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New users API endpoint - Invite

Users API - Invite

The Users API provides you with the ability to create, manage, and delete users from Qlik Cloud tenants. Previously, you were only able to add existing Qlik Cloud users to the tenant using a POST request to users with a valid user subject.

The new endpoint at /v1/users/actions/invite supports the addition of new and existing users to your tenant using the email address of the new user.

Users new to Qlik Cloud will receive an email inviting them to register a Qlik Account, and existing users will be prompted to log in with their existing Qlik Account credentials.

Note: Inviting only works for Qlik Account logins. If you are using your own Identity Provider and wish to pre-load users into the tenant, you should leverage Qlik Cloud SCIM capabilities or send a POST request with the desired subject to create the user.

  • POST/v1/users/actions/invite : Invites one or more users to Qlik Cloud using their email.
curl "" \
 -X POST \
 -H "Authorization: Bearer <API-key>" \
 -H "Content-type: application/json" \
 -d '{"invitees":[{"name":"John Smith","email":"","resend":true,"language":"en"}]}'

See full API reference here.