimiterobject
    Show qDelimiter properties
    • qNamestring

      Name of the delimiter. Example: "Tab_DELIMITER"

    • qScriptCodestring

      Representation of the delimiter value that is used in the script. Example: "'\t'"

    • qNumberinteger

      Delimiter character number used by the engine to determine how to separate the values.

    • qIsMultipleboolean

      Is set to true if multiple spaces are used to separate the values.

  • qCodePageinteger

    Character set used in the file.

  • qHeaderSizeinteger

    Size of the header. Example: If the header size is 2, the first two rows in the file are considered as header and not as data. The header can contain the field names.

  • qRecordSizeinteger

    Record length. Each record (row of data) contains a number of columns with a fixed field size. This property is used for fixed record data files.

  • qTabSizeinteger

    Number of spaces that one tab character represents in the table file. This property is used for fixed record data files.

  • qIgnoreEOFboolean

    Is set to true, the end-of-file character is not taken into account during reload. This property is used for delimited files and fixed record data files.

  • qFixedWidthDelimitersstring

    Positions of the field breaks in the table. This property is used for fixed record data files.

schemas FileType string


  • CSV


  • FIX


  • DIF






  • HTML


  • QVD


  • XML


  • QVX


  • JSON


  • KML




schemas FilterInfo object


  • qTypestring

    Can be one of: "NONE""RAW"

  • qWherePredicatestring

schemas FilterType string


  • NONE


  • RAW


schemas FolderItem object


  • qNamestring

    Name of the folder item.

  • qTypestring

    Can be one of: "FOLDER""FILE""OTHER"

schemas FolderItemType string




  • FILE




schemas FrequencyDistributionData object


  • qNumberOfBinsinteger

    Number of bins.

  • qBinsEdgesarray of numbers

    Bins edges.

  • qFrequenciesarray of integers

    Bins frequencies.

schemas Function object


  • qNamestring

    Name of the script function.

  • qGroupstring


  • qSignaturestring

    Signature of the script function. Gives general information about the function.

schemas FunctionGroup string


  • ALL


  • U


  • NONE


  • AGGR


  • NUM


  • RNG


  • EXP


  • TRIG


  • FIN


  • MATH




  • STR


  • MAPP


  • RCRD


  • CND


  • LOG


  • NULL


  • SYS


  • FILE


  • TBL


  • DATE


  • NUMI


  • FRMT


  • CLR


  • RNK


  • GEO


  • EXT


  • PROB




  • LEG


  • DB




schemas GenericBookmarkEntry object


  • qPropertiesobject
    Show qProperties properties
    • qInfoobject
      Show qInfo properties
      • qIdstring

        Identifier of the object. If the chosen identifier is already in use, the engine automatically sets another one. If an identifier is not set, the engine automatically sets one. This parameter is optional.

      • qTypestring

        Type of the object. This parameter is mandatory.

    • qMetaDefobject

      Used to collect meta data.


      Semantic type with an empty structure.

    • qIncludeVariablesboolean

      If true all variables will be stored in the bookmark.

    • qDistinctValuesboolean

      If true all selected values will be stored distinct, i.e. searchstrings will not be kept.

  • qBookmarkobject
    Show qBookmark properties
    • qStateDataarray of objects

      List of selections for each state.

      Show qStateData properties
      • qStateNamestring

        Name of the alternate state. Default is current selections: $

      • qFieldItemsarray of objects

        List of the selections.

        Show qFieldItems properties
        • qDefobject
          Show qDef properties
          • qNamestring

            Name of the field.

          • qTypestring


        • qLockedboolean

          Indicates if the field is locked. Default is false.

        • qSelectInfoobject
          Show qSelectInfo properties
          • qTextSearchstring

            Text search string. Everything that matches the text is selected. This parameter is optional.

          • qRangeLonumber

            Lower value of the search range. This parameter is used when performing range selections or text searches in dimensions. Default is Null.

          • qRangeHinumber

            Highest value of the search range. This parameter is used when performing range selections or text searches in dimensions. Default is Null.

          • qNumberFormatobject

            Sets the formatting of a field. The properties of qFieldAttributes and the formatting mechanism are described below.

            Formatting mechanism

            The formatting mechanism depends on the type set in qType, as shown below:

            In case of inconsistencies between the type and the format pattern, the format pattern takes precedence over the type.

            Type is DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP or INTERVAL

            The following applies:

            • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the formatting is as defined in qFmt .
            • If qFmt is empty, the formatting is defined by the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( TimeFormat , DateFormat , TimeStampFormat ).
            • The properties qDec , qThou , qnDec , qUseThou are not used.

            Type is INTEGER

            The following applies:

            • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the formatting mechanism uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( DecimalSep and ThousandSep ).
            • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , no formatting is applied. The properties qDec , qThou , qnDec , qUseThou and the number interpretation variables defined in the script are not used .

            Type is REAL

            The following applies:

            • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( DecimalSep and ThousandSep ).
            • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , and if the value is almost an integer value (for example, 14,000012), the value is formatted as an integer. The properties qDec , qThou , qnDec , qUseThou are not used.
            • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , and if qnDec is defined and not 0, the property qDec is used. If qDec is not defined, the variable DecimalSep defined at the top of the script is used.
            • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , and if qnDec is 0, the number of decimals is 14 and the property qDec is used. If qDec is not defined, the variable DecimalSep defined at the top of the script is used.

