Reports are downloadable assets generated from data in analytics applications.
Rate limit | Special (10 requests per minute) |
Categories | build |
Request Body
Definition of the report request. Please note that sense-html-template-1.0, sense-story-x.0 and qv-data-x.0 types are only for internal use.
Each report request type requires a specific template to be provided:
- composition-1.0 requires compositionTemplates to be set
- sense-excel-template-1.0 requires senseExcelTemplate to be set
- sense-image-1.0 requires senseImageTemplate to be set
- sense-sheet-1.0 requires senseSheetTemplate to be set
- sense-data-1.0 requires senseDataTemplate to be set
- sense-pixel-perfect-template-1.0 requires sensePixelPerfectTemplate to be set
Each template type supports specific output types:
- composition-1.0 supports only pdfcomposition and pptxcomposition output types
- sense-excel-template-1.0 supports excel and pdf output type
- sense-image-1.0 supports pdf, pptx and image output types
- sense-sheet-1.0 supports pdf and pptx output type
- sense-data-1.0 supports xlsx output type
- sense-pixel-perfect-template-1.0 supports pdf output types
Each output type requires a specific output to be provided:
- pdfcomposition requires pdfCompositionOutput to be set
- pptxcomposition requires pptxCompositionOutput to be set
- pdf requires pdfOutput to be set
- pptx requires pptxOutput to be set
- image requires imageOutput to be set
- xlsx requires xlsxOutput to be set
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- metaobject
Define the request metadata. It includes priority, deadline and future settings on execution policy of the request.
meta properties
- outputTtlstring
Time to live of the final result artifacts in ISO8601 duration format. After that duration the request and underlying output files will not be guaranteed to be available. Default is 1 hour.
- exportDeadlinestring
The maximum interval, starting from the time the API request is received, within which a report must be produced, past this interval the report generation fails. The default value is 10 minutes, the maximum allowed value is 4 hours.
- typestringRequired
Template type and version using semantic versioning. It must have the following name convention: dashed-separated-template-name-MAJOR.MINOR. Please note that sense-html-template-1.0, sense-story-x.0 and qv-data-x.0 are only for internal use.
Each type requires a specific template to be provided:
- composition-1.0 requires compositionTemplates to be set
- sense-excel-template-1.0 requires senseExcelTemplate to be set
- sense-image-1.0 requires senseImageTemplate to be set
- sense-sheet-1.0 requires senseSheetTemplate to be set
- sense-data-1.0 requires senseDataTemplate to be set
- sense-pixel-perfect-template-1.0 requires sensePixelPerfectTemplate to be set
Each template type supports specific output types:
- composition-1.0 supports pdfcomposition and pptxcomposition output type
- sense-excel-template-1.0 supports excel and pdf output type
- sense-image-1.0 supports pdf, pptx and png output types
- sense-sheet-1.0 supports pdf, pptx output type
- sense-data-1.0 supports xlsx output type
- sense-pixel-perfect-template-1.0 supports pdf output types
Each output type requires a specific output to be provided:
- pdfcomposition requires pdfCompositionOutput to be set
- pptxcomposition requires pptxCompositionOutput to be set
- pdf requires pdfOutput to be set
- pptx requires pptxOutput to be set
- image requires imageOutput to be set
- xlsx requires xlsxOutput to be set
Can be one of: "composition-1.0""sense-image-1.0""sense-data-1.0""sense-sheet-1.0""sense-story-1.0""qv-data-1.0""qv-data-2.0""sense-excel-template-1.0""sense-pixel-perfect-template-1.0""sense-html-template-1.0"
- outputobjectRequired
output properties
- typestringRequired
The generated report type.
Each template type supports specific output types:
- composition-1.0 supports only pdfcomposition and pptxcomposition output types
- sense-excel-template-1.0 supports only excel and pdf output type
- sense-image-1.0 supports pdf, pptx and image output types
- sense-sheet-1.0 supports pdf and pptx output type
- sense-data-1.0 supports xlsx output type
Each output type requires a specific output to be provided:
- excel requires excelOutput to be set
- pdfcomposition requires pdfCompositionOutput to be set
- pptxcomposition requires pptxCompositionOutput to be set
- pdf requires pdfOutput to be set
- pptx requires pptxOutput to be set
- image requires imageOutput to be set
- csv doesn't have csv output
- xlsx requires xlsxOutput to be set
Can be one of: "image""pdf""xlsx""jsondata""pdfcomposition""excel""pptx""pptxcomposition""csv""cycle""html"
- outputIdstringRequired
The output identifier which uniquely identifies an output (PDF, image etc.) within the same request. It does not need to be a GUID. No spaces and colons are allowed in the outputId string.
- pdfOutputobject
Output to be used to export a single visualization, a sheet, Sense Excel template as pdf. For Sense Excel template (sense-excel-template-1.0) no properties are needed, any property specified has no effect.
pdfOutput properties
- sizestring
Size of the pdf page.
