
Conditions is the resource representing a condition query based on data in a Qlik app.

Download specification

Creates a new condition.


Rate limit Tier 2 (100 requests per minute)
Categories externalbuild

Request Body


The condition create request definition.

only one of compoundCondition or dataCondition should be set

  • application/jsonobject

    only one of compoundCondition or dataCondition should be set

    Show application/json properties
    • typestring

      Indicates the condition type

      Can be one of: "compound""data"

    • dataConditionobject

      A condition based on data within an app

      Show dataCondition properties
      • headersarray of strings

        List of header labels

      • historyobject

        History properties

        Show history properties
        • enabledboolean

          Is history enabled

      • measuresarray of objects

        List of returned measures

        Show measures properties
        • titlestring

          Measure title

        • qLibraryIdstring

          Refers to a measure stored in the library

        • qNumFormatobject

          Format of the field

      • dimensionsarray of objects

        List of returned dimensions

        Show dimensions properties
        • fieldstring

          Field referred to the dimension where the selection is made. This may be used to generate deep links.

        • titlestring

          Dimension title

        • qLibraryIdstring

          Refers to a dimension stored in the library

      • selectionsarray of objects

        List of fields according to the bookmark definition

        Show selections properties
        • countnumber

          The count

        • fieldstring

          Field name

        • selectedSummaryarray of strings

          Array of selected

      • conditionBaseobject

        A base condition

        Show conditionBase properties
        • idstring

          The unique id for the resource

        • typestring

          Indicates the condition type

          Can be one of: "compound""data"

        • appIdstring

          The id of the app the condition is evaluated against

        • createdstring

          When the resource was created

        • ownerIdstring

          The id of the user the user which owns the condition

        • updatedstring

          When the resource was last updated

        • tenantIdstring

          The tenant id

        • bookmarkIdstring

          The bookmark corresponding to the selection state to apply to the app at evaluation time

        • createdByIdstring

          The id of the user which created the condition

        • descriptionstring

          Description of the condition

        • lastReloadTimestring

          The time of the last reload, if the scan is triggered by a reload. If exists and value does not match app's last reload time, the evaluation will fail.

      • conditionDataobject

        List of parameters specific to data condition are available in DCE and will be passed as is to DCE as per

    • compoundConditionobject

      A condition made up of other conditions

      Show compoundCondition properties
      • dataobject

        Condition data

        Show data properties
        • historyobject

          History properties

          Show history properties
          • enabledboolean

            Is history enabled

        • conditionsarray of strings

          Array of condition ids

        • expressionstring

          Boolean expression made up of variable names defined from the conditions section

      • conditionBaseobject

        A base condition

        Show conditionBase properties
        • idstring

          The unique id for the resource

        • typestring

          Indicates the condition type

          Can be one of: "compound""data"

        • appIdstring

          The id of the app the condition is evaluated against

        • createdstring

          When the resource was created

        • ownerIdstring

          The id of the user the user which owns the condition

        • updatedstring

          When the resource was last updated

        • tenantIdstring

          The tenant id

        • bookmarkIdstring

          The bookmark corresponding to the selection state to apply to the app at evaluation time

        • createdByIdstring

          The id of the user which created the condition

        • descriptionstring

          Description of the condition

        • lastReloadTimestring

          The time of the last reload, if the scan is triggered by a reload. If exists and value does not match app's last reload time, the evaluation will fail.




Condition created

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Error code specific to condition manager.

      • metaobject
      • titlestring

        Error title.

      • detailstring

        Error cause.

    • conditionobject

      only one of compoundCondition or dataCondition should be set

      Show condition properties
      • typestring

        Indicates the condition type

        Can be one of: "compound""data"

      • ownerIdstring

        UserID of the condition owner

      • tenantIdstring

        The tenant id

      • dataConditionobject

        A condition based on data within an app

        Show dataCondition properties
        • headersarray of strings

          List of header labels

        • historyobject

          History properties

          Show history properties
          • enabledboolean

            Is history enabled

        • measuresarray of objects

          List of returned measures

          Show measures properties
          • titlestring

            Measure title

          • qLibraryIdstring

            Refers to a measure stored in the library

          • qNumFormatobject

            Format of the field

        • dimensionsarray of objects

          List of returned dimensions

          Show dimensions properties
          • fieldstring

            Field referred to the dimension where the selection is made. This may be used to generate deep links.

          • titlestring

            Dimension title

          • qLibraryIdstring

            Refers to a dimension stored in the library

        • selectionsarray of objects

          List of fields according to the bookmark definition

          Show selections properties
          • countnumber

            The count

          • fieldstring

            Field name

          • selectedSummaryarray of strings

            Array of selected

        • conditionBaseobject

          A base condition

          Show conditionBase properties
          • idstring

            The unique id for the resource

          • typestring

            Indicates the condition type

            Can be one of: "compound""data"

          • appIdstring

            The id of the app the condition is evaluated against

          • createdstring

            When the resource was created

          • ownerIdstring

            The id of the user the user which owns the condition

          • updatedstring

            When the resource was last updated

          • tenantIdstring

            The tenant id

          • bookmarkIdstring

            The bookmark corresponding to the selection state to apply to the app at evaluation time

          • createdByIdstring

            The id of the user which created the condition

          • descriptionstring

            Description of the condition

          • lastReloadTimestring

            The time of the last reload, if the scan is triggered by a reload. If exists and value does not match app's last reload time, the evaluation will fail.

        • conditionDataobject

          List of parameters specific to data condition are available in DCE and will be passed as is to DCE as per

      • compoundConditionobject

        A condition made up of other conditions

        Show compoundCondition properties
        • dataobject

          Condition data

          Show data properties
          • historyobject

            History properties

            Show history properties
            • enabledboolean

              Is history enabled

          • conditionsarray of strings

            Array of condition ids

          • expressionstring

            Boolean expression made up of variable names defined from the conditions section

        • conditionBaseobject

          A base condition

          Show conditionBase properties
          • idstring

            The unique id for the resource

          • typestring

            Indicates the condition type

            Can be one of: "compound""data"

          • appIdstring

            The id of the app the condition is evaluated against

          • createdstring

            When the resource was created

          • ownerIdstring

            The id of the user the user which owns the condition

          • updatedstring

            When the resource was last updated

          • tenantIdstring

            The tenant id

          • bookmarkIdstring

            The bookmark corresponding to the selection state to apply to the app at evaluation time

          • createdByIdstring

            The id of the user which created the condition

          • descriptionstring

            Description of the condition

          • lastReloadTimestring

            The time of the last reload, if the scan is triggered by a reload. If exists and value does not match app's last reload time, the evaluation will fail.



Bad request body

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects

      Array of errors

      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Error code specific to condition manager.

      • metaobject

        meta properties for an error.

      • titlestring

        Error title.

      • detailstring

        Error cause.

