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Update your qlik-embed web components script src path

qlik-embed web components script src attribute changes

A change to the latest release of qlik-embed web components requires references to the index.min.js file be specified for the library to run.

If you are using qlik-embed web components it is recommended you update the src property of the script element declaring the full path to the library.

Update the attribute to include /dist/index.min.js in the path. Here is an example of the new path for the src attribute: src="".

Note: If you do not want to use the latest version of qlik-embed web components, it is possible to set the version in the path.

Here is an example of the src attribute referencing a pinned version of qlik-embed web components: src="".

qlik-embed oauth callback page src attribute changes

Update the oauth-callback page used to handle connectivity between qlik-embed web components and your Qlik Cloud tenant. Set the src attribute to use oauth-callback.min.js.

The resulting src attribute should look something like this: src="".

You can learn more about qlik-embed on the Why qlik-embed page.