Can be one of: "A1""A2""A3""A4""A5""A6""Letter""Legal""Tabloid"
- alignobject
Content alignment.
align properties
- verticalstring
Can be one of: "top""middle""bottom"
- horizontalstring
Can be one of: "left""center""right"
- propertiesobject
Properties of the document. In case of multiple composition, only properties specified in the composition output are taken and the ones specified in each output item are ignored.
properties properties
- titlestring
- authorstring
- subjectstring
- resizeDataobject
The area where the object (eg. sheet, chart) is printed. Required in case of "fit" resizeType.
resizeData properties
- fitstring
The size of the area in the following format "{width}{cm|mm}x{height}{cm|mm}" (e.g. "297mmx210mm"). Please remember that PDF page orientation (landscape or portrait) should match the width and height set for this field (eg. A4 landscape is "297mmx210mm", A4 portrait is "210mmx287mm"). Note that the minimum printable area is 1.5cmx1.5cm (corresponding to 0.6x0.6 inches at 96 DPI).
- resizeTypestring
The type of resize to be performed:
- none is used to export a visualization, sheet or story as is (e.g. normal size), regardless of its size. This may result in cropping.
- autofit automatically fits the visualization, sheet or story into the output size (i.e. A4, A3 etc.). Any provided resizeData parameter will be ignored for this configuration.
- fit fits the visualization, sheet or story into the area specified in resizeData. The content will be rescaled to fit in that area.
Can be one of: "none""autofit""fit"
- orientationstring
P for portrait, L for landscape and A for auto-detect. Auto-detect sets the orientation depending on the content width and height proportions: if content width > height the orientation is automatically set to landscape, portrait otherwise.
Can be one of: "P""L""A"
- imageRenderingDpinumber
This value is used for rendered images only, set to a default of 300 dpi.
- pptxOutputobject
Output to be used to export a single visualization or a sheet as PowerPoint presentation.
pptxOutput properties
- sizestring
Size of the PowerPoint slide:
- Widescreen: 960x540
- OnScreen: 720x540
- OnScreen16x9: 720x405
- OnScreen16x10: 720x450
Can be one of: "Widescreen""OnScreen""OnScreen16x9""OnScreen16x10"
- propertiesobject
Properties of the document. In case of multiple composition, only properties specified in the composition output are taken and the ones specified in each output item are ignored.
properties properties
- titlestring
- authorstring
- subjectstring
- resizeTypestring
The type of resize to be performed. Autofit automatically fits the visualization, sheet or story into the output size (i.e. Widescreen, OnScreen etc.).
Can be one of: "autofit"
- orientationstring
L for landscape, P for portrait and A for auto-detect. Auto-detect sets landscape, the default PowerPoint orientation.
Can be one of: "L""P""A"
- imageRenderingDpinumber
This value is used for rendered images only, set to a default of 300 dpi.
- cycleOutputobject
cycleOutput properties
- typestringRequired
Can be one of: "excel""pdf""html"
- pdfOutputobject
Output to be used to export a single visualization, a sheet, Sense Excel template as pdf. For Sense Excel template (sense-excel-template-1.0) no properties are needed, any property specified has no effect.
pdfOutput properties
- sizestring
Size of the pdf page.
Can be one of: "A1""A2""A3""A4""A5""A6""Letter""Legal""Tabloid"
- alignobject
Content alignment.
align properties
- verticalstring
Can be one of: "top""middle""bottom"
- horizontalstring
Can be one of: "left""center""right"
- propertiesobject
Properties of the document. In case of multiple composition, only properties specified in the composition output are taken and the ones specified in each output item are ignored.
properties properties
- titlestring
- authorstring
- subjectstring
- resizeDataobject
The area where the object (eg. sheet, chart) is printed. Required in case of "fit" resizeType.
resizeData properties
- fitstring
The size of the area in the following format "{width}{cm|mm}x{height}{cm|mm}" (e.g. "297mmx210mm"). Please remember that PDF page orientation (landscape or portrait) should match the width and height set for this field (eg. A4 landscape is "297mmx210mm", A4 portrait is "210mmx287mm"). Note that the minimum printable area is 1.5cmx1.5cm (corresponding to 0.6x0.6 inches at 96 DPI).
- resizeTypestring
The type of resize to be performed:
- none is used to export a visualization, sheet or story as is (e.g. normal size), regardless of its size. This may result in cropping.
- autofit automatically fits the visualization, sheet or story into the output size (i.e. A4, A3 etc.). Any provided resizeData parameter will be ignored for this configuration.
- fit fits the visualization, sheet or story into the area specified in resizeData. The content will be rescaled to fit in that area.
Can be one of: "none""autofit""fit"
- orientationstring
P for portrait, L for landscape and A for auto-detect. Auto-detect sets the orientation depending on the content width and height proportions: if content width > height the orientation is automatically set to landscape, portrait otherwise.
