Qlik Sense Engine (qix)

The JSON-RPC API over WebSocket API that enables you to interact with the Qlik Associative Engine for Qlik Sense applications.

Download specification


GenericBookmark Apply


Applies a bookmark.

The operation is successful if **qSuccess** is set to true.


  • qSuccessboolean




const result = await genericBookmark.apply()


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "handle": 3,
  "method": "Apply"


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "qSuccess": true

GenericBookmark ApplyAndVerify


Applies a bookmark and verify result dataset against originally selected values.

The operation is successful if **qApplySuccess** is set to true. **qWarnings** lists state and field with unmatching values


  • qResultobject
    Show qResult properties
    • qApplySuccessboolean

      Apply successfully or not *

    • qWarningsarray of objects

      Field values verfication result *

      Show qWarnings properties
      • qStatestring

        Alternate State *

      • qFieldstring

        Field Name *

      • qVerifyResultstring


      • qMissingValuesarray of strings
    • qGroupStateResultobject

      Result of applying GroupState to multiple cyclic groups.

      Show qGroupStateResult properties
      • qApplySuccessboolean

        When true, the operation was successful.

      • qWarningsarray of objects

        Lists which states failed to be applied and why.

        Show qWarnings properties
        • qStateobject
          Show qState properties
          • qInfoobject
            Show qInfo properties
            • qIdstring

              Identifier of the object. If the chosen identifier is already in use, the engine automatically sets another one. If an identifier is not set, the engine automatically sets one. This parameter is optional.

            • qTypestring

              Type of the object. This parameter is mandatory.

          • qActiveFieldDefstring

            String defining the active field.

        • qTypestring

          Can be one of: "group_missing""group_not_applicable""fielddef_missing"




const result = await genericBookmark.applyAndVerify()


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "handle": 3,
  "method": "ApplyAndVerify"


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "qResult": {
      "qApplySuccess": true,
      "qWarnings": [
          "qState": "value",
          "qField": "value",
          "qVerifyResult": "NOT_VERIFIED",
          "qMissingValues": [
      "qGroupStateResult": {
        "qApplySuccess": true,
        "qWarnings": [
            "qState": {
              "qInfo": {
                "qId": "value",
                "qType": "value"
              "qActiveFieldDef": "value"
            "qType": "group_missing"

GenericBookmark ApplyPatches


Applies a patch to the properties of an object. Allows an update to some of the properties. It should not be possible to patch "/qInfo/qId", and it will be forbidden in the near future.

Applying a patch takes less time than resetting all the properties.


  • qPatchesarray of objects

    Array of patches.

    Show qPatches properties
    • qOpstring

      Can be one of: "add""remove""replace"

    • qPathstring

      Path to the property to add, remove or replace.

    • qValuestring

      This parameter is not used in a remove operation. Corresponds to the value of the property to add or to the new value of the property to update. Examples: "false", "2", ""New title""






const result = await genericBookmark.applyPatches([
    "qOp": "add",
    "qPath": "value",
    "qValue": "value"


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "handle": 3,
  "method": "ApplyPatches",
  "params": {
    "qPatches": [
        "qOp": "add",
        "qPath": "value",
        "qValue": "value"


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {}

GenericBookmark Approve


Adds the generic bookmark to the list of approved objects

This operation is possible only in Qlik Sense Enterprise.






const result = await genericBookmark.approve()


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "handle": 3,
  "method": "Approve"


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {}

GenericBookmark GetFieldValues

(qField, qGetExcludedValues, qDataPage)

Retrieves the values of a field for the default state.


Name Description Type
qText Text related to the field value. String
qIsNumeric Is set to true if the value is a numeric.
Default is false.
qNumber Numeric value of the field.
This parameter is displayed if qIsNumeric is set to true.


  • qFieldstring

    Name of the field.

  • qGetExcludedValuesboolean

    If set to true, only NOT-selected values are returned.

  • qDataPageobject

    Range of returned values.

    Show qDataPage properties
    • qStartIndexinteger

      The start value of the range.

    • qEndIndexinteger

      The end value of the range.


  • qFieldValuesarray of objects
    Show qFieldValues properties
    • qTextstring

      Text related to the field value. This parameter is optional.

    • qIsNumericboolean

      Is set to true if the value is a numeric. This parameter is optional. Default is false.

    • qNumbernumber

      Numeric value of the field. This parameter is displayed if qIsNumeric is set to true. This parameter is optional.