            Type is FIX

            The following applies:

            • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( DecimalSep and ThousandSep ).
            • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , the properties qDec and qnDec are used. If qDec is not defined, the variable DecimalSep defined at the top of the script is used.

            Type is MONEY

            The following applies:

            • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of any script ( MoneyDecimalSep and MoneyThousandSep ).
            • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( MoneyDecimalSep and MoneyThousandSep ).

            Type is ASCII

            No formatting, qFmt is ignored.

            Show qNumberFormat properties
            • qTypestring

              Can be one of: "U""A""I""R""F""M""D""T""TS""IV"

            • qnDecinteger

              Number of decimals. Default is 10.

            • qUseThouinteger

              Defines whether or not a thousands separator must be used. Default is 0.

            • qFmtstring

              Defines the format pattern that applies to qText . Is used in connection to the type of the field (parameter qType ). For more information, see Formatting mechanism. Example: YYYY-MM-DD for a date.

            • qDecstring

              Defines the decimal separator. Example: .

            • qThoustring

              Defines the thousand separator (if any). Is used if qUseThou is set to 1. Example: ,

          • qRangeInfoarray of objects

            This parameter is used when performing range selections or text searches in measures. Gives information about the range of selections.

            Show qRangeInfo properties
            • qRangeLonumber

              Lowest value in the range.

            • qRangeHinumber

              Highest value in the range.

            • qMeasurestring

              Label of the measure.

          • qSoftLockboolean

            Set to true to ignore locks; in that case, locked fields can be selected. The default value is false.

          • qContinuousRangeInfoarray of objects

            List of information about ranges for selections.

            Show qContinuousRangeInfo properties
            • qMinnumber

              Lowest value in the range

            • qMaxnumber

              Highest value in the range

            • qMinInclEqboolean

              If set to true, the range includes the lowest value in the range of selections (Equals to ). [bn(50500)] Example: The range is [1,10]. If qMinInclEq is set to true it means that 1 is included in the range of selections.

            • qMaxInclEqboolean

              If set to true, the range includes the highest value in the range of selections (Equals to ). [bn(50500)] Example: The range is [1,10]. If qMinInclEq is set to true it means that 10 is included in the range of selections.

          • qSelectFieldSearchboolean

            This parameter is true if the TextSearch is a result of a Select Field operation.

        • qValuesarray of objects
          Show qValues properties
          • qTextstring

            Text related to the field value. This parameter is optional.

          • qIsNumericboolean

            Is set to true if the value is a numeric. This parameter is optional. Default is false.

          • qNumbernumber

            Numeric value of the field. This parameter is displayed if qIsNumeric is set to true. This parameter is optional.

        • qExcludedValuesarray of objects

          List of excluded values. Either the list of selected values or the list of excluded values is displayed.

          Show qExcludedValues properties
          • qTextstring

            Text related to the field value. This parameter is optional.

          • qIsNumericboolean

            Is set to true if the value is a numeric. This parameter is optional. Default is false.

          • qNumbernumber

            Numeric value of the field. This parameter is displayed if qIsNumeric is set to true. This parameter is optional.

        • qAndModeboolean

          If set to true, selections within a list object are made in AND mode; If you have a list object that lists all customers, by selecting Customer 1 and Customer 2 while in and-mode, all records that are associated with Customer 1 and Customer 2 are selected. The default value is false; selections within a list object are made in OR mode. If you have a list object that lists all customers, by selecting Customer 1 and Customer 2 while in or-mode, all records that are associated with either Customer 1 or Customer 2 are selected. This parameter is not returned if set to false.

        • qOneAndOnlyOneboolean

          If set to true, the field has always one selection (not 0 and not more than 1). If another value is selected, the previous one is unselected. The default value is false. This parameter is not returned if set to false.

    • qUtcModifyTimenumber

      Time when the bookmark was created.

    • qVariableItemsarray of objects

      List of the variables in the app at the time the bookmark was created.

      Show qVariableItems properties
      • qNamestring

        Name of the variable.

      • qValueobject
        Show qValue properties
        • qTextstring

          Text related to the field value. This parameter is optional.

        • qIsNumericboolean

          Is set to true if the value is a numeric. This parameter is optional. Default is false.

        • qNumbernumber

          Numeric value of the field. This parameter is displayed if qIsNumeric is set to true. This parameter is optional.

      • qDefinitionstring

        The Reporting mode definition of the variable.

    • qPatchesarray of objects

      Softpatches to be applied with this bookmark.

      Show qPatches properties
      • qInfoobject
        Show qInfo properties
        • qIdstring

          Identifier of the object. If the chosen identifier is already in use, the engine automatically sets another one. If an identifier is not set, the engine automatically sets one. This parameter is optional.

        • qTypestring

          Type of the object. This parameter is mandatory.

      • qPatchesarray of objects

        Array with patches.

        Show qPatches properties
        • qOpstring

          Can be one of: "add""remove""replace"

        • qPathstring

          Path to the property to add, remove or replace.

        • qValuestring

          This parameter is not used in a remove operation. Corresponds to the value of the property to add or to the new value of the property to update. Examples: "false", "2", ""New title""

      • qChildrenarray of undefineds

        Array with child objects and their patches.

    • qCyclicGroupStatesarray of objects

      Information about cyclic groups by zero-based index. This field is unused.

      Show qCyclicGroupStates properties
      • qInfoobject
        Show qInfo properties
        • qIdstring

          Identifier of the object. If the chosen identifier is already in use, the engine automatically sets another one. If an identifier is not set, the engine automatically sets one. This parameter is optional.