Can be one of: "P""L""A"
- imageRenderingDpinumber
This value is used for rendered images only, set to a default of 300 dpi.
- excelOutputobject
Output to be used to export an excel template.
excelOutput properties
- outFormatstring
The output format of the report to be produced.
Can be one of: "xlsx"
- namingPatternstring
not needed at initial phase
Can be one of: "fieldValueWithUnderscore"
- excelOutputobject
Output to be used to export an excel template.
excelOutput properties
- outFormatstring
The output format of the report to be produced.
Can be one of: "xlsx"
- imageOutputobject
Output to be used to export a single visualization as image.
imageOutput properties
- outDpiinteger
Image resolution in DPI (default 96 DPI).
- outZoomnumber
The scale factor to be applied in image scaling. A zoom greater than 5 will not be applied to the device pixel ratio which will remain fixed at 5.
- outFormatstring
The image format of the report to be produced.
Can be one of: "png""jsondata"
- callBackActionobject
The callback to be performed once the report is done.
callBackAction properties
- httpRequestobject
Http callback. The provided uri will be called once the report is done.
httpRequest properties
- uristring
URI of the request.
- pdfCompositionOutputobject
Output to be used to export a composition of templates as pdf.
pdfCompositionOutput properties
- pdfOutputsarray of objects
The ordered list of PDF outputs, the number must match the composable templates.
pdfOutputs properties
- sizestring
Size of the pdf page.
Can be one of: "A1""A2""A3""A4""A5""A6""Letter""Legal""Tabloid"
- alignobject
Content alignment.
align properties
- verticalstring
Can be one of: "top""middle""bottom"
- horizontalstring
Can be one of: "left""center""right"
- propertiesobject
Properties of the document. In case of multiple composition, only properties specified in the composition output are taken and the ones specified in each output item are ignored.
properties properties
- titlestring
- authorstring
- subjectstring
- resizeDataobject
The area where the object (eg. sheet, chart) is printed. Required in case of "fit" resizeType.
resizeData properties
- fitstring
The size of the area in the following format "{width}{cm|mm}x{height}{cm|mm}" (e.g. "297mmx210mm"). Please remember that PDF page orientation (landscape or portrait) should match the width and height set for this field (eg. A4 landscape is "297mmx210mm", A4 portrait is "210mmx287mm"). Note that the minimum printable area is 1.5cmx1.5cm (corresponding to 0.6x0.6 inches at 96 DPI).
- resizeTypestring
The type of resize to be performed:
- none is used to export a visualization, sheet or story as is (e.g. normal size), regardless of its size. This may result in cropping.
- autofit automatically fits the visualization, sheet or story into the output size (i.e. A4, A3 etc.). Any provided resizeData parameter will be ignored for this configuration.
- fit fits the visualization, sheet or story into the area specified in resizeData. The content will be rescaled to fit in that area.
Can be one of: "none""autofit""fit"
- orientationstring
P for portrait, L for landscape and A for auto-detect. Auto-detect sets the orientation depending on the content width and height proportions: if content width > height the orientation is automatically set to landscape, portrait otherwise.
Can be one of: "P""L""A"
- imageRenderingDpinumber
This value is used for rendered images only, set to a default of 300 dpi.
- propertiesobject
Properties of the document. In case of multiple composition, only properties specified in the composition output are taken and the ones specified in each output item are ignored.
properties properties
- titlestring
- authorstring
- subjectstring
- pptxCompositionOutputobject
Output to be used to export a composition of templates as pptx.
pptxCompositionOutput properties
- pptxOutputobject
Output to be used to export a single visualization or a sheet as PowerPoint presentation.
pptxOutput properties
- sizestring
Size of the PowerPoint slide:
- Widescreen: 960x540
- OnScreen: 720x540
- OnScreen16x9: 720x405
- OnScreen16x10: 720x450
Can be one of: "Widescreen""OnScreen""OnScreen16x9""OnScreen16x10"
- propertiesobject
Properties of the document. In case of multiple composition, only properties specified in the composition output are taken and the ones specified in each output item are ignored.
properties properties
- titlestring
- authorstring
- subjectstring
- resizeTypestring
The type of resize to be performed. Autofit automatically fits the visualization, sheet or story into the output size (i.e. Widescreen, OnScreen etc.).
Can be one of: "autofit"
- orientationstring
L for landscape, P for portrait and A for auto-detect. Auto-detect sets landscape, the default PowerPoint orientation.
Can be one of: "L""P""A"
- imageRenderingDpinumber
This value is used for rendered images only, set to a default of 300 dpi.
- definitionsobject
Definitions of common properties that are shared between templates, e.g. selectionsByState can be the same for all templates within a composition of templates.
definitions properties
- selectionsByStateobject
It maps an ID to a selectionsByState object.
- senseDataTemplateobject
senseDataTemplate properties
- idstringRequired
Sense visualization id. Visualizations created "on the fly" are not supported.
