Sharing tasks

Download specification

Lists all sharing tasks.


Rate limit Tier 1 (1000 requests per minute)
Categories externalmanagebuild

Query Parameters

  • appidstring

    the filter by sharing task resource app id.

  • excludeDeletingboolean

    Indicates if task with the status DELETING should be excluded from the list

  • limitinteger

    Limit the returned result set

  • offsetinteger

    Offset for finding a list of entities - used for pagination

  • ownerstring

    the filter by sharing task resource owner id.

  • ownernamestring

    the filter by sharing task resource owner name.

  • pagestring

    The cursor to the page of data.

  • rolearray of strings

    Values may be any of: "owner""recipient"

  • sortarray of strings

    Values may be any of: "-datecreated""datecreated""+datecreated""-name""name""+name""-ownername""ownername""+ownername""-enabled""enabled""+enabled""-status""status""+status""-type""type""+type""-sent""sent""+sent""-scheduled""scheduled""+scheduled""-appname""appname""+appname""-appid""appid""+appid"

  • templateIdarray of strings

    array of template ids to filter by

  • typearray of strings

    the filter by sharing task resource type.

    Values may be any of: "chart-monitoring""chart-sharing""sheet-sharing""template-sharing"

  • nextstring

    The cursor to the next page of data. Only one of next or previous may be specified.

  • prevstring

    The cursor to the previous page of data. Only one of next or previous may be specified.




The sharing task list has been successfully returned.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • totalCountinteger

      total count of entries in the collection as a whole

    • currentPageCountinteger

      count of entries on the currently shown page

    • linksobject
      Show links properties
      • nextobject
        Show next properties
        • hrefstring

          URL to particular set of elements

        • typestring

          Page type, can be next or prev

          Can be one of: "prev""next"

        • tokenstring

          Page unique token

      • prevobject
        Show prev properties
        • hrefstring

          URL to particular set of elements

        • typestring

          Page type, can be next or prev

          Can be one of: "prev""next"

        • tokenstring

          Page unique token

      • selfobject

        Object with Href to a particular element or set of elements

        Show self properties
        • hrefstring
    • recipientsobject

      List of recipients. An internal recipient is represented by their user id.

      Show recipients properties
      • DLUsersarray
      • userIdsarray of objects
      • DLGroupsarray
      • emailAddressesarray of strings

        Email of recipient (external user).

    • sharingTasksarray of objects

      Gets a list of recurring sharing tasks.

      Show sharingTasks properties
      • idstring

        Gets the sharing task resource identifier.

      • namestring

        Name of this sharing task

      • tagsarray of strings
      • typestring

        The sharing task resource type

        Can be one of: "chart-monitoring""chart-sharing""sheet-sharing""template-sharing"

      • appIdstring

        ID of the app associated (through the templates) with this sharing task

      • ownerstring

        User id of owner of the sharing task

      • stateobject

        State of the selections and jsOpts

        Show state properties
        • fieldsarray of objects

          Selected fields that led to discovery of monitored Insight Advisor chart

        • queryItemsarray of objects

          Query that led to discovery of monitored Insight Advisor chart

        • selectionsarray of objects
          Show selections properties
          • namestring
          • valuesarray of strings
          • isNumericboolean
          • stateNamestring
          • displayNamestring
          • displayValuesarray of strings
      • tenantstring

        Tenant of the sharing task

      • appNamestring

        Name of the app associated (through the templates) with this sharing task

      • lastRunstring

        The last execution start date time timestamp of the task

      • messagestring

        Message along with sharing task

      • spaceIdstring

        spaceId of the app associated to this task definition

      • subTypestring

        Mashup subType of sharing task

        Can be one of: "pdf""pptx""xlsx"

      • triggerobject
        Show trigger properties
        • recurrencearray of strings

          List of RRULE lines for a recurring event, as specified in RFC5545. Note that DTSTART and DTEND, UNTIL lines are not allowed in this field; event start and end times are specified in the start and end fields. RDATE and EXDATE lines are not currently supported. EXRULE is not supported since it is deprecated by RFC5545. This field is omitted for single events.

        • chronosJobIDstring

          The chronosJobId which triggers the sharing task

        • executeOnAppReloadboolean

          Toggle for executing sharing task on app reload.

        • executionHistoryIntervalstring

          To prevent overflow in the history, setting this to daily store the chart of a previous day in the history and maintain the live version with the tag latest.

          Can be one of: "minutely""hourly""daily""weekly""monthly""quarterly""yearly"

      • createdBystring

        ID of creator

      • insightIDstring

        The identifier for the insight URLs in this sharing task. Needed to remove the permanent insight upon task deletion. (currently not used in multi-sheet scenarios)

      • ownerNamestring

        User name of owner of the sharing task

      • startTimestring

        Time to start capturing the history

      • templatesarray of object,s
        Show templates properties
        • typestring

          Can be one of: "file""chart""story""sheet""multi-sheet""excel"

        • subTypestring

          Can be one of: "image""snapshot""pdf""pptx""xlsx"

        • fileNamestring

          fileName to be used when generating the report

        • chartDataobject

          If the template type is not "chart", this can be null. Otherwise, the following properties are required: appId, sheetId, objectId, widthPx, heightPx, language. The following properties are optional: outZoom, outDpi

          Show chartData properties
          • appIdstring

            ID of app

          • jsOptsobject

            Visualization state from client as a string json value. Can include language, theme, viewState etc.

          • outDpiinteger

            outDpi of chart

          • outZoomnumber

            outZoom of chart

          • patchesarray of objects

            Soft property changes on chart

          • sheetIdstring

            sheetId of app

          • widthPxinteger

            widthPx of chart

          • heightPxinteger

            heightPx of chart

          • objectIdstring

            ID of object

          • objectDefobject

            Session chart object definition

        • fileAliasstring

          fileAlias provide an opaqueId for the client which can be used to filter and select the report generated

        • sheetDataobjectDeprecated
          Show sheetData properties
          • appIdstring

            ID of app

          • jsOptsobject

            Sheet state from client as a string json value. Can include language, theme, viewState etc.

          • sheetIdstring

            ID of sheet

          • widthPxinteger

            widthPx of chart

          • heightPxinteger

            heightPx of chart

          • isPrivatebooleanDeprecated

            optional value to indicate that this sheet is private (used in multi-sheet sharing)

          • sheetNamestringDeprecated

            an optional name for the sheet (used in multi-sheet sharing)

          • jsOptsByIdobject
          • patchesByIdobject
        • storyDataobject
          Show storyData properties
          • appIdstring

            ID of app

          • storyIdstring

            ID of story

        • templateIdstringDeprecated

          ID of unique template

        • fileTimeStampstring

          file name timestamp to be used when generating the report

          Can be one of: "yyyy-MM-dd""yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm""yyyyMMdd""yyyyMMdd_HH-mm"

        • multiSheetDataarray of objects

          array of sheet data for multi-sheet type template

          Show multiSheetData properties
          • appIdstring

            ID of app

          • jsOptsobject

            Sheet state from client as a string json value. Can include language, theme, viewState etc.

          • sheetIdstring

            ID of sheet

          • widthPxinteger

            widthPx of chart, must be 0 or omitted for autofit.

          • heightPxinteger

            heightPx of chart, must be 0 or omitted for autofit.

          • isPrivateboolean

            optional value to indicate that this sheet is private

          • sheetNamestring

            an optional name for the sheet

          • jsOptsByIdobject
          • resizeTypestring

            Currently only autofit is supported. If omitted, autofit is the default. The type of resize to be performed:

            • none is used to export a visualization, sheet as is (e.g. normal size), regardless its size. This may result in cropping.
            • autofit automatically fits the visualization, sheet into the output size (i.e. A4, A3 etc.). Any provided resizeData parameter will be ignored for this configuration.
            • fit fits the visualization, sheet into the area specified in resizeData. The content will be rescaled to fit in that area.

            Can be one of: "none""fit""autofit"

          • patchesByIdobject
      • thumbnailstring
      • updatedBystring

        ID of a user that updated this task last

      • expirationstring

        Time for the termination of the task

      • recipientsobject

        List of persisted recipients.