        • qTypestring

          Type of the object. This parameter is mandatory.

      • qActiveFieldinteger

        Active field of the cyclic group, identified by a zero-based index.

    • qGroupStatesarray of objects

      Information about cyclic groups indexed by field definition.

      Show qGroupStates properties
      • qInfoobject
        Show qInfo properties
        • qIdstring

          Identifier of the object. If the chosen identifier is already in use, the engine automatically sets another one. If an identifier is not set, the engine automatically sets one. This parameter is optional.

        • qTypestring

          Type of the object. This parameter is mandatory.

      • qActiveFieldDefstring

        String defining the active field.

  • qClassicBookmarkobject
    Show qClassicBookmark properties
    • qIdstring
    • qNamestring
    • qUtcModifyTimenumber
    • qUtcRecallTimenumber
    • qRecallCountinteger
    • qApplyAdditiveboolean
    • qFieldItemsarray of objects
      Show qFieldItems properties
      • qDefobject
        Show qDef properties
        • qNamestring

          Name of the field.

        • qTypestring


      • qLockedboolean

        Indicates if the field is locked. Default is false.

      • qSelectInfoobject
        Show qSelectInfo properties
        • qTextSearchstring

          Text search string. Everything that matches the text is selected. This parameter is optional.

        • qRangeLonumber

          Lower value of the search range. This parameter is used when performing range selections or text searches in dimensions. Default is Null.

        • qRangeHinumber

          Highest value of the search range. This parameter is used when performing range selections or text searches in dimensions. Default is Null.

        • qNumberFormatobject

          Sets the formatting of a field. The properties of qFieldAttributes and the formatting mechanism are described below.

          Formatting mechanism

          The formatting mechanism depends on the type set in qType, as shown below:

          In case of inconsistencies between the type and the format pattern, the format pattern takes precedence over the type.


          The following applies:

          • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the formatting is as defined in qFmt .
          • If qFmt is empty, the formatting is defined by the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( TimeFormat , DateFormat , TimeStampFormat ).
          • The properties qDec , qThou , qnDec , qUseThou are not used.

          Type is INTEGER

          The following applies:

          • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the formatting mechanism uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( DecimalSep and ThousandSep ).
          • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , no formatting is applied. The properties qDec , qThou , qnDec , qUseThou and the number interpretation variables defined in the script are not used .

          Type is REAL

          The following applies:

          • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( DecimalSep and ThousandSep ).
          • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , and if the value is almost an integer value (for example, 14,000012), the value is formatted as an integer. The properties qDec , qThou , qnDec , qUseThou are not used.
          • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , and if qnDec is defined and not 0, the property qDec is used. If qDec is not defined, the variable DecimalSep defined at the top of the script is used.
          • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , and if qnDec is 0, the number of decimals is 14 and the property qDec is used. If qDec is not defined, the variable DecimalSep defined at the top of the script is used.

          Type is FIX

          The following applies:

          • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( DecimalSep and ThousandSep ).
          • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , the properties qDec and qnDec are used. If qDec is not defined, the variable DecimalSep defined at the top of the script is used.

          Type is MONEY

          The following applies:

          • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of any script ( MoneyDecimalSep and MoneyThousandSep ).
          • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( MoneyDecimalSep and MoneyThousandSep ).

          Type is ASCII

          No formatting, qFmt is ignored.

          Show qNumberFormat properties
          • qTypestring

            Can be one of: "U""A""I""R""F""M""D""T""TS""IV"

          • qnDecinteger

            Number of decimals. Default is 10.

          • qUseThouinteger

            Defines whether or not a thousands separator must be used. Default is 0.

          • qFmtstring

            Defines the format pattern that applies to qText . Is used in connection to the type of the field (parameter qType ). For more information, see Formatting mechanism. Example: YYYY-MM-DD for a date.

          • qDecstring

            Defines the decimal separator. Example: .

          • qThoustring

            Defines the thousand separator (if any). Is used if qUseThou is set to 1. Example: ,

        • qRangeInfoarray of objects

          This parameter is used when performing range selections or text searches in measures. Gives information about the range of selections.

          Show qRangeInfo properties
          • qRangeLonumber

            Lowest value in the range.

          • qRangeHinumber

            Highest value in the range.

          • qMeasurestring

            Label of the measure.

        • qSoftLockboolean

          Set to true to ignore locks; in that case, locked fields can be selected. The default value is false.

        • qContinuousRangeInfoarray of objects

          List of information about ranges for selections.

          Show qContinuousRangeInfo properties
          • qMinnumber

            Lowest value in the range

          • qMaxnumber

            Highest value in the range

          • qMinInclEqboolean

            If set to true, the range includes the lowest value in the range of selections (Equals to ). [bn(50500)] Example: The range is [1,10]. If qMinInclEq is set to true it means that 1 is included in the range of selections.

          • qMaxInclEqboolean

            If set to true, the range includes the highest value in the range of selections (Equals to ). [bn(50500)] Example: The range is [1,10]. If qMinInclEq is set to true it means that 10 is included in the range of selections.

        • qSelectFieldSearchboolean

          This parameter is true if the TextSearch is a result of a Select Field operation.

      • qValuesarray of objects
        Show qValues properties
        • qTextstring

          Text related to the field value. This parameter is optional.