- appIdstringRequired
- patchesarray of objects
Patches to apply to sense charts. Patches are soft properties meaning that are not persistent and they live within a session.
patches properties
- qOpstringRequired
Can be one of: "add""remove""replace"
- qPathstringRequired
Path to the property to add, remove or replace.
- qValuestring
Corresponds to the value of the property to add or to the new value of the property to update.
- variablesarray
- exportOptionsobject
exportOptions properties
- showTitlesboolean
Show Visualization Title, SubTitle, Footnote in the artifact produced
- showTotalsboolean
Show Visualization Totals in the artifact produced
- showSelectionsboolean
Show the Selections Applied to the Visualization in the artifact produced
- selectionTypestring
Can be one of: "selectionsByState""temporaryBookmark""persistentBookmark""temporaryBookmarkV2"
- selectionStrategystring
Can be one of: "failOnErrors""ignoreErrorsReturnDetails""ignoreErrorsNoDetails"
- selectionsByStateobject
Map of selections to apply by state. Maximum number of states allowed is 125. Maximum number of fields allowed is 125 and maximum number of overall field values allowed is 150000.
- persistentBookmarkobject
persistentBookmark properties
- idstringRequired
Sense Persistence Bookmark id.
- temporaryBookmarkV2object
The temporary bookmark to apply. Patches and Variables are ignored if passed to the API, because they already are applied in the backend.
temporaryBookmarkV2 properties
- idstringRequired
Sense Temporary Bookmark id.
- reloadTimestampMatchTypestring
Choose the reloadTimestamp constraint to apply. An empty value leads to the default noCheck.
Can be one of: "noCheck""requestTimeExact"
- senseHtmlTemplateobject
Used to produce reports from a template file.
senseHtmlTemplate properties
- jsOptsobject
A JSON object that is passed as-is to the mashup page while rendering, this will be applied to all charts within the sheet. It includes properties of the whole sheet such as theme, gradient etc. Currently only the "theme" and "language" properties are supported.
- cycleFieldsarray of strings
The values of the field to be selected.
- selectionChainarray of objects
Array of ChainableSelection
selectionChain properties
- selectionTypestringRequired
Can be one of: "selectionFilter""persistentBookmark""temporaryBookmarkV2"
- selectionFilterobject
selectionFilter properties
- variablesarray
- patchesByIdobject
A map for applying soft properties, aka patches, to specific visualization IDs within the sheet.
- selectionsByStateobject
Map of selections to apply by state. Maximum number of states allowed is 125. Maximum number of fields allowed is 125 and Maximum number of overall field values allowed is 150000.
- persistentBookmarkobject
persistentBookmark properties
- idstringRequired
Sense Persistence Bookmark id.
- temporaryBookmarkV2object
The temporary bookmark to apply. Patches and Variables are ignored if passed to the API, because they already are applied in the backend.
temporaryBookmarkV2 properties
- idstringRequired
Sense Temporary Bookmark id.
- templateLocationobjectRequired
The location of the report template. Currently it can be an absolute or relative URL to a persisted report template, or to a template file saved as temporary content, as in the following examples: - -
templateLocation properties
- pathstringRequired
The report template location path.
- formatstring
Can be one of: "url"
- reloadTimestampMatchTypestring
Choose the reloadTimestamp constraint to apply. An empty value leads to the default noCheck.
Can be one of: "noCheck""requestTimeExact"
- senseExcelTemplateobject
Used to produce reports from a template file.
senseExcelTemplate properties
- jsOptsobject
A JSON object that is passed as-is to the mashup page while rendering, this will be applied to all charts within the sheet. It includes properties of the whole sheet such as theme, gradient etc. Currently only the "theme" and "language" properties are supported.
- cycleFieldsarray of strings
The values of the field to be selected.
- selectionChainarray of objects
Array of ChainableSelection
selectionChain properties
- selectionTypestringRequired
Can be one of: "selectionFilter""persistentBookmark""temporaryBookmarkV2"
- selectionFilterobject
selectionFilter properties
- variablesarray
- patchesByIdobject
A map for applying soft properties, aka patches, to specific visualization IDs within the sheet.
- selectionsByStateobject
Map of selections to apply by state. Maximum number of states allowed is 125. Maximum number of fields allowed is 125 and Maximum number of overall field values allowed is 150000.
- persistentBookmarkobject
persistentBookmark properties
- idstringRequired
Sense Persistence Bookmark id.
- temporaryBookmarkV2object
The temporary bookmark to apply. Patches and Variables are ignored if passed to the API, because they already are applied in the backend.
temporaryBookmarkV2 properties
- idstringRequired
Sense Temporary Bookmark id.
- templateLocationobjectRequired
The location of the report template. Currently it can be an absolute or relative URL to a persisted report template, or to a template file saved as temporary content, as in the following examples: - -
templateLocation properties
- pathstringRequired
The report template location path.