        Show recipients properties
        • DLUsersarray
        • userIdsarray of objects

          recipient object model that is directly persisted in the DB

          Show userIds properties
          • valuestring

            User ID of recipient (internal user).

          • groupsarray of strings

            A list of associated groups. If a user is added individually the "addedIndividually" pseudo group is included

          • subscribedboolean

            Whether this user is subscribed to alerts in this task

          • enabledByUserboolean

            Whether this recipient can receive alerts, set by api calls.

          • enabledBySystemboolean

            Whether this recipient can receive alerts, set by external settings.

          • taskRecipientErrorsarray of objects
          • alertingTaskRecipientErrorsarray of objects
        • DLGroupsarray
        • groupIdsarray of objects

          recipient object model that is directly persisted in the DB

          Show groupIds properties
          • valuestring

            Group ID of recipient.

          • enabledByUserboolean

            Whether this recipient can receive alerts, set by api calls.

          • enabledBySystemboolean

            Whether this recipient can receive alerts, set by external settings.

          • taskGroupRecipientErrorsarray of objects
          • alertingTaskGroupRecipientErrorsarray of objects
        • emailAddressesarray of objects

          recipient object model that is directly persisted in the DB

          Show emailAddresses properties
          • valuestring

            Email of recipient (external user).

          • enabledboolean

            Whether this recipient can receive alerts.

          • taskRecipientErrorsarray of objects
      • statusCodestring

        the status of this recurring sharing task


      • taskErrorsarray of objects
        Show taskErrors properties
        • valuestring

          Identifier for type of error occurring on sharing task


        • timestampstring

          Timestamp for the creation of the error

      • templateIdstring

        ID of unique template

      • dateCreatedstring

        Timestamp for the creation of the task

      • descriptionstring

        A description of this sharing task

      • lastUpdatedstring

        Timestamp of the most recent update.

      • statusLabelstring

        error message indicating the underlying failure

      • emailContentobject
        Show emailContent properties
        • bodystring
        • subjectstring
      • enabledByUserboolean

        Toggle for enabling sharing task (user level). Example: user chooses to enable/ disable task.

      • encryptedStateobject

        Encrypted property in DB

        Show encryptedState properties
        • valueany
        • cipherstring
      • byokMigrationIdstring

        internal identifier used when migrating keys

      • enabledBySystemboolean

        Toggle for enabling sharing task (system level). Example: when task owner gets enabled/ disabled.

      • retentionPolicyobject
        Show retentionPolicy properties
        • historySizeinteger

          Number indicating the size of the window which stores the history. For Chart monitoring, the size should be 10.

        • overrideIntervalstring

          Using RFC-5545 provide the time interval in which the previous generated can be overridden with the newly generated report. For Chart monitoring, interval should be FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=1

      • scheduleOptionsobject
        Show scheduleOptions properties
        • timezonestring

          The timezone for time calculations in SCHEDULED triggers, optional.

        • recurrencearray of strings

          List of RRULEs for SCHEDULED triggers, as specified in RFC5545. Note that DTSTART and DTEND, UNTIL lines are not allowed in this field; start and end times are specified in the start and end fields. RDATE and EXDATE lines are not currently supported. EXRULE is not supported since it is deprecated by RFC5545. It is mandatory if the trigger type is SCHEDULED. At least 1 rule must be set and maximum 5 rules are allowed.

        • endDateTimestring

          EndDateTime is a local date time with respect to the above timezone parameter. If the timezone parameter is missing, then the timezone used is the one retrieved from user infos. Therefore ISO8601 time offsets are not allowed (e.g. "2026-01-02T16:04:05Z" or "2026-01-02T16:04:05+01"), if passed an error will be returned. EndDateTime is an optional parameter, when not set or when it's an empty string, the recurrence is intended to be never ending.

        • chronosJobIDstring

          The chronos job identifier. It is set once the related chronos job is created.

        • startDateTimestring

          StartDateTime is a local date time with respect to the above timezone parameter. If the timezone parameter is missing, then the timezone used is the one retrieved from user infos. Therefore ISO8601 time offsets are not allowed (e.g. "2026-01-02T16:04:05Z" or "2026-01-02T16:04:05+01"), if passed an error will be returned. StartDateTime should not be older than 1 year from current date. StartDateTime is an optional parameter, when not set or when it's an empty string, its value is set to the current local date time.

        • lastExecutionTimestring

          lastExecutionTime is the time of the chronos job last execution in RFC3339 format (a time with a fixed UTC offset). Could be empty if job has not run yet.

        • nextExecutionTimestring

          nextExecutionTime is the time of the chronos job next execution in RFC3339 format (a time with a fixed UTC offset). Could be empty if the job is completed.

      • selectionErrorsobject

        reporting service returns rendering errors for missing selections

      • dataConnectionIDstring

        the id of the data connection

      • hasSectionAccessboolean

        true if the associated app has section access enabled

      • insightDirectURLstring

        The direct insights URL for the first template of this sharing task. (currently not used in multi-sheet scenarios)

      • multiInsightURLsarray of objects

        Contains one or more insight links. Currently only used in multi sheet scenarios. Sharing will ensure that the persisted sort order is aligned to the order of sheets provided.

        Show multiInsightURLs properties
        • statusstring

          the status of the creation for this insight URL

          Can be one of: "successful""failed"

        • directURLstring
        • insightIDstring
        • resourceIDstring

          an identifier for the object within the template that this insight link points to

        • templateIDstringDeprecated

          an identifier for the template that this insight link points to

        • fallbackURLstring
      • nextScheduledRunstring

        Time for the next scheduled run

      • reportPropertiesobject
      • sharePointFolderstring

        the SharePoint folder to upload the report to

      • executeOnCreationboolean

        making this true will execute the sharing task upon creation regardless of next trigger

      • lastExecutionDatestring

        The last execution end date time timestamp of the task

      • transportChannelsarray of strings

        the transport type for the report

        Values may be any of: "email""sharepoint"

      • distributionListIdstring

        the id of the distribution list associated to the app

      • encryptedTemplatesobject

        Encrypted property in DB

        Show encryptedTemplates properties
        • valueany
        • cipherstring
      • insightFallbackURLstring

        The insights fallback URL for the first template of this sharing task. (currently not used in multi-sheet scenarios)

      • encryptedEmailContentobject

        the subject and body content for the email to send on report subscriptions

        Show encryptedEmailContent properties
        • bodyobject

          Encrypted property in DB

          Show body properties
          • valueany
          • cipherstring
        • subjectobject

          Encrypted property in DB

          Show subject properties
          • valueany
          • cipherstring
      • failedExecutionsCountinteger

        the number of consecutive failed executions for all recipeints. This is reset on a successful execution for at least one recipient

      • failedVerificationsCountinteger

        the number of failed verifications. This is reset on a successful verification

      • isCandidateForVerificationboolean

        true if the sharing task is a candidate for verification

      • persistentBookmarkIncludeVariablesboolean

        flag sent by UI to configure the persistent bookmark to use variables

      • linksobject
        Show links properties
        • selfobject

          Object with Href to a particular element or set of elements

          Show self properties
          • hrefstring
      • enabledboolean

        true if the sharing task is enabled

      • latestExecutionURLstring

        URL to querying the latest execution tied to this sharing task

      • latestExecutionFilesURLarray of strings

        URL to querying the files of the latest execution tied to this sharing task



Bad request, malformed syntax or errors in parameters.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring



Internal server error.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring



Error response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring
GET /v1/sharing-tasks
curl "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <API-key>"
const https = require('https')
  const data = JSON.stringify("")
  const options =   {
    'hostname': '',
    'port': 443,
    'path': '/api/v1/sharing-tasks',
    'method': 'GET',
    'headers': {
      'Authorization': 'Bearer <API-key>'
  const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli


  "totalCount": 42,
  "currentPageCount": 42,
  "links": {
    "next": {
      "href": "http://localhost:8787/v1/items?limit=12",
      "type": "next",
    "prev": {
      "href": "http://localhost:8787/v1/items?limit=12",
      "type": "next",
    "self": {
      "href": "http://localhost:8787/v1/items/5da5825325dc9a0dd0260af9"
  "recipients": {
    "DLUsers": [],
    "userIds": [
    "DLGroups": [],
    "emailAddresses": [
  "sharingTasks": [
      "id": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "tags": [
      "type": "chart-monitoring",
      "appId": "string",
      "owner": "pXVNKqotgEMwbKwhz2agPE4yFelnPcWO",
      "state": {
        "fields": [
        "queryItems": [
        "selections": [
            "name": "string",
            "values": [
            "isNumeric": true,
            "stateName": "string",
            "displayName": "string",
            "displayValues": [
      "tenant": "_mpoXaH22_vLR1pStfI7oUdGya1nKK24",
      "appName": "string",
      "lastRun": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
      "message": "Look at the presentation.",
      "spaceId": "string",
      "subType": "pdf",
      "trigger": {
        "recurrence": [
        "chronosJobID": "string",
        "executeOnAppReload": true,
        "executionHistoryInterval": "minutely"
      "createdBy": "string",
      "insightID": "string",
      "ownerName": "Harley Kiffe",
      "startTime": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
      "templates": [
          "type": "file",
          "subType": "image",
          "fileName": "string",
          "chartData": {
            "appId": "bdf2efee-815e-4eb7-9e1e-c42d516baf29",
            "jsOpts": {},
            "outDpi": 96,
            "outZoom": 1,
            "patches": [
            "sheetId": "bdf2efee-815e-4eb7-9e1e-asdfasdfasdf",
            "widthPx": 1584,
            "heightPx": 587,
            "objectId": "167f3e67-ff3b-4ead-a09e-e8cc81d8ad78",
            "objectDef": {}
          "fileAlias": "string",
          "sheetData": {
            "appId": "bdf2efee-815e-4eb7-9e1e-c42d516baf29",
            "jsOpts": {},
            "sheetId": "39a671a-5f58-468c-bb49-dff933294774",
            "widthPx": 1584,
            "heightPx": 587,
            "isPrivate": false,
            "sheetName": "My new sheet",
            "jsOptsById": {},
            "patchesById": {}
          "storyData": {
            "appId": "bdf2efee-815e-4eb7-9e1e-c42d516baf29",
            "storyId": "39a671a-5f58-468c-bb49-dff933294774"
          "templateId": "da5825325dc9a0dd0260af9",
          "fileTimeStamp": "yyyy-MM-dd",
          "multiSheetData": [
              "appId": "bdf2efee-815e-4eb7-9e1e-c42d516baf29",
              "jsOpts": {},
              "sheetId": "39a671a-5f58-468c-bb49-dff933294774",
              "widthPx": 1584,
              "heightPx": 587,
              "isPrivate": false,
              "sheetName": "My new sheet",
              "jsOptsById": {},
              "resizeType": "none",
              "patchesById": {}
      "thumbnail": "string",
      "updatedBy": "string",
      "expiration": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
      "recipients": {
        "DLUsers": [],
        "userIds": [
            "value": "1b263bs8m0mm_s21s3f",
            "groups": [
            "subscribed": true,
            "enabledByUser": true,
            "enabledBySystem": true,
            "taskRecipientErrors": [
            "alertingTaskRecipientErrors": [
        "DLGroups": [],
        "groupIds": [
            "value": "group1",
            "enabledByUser": true,
            "enabledBySystem": true,
            "taskGroupRecipientErrors": [
            "alertingTaskGroupRecipientErrors": [
        "emailAddresses": [
            "value": "",
            "enabled": true,
            "taskRecipientErrors": [
      "statusCode": "CHART_NOT_FOUND",
      "taskErrors": [
          "value": "OWNER_DISABLED",
          "timestamp": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z"
      "templateId": "da5825325dc9a0dd0260af9",
      "dateCreated": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
      "description": "string",
      "lastUpdated": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
      "statusLabel": "string",
      "emailContent": {
        "body": "report body string",
        "subject": "report subject"
      "enabledByUser": true,
      "encryptedState": {
        "cipher": "string"
      "byokMigrationId": "string",
      "enabledBySystem": true,
      "retentionPolicy": {
        "historySize": 10,
        "overrideInterval": "FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=1"
      "scheduleOptions": {
        "timezone": "Canada/Pacific",
        "recurrence": [
        "endDateTime": "",
        "chronosJobID": "string",
        "startDateTime": "2006-01-02T16:04:05",
        "lastExecutionTime": "2020-11-20T12:00:55.000Z",
        "nextExecutionTime": "2020-11-20T12:00:55.000Z"
      "selectionErrors": {},
      "dataConnectionID": "string",
      "hasSectionAccess": true,
      "insightDirectURL": "string",
      "multiInsightURLs": [
          "status": "successful",
          "directURL": "string",
          "insightID": "string",
          "resourceID": "string",
          "templateID": "string",
          "fallbackURL": "string"
      "nextScheduledRun": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
      "reportProperties": {},
      "sharePointFolder": "string",
      "executeOnCreation": true,
      "lastExecutionDate": "2019-10-15T16:09:01.492Z",
      "transportChannels": [
      "distributionListId": "vXVNKqotgEMwbKwhz2agPE4yFelnPcWX",
      "encryptedTemplates": {
        "cipher": "string"
      "insightFallbackURL": "string",
      "encryptedEmailContent": {
        "body": {
          "cipher": "string"
        "subject": {
          "cipher": "string"
      "failedExecutionsCount": 42,
      "failedVerificationsCount": 42,
      "isCandidateForVerification": true,
      "persistentBookmarkIncludeVariables": true,
      "links": {
        "self": {
          "href": "http://localhost:8787/v1/items/5da5825325dc9a0dd0260af9"
      "enabled": true,
      "latestExecutionURL": "string",
      "latestExecutionFilesURL": [

Creates a new recurring sharing task.


Rate limit Tier 2 (100 requests per minute)
Categories externalmanagebuild

Request Body



The sharing task create request definition.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • namestring

      Name of this sharing task

    • tagsarray of strings

      used to assign sharing task to a collection bucket (tags)

    • typestring

      the sharing task resource type.

      Can be one of: "chart-monitoring""chart-sharing""sheet-sharing""template-sharing"

    • stateobject

      State of the selections and jsOpts

      Show state properties
      • fieldsarray of objects

        Selected fields that led to discovery of monitored Insight Advisor chart

      • queryItemsarray of objects

        Query that led to discovery of monitored Insight Advisor chart

      • selectionsarray of objects
    • appNamestringDeprecated

      Name of the app associated (through the templates) with this sharing task

    • enabledboolean

      Toggle for enabling sharing task.

    • messagestring

      Message along with sharing task

    • spaceIdstring

      Space ID of the sharing task

    • subTypestring

      the sharing task resource mashup sub type.

      Can be one of: "pdf""pptx""xlsx"

    • triggerobject
      Show trigger properties
      • recurrencearray of strings

        List of RRULE lines for a recurring event, as specified in RFC5545. Note that DTSTART and DTEND, UNTIL lines are not allowed in this field; event start and end times are specified in the start and end fields. RDATE and EXDATE lines are not currently supported. EXRULE is not supported since it is deprecated by RFC5545. This field is omitted for single events.

      • chronosJobIDstring

        The chronosJobId which triggers the sharing task

      • executeOnAppReloadboolean

        Toggle for executing sharing task on app reload.

      • executionHistoryIntervalstring

        To prevent overflow in the history, setting this to daily store the chart of a previous day in the history and maintain the live version with the tag latest.

        Can be one of: "minutely""hourly""daily""weekly""monthly""quarterly""yearly"

    • startTimestring

      Time to start capturing the history

    • templatesarray of objects
    • expirationstring

      Timestamp for the termination of the task

    • recipientsobject

      List of recipients. An internal recipient is represented by their user id.

      Show recipients properties
      • DLUsersarray
      • userIdsarray of objects
      • DLGroupsarray
      • emailAddressesarray of strings

        Email of recipient (external user).

    • descriptionstring

      Description of the sharing task

    • emailContentobject
      Show emailContent properties
      • bodystring
      • subjectstring
    • retentionPolicyobject
      Show retentionPolicy properties
      • historySizeinteger

        Number indicating the size of the window which stores the history. For Chart monitoring, the size should be 10.