    • traceIdstring

      trace id



Error response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring

      trace id

POST /v1/conditions
curl "" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <API-key>" \
-d '{"type":"compound","dataCondition":{"headers":["sumnum"],"history":{"enabled":true},"measures":[{"title":"sumnum","qLibraryId":"PgQKNQ","qNumFormat":{"qDec":".","qFmt":"###0","qType":"I","qnDec":0,"qUseThou":1}}],"dimensions":[{"field":"Neighborhood","title":"Neighborhood","qLibraryId":"PgQKNQ"}],"selections":[{"count":2,"field":"SalesTerritoryCountry","selectedSummary":"[ Germany, Australia ]"}],"conditionBase":{"id":"5f31c6e8476ae50001030fb6","type":"compound","appId":"4xQ1chLoHkOikyzUGcHJquteNrAfketW","created":"2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00","ownerId":"EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA","updated":"2006-01-02T14:04:05Z07:00","tenantId":"5GI7yWoJk9lvNtuEc66SXCypXVfhbVeH","bookmarkId":"anTjnOABmxlCirVx8IRfhWhLd9IZjENl","createdById":"EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA","description":"My condition","lastReloadTime":"2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"},"conditionData":{}},"compoundCondition":{"data":{"history":{"enabled":true},"conditions":["rDDAcMEI1V0qzauEWepEVY8oSLJ9fvA2","qFPF1dAtPK4vfPTmKyyuKaqA6iERCwLi","4gnz8E6ZruG0lkSKwkau66P24CtORyLr","ATs--Z0b_NGyuHajcbQkxu7RrajgPaEQ"],"expression":"($0 OR $1) AND ($2 OR $3)"},"conditionBase":{"id":"5f31c6e8476ae50001030fb6","type":"compound","appId":"4xQ1chLoHkOikyzUGcHJquteNrAfketW","created":"2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00","ownerId":"EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA","updated":"2006-01-02T14:04:05Z07:00","tenantId":"5GI7yWoJk9lvNtuEc66SXCypXVfhbVeH","bookmarkId":"anTjnOABmxlCirVx8IRfhWhLd9IZjENl","createdById":"EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA","description":"My condition","lastReloadTime":"2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"}}}'
const https = require('https')
  const data = JSON.stringify({"type":"compound","dataCondition":{"headers":["sumnum"],"history":{"enabled":true},"measures":[{"title":"sumnum","qLibraryId":"PgQKNQ","qNumFormat":{"qDec":".","qFmt":"###0","qType":"I","qnDec":0,"qUseThou":1}}],"dimensions":[{"field":"Neighborhood","title":"Neighborhood","qLibraryId":"PgQKNQ"}],"selections":[{"count":2,"field":"SalesTerritoryCountry","selectedSummary":"[ Germany, Australia ]"}],"conditionBase":{"id":"5f31c6e8476ae50001030fb6","type":"compound","appId":"4xQ1chLoHkOikyzUGcHJquteNrAfketW","created":"2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00","ownerId":"EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA","updated":"2006-01-02T14:04:05Z07:00","tenantId":"5GI7yWoJk9lvNtuEc66SXCypXVfhbVeH","bookmarkId":"anTjnOABmxlCirVx8IRfhWhLd9IZjENl","createdById":"EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA","description":"My condition","lastReloadTime":"2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"},"conditionData":{}},"compoundCondition":{"data":{"history":{"enabled":true},"conditions":["rDDAcMEI1V0qzauEWepEVY8oSLJ9fvA2","qFPF1dAtPK4vfPTmKyyuKaqA6iERCwLi","4gnz8E6ZruG0lkSKwkau66P24CtORyLr","ATs--Z0b_NGyuHajcbQkxu7RrajgPaEQ"],"expression":"($0 OR $1) AND ($2 OR $3)"},"conditionBase":{"id":"5f31c6e8476ae50001030fb6","type":"compound","appId":"4xQ1chLoHkOikyzUGcHJquteNrAfketW","created":"2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00","ownerId":"EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA","updated":"2006-01-02T14:04:05Z07:00","tenantId":"5GI7yWoJk9lvNtuEc66SXCypXVfhbVeH","bookmarkId":"anTjnOABmxlCirVx8IRfhWhLd9IZjENl","createdById":"EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA","description":"My condition","lastReloadTime":"2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"}}})
  const options =   {
    'hostname': '',
    'port': 443,
    'path': '/api/v1/conditions',
    'method': 'POST',
    'headers': {
      'Content-type': 'application/json',
      'Authorization': 'Bearer <API-key>'
  const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli


  "type": "compound",
  "dataCondition": {
    "headers": [
    "history": {
      "enabled": true
    "measures": [
        "title": "sumnum",
        "qLibraryId": "PgQKNQ",
        "qNumFormat": {
          "qDec": ".",
          "qFmt": "###0",
          "qType": "I",
          "qnDec": 0,
          "qUseThou": 1
    "dimensions": [
        "field": "Neighborhood",
        "title": "Neighborhood",
        "qLibraryId": "PgQKNQ"
    "selections": [
        "count": 2,
        "field": "SalesTerritoryCountry",
        "selectedSummary": "[ Germany, Australia ]"
    "conditionBase": {
      "id": "5f31c6e8476ae50001030fb6",
      "type": "compound",
      "appId": "4xQ1chLoHkOikyzUGcHJquteNrAfketW",
      "created": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00",
      "ownerId": "EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA",
      "updated": "2006-01-02T14:04:05Z07:00",
      "tenantId": "5GI7yWoJk9lvNtuEc66SXCypXVfhbVeH",
      "bookmarkId": "anTjnOABmxlCirVx8IRfhWhLd9IZjENl",
      "createdById": "EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA",
      "description": "My condition",
      "lastReloadTime": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"
    "conditionData": {}
  "compoundCondition": {
    "data": {
      "history": {
        "enabled": true
      "conditions": [
      "expression": "($0 OR $1) AND ($2 OR $3)"
    "conditionBase": {
      "id": "5f31c6e8476ae50001030fb6",
      "type": "compound",
      "appId": "4xQ1chLoHkOikyzUGcHJquteNrAfketW",
      "created": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00",
      "ownerId": "EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA",
      "updated": "2006-01-02T14:04:05Z07:00",
      "tenantId": "5GI7yWoJk9lvNtuEc66SXCypXVfhbVeH",
      "bookmarkId": "anTjnOABmxlCirVx8IRfhWhLd9IZjENl",
      "createdById": "EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA",
      "description": "My condition",
      "lastReloadTime": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"


  "errors": [
      "code": "string",
      "meta": {},
      "title": "string",
      "detail": "string"
  "condition": {
    "type": "compound",
    "ownerId": "EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA",
    "tenantId": "5GI7yWoJk9lvNtuEc66SXCypXVfhbVeH",
    "dataCondition": {
      "headers": [
      "history": {
        "enabled": true
      "measures": [
          "title": "sumnum",
          "qLibraryId": "PgQKNQ",
          "qNumFormat": {
            "qDec": ".",
            "qFmt": "###0",
            "qType": "I",
            "qnDec": 0,
            "qUseThou": 1
      "dimensions": [
          "field": "Neighborhood",
          "title": "Neighborhood",
          "qLibraryId": "PgQKNQ"
      "selections": [
          "count": 2,
          "field": "SalesTerritoryCountry",
          "selectedSummary": "[ Germany, Australia ]"
      "conditionBase": {
        "id": "5f31c6e8476ae50001030fb6",
        "type": "compound",
        "appId": "4xQ1chLoHkOikyzUGcHJquteNrAfketW",
        "created": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00",
        "ownerId": "EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA",
        "updated": "2006-01-02T14:04:05Z07:00",
        "tenantId": "5GI7yWoJk9lvNtuEc66SXCypXVfhbVeH",
        "bookmarkId": "anTjnOABmxlCirVx8IRfhWhLd9IZjENl",
        "createdById": "EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA",
        "description": "My condition",
        "lastReloadTime": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"
      "conditionData": {}
    "compoundCondition": {
      "data": {
        "history": {
          "enabled": true
        "conditions": [
        "expression": "($0 OR $1) AND ($2 OR $3)"
      "conditionBase": {
        "id": "5f31c6e8476ae50001030fb6",
        "type": "compound",
        "appId": "4xQ1chLoHkOikyzUGcHJquteNrAfketW",
        "created": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00",
        "ownerId": "EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA",
        "updated": "2006-01-02T14:04:05Z07:00",
        "tenantId": "5GI7yWoJk9lvNtuEc66SXCypXVfhbVeH",
        "bookmarkId": "anTjnOABmxlCirVx8IRfhWhLd9IZjENl",
        "createdById": "EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA",
        "description": "My condition",
        "lastReloadTime": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"

Retrieve a specific condition by id.