- formatstring
Can be one of: "url"
- reloadTimestampMatchTypestring
Choose the reloadTimestamp constraint to apply. An empty value leads to the default noCheck.
Can be one of: "noCheck""requestTimeExact"
- senseImageTemplateobject
Used to export a single visualization as pdf, pptx or png.
senseImageTemplate properties
- appIdstringRequired
- selectionTypestring
Can be one of: "selectionsByState""temporaryBookmark""persistentBookmark""temporaryBookmarkV2"
- visualizationobjectRequired
visualization properties
- idstringRequired
The sense visualization id or json definition.
- typestring
Choose visualization to export an image of a sense chart, sessionobject for a visualization to be created on-the-fly. An empty value leads to the type being inferred by its id.
Can be one of: "visualization""sessionobject"
- jsOptsobject
A JSON object that is passed as-is to the mashup page while rendering.
- patchesarray of objects
Soft properties, aka patches, to be applied to the visualization.
patches properties
- qOpstringRequired
Can be one of: "add""remove""replace"
- qPathstringRequired
Path to the property to add, remove or replace.
- qValuestring
Corresponds to the value of the property to add or to the new value of the property to update.
- widthPxnumberRequired
Width in pixels.
- heightPxnumberRequired
Height in pixels.
- selectionStrategystring
Can be one of: "failOnErrors""ignoreErrorsReturnDetails""ignoreErrorsNoDetails"
- selectionsByStateobject
Map of selections to apply by state. Maximum number of states allowed is 125. Maximum number of fields allowed is 125 and maximum number of overall field values allowed is 150000.
- persistentBookmarkobject
persistentBookmark properties
- idstringRequired
Sense Persistence Bookmark id.
- temporaryBookmarkV2object
The temporary bookmark to apply. Patches and Variables are ignored if passed to the API, because they already are applied in the backend.
temporaryBookmarkV2 properties
- idstringRequired
Sense Temporary Bookmark id.
- selectionsByStateDefstring
The definition ID referring to a selectionsByState definition declared in definitions.
- reloadTimestampMatchTypestring
Choose the reloadTimestamp constraint to apply. An empty value leads to the default noCheck.
Can be one of: "noCheck""requestTimeExact"
- senseSheetTemplateobject
Used to export a sheet as pdf or pptx.
senseSheetTemplate properties
- appIdstringRequired
- sheetobjectRequired
It refers to the Sense Sheet to be exported. Note that if widthPx and heightPx are not specified, default values will be applied depending on the actual size and layout properties of the Sense Sheet object.
sheet properties
- idstringRequired
The id of the sheet.
- jsOptsobject
A JSON object that is passed as-is to the mashup page while rendering, this will be applied to all charts within the sheet. It includes properties of the whole sheet such as theme, gradient etc.
- widthPxnumber
The width of the sheet in pixels. Default value is: - 1680 pixels for responsive sheet - 1120 pixels for extended sheet - same width set in sheet properties for custom sheet
- heightPxnumber
The height of the sheet in pixels. Default value is: - 1120 pixels for responsive sheet - 1680 pixels for extended sheet - same height set in sheet properties for custom sheet
- jsOptsByIdobject
A map for applying jsOpts to specific visualization IDs within the sheet.
- patchesByIdobject
A map for applying soft properties, aka patches, to specific visualization IDs within the sheet.
- selectionTypestring
Can be one of: "selectionsByState""temporaryBookmark""persistentBookmark""temporaryBookmarkV2"
- selectionStrategystring
Can be one of: "failOnErrors""ignoreErrorsReturnDetails""ignoreErrorsNoDetails"
- selectionsByStateobject
Map of selections to apply by state. Maximum number of states allowed is 125. Maximum number of fields allowed is 125 and maximum number of overall field values allowed is 150000.
- persistentBookmarkobject
persistentBookmark properties
- idstringRequired
Sense Persistence Bookmark id.
- temporaryBookmarkV2object
The temporary bookmark to apply. Patches and Variables are ignored if passed to the API, because they already are applied in the backend.
temporaryBookmarkV2 properties
- idstringRequired
Sense Temporary Bookmark id.
- selectionsByStateDefstring
The definition ID referring to a selectionsByState definition declared in definitions.
- reloadTimestampMatchTypestring
Choose the reloadTimestamp constraint to apply. An empty value leads to the default noCheck.
Can be one of: "noCheck""requestTimeExact"
- compositionTemplatesarray of objects
Composition of senseSheetTemplate and/or senseImageTemplate templates.
compositionTemplates properties
- typestringRequired
Template type and version using semantic versioning. It must have the following name convention, dashed-separated-template-name-MAJOR.MINOR
Can be one of: "sense-image-1.0""sense-sheet-1.0"
- senseImageTemplateobject
Used to export a single visualization as pdf, pptx or png.
senseImageTemplate properties
- appIdstringRequired
- selectionTypestring
Can be one of: "selectionsByState""temporaryBookmark""persistentBookmark""temporaryBookmarkV2"
- visualizationobjectRequired
visualization properties
- idstringRequired
The sense visualization id or json definition.