      • overrideIntervalstring

        Using RFC-5545 provide the time interval in which the previous generated can be overridden with the newly generated report. For Chart monitoring, interval should be FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=1

    • scheduleOptionsobject
      Show scheduleOptions properties
      • timezonestring

        The timezone for time calculations in SCHEDULED triggers, optional.

      • recurrencearray of strings

        List of RRULEs for SCHEDULED triggers, as specified in RFC5545. Note that DTSTART and DTEND, UNTIL lines are not allowed in this field; start and end times are specified in the start and end fields. RDATE and EXDATE lines are not currently supported. EXRULE is not supported since it is deprecated by RFC5545. It is mandatory if the trigger type is SCHEDULED. At least 1 rule must be set and maximum 5 rules are allowed.

      • endDateTimestring

        EndDateTime is a local date time with respect to the above timezone parameter. If the timezone parameter is missing, then the timezone used is the one retrieved from user infos. Therefore ISO8601 time offsets are not allowed (e.g. "2026-01-02T16:04:05Z" or "2026-01-02T16:04:05+01"), if passed an error will be returned. EndDateTime is an optional parameter, when not set or when it's an empty string, the recurrence is intended to be never ending.

      • chronosJobIDstring

        The chronos job identifier. It is set once the related chronos job is created.

      • startDateTimestring

        StartDateTime is a local date time with respect to the above timezone parameter. If the timezone parameter is missing, then the timezone used is the one retrieved from user infos. Therefore ISO8601 time offsets are not allowed (e.g. "2026-01-02T16:04:05Z" or "2026-01-02T16:04:05+01"), if passed an error will be returned. StartDateTime should not be older than 1 year from current date. StartDateTime is an optional parameter, when not set or when it's an empty string, its value is set to the current local date time.

      • lastExecutionTimestring

        lastExecutionTime is the time of the chronos job last execution in RFC3339 format (a time with a fixed UTC offset). Could be empty if job has not run yet.

      • nextExecutionTimestring

        nextExecutionTime is the time of the chronos job next execution in RFC3339 format (a time with a fixed UTC offset). Could be empty if the job is completed.

    • dataConnectionIDstring

      the id of the data connection

    • sharePointFolderstring

      the SharePoint folder to upload the report to

    • executeOnCreationboolean

      making this true will execute the sharing task upon creation regardless of next trigger

    • transportChannelsarray of strings

      the transport type for the report

      Values may be any of: "email""sharepoint"

    • distributionListIdstring

      the id of the distribution list associated to the app




The sharing task has been successfully created.

Whatever is persisted in the db + links

  • application/jsonobject

    Whatever is persisted in the db + links

    Show application/json properties
    • idstring

      Gets the sharing task resource identifier.

    • namestring

      Name of this sharing task

    • tagsarray of strings
    • typestring

      The sharing task resource type

      Can be one of: "chart-monitoring""chart-sharing""sheet-sharing""template-sharing"

    • appIdstring

      ID of the app associated (through the templates) with this sharing task

    • ownerstring

      User id of owner of the sharing task

    • stateobject

      State of the selections and jsOpts

      Show state properties
      • fieldsarray of objects

        Selected fields that led to discovery of monitored Insight Advisor chart

      • queryItemsarray of objects

        Query that led to discovery of monitored Insight Advisor chart

      • selectionsarray of objects
    • tenantstring

      Tenant of the sharing task

    • appNamestring

      Name of the app associated (through the templates) with this sharing task

    • lastRunstring

      The last execution start date time timestamp of the task

    • messagestring

      Message along with sharing task

    • spaceIdstring

      spaceId of the app associated to this task definition

    • subTypestring

      Mashup subType of sharing task

      Can be one of: "pdf""pptx""xlsx"

    • triggerobject
      Show trigger properties
      • recurrencearray of strings

        List of RRULE lines for a recurring event, as specified in RFC5545. Note that DTSTART and DTEND, UNTIL lines are not allowed in this field; event start and end times are specified in the start and end fields. RDATE and EXDATE lines are not currently supported. EXRULE is not supported since it is deprecated by RFC5545. This field is omitted for single events.

      • chronosJobIDstring

        The chronosJobId which triggers the sharing task

      • executeOnAppReloadboolean

        Toggle for executing sharing task on app reload.

      • executionHistoryIntervalstring

        To prevent overflow in the history, setting this to daily store the chart of a previous day in the history and maintain the live version with the tag latest.

        Can be one of: "minutely""hourly""daily""weekly""monthly""quarterly""yearly"

    • createdBystring

      ID of creator

    • insightIDstring

      The identifier for the insight URLs in this sharing task. Needed to remove the permanent insight upon task deletion. (currently not used in multi-sheet scenarios)

    • ownerNamestring

      User name of owner of the sharing task

    • startTimestring

      Time to start capturing the history

    • templatesarray of objects
    • thumbnailstring
    • updatedBystring

      ID of a user that updated this task last

    • expirationstring

      Time for the termination of the task

    • recipientsobject

      List of persisted recipients.

      Show recipients properties
      • DLUsersarray
      • userIdsarray of objects
      • DLGroupsarray
      • groupIdsarray of objects
      • emailAddressesarray of objects
    • statusCodestring

      the status of this recurring sharing task


    • taskErrorsarray of objects
    • templateIdstring

      ID of unique template

    • dateCreatedstring

      Timestamp for the creation of the task

    • descriptionstring

      A description of this sharing task

    • lastUpdatedstring

      Timestamp of the most recent update.

    • statusLabelstring

      error message indicating the underlying failure

    • emailContentobject
      Show emailContent properties
      • bodystring
      • subjectstring
    • enabledByUserboolean

      Toggle for enabling sharing task (user level). Example: user chooses to enable/ disable task.

    • encryptedStateobject

      Encrypted property in DB

      Show encryptedState properties
      • valueany
      • cipherstring
    • byokMigrationIdstring

      internal identifier used when migrating keys

    • enabledBySystemboolean

      Toggle for enabling sharing task (system level). Example: when task owner gets enabled/ disabled.

    • retentionPolicyobject
      Show retentionPolicy properties
      • historySizeinteger

        Number indicating the size of the window which stores the history. For Chart monitoring, the size should be 10.

      • overrideIntervalstring

        Using RFC-5545 provide the time interval in which the previous generated can be overridden with the newly generated report. For Chart monitoring, interval should be FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=1

    • scheduleOptionsobject
      Show scheduleOptions properties
      • timezonestring

        The timezone for time calculations in SCHEDULED triggers, optional.

      • recurrencearray of strings

        List of RRULEs for SCHEDULED triggers, as specified in RFC5545. Note that DTSTART and DTEND, UNTIL lines are not allowed in this field; start and end times are specified in the start and end fields. RDATE and EXDATE lines are not currently supported. EXRULE is not supported since it is deprecated by RFC5545. It is mandatory if the trigger type is SCHEDULED. At least 1 rule must be set and maximum 5 rules are allowed.

      • endDateTimestring

        EndDateTime is a local date time with respect to the above timezone parameter. If the timezone parameter is missing, then the timezone used is the one retrieved from user infos. Therefore ISO8601 time offsets are not allowed (e.g. "2026-01-02T16:04:05Z" or "2026-01-02T16:04:05+01"), if passed an error will be returned. EndDateTime is an optional parameter, when not set or when it's an empty string, the recurrence is intended to be never ending.

      • chronosJobIDstring

        The chronos job identifier. It is set once the related chronos job is created.

      • startDateTimestring

        StartDateTime is a local date time with respect to the above timezone parameter. If the timezone parameter is missing, then the timezone used is the one retrieved from user infos. Therefore ISO8601 time offsets are not allowed (e.g. "2026-01-02T16:04:05Z" or "2026-01-02T16:04:05+01"), if passed an error will be returned. StartDateTime should not be older than 1 year from current date. StartDateTime is an optional parameter, when not set or when it's an empty string, its value is set to the current local date time.

