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Auto publish apps distributed from Qlik Sense Enterprise Client-Managed

Auto-publishing a distributed app

When distributing apps from Qlik Sense Enterprise Client-Managed (QSECM), the app is by default placed into a staging area, requiring an administrator to manually assign the app to a managed space.

This no-code example identifies apps published to the tenant with the properties:

  • spaceId is empty
  • published is true
  • originAppId is empty

Any identified apps are moved to a space. You can add additional blocks to perform other activities such as changing the app name, owner, and more, if required.

You can run this automation manually, on a schedule, or on the “app created” webhook from the Qlik Cloud Services connector.

Automation overview

For more information about app distribution, see Distributing apps to Qlik Cloud.

Move distributed app to managed space (Qlik Application Automation)
"blocks": [
"id": "BE76460A-8A9E-498A-A40E-321E950B5894",
"type": "StartBlock",
"disabled": false,
"name": "Start",
"displayName": "Start",
"comment": "",
"childId": "DFF3A5B8-88DC-44FC-810E-9AABF76B8BDE",
"inputs": [
"id": "run_mode",
"value": "manual",
"type": "select",
"structure": {}
"settings": [],
"collapsed": [
"name": "loop",
"isCollapsed": false
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"logo": null
"id": "DFF3A5B8-88DC-44FC-810E-9AABF76B8BDE",
"type": "EndpointBlock",
"disabled": false,
"name": "rawAPIListRequest",
"displayName": "Qlik Cloud Services - Raw API List Request",
"comment": "Return items of type app, not in shared spaces, with no actions",
"childId": null,
"inputs": [
"id": "c3a1c780-2076-11ec-98c4-dd329f9ef682",
"value": "items",
"type": "string",
"structure": {}
"id": "c6915fb0-2839-11ec-a450-03c7d8aebbe7",
"value": [
"key": "resourceType",
"value": "app"
"key": "shared",
"value": "false"
"key": "noActions",
"value": "true"
"type": "object",
"mode": "keyValue",
"structure": {}
"settings": [
"id": "maxitemcount",
"value": null,
"type": "string",
"structure": {}
"id": "blendr_on_error",
"value": "stop",
"type": "select",
"structure": {}
"id": "cache",
"value": "0",
"type": "select",
"structure": {}
"id": "automations_censor_data",
"value": false,
"type": "checkbox",
"structure": {}
"collapsed": [
"name": "loop",
"isCollapsed": false
"x": -257,
"y": 142,
"loopBlockId": "37A26683-5C7B-4811-A784-48714B218E97",
"datasourcetype_guid": "61a87510-c7a3-11ea-95da-0fb0c241e75c",
"endpoint_guid": "4b993580-2072-11ec-8f59-e5aaa8656a36",
"endpoint_role": "list"
"id": "37A26683-5C7B-4811-A784-48714B218E97",
"type": "IfElseBlock",
"disabled": false,
"name": "condition",
"displayName": "Condition",
"comment": "If app is published, has no space, and no origin app id",
"childId": null,
"inputs": [
"id": "conditions",
"value": {
"mode": "all",
"conditions": [
"input1": "{$.rawAPIListRequest.item.resourceAttributes.originAppId}",
"operator": "empty",
"input2": null
"input1": "{$.rawAPIListRequest.item.resourceAttributes.published}",
"operator": "isTrue",
"input2": null
"input1": "{$.rawAPIListRequest.item.resourceAttributes.spaceId}",
"operator": "empty",
"input2": null
"type": "custom",
"structure": {}
"settings": [],
"collapsed": [
"name": "both",
"isCollapsed": false
"name": "yes",
"isCollapsed": false
"name": "no",
"isCollapsed": false
"x": -316,
"y": 222,
"childTrueId": "3BC3781D-E106-4ED9-9C2E-882E7306FE79",
"childFalseId": null
"id": "3BC3781D-E106-4ED9-9C2E-882E7306FE79",
"type": "EndpointBlock",
"disabled": false,
"name": "moveAppToSpace",
"displayName": "Qlik Cloud Services - Move App To Space",
"comment": "Move the app to a specific managed space",
"childId": null,
"inputs": [
"id": "11432860-5f18-11eb-86e0-f705b887e205",
"value": "{$}",
"type": "string",
"structure": {}
"id": "27141ca0-5f18-11eb-b41a-733bee69f00a",
"value": "65096a85afb58f1ff572af75",
"type": "string",
"displayValue": "aqh (65096a85afb58f1ff572af75)",
"structure": {}
"settings": [
"id": "blendr_on_error",
"value": "stop",
"type": "select",
"structure": {}
"id": "automations_censor_data",
"value": false,
"type": "checkbox",
"structure": {}
"collapsed": [
"name": "loop",
"isCollapsed": false
"x": 240,
"y": 420,
"datasourcetype_guid": "61a87510-c7a3-11ea-95da-0fb0c241e75c",
"endpoint_guid": "112ad1d0-5f18-11eb-883a-255ecdc2b5bb",
"endpoint_role": "update"
"variables": []
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