Qlik Sense Engine (qix)
The JSON-RPC API over WebSocket API that enables you to interact with the Qlik Associative Engine for Qlik Sense applications.
- -128
Internal error
- -1
Unknown error
- 0
- 1
Resource not set
- 2
Resource not found
- 3
Resource already exists
- 4
Invalid path
- 5
Access denied
- 6
Out of memory
- 7
Not initialized
- 8
Invalid parameters
- 9
Empty parameters
- 10
Internal error
- 11
Corrupt data
- 12
Memory inconsistency
- 13
Invisible owner abort
- 14
Prohibit validate
- 15
Request aborted
- 16
Unknown error
- 17
Unsupported in product version
- 18
Unknown error
- 19
Memory limit reached
- 20
Not implemented
- 400
Bad Request
- 401
- 402
Payment Required
- 403
- 404
Not Found
- 405
Method Not Allowed
- 406
Not Acceptable
- 407
Proxy Authentication Required
- 408
Request Timeout
- 409
- 410
- 411
Length Required
- 412
Precondition Failed
- 413
Request Entity Too Large
- 414
Request-URI Too Long
- 415
Unsupported Media Type
- 416
Requested Range Not Satisfiable
- 417
Expectation Failed
- 422
Unprocessable Entity
- 423
Unknown error
- 429
Too Many Requests
- 500
Internal Server Error
- 501
Not Implemented
- 502
Bad Gateway
- 503
Service Unavailable
- 504
Gateway Timeout
- 505
HTTP Version Not Supported
- 509
Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
- 700
Host could not be resolved
- 1000
App already exists
- 1001
Invalid app name
- 1002
App already open
- 1003
App not found
- 1004
App import failed
- 1005
App save failed
- 1006
App creation failed
- 1007
App invalid
- 1008
Failed to connect to app
- 1009
App already open in different mode
- 1010
App migration service could not be contacted
- 1011
Could not start the app migration
- 1012
Migration service could not migrate app
- 1013
Unknown error
- 1014
App export failed
- 1015
Static App size exceeded
- 1016
Direct Query mode not supported
- 1017
Unknown error
- 1018
App event source timeout
- 2000
Connection already exists
- 2001
Connection not found
- 2002
Failed to load connection
- 2003
Failed to import connection
- 2004
Connection name is invalid. Should be 1-256 characters and not contain <>:"/|?*
- 2005
Connection is missing credentials
- 2300
Connector does not support file streaming
- 2301
Data file size exceeded file streaming buffer size
- 3000
File access denied
- 3001
Invalid file name
- 3002
File corrupted
- 3003
File not found
- 3004
Unsupported file format version
- 3005
File opened in unsupported mode
- 3006
Table not found
- 4000
User access denied
- 4001
User impersonation failed
- 5000
Server out of session and usage cals
- 5001
File not found
- 5002
File not found
- 5003
Server out of cals
- 5004
Server out of named cals
- 5005
Server off duty
- 5006
Server busy
- 5007
License has expired
- 5008
Ajax disabled
- 5009
No user license available for the user of this session
- 6000
Invalid hypercube object
- 6001
Result too large
- 6002
Invalid hypercube object state
- 6003
Function not allowed on this object in app modal mode
- 7000
All expressions disabled
- 7001
Dimension or measure not in library
- 7002
Out of object memory
- 7003
Too many cells
- 7004
Calculation timed out
- 7005
Calculation condition unfulfilled
- 7006
Mixed DBMS and in-memory aggregation is not supported
- 7007
Direct query attempted against missing or non-direct table
- 7008
Invalid properties sort order
- 7009
Calculation pages too large
- 7010
Semantic fields not allowed in calculation
- 7011
The object is not in a valid data state
- 7012
The pivot dimensions already exist
- 7013
A direct table field is missing
- 7014
A calculation condition stopped the calculation
- 8000
Invalid extends id for properties
- 8001
Linked object not found on layout
- 8002
Invalid linked object
- 9000
Write Failed
- 9001
Read Failed
- 9002
Delete Failed
- 9003
Resource not found
- 9004
Unsupported version
- 9005
Migration failed since the file was write protected
- 9006
Migration was aborted
- 9007
Backup of original file failed when migrating
- 9008
The disk is out of space
- 9009
Unknown error
- 9010
Unknown error
- 9011
Object locked
- 9012
Encryption key migration ongoing
- 9510
Invalid parameters to SetChunk
- 9511
Invalid parameters to GetChunk
- 10000
Data source access denied
- 11000
Reload in progress
- 11001
Table '{0}' not found
- 11002
Unknown statement: {0}
- 11003
Unexpected token: {0}
- 11004
Unexpected token: '{0}', expected nothing
- 11005
Unexpected token: '{0}', expected: '{1}'
- 11006
Unexpected token: '{0}', expected one of: '{1}', '{2}'
- 11007
Unexpected token: '{0}', expected one of: '{1}', '{2}', '{3}'
- 11008
Unexpected token: '{0}', expected one of: '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}'
- 11009
Unexpected token: '{0}', expected one of: '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}'
- 11010
Unexpected token: '{0}', expected one of: '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}'
- 11011
Unexpected token: '{0}', expected one of: '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}', '{7}'
- 11012
Unexpected token: '{0}', expected one of: '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}', '{7}', ...
