Rate limiting

Qlik Cloud platform features and APIs rely on rate limits to help provide a predictably pleasant experience for users.

The details of how and when rate limiting works differs between features. This page gives an overview of the rate limits you’re likely to encounter for Qlik Cloud platform features, and then notes how the limits apply to each feature.


In general, you’ll experience limits like these applied on a per tier, per user, per tenant basis. API rate limiting allows for short bursts over the limits without interference.

Tier 1600+ per minThis tier contains the majority of GET requests. The limit is high to allow generous access to your data.
Tier 260+ per minThese endpoints intended to create, update and delete resources.
SpecialVariesRate limiting conditions are unique for methods with this tier. Consult the method’s documentation to better understand its rate limiting conditions.

Web API rate limiting

Your app’s requests to Qlik Cloud REST APIs are evaluated per tier, per user, per tenant. Rate limit windows are per minute.

All Qlik Cloud plans receive the same rate limit tier for each method.

The Facts section of each method’s reference documentation will indicate its rate limit tier. Check out the reloads endpoint documentation for an example of a Special method.

Each tier’s limits are subject to change.

Responding to rate limiting conditions

If you exceed a rate limit when using any of Qlik Cloud’s HTTP-based APIs, you will receive an HTTP 429 Too Many Requests error response, and a Retry-After HTTP header containing the number of seconds until you can retry.

< HTTP/1.1 429
< content-type: application/json
< content-length: 123
< retry-after: 13

  "errors": [{
    "code": "HTTP-429",
    "title": "API rate limit reached.",
    "detail": "You need to wait 13 seconds until limit is lifted."

This response instructs your solution to wait 13 seconds before attempting another call. Calls to endpoints in the same tier are all blocked in the waiting period. Calls to endpoints in other tiers are not restricted.

For more information about the Retry-After HTTP header, consult the retry-after header value for when you can make requests again.