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API updates - Roles

Qlik is announcing a change in behavior for the Roles API. This API currently returns a list of all available roles on the tenant, and a change is being made to who can access this API.

As of April 9, 2024, only users assigned the Tenant Admin role will be able to access the roles API. All other users will be denied access with a http 403 error.

How to access role information for non-Tenant Admin users

Today, any user can retrieve role records as shown below. Once the change is made, any user without the TenantAdmin role will receive a http 403 forbidden response.

curl "https://<TENANT>/api/v1/roles" \
 -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"
# Http 200 - Ok
    "data": [
            "id": "<ROLE_ID>",
            "tenantId": "<TENANT_ID>",
            "name": "<ROLE_NAME>",
    "links": {
        "self": {
          "href": "https://<TENANT>/api/v1/roles"

Although users without the Tenant Admin role will not be able to return all roles in the tenant, they remain able to list the roles that they are assigned either directly, or via group membership. They can do this via the /api/v1/users/me endpoint.

curl "https://<TENANT>/api/v1/users/me?fields=assignedGroups,assignedRoles" \
 -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"
# Http 200 - Ok
  "id": "<USER_ID>",
  "assignedRoles": [
        "id": "<ROLE_ID>",
        "name": "<ROLE_NAME>",
        "type": "default",
        "level": "user"
  "assignedGroups": [
      "id": "<GROUP_ID>",
      "name": "<GROUP_NAME>",
      "assignedRoles": [
          "id": "<ROLE_ID>",
          "name": "<ROLE_NAME>",
          "type": "default",
          "level": "user"
  "links": {
      "self": {
        "href": "https://<TENANT>/api/v1/users/me?fields=assignedGroups,assignedRoles"