- 11013
Field '{0}' not found
- 11014
Mapping table '{0}' not found
- 11015
Connection '{0}' not found
- 11016
The name '{0}' already exists.
- 11017
Unsupported or bad format in DIF file
- 11018
Unsupported or bad format in BIFF file
- 11019
Cannot read file because it is encrypted
- 11020
Cannot open file: '{0}'
- 11021
Invalid Autogenerate count: {0}
- 11022
Illegal combination of prefixes
- 11023
The control statement is not correctly matched with its corresponding start statement.
- 11024
Connection not found: {0}
- 11025
Connection {0} is invalid
- 11026
The path '{0}' is outside the folder defined by the connection
- 11027
No qualified path for file: {0}
- 11028
This statement only works with lib:// paths in this script mode
- 11029
Inconsistent use of semantic fields
- 11030
There is no open data connection.
- 11031
Aggregation expressions required by GROUP BY clause.
- 11032
CONNECTs other than LIB CONNECT are not available in this script mode.
- 11033
ODBC connection failed
- 11034
OLEDB connection failed
- 11035
Custom connection failed
- 11036
ODBC read failed
- 11037
OLEDB read failed
- 11038
Custom read failed
- 11039
Binary Load is not allowed on: {0}
- 11040
Failed to start connector: {0}
- 11041
Connector is not responding
- 11042
Connector reply error: {0}
- 11043
Connector connect error: {0}
- 11044
Connector {0} not found
- 11045
Duplicate keys when loading Input Field {0}
- 11046
No previous table for concatenate load.
- 11047
Unsupported or bad format in QVD file
- 11048
Action is blocked due to that an entitlement quota limit has been reached.
- 12000
New Qlik Sense Desktop version available
- 12001
This engine has expired
- 12002
Section access detected when opening an app
- 12003
Unknown error
- 12004
User authentication failure
- 13000
Out of memory
- 13001
No data
- 14000
Unknown error
- 15000
Search timeout
- 16000
Direct Discovery expression failed
- 16001
Direct Discovery row count overflow
- 16002
Unknown error
- 16003
Database connection failed
- 16004
Unknown error
- 16005
Unknown error
- 16006
Unknown error
- 16007
Unknown error
- 16008
Unknown error
- 17000
Table not found in current App
- 17001
Found duplicated table names
- 18000
Variable must have a name
- 18001
Variable already exists
- 18002
Variable inconsistency
- 19000
Failed getting list of content libraries
- 19001
Failed getting list of library content
- 19002
Media bundling failed
- 19003
Media unbundling failed
- 19004
Content library not found
- 20000
Feature disabled
- 21000
Too many fields in file
- 21001
Too many tables in file
- -32600
Invalid JSON request
- -32601
Method does not exist
- -32602
Invalid method parameter(s)
- -32603
Internal JSON-RPC error
- -32700
JSON parse error
- 33000
Unknown error
- 33001
Unknown error
- 33002
Unknown error
- 33003
Unknown error
- 33004
Unknown error
- 33005
Unknown error
- 33006
Unknown error
- 33007
Unknown error
- 22000
- 22001
Operation cancelled.
- 22002
Unknown error.
- 22003
Invalid argument.
- 22004
Deadline exceeded.
- 22005
Resource not found.
- 22006
Resource already exists.