GetFieldValues(qField, qGetExcludedValues, qDataPage)

const result = await genericBookmark.getFieldValues("value", true, {
  "qStartIndex": 123,
  "qEndIndex": 123


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "handle": 3,
  "method": "GetFieldValues",
  "params": {
    "qField": "value",
    "qGetExcludedValues": true,
    "qDataPage": {
      "qStartIndex": 123,
      "qEndIndex": 123


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "qFieldValues": [
        "qText": "value",
        "qIsNumeric": true,
        "qNumber": 123

GenericBookmark GetFieldValuesEx

(qField, qGetExcludedValues, qDataPages)

Retrieves the values of a field per state.


Name Description Type
qText Text related to the field value. String
qIsNumeric Is set to true if the value is a numeric.
Default is false.
qNumber Numeric value of the field.
This parameter is displayed if qIsNumeric is set to true.


  • qFieldstring

    Name of the field.

  • qGetExcludedValuesboolean

    When to true, only NOT-selected values are returned.

  • qDataPagesobject

    Range of returned values per state, an empty array will return the values of all states. Only one page without a state name returns the values for all states, using the start and end indices of the first page.

    Show qDataPages properties
    • qStatePagesarray of objects

      Bookmark field pages for different states.

      Show qStatePages properties
      • qStateNamestring

        The name of the selected state.

      • qStartIndexinteger

        The start value of the range.

      • qEndIndexinteger

        The end value of the range.


  • qFieldValuesarray of objects
    Show qFieldValues properties
    • qStateNamestring

      Name of the state.

    • qFieldValuesarray of objects

      The field values associated with the state.

      Show qFieldValues properties
      • qTextstring

        Text related to the field value. This parameter is optional.

      • qIsNumericboolean

        Is set to true if the value is a numeric. This parameter is optional. Default is false.

      • qNumbernumber

        Numeric value of the field. This parameter is displayed if qIsNumeric is set to true. This parameter is optional.



GetFieldValuesEx(qField, qGetExcludedValues, qDataPages)

const result = await genericBookmark.getFieldValuesEx("value", true, {
  "qStatePages": [
      "qStateName": "$",
      "qStartIndex": 123,
      "qEndIndex": 123


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "handle": 3,
  "method": "GetFieldValuesEx",
  "params": {
    "qField": "value",
    "qGetExcludedValues": true,
    "qDataPages": {
      "qStatePages": [
          "qStateName": "$",
          "qStartIndex": 123,
          "qEndIndex": 123


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "qFieldValues": [
        "qStateName": "value",
        "qFieldValues": [
            "qText": "value",
            "qIsNumeric": true,
            "qNumber": 123

GenericBookmark GetInfo



  • The type of the object.
  • The identifier of the object.


  • qInfoobject
    Show qInfo properties
    • qIdstring

      Identifier of the object. If the chosen identifier is already in use, the engine automatically sets another one. If an identifier is not set, the engine automatically sets one. This parameter is optional.

    • qTypestring

      Type of the object. This parameter is mandatory.




const result = await genericBookmark.getInfo()


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "handle": 3,
  "method": "GetInfo"


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "qInfo": {
      "qId": "value",
      "qType": "value"

GenericBookmark GetLayout


Evaluates an object and displays its properties including the dynamic properties. If the member delta is set to true in the request object, only the delta is evaluated.


  • qLayoutobject

    Is the layout for GenericBookmarkProperties.

    Show qLayout properties
    • qInfoobject
      Show qInfo properties
      • qIdstring

        Identifier of the object. If the chosen identifier is already in use, the engine automatically sets another one. If an identifier is not set, the engine automatically sets one. This parameter is optional.

      • qTypestring

        Type of the object. This parameter is mandatory.

    • qMetaobject

      Layout for NxMetaDef.

      Show qMeta properties
      • qNamestring

        Name. This property is optional.

    • qBookmarkobject
      Show qBookmark properties
      • qStateDataarray of objects

        List of selections for each state.

        Show qStateData properties
        • qStateNamestring

          Name of the alternate state. Default is current selections: $

        • qFieldItemsarray of objects

          List of the selections.

          Show qFieldItems properties
          • qDefobject
            Show qDef properties
            • qNamestring

              Name of the field.

            • qTypestring


          • qLockedboolean

            Indicates if the field is locked. Default is false.

          • qSelectInfoobject
            Show qSelectInfo properties
            • qTextSearchstring

              Text search string. Everything that matches the text is selected. This parameter is optional.

            • qRangeLonumber

              Lower value of the search range. This parameter is used when performing range selections or text searches in dimensions. Default is Null.