Rate limit Tier 1 (1000 requests per minute)
Categories externalbuild

Path Parameters

  • idstring

    The id of the condition




The condition

only one of compoundCondition or dataCondition should be set

  • application/jsonobject

    only one of compoundCondition or dataCondition should be set

    Show application/json properties
    • typestring

      Indicates the condition type

      Can be one of: "compound""data"

    • ownerIdstring

      UserID of the condition owner

    • tenantIdstring

      The tenant id

    • dataConditionobject

      A condition based on data within an app

      Show dataCondition properties
      • headersarray of strings

        List of header labels

      • historyobject

        History properties

        Show history properties
        • enabledboolean

          Is history enabled

      • measuresarray of objects

        List of returned measures

        Show measures properties
        • titlestring

          Measure title

        • qLibraryIdstring

          Refers to a measure stored in the library

        • qNumFormatobject

          Format of the field

      • dimensionsarray of objects

        List of returned dimensions

        Show dimensions properties
        • fieldstring

          Field referred to the dimension where the selection is made. This may be used to generate deep links.

        • titlestring

          Dimension title

        • qLibraryIdstring

          Refers to a dimension stored in the library

      • selectionsarray of objects

        List of fields according to the bookmark definition

        Show selections properties
        • countnumber

          The count

        • fieldstring

          Field name

        • selectedSummaryarray of strings

          Array of selected

      • conditionBaseobject

        A base condition

        Show conditionBase properties
        • idstring

          The unique id for the resource

        • typestring

          Indicates the condition type

          Can be one of: "compound""data"

        • appIdstring

          The id of the app the condition is evaluated against

        • createdstring

          When the resource was created

        • ownerIdstring

          The id of the user the user which owns the condition

        • updatedstring

          When the resource was last updated

        • tenantIdstring

          The tenant id

        • bookmarkIdstring

          The bookmark corresponding to the selection state to apply to the app at evaluation time

        • createdByIdstring

          The id of the user which created the condition

        • descriptionstring

          Description of the condition

        • lastReloadTimestring

          The time of the last reload, if the scan is triggered by a reload. If exists and value does not match app's last reload time, the evaluation will fail.

      • conditionDataobject

        List of parameters specific to data condition are available in DCE and will be passed as is to DCE as per

    • compoundConditionobject

      A condition made up of other conditions

      Show compoundCondition properties
      • dataobject

        Condition data

        Show data properties
        • historyobject

          History properties

          Show history properties
          • enabledboolean

            Is history enabled

        • conditionsarray of strings

          Array of condition ids

        • expressionstring

          Boolean expression made up of variable names defined from the conditions section

      • conditionBaseobject

        A base condition

        Show conditionBase properties
        • idstring

          The unique id for the resource

        • typestring

          Indicates the condition type

          Can be one of: "compound""data"

        • appIdstring

          The id of the app the condition is evaluated against

        • createdstring

          When the resource was created

        • ownerIdstring

          The id of the user the user which owns the condition

        • updatedstring

          When the resource was last updated

        • tenantIdstring

          The tenant id

        • bookmarkIdstring

          The bookmark corresponding to the selection state to apply to the app at evaluation time

        • createdByIdstring

          The id of the user which created the condition

        • descriptionstring

          Description of the condition

        • lastReloadTimestring

          The time of the last reload, if the scan is triggered by a reload. If exists and value does not match app's last reload time, the evaluation will fail.



Resource does not exist.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring

      trace id



Error response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring

      trace id

GET /v1/conditions/{id}
curl "{id}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <API-key>"
const https = require('https')
  const data = JSON.stringify("")
  const options =   {
    'hostname': '',
    'port': 443,
    'path': '/api/v1/conditions/{id}',
    'method': 'GET',
    'headers': {
      'Authorization': 'Bearer <API-key>'
  const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli


  "type": "compound",
  "ownerId": "EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA",
  "tenantId": "5GI7yWoJk9lvNtuEc66SXCypXVfhbVeH",
  "dataCondition": {
    "headers": [
    "history": {
      "enabled": true
    "measures": [
        "title": "sumnum",
        "qLibraryId": "PgQKNQ",
        "qNumFormat": {
          "qDec": ".",
          "qFmt": "###0",
          "qType": "I",
          "qnDec": 0,
          "qUseThou": 1
    "dimensions": [
        "field": "Neighborhood",
        "title": "Neighborhood",
        "qLibraryId": "PgQKNQ"
    "selections": [
        "count": 2,
        "field": "SalesTerritoryCountry",
        "selectedSummary": "[ Germany, Australia ]"
    "conditionBase": {
      "id": "5f31c6e8476ae50001030fb6",
      "type": "compound",
      "appId": "4xQ1chLoHkOikyzUGcHJquteNrAfketW",
      "created": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00",
      "ownerId": "EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA",
      "updated": "2006-01-02T14:04:05Z07:00",
      "tenantId": "5GI7yWoJk9lvNtuEc66SXCypXVfhbVeH",
      "bookmarkId": "anTjnOABmxlCirVx8IRfhWhLd9IZjENl",
      "createdById": "EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA",
      "description": "My condition",
      "lastReloadTime": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"
    "conditionData": {}
  "compoundCondition": {
    "data": {
      "history": {
        "enabled": true
      "conditions": [
      "expression": "($0 OR $1) AND ($2 OR $3)"
    "conditionBase": {
      "id": "5f31c6e8476ae50001030fb6",
      "type": "compound",
      "appId": "4xQ1chLoHkOikyzUGcHJquteNrAfketW",
      "created": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00",
      "ownerId": "EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA",
      "updated": "2006-01-02T14:04:05Z07:00",
      "tenantId": "5GI7yWoJk9lvNtuEc66SXCypXVfhbVeH",
      "bookmarkId": "anTjnOABmxlCirVx8IRfhWhLd9IZjENl",
      "createdById": "EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA",
      "description": "My condition",
      "lastReloadTime": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"

Patch values in the condition


Rate limit Tier 2 (100 requests per minute)
Categories externalbuild

Path Parameters

  • idstring

    The id of the condition

Request Body


A JSON Patch document as defined in

  • application/jsonarray of objects

    A JSON Patch document as defined in

    Show application/json properties
    • opstring

      The operation to be performed.

      Can be one of: "replace""remove""add"

    • pathstring

      The path for the given resource field to patch.

    • valueobject

      The value to be used for this operation.