      • lastExecutionTimestring

        lastExecutionTime is the time of the chronos job last execution in RFC3339 format (a time with a fixed UTC offset). Could be empty if job has not run yet.

      • nextExecutionTimestring

        nextExecutionTime is the time of the chronos job next execution in RFC3339 format (a time with a fixed UTC offset). Could be empty if the job is completed.

    • selectionErrorsobject

      reporting service returns rendering errors for missing selections

    • dataConnectionIDstring

      the id of the data connection

    • hasSectionAccessboolean

      true if the associated app has section access enabled

    • insightDirectURLstring

      The direct insights URL for the first template of this sharing task. (currently not used in multi-sheet scenarios)

    • multiInsightURLsarray of objects
    • nextScheduledRunstring

      Time for the next scheduled run

    • reportPropertiesobject
    • sharePointFolderstring

      the SharePoint folder to upload the report to

    • executeOnCreationboolean

      making this true will execute the sharing task upon creation regardless of next trigger

    • lastExecutionDatestring

      The last execution end date time timestamp of the task

    • transportChannelsarray of strings

      the transport type for the report

      Values may be any of: "email""sharepoint"

    • distributionListIdstring

      the id of the distribution list associated to the app

    • encryptedTemplatesobject

      Encrypted property in DB

      Show encryptedTemplates properties
      • valueany
      • cipherstring
    • insightFallbackURLstring

      The insights fallback URL for the first template of this sharing task. (currently not used in multi-sheet scenarios)

    • encryptedEmailContentobject

      the subject and body content for the email to send on report subscriptions

      Show encryptedEmailContent properties
      • bodyobject

        Encrypted property in DB

        Show body properties
        • valueany
        • cipherstring
      • subjectobject

        Encrypted property in DB

        Show subject properties
        • valueany
        • cipherstring
    • failedExecutionsCountinteger

      the number of consecutive failed executions for all recipeints. This is reset on a successful execution for at least one recipient

    • failedVerificationsCountinteger

      the number of failed verifications. This is reset on a successful verification

    • isCandidateForVerificationboolean

      true if the sharing task is a candidate for verification

    • persistentBookmarkIncludeVariablesboolean

      flag sent by UI to configure the persistent bookmark to use variables

    • linksobject
      Show links properties
      • selfobject

        Object with Href to a particular element or set of elements

        Show self properties
        • hrefstring
    • enabledboolean

      true if the sharing task is enabled

    • latestExecutionURLstring

      URL to querying the latest execution tied to this sharing task

    • latestExecutionFilesURLarray of strings

      URL to querying the files of the latest execution tied to this sharing task



Bad request, malformed syntax or errors in parameters.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring



Internal server error.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring



Error response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring
POST /v1/sharing-tasks
curl "" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <API-key>" \
-d '{"name":"Example Sharing Task","tags":["string"],"type":"chart-monitoring","state":{"fields":[{}],"queryItems":[{}],"selections":[{}]},"appName":"string","enabled":true,"message":"Look at the presentation.","spaceId":"string","subType":"pdf","trigger":{"recurrence":["string"],"chronosJobID":"string","executeOnAppReload":true,"executionHistoryInterval":"minutely"},"startTime":"2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z","templates":[{}],"expiration":"2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z","recipients":{"DLUsers":[],"userIds":[{}],"DLGroups":[],"emailAddresses":[""]},"description":"string","emailContent":{"body":"report body string","subject":"report subject"},"retentionPolicy":{"historySize":10,"overrideInterval":"FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=1"},"scheduleOptions":{"timezone":"Canada/Pacific","recurrence":["RRULE:FREQ=HOURLY;INTERVAL=2"],"endDateTime":"","chronosJobID":"string","startDateTime":"2006-01-02T16:04:05","lastExecutionTime":"2020-11-20T12:00:55.000Z","nextExecutionTime":"2020-11-20T12:00:55.000Z"},"dataConnectionID":"string","sharePointFolder":"string","executeOnCreation":true,"transportChannels":["email"],"distributionListId":"mpoXaH22_vLR1pStfI7oUdGya1nKK24"}'
const https = require('https')
  const data = JSON.stringify({"name":"Example Sharing Task","tags":["string"],"type":"chart-monitoring","state":{"fields":[{}],"queryItems":[{}],"selections":[{}]},"appName":"string","enabled":true,"message":"Look at the presentation.","spaceId":"string","subType":"pdf","trigger":{"recurrence":["string"],"chronosJobID":"string","executeOnAppReload":true,"executionHistoryInterval":"minutely"},"startTime":"2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z","templates":[{}],"expiration":"2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z","recipients":{"DLUsers":[],"userIds":[{}],"DLGroups":[],"emailAddresses":[""]},"description":"string","emailContent":{"body":"report body string","subject":"report subject"},"retentionPolicy":{"historySize":10,"overrideInterval":"FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=1"},"scheduleOptions":{"timezone":"Canada/Pacific","recurrence":["RRULE:FREQ=HOURLY;INTERVAL=2"],"endDateTime":"","chronosJobID":"string","startDateTime":"2006-01-02T16:04:05","lastExecutionTime":"2020-11-20T12:00:55.000Z","nextExecutionTime":"2020-11-20T12:00:55.000Z"},"dataConnectionID":"string","sharePointFolder":"string","executeOnCreation":true,"transportChannels":["email"],"distributionListId":"mpoXaH22_vLR1pStfI7oUdGya1nKK24"})
  const options =   {
    'hostname': '',
    'port': 443,
    'path': '/api/v1/sharing-tasks',
    'method': 'POST',
    'headers': {
      'Content-type': 'application/json',
      'Authorization': 'Bearer <API-key>'
  const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli


  "name": "Example Sharing Task",
  "tags": [
  "type": "chart-monitoring",
  "state": {
    "fields": [
    "queryItems": [
    "selections": [
  "appName": "string",
  "enabled": true,
  "message": "Look at the presentation.",
  "spaceId": "string",
  "subType": "pdf",
  "trigger": {
    "recurrence": [
    "chronosJobID": "string",
    "executeOnAppReload": true,
    "executionHistoryInterval": "minutely"
  "startTime": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
  "templates": [
  "expiration": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
  "recipients": {
    "DLUsers": [],
    "userIds": [
    "DLGroups": [],
    "emailAddresses": [
  "description": "string",
  "emailContent": {
    "body": "report body string",
    "subject": "report subject"
  "retentionPolicy": {
    "historySize": 10,
    "overrideInterval": "FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=1"
  "scheduleOptions": {
    "timezone": "Canada/Pacific",
    "recurrence": [
    "endDateTime": "",
    "chronosJobID": "string",
    "startDateTime": "2006-01-02T16:04:05",
    "lastExecutionTime": "2020-11-20T12:00:55.000Z",
    "nextExecutionTime": "2020-11-20T12:00:55.000Z"
  "dataConnectionID": "string",
  "sharePointFolder": "string",
  "executeOnCreation": true,
  "transportChannels": [
  "distributionListId": "mpoXaH22_vLR1pStfI7oUdGya1nKK24"


  "id": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "tags": [
  "type": "chart-monitoring",
  "appId": "string",
  "owner": "pXVNKqotgEMwbKwhz2agPE4yFelnPcWO",
  "state": {
    "fields": [
    "queryItems": [
    "selections": [
  "tenant": "_mpoXaH22_vLR1pStfI7oUdGya1nKK24",
  "appName": "string",
  "lastRun": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
  "message": "Look at the presentation.",
  "spaceId": "string",
  "subType": "pdf",
  "trigger": {
    "recurrence": [
    "chronosJobID": "string",
    "executeOnAppReload": true,
    "executionHistoryInterval": "minutely"
  "createdBy": "string",
  "insightID": "string",
  "ownerName": "Harley Kiffe",
  "startTime": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
  "templates": [
  "thumbnail": "string",
  "updatedBy": "string",
  "expiration": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
  "recipients": {
    "DLUsers": [],
    "userIds": [
    "DLGroups": [],
    "groupIds": [
    "emailAddresses": [
  "statusCode": "CHART_NOT_FOUND",
  "taskErrors": [
  "templateId": "da5825325dc9a0dd0260af9",
  "dateCreated": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
  "description": "string",
  "lastUpdated": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
  "statusLabel": "string",
  "emailContent": {
    "body": "report body string",
    "subject": "report subject"
  "enabledByUser": true,
  "encryptedState": {
    "cipher": "string"
  "byokMigrationId": "string",
  "enabledBySystem": true,
  "retentionPolicy": {
    "historySize": 10,
    "overrideInterval": "FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=1"
  "scheduleOptions": {
    "timezone": "Canada/Pacific",
    "recurrence": [
    "endDateTime": "",
    "chronosJobID": "string",
    "startDateTime": "2006-01-02T16:04:05",
    "lastExecutionTime": "2020-11-20T12:00:55.000Z",
    "nextExecutionTime": "2020-11-20T12:00:55.000Z"
  "selectionErrors": {},
  "dataConnectionID": "string",
  "hasSectionAccess": true,
  "insightDirectURL": "string",
  "multiInsightURLs": [
  "nextScheduledRun": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
  "reportProperties": {},
  "sharePointFolder": "string",
  "executeOnCreation": true,
  "lastExecutionDate": "2019-10-15T16:09:01.492Z",
  "transportChannels": [
  "distributionListId": "vXVNKqotgEMwbKwhz2agPE4yFelnPcWX",
  "encryptedTemplates": {
    "cipher": "string"
  "insightFallbackURL": "string",
  "encryptedEmailContent": {
    "body": {
      "cipher": "string"
    "subject": {
      "cipher": "string"
  "failedExecutionsCount": 42,
  "failedVerificationsCount": 42,
  "isCandidateForVerification": true,
  "persistentBookmarkIncludeVariables": true,
  "links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "http://localhost:8787/v1/items/5da5825325dc9a0dd0260af9"
  "enabled": true,
  "latestExecutionURL": "string",
  "latestExecutionFilesURL": [

See details about a sharing task


Rate limit Tier 1 (1000 requests per minute)
Categories externalmanagebuild

Path Parameters

  • taskIdstring

    The sharing task identifier.




Sharing task has been successfully returned.

Whatever is persisted in the db + links

  • application/jsonobject

    Whatever is persisted in the db + links

    Show application/json properties
    • idstring

      Gets the sharing task resource identifier.

    • namestring

      Name of this sharing task

    • tagsarray of strings
    • typestring

      The sharing task resource type

      Can be one of: "chart-monitoring""chart-sharing""sheet-sharing""template-sharing"

    • appIdstring

      ID of the app associated (through the templates) with this sharing task

    • ownerstring

      User id of owner of the sharing task

    • stateobject

      State of the selections and jsOpts

      Show state properties
      • fieldsarray of objects

        Selected fields that led to discovery of monitored Insight Advisor chart

      • queryItemsarray of objects

        Query that led to discovery of monitored Insight Advisor chart

      • selectionsarray of objects
    • tenantstring

      Tenant of the sharing task

    • appNamestring

      Name of the app associated (through the templates) with this sharing task

    • lastRunstring

      The last execution start date time timestamp of the task

    • messagestring

      Message along with sharing task

    • spaceIdstring

      spaceId of the app associated to this task definition

    • subTypestring

      Mashup subType of sharing task

      Can be one of: "pdf""pptx""xlsx"

    • triggerobject
      Show trigger properties
      • recurrencearray of strings

        List of RRULE lines for a recurring event, as specified in RFC5545. Note that DTSTART and DTEND, UNTIL lines are not allowed in this field; event start and end times are specified in the start and end fields. RDATE and EXDATE lines are not currently supported. EXRULE is not supported since it is deprecated by RFC5545. This field is omitted for single events.

      • chronosJobIDstring

        The chronosJobId which triggers the sharing task

      • executeOnAppReloadboolean

        Toggle for executing sharing task on app reload.

      • executionHistoryIntervalstring

        To prevent overflow in the history, setting this to daily store the chart of a previous day in the history and maintain the live version with the tag latest.

        Can be one of: "minutely""hourly""daily""weekly""monthly""quarterly""yearly"

    • createdBystring

      ID of creator

    • insightIDstring

      The identifier for the insight URLs in this sharing task. Needed to remove the permanent insight upon task deletion. (currently not used in multi-sheet scenarios)

    • ownerNamestring

      User name of owner of the sharing task

    • startTimestring

      Time to start capturing the history

    • templatesarray of objects
    • thumbnailstring
    • updatedBystring

      ID of a user that updated this task last

    • expirationstring

      Time for the termination of the task

    • recipientsobject

      List of persisted recipients.

      Show recipients properties
      • DLUsersarray
      • userIdsarray of objects
      • DLGroupsarray
      • groupIdsarray of objects
      • emailAddressesarray of objects
    • statusCodestring

      the status of this recurring sharing task


    • taskErrorsarray of objects
    • templateIdstring

      ID of unique template

    • dateCreatedstring

      Timestamp for the creation of the task

    • descriptionstring

      A description of this sharing task

    • lastUpdatedstring

      Timestamp of the most recent update.

    • statusLabelstring

      error message indicating the underlying failure

    • emailContentobject
      Show emailContent properties
      • bodystring
      • subjectstring
    • enabledByUserboolean

      Toggle for enabling sharing task (user level). Example: user chooses to enable/ disable task.

    • encryptedStateobject

      Encrypted property in DB

      Show encryptedState properties
      • valueany
      • cipherstring
    • byokMigrationIdstring

      internal identifier used when migrating keys

    • enabledBySystemboolean

      Toggle for enabling sharing task (system level). Example: when task owner gets enabled/ disabled.

    • retentionPolicyobject
      Show retentionPolicy properties
      • historySizeinteger

        Number indicating the size of the window which stores the history. For Chart monitoring, the size should be 10.

      • overrideIntervalstring

        Using RFC-5545 provide the time interval in which the previous generated can be overridden with the newly generated report. For Chart monitoring, interval should be FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=1

    • scheduleOptionsobject
      Show scheduleOptions properties
      • timezonestring

        The timezone for time calculations in SCHEDULED triggers, optional.

      • recurrencearray of strings

        List of RRULEs for SCHEDULED triggers, as specified in RFC5545. Note that DTSTART and DTEND, UNTIL lines are not allowed in this field; start and end times are specified in the start and end fields. RDATE and EXDATE lines are not currently supported. EXRULE is not supported since it is deprecated by RFC5545. It is mandatory if the trigger type is SCHEDULED. At least 1 rule must be set and maximum 5 rules are allowed.

      • endDateTimestring

        EndDateTime is a local date time with respect to the above timezone parameter. If the timezone parameter is missing, then the timezone used is the one retrieved from user infos. Therefore ISO8601 time offsets are not allowed (e.g. "2026-01-02T16:04:05Z" or "2026-01-02T16:04:05+01"), if passed an error will be returned. EndDateTime is an optional parameter, when not set or when it's an empty string, the recurrence is intended to be never ending.

      • chronosJobIDstring

        The chronos job identifier. It is set once the related chronos job is created.

      • startDateTimestring

        StartDateTime is a local date time with respect to the above timezone parameter. If the timezone parameter is missing, then the timezone used is the one retrieved from user infos. Therefore ISO8601 time offsets are not allowed (e.g. "2026-01-02T16:04:05Z" or "2026-01-02T16:04:05+01"), if passed an error will be returned. StartDateTime should not be older than 1 year from current date. StartDateTime is an optional parameter, when not set or when it's an empty string, its value is set to the current local date time.

      • lastExecutionTimestring

        lastExecutionTime is the time of the chronos job last execution in RFC3339 format (a time with a fixed UTC offset). Could be empty if job has not run yet.

      • nextExecutionTimestring

        nextExecutionTime is the time of the chronos job next execution in RFC3339 format (a time with a fixed UTC offset). Could be empty if the job is completed.