            • qRangeHinumber

              Highest value of the search range. This parameter is used when performing range selections or text searches in dimensions. Default is Null.

            • qNumberFormatobject

              Sets the formatting of a field. The properties of qFieldAttributes and the formatting mechanism are described below.

              Formatting mechanism

              The formatting mechanism depends on the type set in qType, as shown below:

              In case of inconsistencies between the type and the format pattern, the format pattern takes precedence over the type.

              Type is DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP or INTERVAL

              The following applies:

              • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the formatting is as defined in qFmt .
              • If qFmt is empty, the formatting is defined by the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( TimeFormat , DateFormat , TimeStampFormat ).
              • The properties qDec , qThou , qnDec , qUseThou are not used.

              Type is INTEGER

              The following applies:

              • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the formatting mechanism uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( DecimalSep and ThousandSep ).
              • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , no formatting is applied. The properties qDec , qThou , qnDec , qUseThou and the number interpretation variables defined in the script are not used .

              Type is REAL

              The following applies:

              • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( DecimalSep and ThousandSep ).
              • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , and if the value is almost an integer value (for example, 14,000012), the value is formatted as an integer. The properties qDec , qThou , qnDec , qUseThou are not used.
              • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , and if qnDec is defined and not 0, the property qDec is used. If qDec is not defined, the variable DecimalSep defined at the top of the script is used.
              • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , and if qnDec is 0, the number of decimals is 14 and the property qDec is used. If qDec is not defined, the variable DecimalSep defined at the top of the script is used.

              Type is FIX

              The following applies:

              • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( DecimalSep and ThousandSep ).
              • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , the properties qDec and qnDec are used. If qDec is not defined, the variable DecimalSep defined at the top of the script is used.

              Type is MONEY

              The following applies:

              • If a format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine looks at the values set in qDec and qThou . If these properties are not defined, the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of any script ( MoneyDecimalSep and MoneyThousandSep ).
              • If no format pattern is defined in qFmt , the engine uses the number interpretation variables included at the top of the script ( MoneyDecimalSep and MoneyThousandSep ).

              Type is ASCII

              No formatting, qFmt is ignored.

              Show qNumberFormat properties
              • qTypestring

                Can be one of: "U""A""I""R""F""M""D""T""TS""IV"

              • qnDecinteger

                Number of decimals. Default is 10.

              • qUseThouinteger

                Defines whether or not a thousands separator must be used. Default is 0.

              • qFmtstring

                Defines the format pattern that applies to qText . Is used in connection to the type of the field (parameter qType ). For more information, see Formatting mechanism. Example: YYYY-MM-DD for a date.

              • qDecstring

                Defines the decimal separator. Example: .

              • qThoustring

                Defines the thousand separator (if any). Is used if qUseThou is set to 1. Example: ,

            • qRangeInfoarray of objects

              This parameter is used when performing range selections or text searches in measures. Gives information about the range of selections.

              Show qRangeInfo properties
              • qRangeLonumber

                Lowest value in the range.

              • qRangeHinumber

                Highest value in the range.

              • qMeasurestring

                Label of the measure.

            • qSoftLockboolean

              Set to true to ignore locks; in that case, locked fields can be selected. The default value is false.

            • qContinuousRangeInfoarray of objects

              List of information about ranges for selections.

              Show qContinuousRangeInfo properties
              • qMinnumber

                Lowest value in the range

              • qMaxnumber

                Highest value in the range

              • qMinInclEqboolean

                If set to true, the range includes the lowest value in the range of selections (Equals to ). [bn(50500)] Example: The range is [1,10]. If qMinInclEq is set to true it means that 1 is included in the range of selections.

              • qMaxInclEqboolean

                If set to true, the range includes the highest value in the range of selections (Equals to ). [bn(50500)] Example: The range is [1,10]. If qMinInclEq is set to true it means that 10 is included in the range of selections.

            • qSelectFieldSearchboolean

              This parameter is true if the TextSearch is a result of a Select Field operation.

          • qValuesarray of objects
            Show qValues properties
            • qTextstring

              Text related to the field value. This parameter is optional.

            • qIsNumericboolean

              Is set to true if the value is a numeric. This parameter is optional. Default is false.

            • qNumbernumber

              Numeric value of the field. This parameter is displayed if qIsNumeric is set to true. This parameter is optional.

          • qExcludedValuesarray of objects

            List of excluded values. Either the list of selected values or the list of excluded values is displayed.

            Show qExcludedValues properties
            • qTextstring

              Text related to the field value. This parameter is optional.

            • qIsNumericboolean

              Is set to true if the value is a numeric. This parameter is optional. Default is false.

