Natural language
Ask natural languages questions and context aware partial questions against applications enabled for conversational analytics or a specific app to receive Insight Advisor generated responses and suggestions
Returns the generated response for parsed chat queries, if no app was specified nor present in conversation context, suggests matching apps.
Rate limit | Tier 2 (100 requests per minute) |
Categories |
Header Parameters
- qlik-web-integration-idstring
This header is only required for external clients or mashups for QCS, this value of this property should be the id of the web integration set up for the external client/mashup
Request Body
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- appobject
app properties
- idstring
- namestring
- langstring
The language to assume when parsing, specified as an ISO-639-1 code. Defaults to 'en' (English).
- textstringRequired
The sentence that will be parsed.
- disableFollowupsboolean
The flag specifies whether to disable follow-up recommendations.
- disableNarrativeboolean
Flag that specifies whether the narratives should be generated for the user query or not.
- recommendationIdstring
property that contains the Id of the recommendation for which the response should be generated.
- clearEntityContextboolean
Flag that clears the entity context.
- visualizationTypesarray of strings
Specify visualizationTypes for only which visualization object should be provided if enableVisualizations is set to true. For eg. ['linechart', 'barchart']
- enableVisualizationsboolean
Flag that specifies whether visualization object should be provided or not.
- disableConversationContextboolean
Flag that specifies either to enable converastion context.
The sentence is not created as an app was not specified, but matching apps are suggested
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- appsarray of objects
apps properties
- idstring
- namestring
- errorsarray of objects
An error object.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
The error code.
- metaobject
Additional properties relating to the error.
- titlestringRequired
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
- sourceobject
References to the source of the error.
source properties
- pointerstring
A JSON Pointer to the property that caused the error.
- parameterstring
The URI query parameter that caused the error.
- nluInfoobject
nluInfo properties
- elementsarray of objects
elements properties
- textstring
- typestring
- entityboolean
- isFilterboolean
- typeNamestring
- errorTextstring
- filterTextstring
- typeTranslatedstring
- filterFieldNamestring
- conversationalResponseobject
conversationalResponse properties
- appsarray of objects
apps properties
- idstring
- namestring
- responsesarray of objects
responses properties
- typestring
- imageUrlstring
- infoTypestring
- sentenceobject
sentence properties
- textstring
- narrativeobject
narrative properties
- textstring
- infoValuesarray of arraysOne of:
- array of strings
- array of objects
- idstring
- namestring
- errorMessagestring
- followupSentencestring
- renderVisualizationobject
renderVisualization properties
- dataobject
Data object should be used to render visualization
- languagestring
- contextInfostring
For contextual responses, this string contains a list of entities that are used to produce the response.
- drillDownURIstring
The URL with the query injected to insight advisor of the app to which the query belongs.
- sentenceWithMatchesstring
The sentence created
The attributes of sentences.
- application/jsonobject
The attributes of sentences.
application/json properties
- appsarray of objects
apps properties
- idstring
- namestring
- nluInfoobject
nluInfo properties
- elementsarray of objects
elements properties
- textstring
- typestring
- entityboolean
- isFilterboolean
- typeNamestring
- errorTextstring
- filterTextstring
- typeTranslatedstring
- filterFieldNamestring
- conversationalResponsearray of objects
A list of conversational responses.
conversationalResponse properties
- appsarray of objects
apps properties
- idstring
- namestring
- responsesarray of objects
responses properties
- typestring
- imageUrlstring
- infoTypestring
- sentenceobject
sentence properties
- textstring
- narrativeobject
narrative properties
- textstring
- infoValuesarray of arraysOne of:
- array of strings
- array of objects
- idstring
- namestring
- errorMessagestring
- followupSentencestring
- renderVisualizationobject
renderVisualization properties
- dataobject
Data object should be used to render visualization
- languagestring
- contextInfostring
For contextual responses, this string contains a list of entities that are used to produce the response.
- drillDownURIstring
The URL with the query injected to insight advisor of the app to which the query belongs.
- sentenceWithMatchesstring
Bad request. The payload is not formed correctly.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
An error object.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
The error code.
- metaobject
Additional properties relating to the error.
- titlestringRequired
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
- sourceobject
References to the source of the error.
source properties
- pointerstring
A JSON Pointer to the property that caused the error.
- parameterstring
The URI query parameter that caused the error.
User is not authorized
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
An error object.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
The error code.
- metaobject
Additional properties relating to the error.
- titlestringRequired
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
- sourceobject
References to the source of the error.
source properties
- pointerstring
A JSON Pointer to the property that caused the error.
- parameterstring
The URI query parameter that caused the error.
Unprocessable entity. The payload contains fields that are invalid, such as too long of a query.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
An error object.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
The error code.
- metaobject
Additional properties relating to the error.
- titlestringRequired
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
- sourceobject
References to the source of the error.
source properties
- pointerstring
A JSON Pointer to the property that caused the error.
- parameterstring
The URI query parameter that caused the error.
Unexpected error.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
An error object.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
The error code.
- metaobject
Additional properties relating to the error.
- titlestringRequired
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
- sourceobject
References to the source of the error.
source properties
- pointerstring
A JSON Pointer to the property that caused the error.
- parameterstring
The URI query parameter that caused the error.
curl "" \-X POST \-H "Content-type: application/json" \-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \-d '{"app":{"id":"string","name":"string"},"lang":"string","text":"string","disableFollowups":false,"disableNarrative":false,"recommendationId":"string","clearEntityContext":false,"visualizationTypes":["string"],"enableVisualizations":false,"disableConversationContext":false}'
const https = require('https') const data = JSON.stringify({"app":{"id":"string","name":"string"},"lang":"string","text":"string","disableFollowups":false,"disableNarrative":false,"recommendationId":"string","clearEntityContext":false,"visualizationTypes":["string"],"enableVisualizations":false,"disableConversationContext":false}) const options = { 'hostname': '', 'port': 443, 'path': '/api/v1/questions/actions/ask', 'method': 'POST', 'headers': { 'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>' } } const req = https.request(options) req.write(data)
qlik question ask \--app-id="string" \--app-name="string" \--lang="string" \--recommendationId="string" \--text="string" \--visualizationTypes='"string"'
{ "app": { "id": "string", "name": "string" }, "lang": "string", "text": "string", "disableFollowups": false, "disableNarrative": false, "recommendationId": "string", "clearEntityContext": false, "visualizationTypes": [ "string" ], "enableVisualizations": false, "disableConversationContext": false}
{ "apps": [ { "id": "string", "name": "string" } ], "errors": [ { "code": "string", "meta": {}, "title": "string", "detail": "string", "source": { "pointer": "string", "parameter": "string" } } ], "nluInfo": { "elements": [ { "text": "string", "type": "string", "entity": true, "isFilter": true, "typeName": "string", "errorText": "string", "filterText": "string", "typeTranslated": "string", "filterFieldName": "string" } ] }, "conversationalResponse": { "apps": [ { "id": "string", "name": "string" } ], "responses": [ { "type": "string", "imageUrl": "string", "infoType": "string", "sentence": { "text": "string" }, "narrative": { "text": "string" }, "infoValues": [ [ "string" ] ], "errorMessage": "string", "followupSentence": "string", "renderVisualization": { "data": {}, "language": "string" } } ], "contextInfo": "string", "drillDownURI": "string", "sentenceWithMatches": "string" }}
Rate limit | Tier 2 (100 requests per minute) |
Categories |
Query Parameters
- limitinteger
The preferred number of entries returned
- pagestring
A cursor pointing to the page of data to retrieve.
- sortstring
A single field from the data model on which to sort the response. The '+' or '-' operator may be used to specify ascending or desending order.
Can be one of: "createdAt""updatedAt""+createdAt""+updatedAt""-createdAt""-updatedAt"
Request Body
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- filterstringRequired
The advanced filtering to use for the query. Refer to RFC 7644 for the syntax.