        • qIsNumericboolean

          Is set to true if the value is a numeric. This parameter is optional. Default is false.

        • qNumbernumber

          Numeric value of the field. This parameter is displayed if qIsNumeric is set to true. This parameter is optional.

      • qExcludedValuesarray of objects

        List of excluded values. Either the list of selected values or the list of excluded values is displayed.

        Show qExcludedValues properties
        • qTextstring

          Text related to the field value. This parameter is optional.

        • qIsNumericboolean

          Is set to true if the value is a numeric. This parameter is optional. Default is false.

        • qNumbernumber

          Numeric value of the field. This parameter is displayed if qIsNumeric is set to true. This parameter is optional.

      • qAndModeboolean

        If set to true, selections within a list object are made in AND mode; If you have a list object that lists all customers, by selecting Customer 1 and Customer 2 while in and-mode, all records that are associated with Customer 1 and Customer 2 are selected. The default value is false; selections within a list object are made in OR mode. If you have a list object that lists all customers, by selecting Customer 1 and Customer 2 while in or-mode, all records that are associated with either Customer 1 or Customer 2 are selected. This parameter is not returned if set to false.

      • qOneAndOnlyOneboolean

        If set to true, the field has always one selection (not 0 and not more than 1). If another value is selected, the previous one is unselected. The default value is false. This parameter is not returned if set to false.

    • qVariableItemsarray of objects
      Show qVariableItems properties
      • qNamestring

        Name of the variable.

      • qValueobject
        Show qValue properties
        • qTextstring

          Text related to the field value. This parameter is optional.

        • qIsNumericboolean

          Is set to true if the value is a numeric. This parameter is optional. Default is false.

        • qNumbernumber

          Numeric value of the field. This parameter is displayed if qIsNumeric is set to true. This parameter is optional.

      • qDefinitionstring

        The Reporting mode definition of the variable.

    • qSheetIdstring
    • qObjectsarray of objects
      Show qObjects properties
      • qIdstring
      • qActiveboolean
      • qShowModeinteger
      • qScrollPosobject
        Show qScrollPos properties
        • qUsePositionboolean
        • qPosobject
          Show qPos properties
          • qxinteger

            x-coordinate in pixels. The origin is the top left of the screen.

          • qyinteger

            y-coordinate in pixels. The origin is the top left of the screen.

    • qApplyLayoutStateboolean
    • qShowPopupInfoboolean
    • qInfoTextstring
    • qOwnerstring
    • qGroupsarray of objects
      Show qGroups properties
      • qIdstring
      • qCyclePosinteger
    • qShowobject
      Show qShow properties
      • qAlwaysboolean
      • qExpressionobject
        Show qExpression properties
        • qvstring

          Expression evaluated to dual.

    • qApplyInputFieldValuesboolean
    • qInputFieldItemsarray of objects
      Show qInputFieldItems properties
      • qFieldNamestring
      • qValuesarray of objects
        Show qValues properties
        • qTextstring

          Text related to the field value. This parameter is optional.

        • qIsNumericboolean

          Is set to true if the value is a numeric. This parameter is optional. Default is false.

        • qNumbernumber

          Numeric value of the field. This parameter is displayed if qIsNumeric is set to true. This parameter is optional.

      • qPackedHashKeysarray of integers
    • qObjectsLayoutarray of objects
      Show qObjectsLayout properties
      • qIdstring
      • qActiveboolean
      • qShowModeinteger
      • qScrollPosobject
        Show qScrollPos properties
        • qUsePositionboolean
        • qPosobject
          Show qPos properties
          • qxinteger

            x-coordinate in pixels. The origin is the top left of the screen.

          • qyinteger

            y-coordinate in pixels. The origin is the top left of the screen.

      • qExpansionInfoarray of objects
        Show qExpansionInfo properties
        • qExcludeListboolean
        • qPosobject
          Show qPos properties
          • qDimNamestring
          • qElemNoarray of integers
          • qElemValuesarray of strings
      • qLeftCollapsedboolean
      • qTopCollapsedboolean
      • qSortDataarray of objects
        Show qSortData properties
        • qNamestring
        • qReversedboolean
      • qDimensionGroupPosarray of objects
        Show qDimensionGroupPos properties
        • qGroupNamestring
        • qCurrentItemNamestring
      • qExpressionGroupPosarray of objects
        Show qExpressionGroupPos properties
        • qGroupNamestring
        • qCurrentItemNamestring
      • qUseGraphModeboolean
      • qGraphModestring


      • qActiveContainerChildObjectIdstring
      • qExtendedPivotStateobject
        Show qExtendedPivotState properties
        • qExpressionPositioninteger
        • qNumberOfLeftDimensionsinteger
        • qDimensionNamesarray of strings
        • qEnableConditionsarray of strings
    • qIncludeSelectionStateboolean
    • qIncludeScrollPositionboolean
    • qAlternateStateDataarray of objects
      Show qAlternateStateData properties
      • qStateNamestring

        Name of the alternate state. Default is current selections: $

      • qFieldItemsarray of objects

        List of the selections.

        Show qFieldItems properties
        • qDefobject
          Show qDef properties
          • qNamestring

            Name of the field.

          • qTypestring


        • qLockedboolean

          Indicates if the field is locked. Default is false.

        • qSelectInfoobject
          Show qSelectInfo properties
          • qTextSearchstring

            Text search string. Everything that matches the text is selected. This parameter is optional.