            • qNumbernumber

              Numeric value of the field. This parameter is displayed if qIsNumeric is set to true. This parameter is optional.

          • qAndModeboolean

            If set to true, selections within a list object are made in AND mode; If you have a list object that lists all customers, by selecting Customer 1 and Customer 2 while in and-mode, all records that are associated with Customer 1 and Customer 2 are selected. The default value is false; selections within a list object are made in OR mode. If you have a list object that lists all customers, by selecting Customer 1 and Customer 2 while in or-mode, all records that are associated with either Customer 1 or Customer 2 are selected. This parameter is not returned if set to false.

          • qOneAndOnlyOneboolean

            If set to true, the field has always one selection (not 0 and not more than 1). If another value is selected, the previous one is unselected. The default value is false. This parameter is not returned if set to false.

          • qValuesCountinteger

            Count of selected values. Indicates if the Values field is loaded.

          • qExcludedValuesCountinteger

            Count of excluded values. Indicates if the ExcludedValues field is loaded.

      • qUtcModifyTimenumber

        Time when the bookmark was created.

      • qVariableItemsarray of objects

        List of the variables in the app at the time the bookmark was created.

        Show qVariableItems properties
        • qNamestring

          Name of the variable.

        • qValueobject
          Show qValue properties
          • qTextstring

            Text related to the field value. This parameter is optional.

          • qIsNumericboolean

            Is set to true if the value is a numeric. This parameter is optional. Default is false.

          • qNumbernumber

            Numeric value of the field. This parameter is displayed if qIsNumeric is set to true. This parameter is optional.

        • qDefinitionstring

          The Reporting mode definition of the variable.

      • qPatchesarray of objects

        Softpatches to be applied with this bookmark.

        Show qPatches properties
        • qInfoobject
          Show qInfo properties
          • qIdstring

            Identifier of the object. If the chosen identifier is already in use, the engine automatically sets another one. If an identifier is not set, the engine automatically sets one. This parameter is optional.

          • qTypestring

            Type of the object. This parameter is mandatory.

        • qPatchesarray of objects

          Array with patches.

          Show qPatches properties
          • qOpstring

            Can be one of: "add""remove""replace"

          • qPathstring

            Path to the property to add, remove or replace.

          • qValuestring

            This parameter is not used in a remove operation. Corresponds to the value of the property to add or to the new value of the property to update. Examples: "false", "2", ""New title""

        • qChildrenarray of undefineds

          Array with child objects and their patches.

      • qCyclicGroupStatesarray of objects

        Information about cyclic groups by zero-based index. This field is unused.

        Show qCyclicGroupStates properties
        • qInfoobject
          Show qInfo properties
          • qIdstring

            Identifier of the object. If the chosen identifier is already in use, the engine automatically sets another one. If an identifier is not set, the engine automatically sets one. This parameter is optional.

          • qTypestring

            Type of the object. This parameter is mandatory.

        • qActiveFieldinteger

          Active field of the cyclic group, identified by a zero-based index.

      • qGroupStatesarray of objects

        Information about cyclic groups indexed by field definition.

        Show qGroupStates properties
        • qInfoobject
          Show qInfo properties
          • qIdstring

            Identifier of the object. If the chosen identifier is already in use, the engine automatically sets another one. If an identifier is not set, the engine automatically sets one. This parameter is optional.

          • qTypestring

            Type of the object. This parameter is mandatory.

        • qActiveFieldDefstring

          String defining the active field.

    • qFieldInfosarray of objects

      Information about the field selections associated with the bookmark.

      Show qFieldInfos properties
      • qFieldNamestring

        The name of the field.

      • qValuesCountinteger

        Number of selected values in the field.

      • qExcludedValuesCountinteger

        Number of excluded values in the field.




const result = await genericBookmark.getLayout()


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "handle": 3,
  "method": "GetLayout"