    • selectionErrorsobject

      reporting service returns rendering errors for missing selections

    • dataConnectionIDstring

      the id of the data connection

    • hasSectionAccessboolean

      true if the associated app has section access enabled

    • insightDirectURLstring

      The direct insights URL for the first template of this sharing task. (currently not used in multi-sheet scenarios)

    • multiInsightURLsarray of objects
    • nextScheduledRunstring

      Time for the next scheduled run

    • reportPropertiesobject
    • sharePointFolderstring

      the SharePoint folder to upload the report to

    • executeOnCreationboolean

      making this true will execute the sharing task upon creation regardless of next trigger

    • lastExecutionDatestring

      The last execution end date time timestamp of the task

    • transportChannelsarray of strings

      the transport type for the report

      Values may be any of: "email""sharepoint"

    • distributionListIdstring

      the id of the distribution list associated to the app

    • encryptedTemplatesobject

      Encrypted property in DB

      Show encryptedTemplates properties
      • valueany
      • cipherstring
    • insightFallbackURLstring

      The insights fallback URL for the first template of this sharing task. (currently not used in multi-sheet scenarios)

    • encryptedEmailContentobject

      the subject and body content for the email to send on report subscriptions

      Show encryptedEmailContent properties
      • bodyobject

        Encrypted property in DB

        Show body properties
        • valueany
        • cipherstring
      • subjectobject

        Encrypted property in DB

        Show subject properties
        • valueany
        • cipherstring
    • failedExecutionsCountinteger

      the number of consecutive failed executions for all recipeints. This is reset on a successful execution for at least one recipient

    • failedVerificationsCountinteger

      the number of failed verifications. This is reset on a successful verification

    • isCandidateForVerificationboolean

      true if the sharing task is a candidate for verification

    • persistentBookmarkIncludeVariablesboolean

      flag sent by UI to configure the persistent bookmark to use variables

    • linksobject
      Show links properties
      • selfobject

        Object with Href to a particular element or set of elements

        Show self properties
        • hrefstring
    • enabledboolean

      true if the sharing task is enabled

    • latestExecutionURLstring

      URL to querying the latest execution tied to this sharing task

    • latestExecutionFilesURLarray of strings

      URL to querying the files of the latest execution tied to this sharing task



Bad request, malformed syntax or errors in parameters.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring



Task or execution not found.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring



Internal server error.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring



Error response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring
GET /v1/sharing-tasks/{taskId}
curl "{taskId}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <API-key>"
const https = require('https')
  const data = JSON.stringify("")
  const options =   {
    'hostname': '',
    'port': 443,
    'path': '/api/v1/sharing-tasks/{taskId}',
    'method': 'GET',
    'headers': {
      'Authorization': 'Bearer <API-key>'
  const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli


  "id": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "tags": [
  "type": "chart-monitoring",
  "appId": "string",
  "owner": "pXVNKqotgEMwbKwhz2agPE4yFelnPcWO",
  "state": {
    "fields": [
    "queryItems": [
    "selections": [
  "tenant": "_mpoXaH22_vLR1pStfI7oUdGya1nKK24",
  "appName": "string",
  "lastRun": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
  "message": "Look at the presentation.",
  "spaceId": "string",
  "subType": "pdf",
  "trigger": {
    "recurrence": [
    "chronosJobID": "string",
    "executeOnAppReload": true,
    "executionHistoryInterval": "minutely"
  "createdBy": "string",
  "insightID": "string",
  "ownerName": "Harley Kiffe",
  "startTime": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
  "templates": [
  "thumbnail": "string",
  "updatedBy": "string",
  "expiration": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
  "recipients": {
    "DLUsers": [],
    "userIds": [
    "DLGroups": [],
    "groupIds": [
    "emailAddresses": [
  "statusCode": "CHART_NOT_FOUND",
  "taskErrors": [
  "templateId": "da5825325dc9a0dd0260af9",
  "dateCreated": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
  "description": "string",
  "lastUpdated": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
  "statusLabel": "string",
  "emailContent": {
    "body": "report body string",
    "subject": "report subject"
  "enabledByUser": true,
  "encryptedState": {
    "cipher": "string"
  "byokMigrationId": "string",
  "enabledBySystem": true,
  "retentionPolicy": {
    "historySize": 10,
    "overrideInterval": "FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=1"
  "scheduleOptions": {
    "timezone": "Canada/Pacific",
    "recurrence": [
    "endDateTime": "",
    "chronosJobID": "string",
    "startDateTime": "2006-01-02T16:04:05",
    "lastExecutionTime": "2020-11-20T12:00:55.000Z",
    "nextExecutionTime": "2020-11-20T12:00:55.000Z"
  "selectionErrors": {},
  "dataConnectionID": "string",
  "hasSectionAccess": true,
  "insightDirectURL": "string",
  "multiInsightURLs": [
  "nextScheduledRun": "2019-10-15T16:07:01.492Z",
  "reportProperties": {},
  "sharePointFolder": "string",
  "executeOnCreation": true,
  "lastExecutionDate": "2019-10-15T16:09:01.492Z",
  "transportChannels": [
  "distributionListId": "vXVNKqotgEMwbKwhz2agPE4yFelnPcWX",
  "encryptedTemplates": {
    "cipher": "string"
  "insightFallbackURL": "string",
  "encryptedEmailContent": {
    "body": {
      "cipher": "string"
    "subject": {
      "cipher": "string"
  "failedExecutionsCount": 42,
  "failedVerificationsCount": 42,
  "isCandidateForVerification": true,
  "persistentBookmarkIncludeVariables": true,
  "links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "http://localhost:8787/v1/items/5da5825325dc9a0dd0260af9"
  "enabled": true,
  "latestExecutionURL": "string",
  "latestExecutionFilesURL": [

Updates an existing sharing task.


Rate limit Tier 2 (100 requests per minute)
Categories externalmanagebuild

Path Parameters

  • taskIdstring

    The sharing task identifier.

Request Body



The sharing task definition.

  • application/jsonarray of objects
    Show application/json properties
    • opstring

      The operation to be performed

      Can be one of: "replace"

    • pathstring

      A JSON Patch document as defined in

      Can be one of: "/name""/tags""/ownerId""/enabled""/description""/scheduleOptions""/templates""/recipients""/recipient""/sharePointFolder""/dataConnectionID""/transportChannels"

    • valueobject

      The value to be used for this operation.



The sharing task has been successfully updated.



The specified task ID or body is invalid (e.g. not a number).

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring



A task with the specified ID was not found.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring



Internal server error.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring



Error response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring
PATCH /v1/sharing-tasks/{taskId}
curl "{taskId}" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <API-key>" \
-d '[{"op":"replace","path":"/name","value":"new name"},{"op":"replace","path":"/tags","value":["tag1","tag2"]},{"op":"replace","path":"/tags","value":"new-tag"},{"op":"replace","path":"/tags","value":"deleted-tag"},{"op":"replace","path":"/ownerId","value":"new-owner"},{"op":"replace","path":"/enabled","value":true},{"op":"replace","path":"/description","value":"new-description"}]'
const https = require('https')
  const data = JSON.stringify([{"op":"replace","path":"/name","value":"new name"},{"op":"replace","path":"/tags","value":["tag1","tag2"]},{"op":"replace","path":"/tags","value":"new-tag"},{"op":"replace","path":"/tags","value":"deleted-tag"},{"op":"replace","path":"/ownerId","value":"new-owner"},{"op":"replace","path":"/enabled","value":true},{"op":"replace","path":"/description","value":"new-description"}])
  const options =   {
    'hostname': '',
    'port': 443,
    'path': '/api/v1/sharing-tasks/{taskId}',
    'method': 'PATCH',
    'headers': {
      'Content-type': 'application/json',
      'Authorization': 'Bearer <API-key>'
  const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli


    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/name",
    "value": "new name"
    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/tags",
    "value": [
    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/tags",
    "value": "new-tag"
    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/tags",
    "value": "deleted-tag"
    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/ownerId",
    "value": "new-owner"
    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/enabled",
    "value": true
    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/description",
    "value": "new-description"

Deletes a sharing task.


Rate limit Tier 2 (100 requests per minute)
Categories externalmanagebuild

Path Parameters

  • taskIdstring

    The sharing task identifier.



The sharing task has been successfully deleted.



The specified task ID is invalid (e.g. not a number).