          • qRangeLonumber

            Lower value of the search range. This parameter is used when performing range selections or text searches in dimensions. Default is Null.

          • qRangeHinumber

            Highest value of the search range. This parameter is used when performing range selections or text searches in dimensions. Default is Null.

          • qNumberFormatobject

            Sets the formatting of a field. The properties of qFieldAttributes and the formatting mechanism are described below.

            Formatting mechanism

            The formatting mechanism depends on the type set in qType, as shown below:

            In case of inconsistencies between the type and the format pattern, the format pattern takes precedence over the type.

            Type is DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP or INTERVAL

            The following applies:

            • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the formatting is as defined in qFmt .
            • If qFmt is empty, the formatting is defined by the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( TimeFormat , DateFormat , TimeStampFormat ).
            • The properties qDec , qThou , qnDec , qUseThou are not used.

            Type is INTEGER

            The following applies:

            • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the formatting mechanism uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( DecimalSep and ThousandSep ).
            • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , no formatting is applied. The properties qDec , qThou , qnDec , qUseThou and the number interpretation variables defined in the script are not used .

            Type is REAL

            The following applies:

            • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( DecimalSep and ThousandSep ).
            • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , and if the value is almost an integer value (for example, 14,000012), the value is formatted as an integer. The properties qDec , qThou , qnDec , qUseThou are not used.
            • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , and if qnDec is defined and not 0, the property qDec is used. If qDec is not defined, the variable DecimalSep defined at the top of the script is used.
            • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , and if qnDec is 0, the number of decimals is 14 and the property qDec is used. If qDec is not defined, the variable DecimalSep defined at the top of the script is used.

            Type is FIX

            The following applies:

            • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( DecimalSep and ThousandSep ).
            • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , the properties qDec and qnDec are used. If qDec is not defined, the variable DecimalSep defined at the top of the script is used.

            Type is MONEY

            The following applies:

            • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of any script ( MoneyDecimalSep and MoneyThousandSep ).
            • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( MoneyDecimalSep and MoneyThousandSep ).

            Type is ASCII

            No formatting, qFmt is ignored.

            Show qNumberFormat properties
            • qTypestring

              Can be one of: "U""A""I""R""F""M""D""T""TS""IV"

            • qnDecinteger

              Number of decimals. Default is 10.

            • qUseThouinteger

              Defines whether or not a thousands separator must be used. Default is 0.

            • qFmtstring

              Defines the format pattern that applies to qText . Is used in connection to the type of the field (parameter qType ). For more information, see Formatting mechanism. Example: YYYY-MM-DD for a date.

            • qDecstring

              Defines the decimal separator. Example: .

            • qThoustring

              Defines the thousand separator (if any). Is used if qUseThou is set to 1. Example: ,

          • qRangeInfoarray of objects

            This parameter is used when performing range selections or text searches in measures. Gives information about the range of selections.

            Show qRangeInfo properties
            • qRangeLonumber

              Lowest value in the range.

            • qRangeHinumber

              Highest value in the range.

            • qMeasurestring

              Label of the measure.

          • qSoftLockboolean

            Set to true to ignore locks; in that case, locked fields can be selected. The default value is false.

          • qContinuousRangeInfoarray of objects

            List of information about ranges for selections.

            Show qContinuousRangeInfo properties
            • qMinnumber

              Lowest value in the range

            • qMaxnumber

              Highest value in the range

            • qMinInclEqboolean

              If set to true, the range includes the lowest value in the range of selections (Equals to ). [bn(50500)] Example: The range is [1,10]. If qMinInclEq is set to true it means that 1 is included in the range of selections.

            • qMaxInclEqboolean

              If set to true, the range includes the highest value in the range of selections (Equals to ). [bn(50500)] Example: The range is [1,10]. If qMinInclEq is set to true it means that 10 is included in the range of selections.

          • qSelectFieldSearchboolean

            This parameter is true if the TextSearch is a result of a Select Field operation.

        • qValuesarray of objects
          Show qValues properties
          • qTextstring

            Text related to the field value. This parameter is optional.

          • qIsNumericboolean

            Is set to true if the value is a numeric. This parameter is optional. Default is false.

          • qNumbernumber

            Numeric value of the field. This parameter is displayed if qIsNumeric is set to true. This parameter is optional.

        • qExcludedValuesarray of objects

          List of excluded values. Either the list of selected values or the list of excluded values is displayed.

          Show qExcludedValues properties
          • qTextstring

            Text related to the field value. This parameter is optional.

          • qIsNumericboolean

            Is set to true if the value is a numeric. This parameter is optional. Default is false.

          • qNumbernumber

            Numeric value of the field. This parameter is displayed if qIsNumeric is set to true. This parameter is optional.

        • qAndModeboolean

          If set to true, selections within a list object are made in AND mode; If you have a list object that lists all customers, by selecting Customer 1 and Customer 2 while in and-mode, all records that are associated with Customer 1 and Customer 2 are selected. The default value is false; selections within a list object are made in OR mode. If you have a list object that lists all customers, by selecting Customer 1 and Customer 2 while in or-mode, all records that are associated with either Customer 1 or Customer 2 are selected. This parameter is not returned if set to false.

        • qOneAndOnlyOneboolean

          If set to true, the field has always one selection (not 0 and not more than 1). If another value is selected, the previous one is unselected. The default value is false. This parameter is not returned if set to false.