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "qLayout": {
      "qInfo": {
        "qId": "value",
        "qType": "value"
      "qMeta": {
        "qName": "value"
      "qBookmark": {
        "qStateData": [
            "qStateName": "value",
            "qFieldItems": [
                "qDef": {
                  "qName": "value",
                  "qType": "NOT_PRESENT"
                "qLocked": true,
                "qSelectInfo": {
                  "qTextSearch": "value",
                  "qRangeLo": -1e+300,
                  "qRangeHi": -1e+300,
                  "qNumberFormat": {
                    "qType": "U",
                    "qnDec": 10,
                    "qUseThou": 123,
                    "qFmt": "value",
                    "qDec": "value",
                    "qThou": "value"
                  "qRangeInfo": [
                      "qRangeLo": -1e+300,
                      "qRangeHi": -1e+300,
                      "qMeasure": "value"
                  "qSoftLock": true,
                  "qContinuousRangeInfo": [
                      "qMin": 123,
                      "qMax": 123,
                      "qMinInclEq": true,
                      "qMaxInclEq": true
                  "qSelectFieldSearch": true
                "qValues": [
                    "qText": "value",
                    "qIsNumeric": true,
                    "qNumber": 123
                "qExcludedValues": [
                    "qText": "value",
                    "qIsNumeric": true,
                    "qNumber": 123
                "qAndMode": true,
                "qOneAndOnlyOne": true,
                "qValuesCount": -1,
                "qExcludedValuesCount": -1
        "qUtcModifyTime": 123,
        "qVariableItems": [
            "qName": "value",
            "qValue": {
              "qText": "value",
              "qIsNumeric": true,
              "qNumber": 123
            "qDefinition": "value"
        "qPatches": [
            "qInfo": {
              "qId": "value",
              "qType": "value"
            "qPatches": [
                "qOp": "add",
                "qPath": "value",
                "qValue": "value"
            "qChildren": []
        "qCyclicGroupStates": [
            "qInfo": {
              "qId": "value",
              "qType": "value"
            "qActiveField": 123
        "qGroupStates": [
            "qInfo": {
              "qId": "value",
              "qType": "value"
            "qActiveFieldDef": "value"
      "qFieldInfos": [
          "qFieldName": "value",
          "qValuesCount": 123,
          "qExcludedValuesCount": 123

GenericBookmark GetProperties


Shows the properties of an object.

If the member delta is set to true in the request object, only the delta is retrieved.
The following is always returned in the output:


  • qPropobject
    Show qProp properties
    • qInfoobject
      Show qInfo properties
      • qIdstring

        Identifier of the object. If the chosen identifier is already in use, the engine automatically sets another one. If an identifier is not set, the engine automatically sets one. This parameter is optional.

      • qTypestring

        Type of the object. This parameter is mandatory.

    • qMetaDefobject

      Used to collect meta data.


      Semantic type with an empty structure.

    • qIncludeVariablesboolean

      If true all variables will be stored in the bookmark.

    • qDistinctValuesboolean

      If true all selected values will be stored distinct, i.e. searchstrings will not be kept.




const result = await genericBookmark.getProperties()


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "handle": 3,
  "method": "GetProperties"


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "qProp": {
      "qInfo": {
        "qId": "value",
        "qType": "value"
      "qMetaDef": {},
      "qIncludeVariables": true,
      "qDistinctValues": true

GenericBookmark Publish


Publishes a bookmark.

This operation is not applicable for Qlik Sense Desktop.






const result = await genericBookmark.publish()


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "handle": 3,
  "method": "Publish"


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {}

GenericBookmark SetProperties


Sets some properties for a bookmark.


  • qPropobject

    Information about the bookmark.

    Show qProp properties
    • qInfoobject
      Show qInfo properties
      • qIdstring

        Identifier of the object. If the chosen identifier is already in use, the engine automatically sets another one. If an identifier is not set, the engine automatically sets one. This parameter is optional.

      • qTypestring

        Type of the object. This parameter is mandatory.

    • qMetaDefobject

      Used to collect meta data.


      Semantic type with an empty structure.

    • qIncludeVariablesboolean

      If true all variables will be stored in the bookmark.

    • qDistinctValuesboolean

      If true all selected values will be stored distinct, i.e. searchstrings will not be kept.






const result = await genericBookmark.setProperties({
  "qInfo": {
    "qId": "value",
    "qType": "value"
  "qMetaDef": {},
  "qIncludeVariables": true,
  "qDistinctValues": true


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "handle": 3,
  "method": "SetProperties",
  "params": {
    "qProp": {
      "qInfo": {
        "qId": "value",
        "qType": "value"
      "qMetaDef": {},
      "qIncludeVariables": true,
      "qDistinctValues": true


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {}

GenericBookmark UnApprove


Removes the generic bookmark from the list of approved objects

This operation is possible only in Qlik Sense Enterprise.






const result = await genericBookmark.unApprove()


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "handle": 3,
  "method": "UnApprove"


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {}

GenericBookmark UnPublish


Unpublishes a bookmark.

This operation is not applicable for Qlik Sense Desktop.






const result = await genericBookmark.unPublish()


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "handle": 3,
  "method": "UnPublish"


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {}