- color objectRequired
Color settings. Most color options for visualizations are set in the color object in the options. You activate custom coloring by setting
"auto": false
which turns off auto-coloring. If"auto": true
, no other properties need to be defined in the color object.color properties
- auto booleanRequired
Set to use automatic coloring. When
"auto": true
, color settings are based on the visualization used. - bar paletteColorRequired
The paletteColor object is used to define the color of bar.
bar properties
- color stringRequired
Color as hex string (mandatory if index: -1)
- index numberRequired
Index in palette
- mode primaryRequired
: a single color (by default blue) for all bar items and (by default black) for all target items in the bullet chart. - target paletteColorRequired
The target object is used to define the color of target.
- dimensionAxis objectRequired
Dimension axis settings.
dimensionAxis properties
- dock 'near' | 'far'Required
Axis docking position
- label 'auto' | 'horizontal' | 'tilted'Required
Label orientation
- show 'all' | 'labels' | 'title' | 'none'Required
Labels and title
- footnote string | StringExpression
Visualization footnote.
- gridLine objectRequired
Grid lines settings. Used only when using commom axis.
gridLine properties
- auto booleanRequired
Automatic grid line spacing.
- spacing 0 | 1 | 2 | 3Required
Grid line spacing. Used only when auto is set to false.
- measureAxis objectRequired
Measure axis settings.
measureAxis properties
- commonAxis booleanRequired
When set to true, use common axis.
- commonRange booleanRequired
When set to true, use common range.
- dock 'near' | 'far'Required
Axis docking position
- show 'all' | 'labels' | 'title' | 'none'Required
Labels and title
- spacing numberRequired
Axis scale
- orientation 'vertical' | 'horizontal'Required
Orientation setting. If vertical, the dimension axis can only be docked on bottom or top and measure axis on left or right.
- qHyperCubeDef objectRequired
, see Engine API:HyperCubeDef
.qHyperCubeDef properties
- qDimensions Array< DimensionProperties >Required
- qMeasures Array< MeasureProperties >Required
- qSuppressMissing booleanRequired
- qSuppressZero booleanRequired
- scrollbar 'bar' | 'none'Required
Sets the style of the scroll bar
- scrollStartPos numberRequired
Scroll Alignment. If 0, then the scrollbar will start at the left/top of the chart, if 1 it starts at the right/bottom of the chart. Generally decides if the scroll starts at the beginning or end of the data
- showDetails boolean
Show visualization details toggle
- showTitles boolean
Show title for the visualization
- subtitle string | StringExpression
Visualization subtitle.
- title string | StringExpression
Visualization title.
- tooltip objectRequired
Custom tooltip properties
tooltip properties
- auto booleanRequired
Toggle for using custom tooltip or regular tooltip
- chart MasterVisualizationChartRequired
The chart object is used to define the chart displayed by the custom tooltip.
chart properties
- Required
Object containing the information fo the visualization, such as refId in case of master visualization
object properties
- refId stringRequired
Input field containing the qExtendsId of the visualization, where qExtendsId is the unique id of the master visualization
- Required
Object containing the styles of the chart such as 'size'
style properties
- size stringRequired
Input type as 'small' or 'medium' or 'large'
- description string | StringExpression
Custom tooltip description.
- hideBasic booleanRequired
Toggle for hiding basic information from custom tooltip
- imageComponents Array< ImageComponent >Required
The imageComponents objects are used to define the images displayed by the custom tooltip.
- title string | StringExpression
Custom tooltip title.
- version stringRequired
Current version of this generic object definition
AttributeExpressionProperties AttributeExpressions | CustomTooltipAttributes
Extends NxAttrExprDef
, see Engine API: NxAttrExprDef
- id stringRequired
If set to
the expression will be interpreted as the target for the specific measure. If set to"bullet-segment"
the expression will be interpreted as a segment limit.
"qAttributeExpressions": [{
"qExpression": "Avg(Sales)",
"qLibraryId: "",
"qAttribute: true,
"id": "bullet-target"
"qExpression: "Avg(Sales)/2",
"qLibraryId: "",
"qAttribute: true,
"id: "bullet-segment"
- segments segmentsPropertiesRequired
segments properties
- limits Array< limitsProperties >Required
- paletteColors Array< paletteColorsProperties >Required
"segments": {
"limits": [
"gradient": false
"paletteColors": [
"color": "#bfbfbf",
"index": -1
"color": "#a5a5a5",
"index": -1
Extends NxAttrExprDef
, see Engine API: NxAttrExprDef
- id 'customTooltipTitle' | 'customTooltipDescription' | 'customTooltipExpression'Required
Indicates how the attribute expression will be interpreted by the chart.
: additional title displayed on the custom tooltipcustomTooltipDescription
: description displayed on the custom tooltipcustomTooltipExpression
: measures displayed on the custom tooltip
"qAttributeExpressions": [{
"qExpression": "",
"qLibraryId": "",
"qAttribute": true,
"qNumFormat": {
"qType": "U",
"qnDec": 10,
"qUseThou": 0,
"qFmt": "",
"qDec": "",
"qThou": "",
"qLabel": "custom title",
"qLabelExpression": "",
"id": "customTooltipTitle"
"qExpression": "avg(population)",
"qLibraryId": "",
"qAttribute": true,
"qNumFormat": {
"qType": "U",
"qnDec": 10,
"qUseThou": 0,
"qFmt": "",
"qDec": "",
"qThou": "",
"qLabel": "",
"qLabelExpression": "",
"id": "customTooltipDescription"
"qExpression": "",
"qLibraryId": "zpDNMcg",
"qAttribute": true,
"qNumFormat": {
"qType": "U",
"qnDec": 10,
"qUseThou": 0,
"qFmt": "",
"qDec": "",
"qThou": "",
"qLabel": "",
"qLabelExpression": "",
"id": "customTooltipExpression"
"qExpression": "sum(population)",
"qLibraryId": "",
"qAttribute": true,
"qNumFormat": {
"qType": "M",
"qnDec": 2,
"qUseThou": 0,
"qFmt": "$#,##0.00;-$#,##0.00",
"qDec": ".",
"qThou": ",",
"qLabel": "",
"qLabelExpression": "=avg(population)",
"id": "customTooltipExpression"
"qExpression": "'https://my_url/'+sum(population)",
"qLibraryId": "",
"qAttribute": true,
"qNumFormat": null,
"qLabel": "",
"qLabelExpression": "",
"cId": "generatedUniqueId",
"id": "customTooltipImages"
Extends NxDimension
, see Engine API: NxDimension
- qDef InlineDimensionDefRequired
qDef properties
- othersLabel string | StringExpressionRequired
- autoSort boolean
Set to automatically sort the dimension.
- cId string
ID used by the Qlik Sense. Must be unique within the current chart.
Image component information structure.
- cId stringRequired
Identifier of the image component - used as a link with an attribute expression
- ref string | StringExpression | MediaLibraryRefRequired
The reference value of the image
- size stringRequired
Size as 'small','medium','large' or 'original'
- type stringRequired
Input type as 'url' or 'media library'
Extends NxInlineDimensionDef
, see Engine API: NxInlineDimensionDef
- othersLabel string | StringExpressionRequired
- autoSort boolean
Set to automatically sort the dimension.
- cId string
ID used by the Qlik Sense. Must be unique within the current chart.
Extends NxInlineMeasureDef
, see Engine API: NxInlineMeasureDef
- autoMinMax booleanRequired
Default false. Set to true to custmize the ranges of measure.
- conditionalColoring conditionalColoringPropertiesRequired
Information of how the segments
conditionalColoring properties
- segments segmentsPropertiesRequired
segments properties
- limits Array< limitsProperties >Required
- paletteColors Array< paletteColorsProperties >Required
- isCustomFormatted booleanRequired
Set to true to toggle off the default client formatting.
- max number | ValueExpressionRequired
Set the max value of the range.
- min stringRequired
Set the min value of the range.
- minMax stringRequired
Set custom max/min. Default "min". Supported type are: 'min'|'max'|'minMax'.
- numFormatFromTemplate booleanRequired
When enabled, the number format to use can be selected from multiple predefined formats based on the desired type (number, date).
- othersLabel string | StringExpressionRequired
- useSegments booleanRequired
Default false. Set to true to customize segment colors.
- autoSort boolean
Set to automatically sort the measure.
- cId string
ID used by the Qlik Sense. Must be unique within the current chart.
Chart component information structure.
- Required
Object containing the information fo the visualization, such as refId in case of master visualization
object properties
- refId stringRequired
Input field containing the qExtendsId of the visualization, where qExtendsId is the unique id of the master visualization
- Required
Object containing the styles of the chart such as 'size'
style properties
- size stringRequired
Input type as 'small' or 'medium' or 'large'
Chart component information structure.
- refId stringRequired
Input field containing the qExtendsId of the visualization, where qExtendsId is the unique id of the master visualization
Chart component information structure.
- size stringRequired
Input type as 'small' or 'medium' or 'large'
Extends NxMeasure
, see Engine API: NxMeasure
- qAttributeExpressions Array< AttributeExpressionProperties >Required
- qDef InlineMeasureDefRequired
qDef properties
- autoMinMax booleanRequired
Default false. Set to true to custmize the ranges of measure.
- conditionalColoring conditionalColoringPropertiesRequired
Information of how the segments
conditionalColoring properties
- segments segmentsPropertiesRequired
segments properties
- limits Array< limitsProperties >Required
- paletteColors Array< paletteColorsProperties >Required
- isCustomFormatted booleanRequired
Set to true to toggle off the default client formatting.
- max number | ValueExpressionRequired
Set the max value of the range.
- min stringRequired
Set the min value of the range.
- minMax stringRequired
Set custom max/min. Default "min". Supported type are: 'min'|'max'|'minMax'.
- numFormatFromTemplate booleanRequired
When enabled, the number format to use can be selected from multiple predefined formats based on the desired type (number, date).
- othersLabel string | StringExpressionRequired
- useSegments booleanRequired
Default false. Set to true to customize segment colors.
- autoSort boolean
Set to automatically sort the measure.
- cId string
ID used by the Qlik Sense. Must be unique within the current chart.
Media Library Reference structure.
- qStaticContentUrlDef objectRequired
Media library structure
Color information structure. Holds the actual color and index in palette.
- color stringRequired
Color as hex string (mandatory if index: -1)
- index numberRequired
Index in palette
- paletteColor paletteColorRequired
paletteColor properties
- color stringRequired
Color as hex string (mandatory if index: -1)
- index numberRequired
Index in palette
Media Library structure that will be evaluated by the engine.
- qUrl stringRequired
Value of media library image
- limits Array< limitsProperties >Required
- paletteColors Array< paletteColorsProperties >Required