- typestring
Choose visualization to export an image of a sense chart, sessionobject for a visualization to be created on-the-fly. An empty value leads to the type being inferred by its id.
Can be one of: "visualization""sessionobject"
- jsOptsobject
A JSON object that is passed as-is to the mashup page while rendering.
- patchesarray of objects
Soft properties, aka patches, to be applied to the visualization.
patches properties
- qOpstringRequired
Can be one of: "add""remove""replace"
- qPathstringRequired
Path to the property to add, remove or replace.
- qValuestring
Corresponds to the value of the property to add or to the new value of the property to update.
- widthPxnumberRequired
Width in pixels.
- heightPxnumberRequired
Height in pixels.
- selectionStrategystring
Can be one of: "failOnErrors""ignoreErrorsReturnDetails""ignoreErrorsNoDetails"
- selectionsByStateobject
Map of selections to apply by state. Maximum number of states allowed is 125. Maximum number of fields allowed is 125 and maximum number of overall field values allowed is 150000.
- persistentBookmarkobject
persistentBookmark properties
- idstringRequired
Sense Persistence Bookmark id.
- temporaryBookmarkV2object
The temporary bookmark to apply. Patches and Variables are ignored if passed to the API, because they already are applied in the backend.
temporaryBookmarkV2 properties
- idstringRequired
Sense Temporary Bookmark id.
- selectionsByStateDefstring
The definition ID referring to a selectionsByState definition declared in definitions.
- reloadTimestampMatchTypestring
Choose the reloadTimestamp constraint to apply. An empty value leads to the default noCheck.
Can be one of: "noCheck""requestTimeExact"
- senseSheetTemplateobject
Used to export a sheet as pdf or pptx.
senseSheetTemplate properties
- appIdstringRequired
- sheetobjectRequired
It refers to the Sense Sheet to be exported. Note that if widthPx and heightPx are not specified, default values will be applied depending on the actual size and layout properties of the Sense Sheet object.
sheet properties
- idstringRequired
The id of the sheet.
- jsOptsobject
A JSON object that is passed as-is to the mashup page while rendering, this will be applied to all charts within the sheet. It includes properties of the whole sheet such as theme, gradient etc.
- widthPxnumber
The width of the sheet in pixels. Default value is: - 1680 pixels for responsive sheet - 1120 pixels for extended sheet - same width set in sheet properties for custom sheet
- heightPxnumber
The height of the sheet in pixels. Default value is: - 1120 pixels for responsive sheet - 1680 pixels for extended sheet - same height set in sheet properties for custom sheet
- jsOptsByIdobject
A map for applying jsOpts to specific visualization IDs within the sheet.
- patchesByIdobject
A map for applying soft properties, aka patches, to specific visualization IDs within the sheet.
- selectionTypestring
Can be one of: "selectionsByState""temporaryBookmark""persistentBookmark""temporaryBookmarkV2"
- selectionStrategystring
Can be one of: "failOnErrors""ignoreErrorsReturnDetails""ignoreErrorsNoDetails"
- selectionsByStateobject
Map of selections to apply by state. Maximum number of states allowed is 125. Maximum number of fields allowed is 125 and maximum number of overall field values allowed is 150000.
- persistentBookmarkobject
persistentBookmark properties
- idstringRequired
Sense Persistence Bookmark id.
- temporaryBookmarkV2object
The temporary bookmark to apply. Patches and Variables are ignored if passed to the API, because they already are applied in the backend.
temporaryBookmarkV2 properties
- idstringRequired
Sense Temporary Bookmark id.
- selectionsByStateDefstring
The definition ID referring to a selectionsByState definition declared in definitions.
- reloadTimestampMatchTypestring
Choose the reloadTimestamp constraint to apply. An empty value leads to the default noCheck.
Can be one of: "noCheck""requestTimeExact"
- requestCallBackActionobject
The callback to be performed once the report is done.
requestCallBackAction properties
- httpRequestobject
Http callback. The provided uri will be called once the report is done.
httpRequest properties
- uristring
URI of the request.
- sensePixelPerfectTemplateobject
Used to produce reports from a template file.
sensePixelPerfectTemplate properties
- jsOptsobject
A JSON object that is passed as-is to the mashup page while rendering, this will be applied to all charts within the sheet. It includes properties of the whole sheet such as theme, gradient etc. Currently only the "theme" and "language" properties are supported.
- cycleFieldsarray of strings
The values of the field to be selected.
- selectionChainarray of objects
Array of ChainableSelection
selectionChain properties
- selectionTypestringRequired
Can be one of: "selectionFilter""persistentBookmark""temporaryBookmarkV2"
- selectionFilterobject
selectionFilter properties
- variablesarray
- patchesByIdobject
A map for applying soft properties, aka patches, to specific visualization IDs within the sheet.