The condition was updated



A path or value was invalid

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring

      trace id



Resource does not exist.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring

      trace id



Error response

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring

      trace id

PATCH /v1/conditions/{id}
curl "{id}" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <API-key>" \
-d '[{"op":"replace","path":"/compoundCondition/conditionBase/ownerId","value":"I6mWVd60wRWIbOXZr1ZKV8QTnxhnitbX"},{"op":"replace","path":"/dataCondition/conditionBase/description","value":"My description"},{"op":"remove","path":"/compoundCondition/data/conditions/0"},{"op":"replace","path":"/compoundCondition//data/expression","value":"$0 AND $1"},{"op":"replace","path":"/dataCondition/conditionData/measure","value":"revenue"}]'
const https = require('https')
  const data = JSON.stringify([{"op":"replace","path":"/compoundCondition/conditionBase/ownerId","value":"I6mWVd60wRWIbOXZr1ZKV8QTnxhnitbX"},{"op":"replace","path":"/dataCondition/conditionBase/description","value":"My description"},{"op":"remove","path":"/compoundCondition/data/conditions/0"},{"op":"replace","path":"/compoundCondition//data/expression","value":"$0 AND $1"},{"op":"replace","path":"/dataCondition/conditionData/measure","value":"revenue"}])
  const options =   {
    'hostname': '',
    'port': 443,
    'path': '/api/v1/conditions/{id}',
    'method': 'PATCH',
    'headers': {
      'Content-type': 'application/json',
      'Authorization': 'Bearer <API-key>'
  const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli


    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/compoundCondition/conditionBase/ownerId",
    "value": "I6mWVd60wRWIbOXZr1ZKV8QTnxhnitbX"
    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/dataCondition/conditionBase/description",
    "value": "My description"
    "op": "remove",
    "path": "/compoundCondition/data/conditions/0"
    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/compoundCondition//data/expression",
    "value": "$0 AND $1"
    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/dataCondition/conditionData/measure",
    "value": "revenue"

Delete the condition


Rate limit Tier 2 (100 requests per minute)
Categories externalbuild

Path Parameters

  • idstring

    The id of the condition



The record was deleted.



Resource does not exist.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring

      trace id



Error response

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring

      trace id

DELETE /v1/conditions/{id}
curl "{id}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <API-key>"
const https = require('https')
  const data = JSON.stringify("")
  const options =   {
    'hostname': '',
    'port': 443,
    'path': '/api/v1/conditions/{id}',
    'method': 'DELETE',
    'headers': {
      'Authorization': 'Bearer <API-key>'
  const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli

Executes the condition


Rate limit Tier 2 (100 requests per minute)
Categories externalbuild

Path Parameters

  • idstring

    The id of the condition

Request Body


  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • alertIdstring

      The id of the alerting task the condition and evaluation is part of

    • contextIdstring

      Extra context information to carry through to the result if any

    • causalEventobject
      Show causalEvent properties
      • dataobject
        Show data properties
        • eventIDstring

          the event id from eventing service.

        • lastReloadTimestring

          The time of the last reload

      • eventIDstring

        the event id from eventing

      • extensionsobject
        Show extensions properties
        • userIDstring
        • tenantIDstring
        • sessionIDstring
      • manualTriggerboolean
      • manualTriggerIDstring

        the manual trigger id from eventing if present




Condition evaluation created

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Error code specific to condition manager.

      • metaobject
      • titlestring

        Error title.

      • detailstring

        Error cause.

    • contextIdstring

      Extra context information to carry through to the result if any

    • evaluationIdstring

      Extra context information to carry through to the result if any



Bad request body

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring

      trace id



Internal server error.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring

      trace id



Error response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring

      trace id

POST /v1/conditions/{id}/evaluations
curl "{id}/evaluations" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <API-key>" \
-d '{"alertId":"5f64885b2e11d23982c09e03","contextId":"795c75ba-7812-4c8f-9ced-551b6b006183","causalEvent":{"data":{"eventID":"string","lastReloadTime":"2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"},"eventID":"string","extensions":{"userID":"string","tenantID":"string","sessionID":"string"},"manualTrigger":true,"manualTriggerID":"string"}}'
const https = require('https')
  const data = JSON.stringify({"alertId":"5f64885b2e11d23982c09e03","contextId":"795c75ba-7812-4c8f-9ced-551b6b006183","causalEvent":{"data":{"eventID":"string","lastReloadTime":"2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"},"eventID":"string","extensions":{"userID":"string","tenantID":"string","sessionID":"string"},"manualTrigger":true,"manualTriggerID":"string"}})
  const options =   {
    'hostname': '',
    'port': 443,
    'path': '/api/v1/conditions/{id}/evaluations',
    'method': 'POST',
    'headers': {
      'Content-type': 'application/json',
      'Authorization': 'Bearer <API-key>'
  const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli


  "alertId": "5f64885b2e11d23982c09e03",
  "contextId": "795c75ba-7812-4c8f-9ced-551b6b006183",
  "causalEvent": {
    "data": {
      "eventID": "string",
      "lastReloadTime": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"
    "eventID": "string",
    "extensions": {
      "userID": "string",
      "tenantID": "string",
      "sessionID": "string"
    "manualTrigger": true,
    "manualTriggerID": "string"


  "errors": [
      "code": "string",
      "meta": {},
      "title": "string",
      "detail": "string"
  "contextId": "795c75ba-7812-4c8f-9ced-551b6b006183",
  "evaluationId": "795c75ba-7812-4c8f-9ced-551b6b006183"

Get an Evaluation


Rate limit Tier 1 (1000 requests per minute)
Categories externalbuild

Path Parameters

  • evaluationIdstring

    The id of the evaluation

  • idstring

    The id of the condition




The evaluation

Get response returns the evaluation and condition associated

  • application/jsonobject

    Get response returns the evaluation and condition associated

    Show application/json properties
    • conditionobject

      only one of compoundCondition or dataCondition should be set

      Show condition properties
      • typestring

        Indicates the condition type

        Can be one of: "compound""data"

      • ownerIdstring

        UserID of the condition owner

      • tenantIdstring

        The tenant id

      • dataConditionobject

        A condition based on data within an app

        Show dataCondition properties
        • headersarray of strings

          List of header labels

        • historyobject

          History properties

          Show history properties
          • enabledboolean

            Is history enabled

        • measuresarray of objects

          List of returned measures

          Show measures properties
          • titlestring

            Measure title

          • qLibraryIdstring

            Refers to a measure stored in the library

          • qNumFormatobject

            Format of the field

        • dimensionsarray of objects

          List of returned dimensions

          Show dimensions properties
          • fieldstring

            Field referred to the dimension where the selection is made. This may be used to generate deep links.

          • titlestring

            Dimension title

          • qLibraryIdstring

            Refers to a dimension stored in the library

        • selectionsarray of objects

          List of fields according to the bookmark definition

          Show selections properties
          • countnumber

            The count

          • fieldstring

            Field name

          • selectedSummaryarray of strings

            Array of selected

        • conditionBaseobject

          A base condition

          Show conditionBase properties
          • idstring

            The unique id for the resource

          • typestring

            Indicates the condition type

            Can be one of: "compound""data"

          • appIdstring

            The id of the app the condition is evaluated against

          • createdstring

            When the resource was created

          • ownerIdstring

            The id of the user the user which owns the condition

          • updatedstring

            When the resource was last updated

          • tenantIdstring

            The tenant id

          • bookmarkIdstring

            The bookmark corresponding to the selection state to apply to the app at evaluation time

          • createdByIdstring

            The id of the user which created the condition

          • descriptionstring

            Description of the condition

          • lastReloadTimestring

            The time of the last reload, if the scan is triggered by a reload. If exists and value does not match app's last reload time, the evaluation will fail.

        • conditionDataobject

          List of parameters specific to data condition are available in DCE and will be passed as is to DCE as per

      • compoundConditionobject

        A condition made up of other conditions

        Show compoundCondition properties
        • dataobject

          Condition data

          Show data properties
          • historyobject

            History properties

            Show history properties
            • enabledboolean

              Is history enabled

          • conditionsarray of strings

            Array of condition ids

          • expressionstring

            Boolean expression made up of variable names defined from the conditions section

        • conditionBaseobject

          A base condition

          Show conditionBase properties
          • idstring

            The unique id for the resource

          • typestring

            Indicates the condition type

            Can be one of: "compound""data"

          • appIdstring

            The id of the app the condition is evaluated against

          • createdstring

            When the resource was created

          • ownerIdstring

            The id of the user the user which owns the condition

          • updatedstring

            When the resource was last updated

          • tenantIdstring

            The tenant id

          • bookmarkIdstring

            The bookmark corresponding to the selection state to apply to the app at evaluation time

          • createdByIdstring

            The id of the user which created the condition

          • descriptionstring

            Description of the condition

          • lastReloadTimestring

            The time of the last reload, if the scan is triggered by a reload. If exists and value does not match app's last reload time, the evaluation will fail.

    • evaluationobject
      Show evaluation properties
      • idstring

        The unique id for the resource

      • errorsarray of objects
        Show errors properties
        • codestring

          Error code specific to condition smanager.

        • metaobject
          Show meta properties
          • fatalboolean

            defines whether an error is recoverable or not

        • titlestring

          Error title.

        • statusany

          Error status.

      • resultboolean

        The final result of the evalution

      • statusstring

        The status of the evaluation execution

        Can be one of: "RUNNING""FAILED""FINISHED""DELETING"

      • alertIdstring

        The id of the alerting task the condition and evaluation is part of

      • endTimestring

        The time the evaluation ended

      • ownerIdstring

        userId of user being impersonated to evaluate the condition

      • retriesinteger

        number of retries sent to DCE

      • tenantIdstring

        The tenant id

      • conditionobject

        only one of compoundCondition or dataCondition should be set

        Show condition properties
        • typestring

          Indicates the condition type

          Can be one of: "compound""data"

        • ownerIdstring

          UserID of the condition owner

        • tenantIdstring

          The tenant id

        • dataConditionobject

          A condition based on data within an app

          Show dataCondition properties
          • headersarray of strings

            List of header labels

          • historyobject

            History properties

            Show history properties
            • enabledboolean

              Is history enabled

          • measuresarray of objects

            List of returned measures

            Show measures properties
            • titlestring

              Measure title

            • qLibraryIdstring

              Refers to a measure stored in the library

            • qNumFormatobject

              Format of the field

          • dimensionsarray of objects

            List of returned dimensions

            Show dimensions properties
            • fieldstring

              Field referred to the dimension where the selection is made. This may be used to generate deep links.

            • titlestring

              Dimension title

            • qLibraryIdstring

              Refers to a dimension stored in the library

          • selectionsarray of objects

            List of fields according to the bookmark definition

            Show selections properties
            • countnumber

              The count

            • fieldstring

              Field name

            • selectedSummaryarray of strings

              Array of selected

          • conditionBaseobject

            A base condition

            Show conditionBase properties
            • idstring

              The unique id for the resource

            • typestring

              Indicates the condition type

              Can be one of: "compound""data"

            • appIdstring

              The id of the app the condition is evaluated against

            • createdstring

              When the resource was created

            • ownerIdstring

              The id of the user the user which owns the condition

            • updatedstring

              When the resource was last updated

            • tenantIdstring

              The tenant id

            • bookmarkIdstring

              The bookmark corresponding to the selection state to apply to the app at evaluation time

            • createdByIdstring

              The id of the user which created the condition

            • descriptionstring

              Description of the condition

            • lastReloadTimestring

              The time of the last reload, if the scan is triggered by a reload. If exists and value does not match app's last reload time, the evaluation will fail.

          • conditionDataobject

            List of parameters specific to data condition are available in DCE and will be passed as is to DCE as per

        • compoundConditionobject

          A condition made up of other conditions

          Show compoundCondition properties
          • dataobject

            Condition data

            Show data properties
            • historyobject

              History properties

              Show history properties
              • enabledboolean

                Is history enabled

            • conditionsarray of strings

              Array of condition ids

            • expressionstring

              Boolean expression made up of variable names defined from the conditions section

          • conditionBaseobject

            A base condition

            Show conditionBase properties
            • idstring

              The unique id for the resource

            • typestring

              Indicates the condition type

              Can be one of: "compound""data"

            • appIdstring

              The id of the app the condition is evaluated against

            • createdstring

              When the resource was created

            • ownerIdstring

              The id of the user the user which owns the condition

            • updatedstring

              When the resource was last updated

            • tenantIdstring

              The tenant id

            • bookmarkIdstring

              The bookmark corresponding to the selection state to apply to the app at evaluation time

            • createdByIdstring

              The id of the user which created the condition

            • descriptionstring

              Description of the condition

            • lastReloadTimestring

              The time of the last reload, if the scan is triggered by a reload. If exists and value does not match app's last reload time, the evaluation will fail.

      • contextIdstring

        Extra context information to carry through to the result if one was included on when the evaluation was triggered

      • startTimestring

        The time the evaluation started

      • resultDataobject

        Condition type specific result, one of dataResult or compoundResult

      • causalEventobject

        Representation of the event that caused the condition to be evaluated if one was included on when the evaluation was triggered

      • conditionIdstring

        The unique id of the associated condition

      • retryPolicystring

        what kind of retry policy this evaluation has


      • reloadEndTimestring

        The time when the reload was completed in Engine

      • byokMigrationIdstring

        internal identifier used when migrating keys

      • removalErrorCountinteger

        The number of times we have attempted to remove this evaluation data-file

      • dataConditionEvaluatorIdstringDeprecated

        The unique id for the resource given from Data Condition Evaluator.



Resource does not exist.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring

      trace id



Error response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring

      trace id

GET /v1/conditions/{id}/evaluations/{evaluationId}
curl "{id}/evaluations/{evaluationId}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <API-key>"
const https = require('https')
  const data = JSON.stringify("")
  const options =   {
    'hostname': '',
    'port': 443,
    'path': '/api/v1/conditions/{id}/evaluations/{evaluationId}',
    'method': 'GET',
    'headers': {
      'Authorization': 'Bearer <API-key>'
  const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli


  "condition": {
    "type": "compound",
    "ownerId": "EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA",
    "tenantId": "5GI7yWoJk9lvNtuEc66SXCypXVfhbVeH",
    "dataCondition": {
      "headers": [
      "history": {
        "enabled": true
      "measures": [
          "title": "sumnum",
          "qLibraryId": "PgQKNQ",
          "qNumFormat": {
            "qDec": ".",
            "qFmt": "###0",
            "qType": "I",
            "qnDec": 0,
            "qUseThou": 1
      "dimensions": [
          "field": "Neighborhood",
          "title": "Neighborhood",
          "qLibraryId": "PgQKNQ"
      "selections": [
          "count": 2,
          "field": "SalesTerritoryCountry",
          "selectedSummary": "[ Germany, Australia ]"
      "conditionBase": {
        "id": "5f31c6e8476ae50001030fb6",
        "type": "compound",
        "appId": "4xQ1chLoHkOikyzUGcHJquteNrAfketW",
        "created": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00",
        "ownerId": "EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA",
        "updated": "2006-01-02T14:04:05Z07:00",
        "tenantId": "5GI7yWoJk9lvNtuEc66SXCypXVfhbVeH",
        "bookmarkId": "anTjnOABmxlCirVx8IRfhWhLd9IZjENl",
        "createdById": "EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA",
        "description": "My condition",
        "lastReloadTime": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"
      "conditionData": {}
    "compoundCondition": {
      "data": {
        "history": {
          "enabled": true
        "conditions": [
        "expression": "($0 OR $1) AND ($2 OR $3)"
      "conditionBase": {
        "id": "5f31c6e8476ae50001030fb6",
        "type": "compound",
        "appId": "4xQ1chLoHkOikyzUGcHJquteNrAfketW",
        "created": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00",
        "ownerId": "EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA",
        "updated": "2006-01-02T14:04:05Z07:00",
        "tenantId": "5GI7yWoJk9lvNtuEc66SXCypXVfhbVeH",
        "bookmarkId": "anTjnOABmxlCirVx8IRfhWhLd9IZjENl",
        "createdById": "EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA",
        "description": "My condition",
        "lastReloadTime": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"
  "evaluation": {
    "id": "TiQ8GPVr8qI714Lp5ChAAFFaU24MJy69",
    "errors": [
        "code": "string",
        "meta": {
          "fatal": true
        "title": "string"
    "result": true,
    "status": "RUNNING",
    "alertId": "5f64885b2e11d23982c09e03",
    "endTime": "string",
    "ownerId": "TiQ8GPVr8qI714Lp5ChAAFFaU24MJy69",
    "retries": 42,
    "tenantId": "TiQ8GPVr8qI714Lp5ChAAFFaU24MJy69",
    "condition": {
      "type": "compound",
      "ownerId": "EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA",
      "tenantId": "5GI7yWoJk9lvNtuEc66SXCypXVfhbVeH",
      "dataCondition": {
        "headers": [
        "history": {
          "enabled": true
        "measures": [
            "title": "sumnum",
            "qLibraryId": "PgQKNQ",
            "qNumFormat": {
              "qDec": ".",
              "qFmt": "###0",
              "qType": "I",
              "qnDec": 0,
              "qUseThou": 1
        "dimensions": [
            "field": "Neighborhood",
            "title": "Neighborhood",
            "qLibraryId": "PgQKNQ"
        "selections": [
            "count": 2,
            "field": "SalesTerritoryCountry",
            "selectedSummary": "[ Germany, Australia ]"
        "conditionBase": {
          "id": "5f31c6e8476ae50001030fb6",
          "type": "compound",
          "appId": "4xQ1chLoHkOikyzUGcHJquteNrAfketW",
          "created": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00",
          "ownerId": "EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA",
          "updated": "2006-01-02T14:04:05Z07:00",
          "tenantId": "5GI7yWoJk9lvNtuEc66SXCypXVfhbVeH",
          "bookmarkId": "anTjnOABmxlCirVx8IRfhWhLd9IZjENl",
          "createdById": "EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA",
          "description": "My condition",
          "lastReloadTime": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"
        "conditionData": {}
      "compoundCondition": {
        "data": {
          "history": {
            "enabled": true
          "conditions": [
          "expression": "($0 OR $1) AND ($2 OR $3)"
        "conditionBase": {
          "id": "5f31c6e8476ae50001030fb6",
          "type": "compound",
          "appId": "4xQ1chLoHkOikyzUGcHJquteNrAfketW",
          "created": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00",
          "ownerId": "EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA",
          "updated": "2006-01-02T14:04:05Z07:00",
          "tenantId": "5GI7yWoJk9lvNtuEc66SXCypXVfhbVeH",
          "bookmarkId": "anTjnOABmxlCirVx8IRfhWhLd9IZjENl",
          "createdById": "EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA",
          "description": "My condition",
          "lastReloadTime": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"
    "contextId": "string",
    "startTime": "string",
    "resultData": {},
    "causalEvent": {},
    "conditionId": "TiQ8GPVr8qI714Lp5ChAAFFaU24MJy69",
    "retryPolicy": "NONE",
    "reloadEndTime": "string",
    "byokMigrationId": "string",
    "removalErrorCount": 3,
    "dataConditionEvaluatorId": "TiQ8GPVr8qI714Lp5ChAAFFaU24MJy69"

Delete an Evaluation


Rate limit Tier 2 (100 requests per minute)
Categories externalbuild

Path Parameters

  • evaluationIdstring

    The id of the evaluation

  • idstring

    The id of the condition



The evaluation was deleted



Resource does not exist.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring

      trace id



Error response

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring

      trace id

DELETE /v1/conditions/{id}/evaluations/{evaluationId}
curl "{id}/evaluations/{evaluationId}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <API-key>"
const https = require('https')
  const data = JSON.stringify("")
  const options =   {
    'hostname': '',
    'port': 443,
    'path': '/api/v1/conditions/{id}/evaluations/{evaluationId}',
    'method': 'DELETE',
    'headers': {
      'Authorization': 'Bearer <API-key>'
  const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli

Create condition preview request\

Create condition preview request.


Rate limit Tier 2 (100 requests per minute)
Categories externalbuild

Request Body


Create condition preview request

only one of compoundCondition or dataCondition should be set

  • application/jsonobject

    only one of compoundCondition or dataCondition should be set

    Show application/json properties
    • typestring

      Indicates the condition type

      Can be one of: "compound""data"

    • dataConditionobject

      A condition based on data within an app

      Show dataCondition properties
      • headersarray of strings

        List of header labels

      • historyobject

        History properties

        Show history properties
        • enabledboolean

          Is history enabled

      • measuresarray of objects

        List of returned measures

        Show measures properties
        • titlestring

          Measure title

        • qLibraryIdstring

          Refers to a measure stored in the library

        • qNumFormatobject

          Format of the field

      • dimensionsarray of objects

        List of returned dimensions

        Show dimensions properties
        • fieldstring

          Field referred to the dimension where the selection is made. This may be used to generate deep links.

        • titlestring

          Dimension title

        • qLibraryIdstring

          Refers to a dimension stored in the library

      • selectionsarray of objects

        List of fields according to the bookmark definition

        Show selections properties
        • countnumber

          The count

        • fieldstring

          Field name

        • selectedSummaryarray of strings

          Array of selected

      • conditionBaseobject

        A base condition

        Show conditionBase properties
        • idstring

          The unique id for the resource

        • typestring

          Indicates the condition type

          Can be one of: "compound""data"

        • appIdstring

          The id of the app the condition is evaluated against

        • createdstring

          When the resource was created

        • ownerIdstring

          The id of the user the user which owns the condition

        • updatedstring

          When the resource was last updated

        • tenantIdstring

          The tenant id

        • bookmarkIdstring

          The bookmark corresponding to the selection state to apply to the app at evaluation time

        • createdByIdstring

          The id of the user which created the condition

        • descriptionstring

          Description of the condition

        • lastReloadTimestring

          The time of the last reload, if the scan is triggered by a reload. If exists and value does not match app's last reload time, the evaluation will fail.

      • conditionDataobject

        List of parameters specific to data condition are available in DCE and will be passed as is to DCE as per

    • compoundConditionobject

      A condition made up of other conditions

      Show compoundCondition properties
      • dataobject

        Condition data

        Show data properties
        • historyobject

          History properties

          Show history properties
          • enabledboolean

            Is history enabled

        • conditionsarray of strings

          Array of condition ids

        • expressionstring

          Boolean expression made up of variable names defined from the conditions section

      • conditionBaseobject

        A base condition

        Show conditionBase properties
        • idstring

          The unique id for the resource

        • typestring

          Indicates the condition type

          Can be one of: "compound""data"

        • appIdstring

          The id of the app the condition is evaluated against

        • createdstring

          When the resource was created

        • ownerIdstring

          The id of the user the user which owns the condition

        • updatedstring

          When the resource was last updated

        • tenantIdstring

          The tenant id

        • bookmarkIdstring

          The bookmark corresponding to the selection state to apply to the app at evaluation time

        • createdByIdstring

          The id of the user which created the condition

        • descriptionstring

          Description of the condition

        • lastReloadTimestring

          The time of the last reload, if the scan is triggered by a reload. If exists and value does not match app's last reload time, the evaluation will fail.