Filter on createdAt and updatedAt fields are encouraged and support
comparison operators along withand
logical operators.Filter on tenantId field is not supported.
operators are not supported.Examples:
appId eq 'appId1'
(appId eq 'appId1' or appId eq 'appId2')
(appId eq 'appId1' or appId eq 'appId2') and (createdAt gt '2022-08-03T00:00:00.000Z' and createdAt lt '2022-08-04T00:00:00.000Z')
(appId eq 'appId1') and (createdAt ge '2022-08-03T00:00:00.000Z')
(appId eq 'appId1') and (createdAt le '2022-08-23:59:59.000Z')
(appId eq 'appId1') and (questionId eq '12345')
If the user has access to any of the provided app id
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- dataarray of objects
data properties
- idstringRequired
Unique record id stored in database
- appsarray of objects
Metadata for app
apps properties
- idstring
- namestring
- space_idstring
- space_namestring
- space_typestring
- limited_accessboolean
- last_reload_datestring
- langstring
language selected for query from insight advisor or insight advisor chat or third party api
- appIdstringRequired
Qlik sense app id that is being used to answer the question
- appNamestring
Qlik sense app name that is being used to answer the question
- nluInfoarray of objects
Contains break down of the asked question in the form of tokens with their classification.
nluInfo properties
- rolestring
Role of the token or phrase from query
Can be one of: "dimension""measure""date"
- textstring
Matching token or phrase from query
- typestring
Type of token from query
Can be one of: "field""filter""master_dimension""master_measure""custom_analysis"
- fieldNamestring
Qlik sense application field selected for given token or phrase
- fieldValuestring
Filter value found from query
- versionstringRequired
Version of the metric model
- feedbackarray of objects
Any feedback from the user about a given recommendation
feedback properties
- commentstring
- chartTypestring
- analysisTypestring
- recommendationLikedbooleanRequired
- recommendationDislikedbooleanRequired
- recommendationAddedToHubbooleanRequired
- recommendationAddedToSheetbooleanRequired
- tenantIdstring
Qlik sense tenant Id
- channelIdstring
Source from which conversation is happening
- chartTypestring
Chart type for given query. For insight advisor it would be 'native' and for insight advisor chat, it could be 'static' or 'responsive'
- createdAtstringRequiredFilterable
Record created date
- createdBystring
Qlik sense user id who is interacting with insight advisor or insight advisor chat or third party api
- queryTextstring
Query asked by user in insight advisor or insight advisor or third party api
- queryTypestring
Nature of query being asked during the conversation e.g. query, applist, measurelist, dimensionlist
Can be one of: "appList""appSuggested""dimensionList""exploreThisFurther""followup""greetings""measureList""query""sampleQuestion"
- responsesobject
Provides info what was included in response for given query
responses properties
- hasChartboolean
Chart was provided
- hasInsightsboolean
Narrative was provided
- hasSuggestionsboolean
Suggestion questions was provided
- hasMetadataAppsboolean
App list was provided
- hasSampleQueriesboolean
Sample questions was provided
- hasMetadataMeasuresboolean
Measures list was provided
- hasMetadataDimensionsboolean
Dimensions list was provided
- stopWordsarray of strings
Tokens from question parsed which are ignored
- updatedAtstringRequiredFilterable
Record modified date
- queryErrorboolean
- questionIdstringRequired
Unique id assigned to user query
- queryOriginstring
Refers to source from where narrative request is called
Can be one of: "askQuestion""iaAnalysis""iaAssetsPanel"
- recommendationsarray of objects
Visualisation recommendation specs for the query
recommendations properties
- dimsarray of strings
Dimension(s) considered for recommendation
- msrsarray of strings
Measure(s) considered for recommendation
- analysisstring
Can be one of: "breakdown""changePoint""comparison""contribution""correlation""fact""mutualInfo""rank""spike""trend""values"
- chartTypestring
Chart type given to current recommendation
Can be one of: "barchart""combochart""distributionplot""kpi""linechart""map""scatterplot""table"
- relevancenumber
- analysisGroupstring
Can be one of: "anomaly""brekadown""comparison""correl""fact""list""mutualInfo""rank"
- isContextualQueryboolean
Boolean value indicates whether given query is contextual or not. It would be false for insight advisor
- unmatchedEntitiesarray of strings
Tokens parsed as entities but not matched with app's field/dimension/measure
- metaobject
meta properties
- totalintegerRequired
The total number of metrics matching the current filter.