    • qForAnnotationsboolean
    • qIncludeAllVariablesboolean
  • qClassicMetadataobject
    Show qClassicMetadata properties
    • qSharedboolean
    • qUtcModifyTimenumber
    • qSheetIdstring
    • qTemporaryboolean
    • qRestrictedAccessboolean
    • qAccessListarray of strings
    • qPersonalEditionHash_OBSOLETEstring
    • qHiddenboolean
    • qLinkedToarray of strings

schemas GenericBookmarkLayout object

Is the layout for GenericBookmarkProperties.


  • qInfoobject
    Show qInfo properties
    • qIdstring

      Identifier of the object. If the chosen identifier is already in use, the engine automatically sets another one. If an identifier is not set, the engine automatically sets one. This parameter is optional.

    • qTypestring

      Type of the object. This parameter is mandatory.

  • qMetaobject

    Layout for NxMetaDef.

    Show qMeta properties
    • qNamestring

      Name. This property is optional.

  • qBookmarkobject
    Show qBookmark properties
    • qStateDataarray of objects

      List of selections for each state.

      Show qStateData properties
      • qStateNamestring

        Name of the alternate state. Default is current selections: $

      • qFieldItemsarray of objects

        List of the selections.

        Show qFieldItems properties
        • qDefobject
          Show qDef properties
          • qNamestring

            Name of the field.

          • qTypestring


        • qLockedboolean

          Indicates if the field is locked. Default is false.

        • qSelectInfoobject
          Show qSelectInfo properties
          • qTextSearchstring

            Text search string. Everything that matches the text is selected. This parameter is optional.

          • qRangeLonumber

            Lower value of the search range. This parameter is used when performing range selections or text searches in dimensions. Default is Null.

          • qRangeHinumber

            Highest value of the search range. This parameter is used when performing range selections or text searches in dimensions. Default is Null.

          • qNumberFormatobject

            Sets the formatting of a field. The properties of qFieldAttributes and the formatting mechanism are described below.

            Formatting mechanism

            The formatting mechanism depends on the type set in qType, as shown below:

            In case of inconsistencies between the type and the format pattern, the format pattern takes precedence over the type.

            Type is DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP or INTERVAL

            The following applies:

            • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the formatting is as defined in qFmt .
            • If qFmt is empty, the formatting is defined by the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( TimeFormat , DateFormat , TimeStampFormat ).
            • The properties qDec , qThou , qnDec , qUseThou are not used.

            Type is INTEGER

            The following applies:

            • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the formatting mechanism uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( DecimalSep and ThousandSep ).
            • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , no formatting is applied. The properties qDec , qThou , qnDec , qUseThou and the number interpretation variables defined in the script are not used .

            Type is REAL

            The following applies:

            • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( DecimalSep and ThousandSep ).
            • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , and if the value is almost an integer value (for example, 14,000012), the value is formatted as an integer. The properties qDec , qThou , qnDec , qUseThou are not used.
            • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , and if qnDec is defined and not 0, the property qDec is used. If qDec is not defined, the variable DecimalSep defined at the top of the script is used.
            • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , and if qnDec is 0, the number of decimals is 14 and the property qDec is used. If qDec is not defined, the variable DecimalSep defined at the top of the script is used.

            Type is FIX

            The following applies:

            • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( DecimalSep and ThousandSep ).
            • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , the properties qDec and qnDec are used. If qDec is not defined, the variable DecimalSep defined at the top of the script is used.

            Type is MONEY

            The following applies:

            • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of any script ( MoneyDecimalSep and MoneyThousandSep ).
            • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( MoneyDecimalSep and MoneyThousandSep ).

            Type is ASCII

            No formatting, qFmt is ignored.

            Show qNumberFormat properties
            • qTypestring

              Can be one of: "U""A""I""R""F""M""D""T""TS""IV"

            • qnDecinteger

              Number of decimals. Default is 10.

            • qUseThouinteger

              Defines whether or not a thousands separator must be used. Default is 0.

            • qFmtstring

              Defines the format pattern that applies to qText . Is used in connection to the type of the field (parameter qType ). For more information, see Formatting mechanism. Example: YYYY-MM-DD for a date.

            • qDecstring

              Defines the decimal separator. Example: .

            • qThoustring

              Defines the thousand separator (if any). Is used if qUseThou is set to 1. Example: ,

          • qRangeInfoarray of objects

            This parameter is used when performing range selections or text searches in measures. Gives information about the range of selections.

            Show qRangeInfo properties
            • qRangeLonumber

              Lowest value in the range.

            • qRangeHinumber

              Highest value in the range.

            • qMeasurestring

              Label of the measure.

          • qSoftLockboolean

            Set to true to ignore locks; in that case, locked fields can be selected. The default value is false.

          • qContinuousRangeInfoarray of objects

            List of information about ranges for selections.

            Show qContinuousRangeInfo properties
            • qMinnumber

              Lowest value in the range

            • qMaxnumber

              Highest value in the range

            • qMinInclEqboolean

              If set to true, the range includes the lowest value in the range of selections (Equals to ). [bn(50500)] Example: The range is [1,10]. If qMinInclEq is set to true it means that 1 is included in the range of selections.

            • qMaxInclEqboolean

              If set to true, the range includes the highest value in the range of selections (Equals to ). [bn(50500)] Example: The range is [1,10]. If qMinInclEq is set to true it means that 10 is included in the range of selections.

          • qSelectFieldSearchboolean

            This parameter is true if the TextSearch is a result of a Select Field operation.