Condition preview request created.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • previewIdstring

      When the resource was created



Bad request body

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring

      trace id



Internal server error.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring

      trace id



Error response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring

      trace id

POST /v1/conditions/previews
curl "" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <API-key>" \
-d '{"type":"compound","dataCondition":{"headers":["sumnum"],"history":{"enabled":true},"measures":[{"title":"sumnum","qLibraryId":"PgQKNQ","qNumFormat":{"qDec":".","qFmt":"###0","qType":"I","qnDec":0,"qUseThou":1}}],"dimensions":[{"field":"Neighborhood","title":"Neighborhood","qLibraryId":"PgQKNQ"}],"selections":[{"count":2,"field":"SalesTerritoryCountry","selectedSummary":"[ Germany, Australia ]"}],"conditionBase":{"id":"5f31c6e8476ae50001030fb6","type":"compound","appId":"4xQ1chLoHkOikyzUGcHJquteNrAfketW","created":"2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00","ownerId":"EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA","updated":"2006-01-02T14:04:05Z07:00","tenantId":"5GI7yWoJk9lvNtuEc66SXCypXVfhbVeH","bookmarkId":"anTjnOABmxlCirVx8IRfhWhLd9IZjENl","createdById":"EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA","description":"My condition","lastReloadTime":"2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"},"conditionData":{}},"compoundCondition":{"data":{"history":{"enabled":true},"conditions":["rDDAcMEI1V0qzauEWepEVY8oSLJ9fvA2","qFPF1dAtPK4vfPTmKyyuKaqA6iERCwLi","4gnz8E6ZruG0lkSKwkau66P24CtORyLr","ATs--Z0b_NGyuHajcbQkxu7RrajgPaEQ"],"expression":"($0 OR $1) AND ($2 OR $3)"},"conditionBase":{"id":"5f31c6e8476ae50001030fb6","type":"compound","appId":"4xQ1chLoHkOikyzUGcHJquteNrAfketW","created":"2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00","ownerId":"EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA","updated":"2006-01-02T14:04:05Z07:00","tenantId":"5GI7yWoJk9lvNtuEc66SXCypXVfhbVeH","bookmarkId":"anTjnOABmxlCirVx8IRfhWhLd9IZjENl","createdById":"EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA","description":"My condition","lastReloadTime":"2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"}}}'
const https = require('https')
  const data = JSON.stringify({"type":"compound","dataCondition":{"headers":["sumnum"],"history":{"enabled":true},"measures":[{"title":"sumnum","qLibraryId":"PgQKNQ","qNumFormat":{"qDec":".","qFmt":"###0","qType":"I","qnDec":0,"qUseThou":1}}],"dimensions":[{"field":"Neighborhood","title":"Neighborhood","qLibraryId":"PgQKNQ"}],"selections":[{"count":2,"field":"SalesTerritoryCountry","selectedSummary":"[ Germany, Australia ]"}],"conditionBase":{"id":"5f31c6e8476ae50001030fb6","type":"compound","appId":"4xQ1chLoHkOikyzUGcHJquteNrAfketW","created":"2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00","ownerId":"EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA","updated":"2006-01-02T14:04:05Z07:00","tenantId":"5GI7yWoJk9lvNtuEc66SXCypXVfhbVeH","bookmarkId":"anTjnOABmxlCirVx8IRfhWhLd9IZjENl","createdById":"EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA","description":"My condition","lastReloadTime":"2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"},"conditionData":{}},"compoundCondition":{"data":{"history":{"enabled":true},"conditions":["rDDAcMEI1V0qzauEWepEVY8oSLJ9fvA2","qFPF1dAtPK4vfPTmKyyuKaqA6iERCwLi","4gnz8E6ZruG0lkSKwkau66P24CtORyLr","ATs--Z0b_NGyuHajcbQkxu7RrajgPaEQ"],"expression":"($0 OR $1) AND ($2 OR $3)"},"conditionBase":{"id":"5f31c6e8476ae50001030fb6","type":"compound","appId":"4xQ1chLoHkOikyzUGcHJquteNrAfketW","created":"2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00","ownerId":"EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA","updated":"2006-01-02T14:04:05Z07:00","tenantId":"5GI7yWoJk9lvNtuEc66SXCypXVfhbVeH","bookmarkId":"anTjnOABmxlCirVx8IRfhWhLd9IZjENl","createdById":"EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA","description":"My condition","lastReloadTime":"2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"}}})
  const options =   {
    'hostname': '',
    'port': 443,
    'path': '/api/v1/conditions/previews',
    'method': 'POST',
    'headers': {
      'Content-type': 'application/json',
      'Authorization': 'Bearer <API-key>'
  const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli


  "type": "compound",
  "dataCondition": {
    "headers": [
    "history": {
      "enabled": true
    "measures": [
        "title": "sumnum",
        "qLibraryId": "PgQKNQ",
        "qNumFormat": {
          "qDec": ".",
          "qFmt": "###0",
          "qType": "I",
          "qnDec": 0,
          "qUseThou": 1
    "dimensions": [
        "field": "Neighborhood",
        "title": "Neighborhood",
        "qLibraryId": "PgQKNQ"
    "selections": [
        "count": 2,
        "field": "SalesTerritoryCountry",
        "selectedSummary": "[ Germany, Australia ]"
    "conditionBase": {
      "id": "5f31c6e8476ae50001030fb6",
      "type": "compound",
      "appId": "4xQ1chLoHkOikyzUGcHJquteNrAfketW",
      "created": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00",
      "ownerId": "EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA",
      "updated": "2006-01-02T14:04:05Z07:00",
      "tenantId": "5GI7yWoJk9lvNtuEc66SXCypXVfhbVeH",
      "bookmarkId": "anTjnOABmxlCirVx8IRfhWhLd9IZjENl",
      "createdById": "EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA",
      "description": "My condition",
      "lastReloadTime": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"
    "conditionData": {}
  "compoundCondition": {
    "data": {
      "history": {
        "enabled": true
      "conditions": [
      "expression": "($0 OR $1) AND ($2 OR $3)"
    "conditionBase": {
      "id": "5f31c6e8476ae50001030fb6",
      "type": "compound",
      "appId": "4xQ1chLoHkOikyzUGcHJquteNrAfketW",
      "created": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00",
      "ownerId": "EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA",
      "updated": "2006-01-02T14:04:05Z07:00",
      "tenantId": "5GI7yWoJk9lvNtuEc66SXCypXVfhbVeH",
      "bookmarkId": "anTjnOABmxlCirVx8IRfhWhLd9IZjENl",
      "createdById": "EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA",
      "description": "My condition",
      "lastReloadTime": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"


  "previewId": "467ea9bc-bbd7-11ea-b3de-0242ac130004"

Get condition preview response

Get condition preview response.


Rate limit Tier 1 (1000 requests per minute)
Categories externalbuild

Path Parameters

  • idstring

    The id of the condition




The evaluation

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
      Show errors properties
      • codestring

        Error code specific to condition manager.

      • metaobject
      • titlestring

        Error title.

      • detailstring

        Error cause.

    • statusstring


    • conditionobject

      only one of compoundCondition or dataCondition should be set

      Show condition properties
      • typestring

        Indicates the condition type

        Can be one of: "compound""data"

      • ownerIdstring

        UserID of the condition owner

      • tenantIdstring

        The tenant id

      • dataConditionobject

        A condition based on data within an app

        Show dataCondition properties
        • headersarray of strings

          List of header labels

        • historyobject

          History properties

          Show history properties
          • enabledboolean

            Is history enabled

        • measuresarray of objects

          List of returned measures

          Show measures properties
          • titlestring

            Measure title

          • qLibraryIdstring

            Refers to a measure stored in the library

          • qNumFormatobject

            Format of the field

        • dimensionsarray of objects

          List of returned dimensions

          Show dimensions properties
          • fieldstring

            Field referred to the dimension where the selection is made. This may be used to generate deep links.