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring



A task with the specified ID was not found.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring



Internal server error.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring



Error response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring
DELETE /v1/sharing-tasks/{taskId}
curl "{taskId}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <API-key>"
const https = require('https')
  const data = JSON.stringify("")
  const options =   {
    'hostname': '',
    'port': 443,
    'path': '/api/v1/sharing-tasks/{taskId}',
    'method': 'DELETE',
    'headers': {
      'Authorization': 'Bearer <API-key>'
  const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli

Cancels a recurring sharing task


Rate limit Tier 2 (100 requests per minute)
Categories externalmanagebuild

Path Parameters

  • taskIdstring

    The sharing task identifier.



The sharing task has been successfully cancelled.



Bad request, malformed syntax or errors in parameters.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring



Task not found, if the provided sharing task cannot be found or otherwise unable to be cancelled

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring



Internal server error.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring



Error response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring
POST /v1/sharing-tasks/{taskId}/actions/cancel
curl "{taskId}/actions/cancel" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <API-key>"
const https = require('https')
  const data = JSON.stringify("")
  const options =   {
    'hostname': '',
    'port': 443,
    'path': '/api/v1/sharing-tasks/{taskId}/actions/cancel',
    'method': 'POST',
    'headers': {
      'Authorization': 'Bearer <API-key>'
  const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli

Executes a recurring sharing task


Rate limit Tier 2 (100 requests per minute)
Categories externalmanagebuild

Request Body



The sharing task execute request definition.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • sharingTaskIDstring



The sharing task has been successfully set up for execution.



Bad request, malformed syntax or errors in parameters.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring



Task not found, if the provided sharing task cannot be found or otherwise unable to be executed

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring



Internal server error.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring



Error response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring
POST /v1/sharing-tasks/actions/execute
curl "" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <API-key>" \
-d '{"sharingTaskID":"a1b2c3d4f5"}'
const https = require('https')
  const data = JSON.stringify({"sharingTaskID":"a1b2c3d4f5"})
  const options =   {
    'hostname': '',
    'port': 443,
    'path': '/api/v1/sharing-tasks/actions/execute',
    'method': 'POST',
    'headers': {
      'Content-type': 'application/json',
      'Authorization': 'Bearer <API-key>'
  const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli


  "sharingTaskID": "a1b2c3d4f5"

Lists sharing settings.


Rate limit Tier 1 (1000 requests per minute)
Categories externalmanagebuild




The sharing settings have been successfully returned

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • tenantIdstring

      These persisted sharing settings are only available for this tenant. Extracted from request JWT.

    • maxRecipientsnumber

      Maximum number of recipients when creating a sharing task

    • enable-sharingboolean

      Whether API endpoints for sharing are enabled

    • reportSubscriptionStatusstring

      This indicates that there is an ongoing operation to either disable or enable the report subscription feature. none means that no such operation is ongoing. enabling/disabling means that system is currently enabling/disabling the feature

      Can be one of: "none""enabling""disabling"

    • maxSubscriptionRecipientsinteger

      Max Recipients accepted when creating a new subscription (excluding the owner)

    • enable-report-subscriptionboolean

      true if report-subscription feature is enabled for this tenant

    • reporting-service-license-statusstring

      Whether the license for the tenant has the reportingService feature enabled.

      Can be one of: "enabled""disabled"

    • reportSubscriptionStatusChangeTimestring

      UTC timestamp of the most recent change of reportSubscriptionStatus. If there has not been any such change, this is the timestamp of the initial creation of the record.

    • reportingTemplateSubscriptionStatusstring

      This indicates that there is an ongoing operation to either disable or enable the reporting template subscription feature. none means that no such operation is ongoing. enabling/disabling means that system is currently enabling/disabling the feature

      Can be one of: "none""enabling""disabling"

    • enable-reporting-template-subscriptionboolean

      true if reporting-template-subscription feature is enabled for this tenant

    • reportingTemplateSubscriptionStatusChangeTimestring

      UTC timestamp of the most recent change of reportSubscriptionStatus. If there has not been any such change, this is the timestamp of the initial creation of the record.



Internal server error.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring



Error response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring
GET /v1/sharing-tasks/settings
curl "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <API-key>"
const https = require('https')
  const data = JSON.stringify("")
  const options =   {
    'hostname': '',
    'port': 443,
    'path': '/api/v1/sharing-tasks/settings',
    'method': 'GET',
    'headers': {
      'Authorization': 'Bearer <API-key>'
  const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli


  "tenantId": "cgdsAumGmQ6l0Bi7CUKt9V8P_Y9GL0sC",
  "maxRecipients": 200,
  "enable-sharing": true,
  "reportSubscriptionStatus": "disabling",
  "maxSubscriptionRecipients": 42,
  "enable-report-subscription": true,
  "reporting-service-license-status": "enabled",
  "reportSubscriptionStatusChangeTime": "2020-09-02T13:44:33Z",
  "reportingTemplateSubscriptionStatus": "disabling",
  "enable-reporting-template-subscription": true,
  "reportingTemplateSubscriptionStatusChangeTime": "2020-09-02T13:44:33Z"

Patches sharing features toggles. Accessible only by tenant admins.


Rate limit Tier 2 (100 requests per minute)
Categories externalmanagebuild

Request Body



Request for updating the API settings

A JSON Patch document as defined in

  • application/jsonarray of objects

    A JSON Patch document as defined in

    Show application/json properties
    • opstring

      The operation to be performed.

      Can be one of: "replace"

    • pathstring

      The path for the given resource field to patch.

      Can be one of: "/enable-sharing""/enable-report-subscription""/enable-reporting-template-subscription"

    • valueobject

      The value to be used for this operation.



Sharing settings have been successfully updated.



Bad request body

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring



Internal server error.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring



Error response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring
PATCH /v1/sharing-tasks/settings
curl "" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <API-key>" \
-d '[{"op":"replace","path":"/enable-sharing","value":true},{"op":"replace","path":"/enable-sharing","value":false},{"op":"replace","path":"/enable-report-subscription","value":true},{"op":"replace","path":"/enable-report-subscription","value":false},{"op":"replace","path":"/enable-reporting-template-subscription","value":true},{"op":"replace","path":"/enable-reporting-template-subscription","value":false}]'
const https = require('https')
  const data = JSON.stringify([{"op":"replace","path":"/enable-sharing","value":true},{"op":"replace","path":"/enable-sharing","value":false},{"op":"replace","path":"/enable-report-subscription","value":true},{"op":"replace","path":"/enable-report-subscription","value":false},{"op":"replace","path":"/enable-reporting-template-subscription","value":true},{"op":"replace","path":"/enable-reporting-template-subscription","value":false}])
  const options =   {
    'hostname': '',
    'port': 443,
    'path': '/api/v1/sharing-tasks/settings',
    'method': 'PATCH',
    'headers': {
      'Content-type': 'application/json',
      'Authorization': 'Bearer <API-key>'
  const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli


    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/enable-sharing",
    "value": true
    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/enable-sharing",
    "value": false
    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/enable-report-subscription",
    "value": true
    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/enable-report-subscription",
    "value": false
    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/enable-reporting-template-subscription",
    "value": true
    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/enable-reporting-template-subscription",
    "value": false

Updates API configuration. Accessible only by tenant admins.


Rate limit Tier 2 (100 requests per minute)
Categories externalmanagebuild

Request Body



Request for updating the API settings

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • enable-sharingboolean

      Whether API endpoints for sharing are enabled



API settings have been successfully updated.



Bad request body

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring



Internal server error.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring



Error response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring
PUT /v1/sharing-tasks/settings
curl "" \
-X PUT \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <API-key>" \
-d '{"maxRecipients":200,"enable-sharing":true}'
const https = require('https')
  const data = JSON.stringify({"maxRecipients":200,"enable-sharing":true})
  const options =   {
    'hostname': '',
    'port': 443,
    'path': '/api/v1/sharing-tasks/settings',
    'method': 'PUT',
    'headers': {
      'Content-type': 'application/json',
      'Authorization': 'Bearer <API-key>'
  const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli


  "maxRecipients": 200,
  "enable-sharing": true