        • qValuesarray of objects
          Show qValues properties
          • qTextstring

            Text related to the field value. This parameter is optional.

          • qIsNumericboolean

            Is set to true if the value is a numeric. This parameter is optional. Default is false.

          • qNumbernumber

            Numeric value of the field. This parameter is displayed if qIsNumeric is set to true. This parameter is optional.

        • qExcludedValuesarray of objects

          List of excluded values. Either the list of selected values or the list of excluded values is displayed.

          Show qExcludedValues properties
          • qTextstring

            Text related to the field value. This parameter is optional.

          • qIsNumericboolean

            Is set to true if the value is a numeric. This parameter is optional. Default is false.

          • qNumbernumber

            Numeric value of the field. This parameter is displayed if qIsNumeric is set to true. This parameter is optional.

        • qAndModeboolean

          If set to true, selections within a list object are made in AND mode; If you have a list object that lists all customers, by selecting Customer 1 and Customer 2 while in and-mode, all records that are associated with Customer 1 and Customer 2 are selected. The default value is false; selections within a list object are made in OR mode. If you have a list object that lists all customers, by selecting Customer 1 and Customer 2 while in or-mode, all records that are associated with either Customer 1 or Customer 2 are selected. This parameter is not returned if set to false.

        • qOneAndOnlyOneboolean

          If set to true, the field has always one selection (not 0 and not more than 1). If another value is selected, the previous one is unselected. The default value is false. This parameter is not returned if set to false.

    • qUtcModifyTimenumber

      Time when the bookmark was created.

    • qVariableItemsarray of objects

      List of the variables in the app at the time the bookmark was created.

      Show qVariableItems properties
      • qNamestring

        Name of the variable.

      • qValueobject
        Show qValue properties
        • qTextstring

          Text related to the field value. This parameter is optional.

        • qIsNumericboolean

          Is set to true if the value is a numeric. This parameter is optional. Default is false.

        • qNumbernumber

          Numeric value of the field. This parameter is displayed if qIsNumeric is set to true. This parameter is optional.

      • qDefinitionstring

        The Reporting mode definition of the variable.

    • qPatchesarray of objects

      Softpatches to be applied with this bookmark.

      Show qPatches properties
      • qInfoobject
        Show qInfo properties
        • qIdstring

          Identifier of the object. If the chosen identifier is already in use, the engine automatically sets another one. If an identifier is not set, the engine automatically sets one. This parameter is optional.

        • qTypestring

          Type of the object. This parameter is mandatory.

      • qPatchesarray of objects

        Array with patches.

        Show qPatches properties
        • qOpstring

          Can be one of: "add""remove""replace"

        • qPathstring

          Path to the property to add, remove or replace.

        • qValuestring

          This parameter is not used in a remove operation. Corresponds to the value of the property to add or to the new value of the property to update. Examples: "false", "2", ""New title""

      • qChildrenarray of undefineds

        Array with child objects and their patches.

    • qCyclicGroupStatesarray of objects

      Information about cyclic groups by zero-based index. This field is unused.

      Show qCyclicGroupStates properties
      • qInfoobject
        Show qInfo properties
        • qIdstring

          Identifier of the object. If the chosen identifier is already in use, the engine automatically sets another one. If an identifier is not set, the engine automatically sets one. This parameter is optional.

        • qTypestring

          Type of the object. This parameter is mandatory.

      • qActiveFieldinteger

        Active field of the cyclic group, identified by a zero-based index.

    • qGroupStatesarray of objects

      Information about cyclic groups indexed by field definition.

      Show qGroupStates properties
      • qInfoobject
        Show qInfo properties
        • qIdstring

          Identifier of the object. If the chosen identifier is already in use, the engine automatically sets another one. If an identifier is not set, the engine automatically sets one. This parameter is optional.

        • qTypestring

          Type of the object. This parameter is mandatory.

      • qActiveFieldDefstring

        String defining the active field.

  • qFieldInfosarray of objects

    Information about the field selections associated with the bookmark.

    Show qFieldInfos properties
    • qFieldNamestring

      The name of the field.

    • qValuesCountinteger

      Number of selected values in the field.

    • qExcludedValuesCountinteger

      Number of excluded values in the field.

schemas GenericBookmarkProperties object


  • qInfoobject
    Show qInfo properties
    • qIdstring

      Identifier of the object. If the chosen identifier is already in use, the engine automatically sets another one. If an identifier is not set, the engine automatically sets one. This parameter is optional.

    • qTypestring

      Type of the object. This parameter is mandatory.

  • qMetaDefobject

    Used to collect meta data.


    Semantic type with an empty structure.

  • qIncludeVariablesboolean

    If true all variables will be stored in the bookmark.

  • qDistinctValuesboolean

    If true all selected values will be stored distinct, i.e. searchstrings will not be kept.

schemas GenericConnectMachine string



  • CONNECT_64

  • CONNECT_32

schemas GenericDimensionInfo object


  • qApprMaxGlyphCountinteger

    Length of the longest value in the field.

  • qCardinalinteger

    Number of distinct field values

  • qTagsarray of strings

    Gives information on a field. For example, it can return the type of the field. Examples: key, text, ASCII

  • qIsSemanticboolean

    If set to true, it means that the field is a semantic.

  • qAndModeboolean

    If set to true a logical AND (instead of a logical OR) is used when making selections in a field. The default value is false.

schemas GenericDimensionLayout object

Is the layout for GenericDimensionProperties.