          • titlestring

            Dimension title

          • qLibraryIdstring

            Refers to a dimension stored in the library

        • selectionsarray of objects

          List of fields according to the bookmark definition

          Show selections properties
          • countnumber

            The count

          • fieldstring

            Field name

          • selectedSummaryarray of strings

            Array of selected

        • conditionBaseobject

          A base condition

          Show conditionBase properties
          • idstring

            The unique id for the resource

          • typestring

            Indicates the condition type

            Can be one of: "compound""data"

          • appIdstring

            The id of the app the condition is evaluated against

          • createdstring

            When the resource was created

          • ownerIdstring

            The id of the user the user which owns the condition

          • updatedstring

            When the resource was last updated

          • tenantIdstring

            The tenant id

          • bookmarkIdstring

            The bookmark corresponding to the selection state to apply to the app at evaluation time

          • createdByIdstring

            The id of the user which created the condition

          • descriptionstring

            Description of the condition

          • lastReloadTimestring

            The time of the last reload, if the scan is triggered by a reload. If exists and value does not match app's last reload time, the evaluation will fail.

        • conditionDataobject

          List of parameters specific to data condition are available in DCE and will be passed as is to DCE as per

      • compoundConditionobject

        A condition made up of other conditions

        Show compoundCondition properties
        • dataobject

          Condition data

          Show data properties
          • historyobject

            History properties

            Show history properties
            • enabledboolean

              Is history enabled

          • conditionsarray of strings

            Array of condition ids

          • expressionstring

            Boolean expression made up of variable names defined from the conditions section

        • conditionBaseobject

          A base condition

          Show conditionBase properties
          • idstring

            The unique id for the resource

          • typestring

            Indicates the condition type

            Can be one of: "compound""data"

          • appIdstring

            The id of the app the condition is evaluated against

          • createdstring

            When the resource was created

          • ownerIdstring

            The id of the user the user which owns the condition

          • updatedstring

            When the resource was last updated

          • tenantIdstring

            The tenant id

          • bookmarkIdstring

            The bookmark corresponding to the selection state to apply to the app at evaluation time

          • createdByIdstring

            The id of the user which created the condition

          • descriptionstring

            Description of the condition

          • lastReloadTimestring

            The time of the last reload, if the scan is triggered by a reload. If exists and value does not match app's last reload time, the evaluation will fail.

    • previewIdstring

      When the resource was created

    • evaluationobject
      Show evaluation properties
      • endTimestring

        The time the evaluation ended

      • ownerIdstring

        userId of user being impersonated to evaluate the condition

      • tenantIdstring

        The tenant id

      • resultUrlstring

        URL to download the condition results

      • startTimestring

        The time the evaluation started



Bad request body

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring

      trace id



Resource does not exist.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring

      trace id



Internal server error.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring

      trace id



Error response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring

      trace id

GET /v1/conditions/previews/{id}
curl "{id}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <API-key>"
const https = require('https')
  const data = JSON.stringify("")
  const options =   {
    'hostname': '',
    'port': 443,
    'path': '/api/v1/conditions/previews/{id}',
    'method': 'GET',
    'headers': {
      'Authorization': 'Bearer <API-key>'
  const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli


  "errors": [
      "code": "string",
      "meta": {},
      "title": "string",
      "detail": "string"
  "status": "ACCEPTED",
  "condition": {
    "type": "compound",
    "ownerId": "EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA",
    "tenantId": "5GI7yWoJk9lvNtuEc66SXCypXVfhbVeH",
    "dataCondition": {
      "headers": [
      "history": {
        "enabled": true
      "measures": [
          "title": "sumnum",
          "qLibraryId": "PgQKNQ",
          "qNumFormat": {
            "qDec": ".",
            "qFmt": "###0",
            "qType": "I",
            "qnDec": 0,
            "qUseThou": 1
      "dimensions": [
          "field": "Neighborhood",
          "title": "Neighborhood",
          "qLibraryId": "PgQKNQ"
      "selections": [
          "count": 2,
          "field": "SalesTerritoryCountry",
          "selectedSummary": "[ Germany, Australia ]"
      "conditionBase": {
        "id": "5f31c6e8476ae50001030fb6",
        "type": "compound",
        "appId": "4xQ1chLoHkOikyzUGcHJquteNrAfketW",
        "created": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00",
        "ownerId": "EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA",
        "updated": "2006-01-02T14:04:05Z07:00",
        "tenantId": "5GI7yWoJk9lvNtuEc66SXCypXVfhbVeH",
        "bookmarkId": "anTjnOABmxlCirVx8IRfhWhLd9IZjENl",
        "createdById": "EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA",
        "description": "My condition",
        "lastReloadTime": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"
      "conditionData": {}
    "compoundCondition": {
      "data": {
        "history": {
          "enabled": true
        "conditions": [
        "expression": "($0 OR $1) AND ($2 OR $3)"
      "conditionBase": {
        "id": "5f31c6e8476ae50001030fb6",
        "type": "compound",
        "appId": "4xQ1chLoHkOikyzUGcHJquteNrAfketW",
        "created": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00",
        "ownerId": "EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA",
        "updated": "2006-01-02T14:04:05Z07:00",
        "tenantId": "5GI7yWoJk9lvNtuEc66SXCypXVfhbVeH",
        "bookmarkId": "anTjnOABmxlCirVx8IRfhWhLd9IZjENl",
        "createdById": "EIwSIgqjmbHGwQJI0ShQoS3ORdz5nCpA",
        "description": "My condition",
        "lastReloadTime": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"
  "previewId": "467ea9bc-bbd7-11ea-b3de-0242ac130004",
  "evaluation": {
    "endTime": "string",
    "ownerId": "TiQ8GPVr8qI714Lp5ChAAFFaU24MJy69",
    "tenantId": "TiQ8GPVr8qI714Lp5ChAAFFaU24MJy69",
    "resultUrl": "string",
    "startTime": "string"

Retrieves condition manager settings

Lists api settings.


Rate limit Tier 1 (1000 requests per minute)
Categories externalbuild




The api settings have been successfully returned

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • tenantIdstring

      These persisted api settings are only available for this tenant. Extracted from request JWT.

    • enable-conditionsboolean

      Whether API endpoints for condition manager are enabled



Resource does not exist.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring

      trace id



Internal server error.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring

      trace id



Error response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring

      trace id

GET /v1/conditions/settings
curl "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <API-key>"
const https = require('https')
  const data = JSON.stringify("")
  const options =   {
    'hostname': '',
    'port': 443,
    'path': '/api/v1/conditions/settings',
    'method': 'GET',
    'headers': {
      'Authorization': 'Bearer <API-key>'
  const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli


  "tenantId": "cgdsAumGmQ6l0Bi7CUKt9V8P_Y9GL0sC",
  "enable-conditions": true

Updates condition manager settings

Updates API configuration. Accessible only by tenant admins.


Rate limit Tier 2 (100 requests per minute)
Categories externalbuild

Header Parameters

  • Authorizationstring

    The JWT used for authentication. Send the JWT in the AuthRequest header using the Bearer schema.

Request Body


Request for updating the api settings

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • enable-conditionsboolean

      Whether API endpoints for condition manager are enabled



api settings have been successfully updated.



Bad request body

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring

      trace id



Internal server error.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring

      trace id



Error response.

  • application/jsonobject
    Show application/json properties
    • errorsarray of objects
    • traceIdstring

      trace id

PUT /v1/conditions/settings
curl "" \
-X PUT \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <API-key>" \
-d '{"enable-conditions":true}'
const https = require('https')
  const data = JSON.stringify({"enable-conditions":true})
  const options =   {
    'hostname': '',
    'port': 443,
    'path': '/api/v1/conditions/settings',
    'method': 'PUT',
    'headers': {
      'Content-type': 'application/json',
      'Authorization': 'Bearer <API-key>'
  const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli


  "enable-conditions": true