- selectionsByStateobject
Map of selections to apply by state. Maximum number of states allowed is 125. Maximum number of fields allowed is 125 and Maximum number of overall field values allowed is 150000.
- persistentBookmarkobject
persistentBookmark properties
- idstringRequired
Sense Persistence Bookmark id.
- temporaryBookmarkV2object
The temporary bookmark to apply. Patches and Variables are ignored if passed to the API, because they already are applied in the backend.
temporaryBookmarkV2 properties
- idstringRequired
Sense Temporary Bookmark id.
- templateLocationobjectRequired
The location of the report template. Currently it can be an absolute or relative URL to a persisted report template, or to a template file saved as temporary content, as in the following examples: - -
templateLocation properties
- pathstringRequired
The report template location path.
- formatstring
Can be one of: "url"
- reloadTimestampMatchTypestring
Choose the reloadTimestamp constraint to apply. An empty value leads to the default noCheck.
Can be one of: "noCheck""requestTimeExact"
Report request accepted.
Bad request, malformed syntax, errors in params or the report request is not valid.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
Errors occured during report generation.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
The unique code for the error
- "REP-400000" Bad request. The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax.
- "REP-400008" Selections error.
- "REP-400009" Maximum 16384 columns limit exceeded. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the number of columns you can download.
- "REP-400010" Maximum 1048566 rows limit exceeded. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the number of rows you can download.
- "REP-400011" The size of the downloaded Excel file exceed 100 MB limit. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the amount of data you can download.
- "REP-400015" Bad request in enigma request. The patch value has invalid JSON format.
- "REP-401000" Unauthorized. The client must authenticate itself to get the requested response.
- "REP-401001" Unauthorized, bad JWT.
- "REP-403000" Forbidden. The client does not have access rights to the content.
- "REP-403001" App forbidden, the user does not have read permission on the app.
- "REP-403002" Chart type not supported.
- "REP-404000" Not found. The server can not find the requested resource.
- "REP-404001" App not found, the app does not exist or it has been deleted.
- "REP-404002" Chart not found, the chart does not exist or it has been deleted.
- "REP-404003" Sheet not found, the sheet does not exist or it has been deleted or it is unavailable.
- "REP-404004" Story not found, the story does not exist or it has been deleted or it is unavailable.
- "REP-429000" Too many request. The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time ("rate limiting").
- "REP-429012" Exceeded max session tenant quota. A tenant has opened too many different sessions at the same time.
- "REP-429014" The export could not be completed within the requested deadline.
- "REP-429016" Exceeded max session tenant quota per day.
- "REP-500000" Fail to resolve resource.
- "REP-500006" Fail to get report session parameters.
- "REP-503005" Engine unavailable, qix-sessions error no engines available.
- "REP-503013" Session unavailable. The engine session used to create the report is unavailable.
- "REP-500100" Image rendering generic error on Sense client.
- "REP-500101" Image rendering could not set cookies error on Sense client.
- "REP-400102" Image rendering invalid strategy error on Sense client.
- "REP-500103" Image rendering JS timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500104" Image rendering load URL timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500105" Image rendering max paint attempts exceeded error on Sense client.
- "REP-500106" Image rendering max JS attempts exceeded error on Sense client.
- "REP-500107" Image rendering render timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500108" Image rendering JS failure due to timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500109" Image rendering generic JS failure error on Sense client.
- "REP-400029" Reload Entitlement Limit Reached.
- "REP-409046" Report aborted due to app reload.
- "REP-500047" Error setting GroupState.
- "REP-403048" Forbidden. User does not have permission to export the report (access control usePermission)
- "REP-422051" There is no report to produce due to empty dataset or missing fields (the measure/dimension was removed or omitted in Section Access)
- "REP-500014" The app did not open within 10 minutes.
- "REP-400017" Static App size exceeded.
- "REP-400018" Excel string length exceeded.
- "REP-403019" Export is not available for app with enabled directQuery feature.
- "REP-409001" App conflict.
- "REP-503001" Rest Engine Error.
- "REP-400020" Invalid Issuer.
- "REP-400028" Invalid Tags.
- "REP-409021" Reload timestamp constraint not met.
- "REP-429022" Enigma generic abort.
- "REP-500023" Validate Report Request Tags failure.
- "REP-400024" Cannot extract claims from JWT.
- "REP-403025" No entitlement to perform the operation.
- "REP-403026" No entitlement to perform the operation. Export capability is off.
- "REP-403027" Object without Hypercube or unsupported object type.
- "REP-422030" Apply variables error.
- "REP-500200" Report Generator error.
- "REP-400035" Multiple selections detected in a field having OneAndOnlyone attribute.
- "REP-400036" No selection detected in a field having OneAndOnlyone attribute.
- "REP-400037" Max number of images exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400038" Max number of nested levels exceeded in report.