  • qInfoobject
    Show qInfo properties
    • qIdstring

      Identifier of the object. If the chosen identifier is already in use, the engine automatically sets another one. If an identifier is not set, the engine automatically sets one. This parameter is optional.

    • qTypestring

      Type of the object. This parameter is mandatory.

  • qMetaobject

    Layout for NxMetaDef.

    Show qMeta properties
    • qNamestring

      Name. This property is optional.

  • qDimobject
    Show qDim properties
    • qGroupingstring

      Can be one of: "N""H""C"

    • qFieldDefsarray of strings

      Array of dimension names.

    • qFieldLabelsarray of strings

      Array of dimension labels.

    • qLabelExpressionstring
    • qAliasstring

      Alias of the dimension.

  • qDimInfosarray of objects

    Cardinal and tags related to the dimension. Length of the longest value in the field.

    Show qDimInfos properties
    • qApprMaxGlyphCountinteger

      Length of the longest value in the field.

    • qCardinalinteger

      Number of distinct field values

    • qTagsarray of strings

      Gives information on a field. For example, it can return the type of the field. Examples: key, text, ASCII

    • qIsSemanticboolean

      If set to true, it means that the field is a semantic.

    • qAndModeboolean

      If set to true a logical AND (instead of a logical OR) is used when making selections in a field. The default value is false.

schemas GenericDimensionProperties object


  • qInfoobject
    Show qInfo properties
    • qIdstring

      Identifier of the object. If the chosen identifier is already in use, the engine automatically sets another one. If an identifier is not set, the engine automatically sets one. This parameter is optional.

    • qTypestring

      Type of the object. This parameter is mandatory.

  • qDimobject
    Show qDim properties
    • qGroupingstring

      Can be one of: "N""H""C"

    • qFieldDefsarray of strings

      Array of dimension names.

    • qFieldLabelsarray of strings

      Array of dimension labels.

    • qLabelExpressionstring
    • qAliasstring

      Alias of the dimension.

  • qMetaDefobject

    Used to collect meta data.


    Semantic type with an empty structure.

schemas GenericMeasureLayout object

Is the layout for GenericMeasureProperties.


  • qInfoobject
    Show qInfo properties
    • qIdstring

      Identifier of the object. If the chosen identifier is already in use, the engine automatically sets another one. If an identifier is not set, the engine automatically sets one. This parameter is optional.

    • qTypestring

      Type of the object. This parameter is mandatory.

  • qMeasureobject

    Information about the library measure. Is the layout for NxLibraryMeasureDef.

    Show qMeasure properties
    • qLabelstring
    • qDefstring
    • qGroupingstring

      Can be one of: "N""H""C"

    • qExpressionsarray of strings
    • qActiveExpressioninteger
    • qLabelExpressionstring
    • qNumFormatobject

      Sets the formatting of a field. The properties of qFieldAttributes and the formatting mechanism are described below.

      Formatting mechanism

      The formatting mechanism depends on the type set in qType, as shown below:

      In case of inconsistencies between the type and the format pattern, the format pattern takes precedence over the type.


      The following applies:

      • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the formatting is as defined in qFmt .
      • If qFmt is empty, the formatting is defined by the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( TimeFormat , DateFormat , TimeStampFormat ).
      • The properties qDec , qThou , qnDec , qUseThou are not used.

      Type is INTEGER

      The following applies:

      • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the formatting mechanism uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( DecimalSep and ThousandSep ).
      • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , no formatting is applied. The properties qDec , qThou , qnDec , qUseThou and the number interpretation variables defined in the script are not used .

      Type is REAL

      The following applies:

      • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( DecimalSep and ThousandSep ).
      • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , and if the value is almost an integer value (for example, 14,000012), the value is formatted as an integer. The properties qDec , qThou , qnDec , qUseThou are not used.
      • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , and if qnDec is defined and not 0, the property qDec is used. If qDec is not defined, the variable DecimalSep defined at the top of the script is used.
      • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , and if qnDec is 0, the number of decimals is 14 and the property qDec is used. If qDec is not defined, the variable DecimalSep defined at the top of the script is used.

      Type is FIX

      The following applies:

      • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( DecimalSep and ThousandSep ).
      • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , the properties qDec and qnDec are used. If qDec is not defined, the variable DecimalSep defined at the top of the script is used.

      Type is MONEY

      The following applies:

      • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of any script ( MoneyDecimalSep and MoneyThousandSep ).
      • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( MoneyDecimalSep and MoneyThousandSep ).

      Type is ASCII

      No formatting, qFmt is ignored.

      Show qNumFormat properties
      • qTypestring

        Can be one of: "U""A""I""R""F""M""D""T""TS""IV"

      • qnDecinteger

        Number of decimals. Default is 10.

      • qUseThouinteger

        Defines whether or not a thousands separator must be used. Default is 0.

      • qFmtstring

        Defines the format pattern that applies to qText . Is used in connection to the type of the field (parameter qType ). For more information, see Formatting mechanism. Example: YYYY-MM-DD for a date.

      • qDecstring

        Defines the decimal separator. Example: .

      • qThoustring

        Defines the thousand separator (if any). Is used if qUseThou is set to 1. Example: ,

  • qMetaobject

    Layout for NxMetaDef.

    Show qMeta properties
    • qNamestring

      Name. This property is optional.

schemas GenericMeasureProperties object


  • qInfoobject
    Show qInfo properties