- linksobject
links properties
- nextobject
next properties
- hrefstring
- prevobject
prev properties
- hrefstring
- selfobject
self properties
- hrefstring
Bad request. The payload is not formed correctly.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
An error object.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
The error code.
- metaobject
Additional properties relating to the error.
- titlestringRequired
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
- sourceobject
References to the source of the error.
source properties
- pointerstring
A JSON Pointer to the property that caused the error.
- parameterstring
The URI query parameter that caused the error.
User is not authorized
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
An error object.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
The error code.
- metaobject
Additional properties relating to the error.
- titlestringRequired
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
- sourceobject
References to the source of the error.
source properties
- pointerstring
A JSON Pointer to the property that caused the error.
- parameterstring
The URI query parameter that caused the error.
Unprocessable entity. The payload contains fields that are invalid, such as too long of a query.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
An error object.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
The error code.
- metaobject
Additional properties relating to the error.
- titlestringRequired
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
- sourceobject
References to the source of the error.
source properties
- pointerstring
A JSON Pointer to the property that caused the error.
- parameterstring
The URI query parameter that caused the error.
Internal server error
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
An error object.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
The error code.
- metaobject
Additional properties relating to the error.
- titlestringRequired
Summary of the problem.
- detailstring
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
- sourceobject
References to the source of the error.
source properties
- pointerstring
A JSON Pointer to the property that caused the error.
- parameterstring
The URI query parameter that caused the error.
curl "" \-X POST \-H "Content-type: application/json" \-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \-d '{"filter":"string"}'
const https = require('https') const data = JSON.stringify({"filter":"string"}) const options = { 'hostname': '', 'port': 443, 'path': '/api/v1/questions/actions/filter', 'method': 'POST', 'headers': { 'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>' } } const req = https.request(options) req.write(data)
qlik question filter \--filter="string"
{ "filter": "string"}
{ "data": [ { "id": "c35f4b70-3ce4-4a30-b62b-2aef16943bc4", "apps": [ { "id": "string", "name": "string", "space_id": "string", "space_name": "string", "space_type": "string", "limited_access": true, "last_reload_date": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z" } ], "lang": "string", "appId": "c35f4b70-3ce4-4a30-b62b-2aef16943bc4", "appName": "string", "nluInfo": [ { "role": "dimension", "text": "string", "type": "field", "fieldName": "string", "fieldValue": "string" } ], "version": "string", "feedback": [ { "comment": "string", "chartType": "string", "analysisType": "string", "recommendationLiked": true, "recommendationDisliked": true, "recommendationAddedToHub": true, "recommendationAddedToSheet": true } ], "tenantId": "c35f4b70-3ce4-4a30-b62b-2aef16943bc4", "channelId": "string", "chartType": "string", "createdAt": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z", "createdBy": "string", "queryText": "string", "queryType": "appList", "responses": { "hasChart": true, "hasInsights": true, "hasSuggestions": true, "hasMetadataApps": true, "hasSampleQueries": true, "hasMetadataMeasures": true, "hasMetadataDimensions": true }, "stopWords": [ "string" ], "updatedAt": "2018-10-30T07:06:22Z", "queryError": false, "questionId": "string", "queryOrigin": "askQuestion", "recommendations": [ { "dims": [ "string" ], "msrs": [ "string" ], "analysis": "breakdown", "chartType": "barchart", "relevance": 42, "analysisGroup": "anomaly" } ], "isContextualQuery": false, "unmatchedEntities": [ "string" ] } ], "meta": { "total": 42 }, "links": { "next": { "href": "" }, "prev": { "href": "" }, "self": { "href": "" } }}