New API - Transport
Transport API
The Transport API is the service responsible for managing notification channels and email configurations for the sending of system notifications, as well as updates from analytics services in the hub, such as data alerts and subscriptions.
These notifications provide users with information about events such as failed reloads, users being added to spaces, data alerts being triggered, and regular subscription snapshots being sent to subscribers. Note that any workflows running in application automation (including the report blocks) will use their own SMTP/ email configuration - only system notifications from application automation will be sent via the transport API.
The endpoints in this release provide the ability to configure and review the email server configuration for this service, including the following examples:
: Returns the email configuration for a given tenant id.
curl "" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <API-key>"
: Patch the email configuration for a given tenant id.
curl "" \ -X PATCH \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <API-key>" \ -H "Content-type: application/json" \ -d '{ "op": "replace", "path": "/username", "value": "New name" }'
: Deletes email configuration for a given tenant id.
curl "" \ -X DELETE \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <API-key>"
: Send a test mail with the supplied email info(subject, body, recipient).
curl "" \ -X POST \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <API-key>" \ -H "Content-type: application/json" \ -d '{ "body":"string", "subject":"string", "recipient":"string" }'
: Returns the isValid value for the email configuration for the tenant. Will return false if no email configuration exists.
curl "" \ -X POST \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <API-key>"
: Verifies connection to email server for tenant provided via JWT.
curl "" \ -X POST \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <API-key>"
See full API reference here, or read more about configuring SMTP providers for your tenant.