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Set analytics selection state on qlik-embed

With qlik-embed, you can set the selection state for the embedded objects in your web application using the qlik-initial-selections element. In this example, you set the analytics application ID in the qlik-initial-selections tag and add <field> elements containing the field name and values to configure the selections.

  • Use the appid attribute in the qlik-initial-selections tag to specify the analytics application.
  • Use the name attribute in the <field> element to specify the actual field name in the analytics application. Dimensions are not supported.
  • Use the values attribute to specify the values to be selected within that field, formatted as a semicolon (;) delimited string.
  • Add more <field> tags to make selections in multiple fields.
<qlik-initial-selections app-id="<APP_ID_FROM_QLIK_ANALYTICS>">

Here’s an example with variables filled in

<qlik-initial-selections app-id="a51a902d-76a9-4c53-85d2-066b44240146">
<field name="Product Sub Group Desc" values="Hot Dogs;Fresh Fruit"></field>
<field name="AccountDesc" values="Sales;Cost of goods sold"></field>

Want to explore more qlik-embed? Explore all qlik-embed UIs and params.

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