- 22007
Permission Denied.
- 22008
Resource exhausted.
- 22009
Operation rejected, failed precondition.
- 22010
Operation aborted.
- 22011
Operation out of range.
- 22012
Operation not implemented.
- 22013
Internal error.
- 22014
Service unavailable.
- 22015
Unrecoverable data loss or corruption.
- 22016
Invalid authentication.
- 23001
Invalid xlsx object.
- 23002
Invalid xlsx file.
- 23003
Invalid xlsx sheet.
- 23004
Invalid xlsx export range.
- 23005
General error with xlsx writing.
- 23006
Can not allocate memory when writing xlsx file.
- 23007
Error creating output xlsx file. Usually a permissions error.
- 23008
Error encountered when creating a tmpfile during file assembly.
- 23009
Zlib error with a file operation while creating xlsx file.
- 23010
Zlib error when adding sub file to xlsx file.
- 23011
Zlib error when closing xlsx file.
- 23012
NULL function parameter ignored.
- 23013
String exceeds Excel's limit of 32,767 characters.
- 23014
Parameter exceeds Excel's limit of 255 characters.
- 23015
Error finding internal string index.
- 23016
Worksheet row or column index out of range.
- 23017
Maximum number of worksheet URLs (65530) exceeded.
- 24000
- 24001
Direct Query Mode error
- 25000
Invalid trendline def
- 25001
Math error
- 30000
Provided URL use an unsupported protocol
- 30001
Provided proxy can not be resolved
- 30002
Failed to connect to host or proxy
- 30003
Access denied for resource in the URL
- 30004
FTP accept failed
- 30005
FTP accept timeout
- 30006
FTP can not get the host
- 30007
File transfer did not match the expected transfer size
- 30008
Custom QUOTE commands failed
- 30009
Write failed
- 30010
Upload failed
- 30011
Memory allocation failed
- 30012
Operation timeout
- 30013
FTP REST command failed
- 30014
POST command failed
- 30015
SSL/TSL handshake failed. Certificates and/or passwords are invalid
- 30016
File read failed
- 30017
LDAP bind failed
- 30018
LDAP search failed
- 30019
Failure due to too many redirects
- 30020
SSL certificate or SSH md5 fingerprint failed to verify
- 30021
Got nothing from remote server
- 30022
Specified crypto engine not found
- 30023
Failed to set the selected SSL crypto engine
- 30024
Problem with the local client certificate
- 30025
Specified cipher can not be used
- 30026
Peer certificate cannot be authenticated
- 30027
Bad content encoding
- 30028
Invalid LDAP URL
- 30029
Requested FTP SSL level failed
- 30030
Initiating the SSL Engine failed
- 30031
Remote server login denied
- 30032
File on FTP server not found
- 30033
Illegal TFTP operation
- 30034
Error occurred during SSH session
- 30100
Set analysis expression too large
- 30101
Merge Load error: {0}
- 30200
The FTP operation was not completed because the session was aborted
- 30201
Passive mode is not available on the server
- 30210
The server did not return any headers
- 30211
The server response could not be parsed
- 30212
The redirection requires user confirmation
- 30220
The function needs to redo the request
- 30221
The attempt to connect to the server failed
- 30222
The connection with the server has been terminated
- 30223
The connection with the server has been reset
- 30224
The Internet connection has been lost
- 30225
The format of the request is invalid
- 30226
The function is unfamiliar with the Certificate Authority that generated the server's certificate
- 30227
The requested operation is invalid
- 30228
The URL is invalid
- 30229
The requested item could not be located
- 30230
The request to connect and log on to an FTP server failed
- 30231
The server name could not be resolved
- 30232
A user interface or other blocking operation has been requested
- 30233
SSL certificate common name(host name field) is incorrect. For example, if you entered www.server.com, and the common name on the certificate says www.different.com
- 30234
SSL certificate date that was received from the server is invalid. The certificate has expired
- 30235
The SSL certificate contains errors
- 30236
The SSL certificate is invalid
- 30237
The website or server indicated is unreachable
- 31000
Unknown error
const result = await GetScriptEx({})
"delta": true,
"handle": 1,
"method": "GetScriptEx",
"params": [],
"id": 13,
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 20,
"error": {
"code": 5,
"parameter": "Access denied to read script",
"message": "Access denied"