- "REP-400039" Max number of objects exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400040" Max number of templates exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400041" Unsupported dimension type for level tag.
- "REP-500240" Engine Global generic closure error.
- "REP-500260" Engine Websocket generic closure error.
- "REP-500280" Engine proxy generic closure error.
- "REP-400240" Engine Client Global generic closure error
- "REP-400260" Engine Client generic closure error.
- "REP-400280" Engine Client proxy generic closure error.
- "REP-500045" Failure setting Bookmark timestamp.
- "REP-400050" Error retrieving outputs.
- "REP-400052" Report Request Aborted from internal error.
- "REP-500053" Unexpected number of generated cycle reports.
- "REP-400054" The number of generated cycle reports exceeds the maximum allowed.
- "REP-400055" Export options not allowed for this object.
- metaobject
Define the export error metadata. Each property is filled if it is related to the export error type.
meta properties
- appErrorsarray of objects
Errors occurring when dealing with the app.
appErrors properties
- appIdstring
app id
- methodstring
The method that is failing.
- parametersobject
Parameters of method that fails.
- selectionErrorsarray of objects
Errors occurring in selections.
selectionErrors properties
- detailstring
Details about the field selection error.
- errorTypestring
Can be one of: "fieldMissing""fieldValuesMissing""stateMissing""groupStateGroupMissing""groupStateGroupNotApplicable""groupStateFieldDefMissing"
- fieldNamestring
The field name that is missing.
- stateNamestring
The state name that is missing.
- missingValuesarray of objects
In order to apply a selection just one of text/number needs to be set, this must be associated with the correct isNumeric bool. In some scenarios both text and number may be set.
missingValues properties
- textstring
String value of the field value.
- numbernumber
- isNumericboolean
IsNumeric tells whether the field value is text or number. Default value is equal to defaultIsNumeric property in QSelection.
- isFieldNameMissingbooleanDeprecated
Deprecated, use errorType instead. True if the fieldName is missing. The missingValues array is empty in this case
- titlestringRequired
A summary in english explaining what went wrong.
- detailstring
Optional. MAY be used to provide more concrete details.
Unauthorized, JWT invalid or not provided.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
Errors occured during report generation.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
The unique code for the error
- "REP-400000" Bad request. The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax.
- "REP-400008" Selections error.
- "REP-400009" Maximum 16384 columns limit exceeded. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the number of columns you can download.
- "REP-400010" Maximum 1048566 rows limit exceeded. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the number of rows you can download.
- "REP-400011" The size of the downloaded Excel file exceed 100 MB limit. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the amount of data you can download.
- "REP-400015" Bad request in enigma request. The patch value has invalid JSON format.
- "REP-401000" Unauthorized. The client must authenticate itself to get the requested response.
- "REP-401001" Unauthorized, bad JWT.
- "REP-403000" Forbidden. The client does not have access rights to the content.
- "REP-403001" App forbidden, the user does not have read permission on the app.
- "REP-403002" Chart type not supported.
- "REP-404000" Not found. The server can not find the requested resource.
- "REP-404001" App not found, the app does not exist or it has been deleted.
- "REP-404002" Chart not found, the chart does not exist or it has been deleted.
- "REP-404003" Sheet not found, the sheet does not exist or it has been deleted or it is unavailable.
- "REP-404004" Story not found, the story does not exist or it has been deleted or it is unavailable.
- "REP-429000" Too many request. The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time ("rate limiting").
- "REP-429012" Exceeded max session tenant quota. A tenant has opened too many different sessions at the same time.
- "REP-429014" The export could not be completed within the requested deadline.
- "REP-429016" Exceeded max session tenant quota per day.
- "REP-500000" Fail to resolve resource.
- "REP-500006" Fail to get report session parameters.
- "REP-503005" Engine unavailable, qix-sessions error no engines available.
- "REP-503013" Session unavailable. The engine session used to create the report is unavailable.
- "REP-500100" Image rendering generic error on Sense client.
- "REP-500101" Image rendering could not set cookies error on Sense client.
- "REP-400102" Image rendering invalid strategy error on Sense client.
- "REP-500103" Image rendering JS timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500104" Image rendering load URL timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500105" Image rendering max paint attempts exceeded error on Sense client.
- "REP-500106" Image rendering max JS attempts exceeded error on Sense client.
- "REP-500107" Image rendering render timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500108" Image rendering JS failure due to timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500109" Image rendering generic JS failure error on Sense client.
- "REP-400029" Reload Entitlement Limit Reached.
- "REP-409046" Report aborted due to app reload.
- "REP-500047" Error setting GroupState.
- "REP-403048" Forbidden. User does not have permission to export the report (access control usePermission)
- "REP-422051" There is no report to produce due to empty dataset or missing fields (the measure/dimension was removed or omitted in Section Access)
- "REP-500014" The app did not open within 10 minutes.
- "REP-400017" Static App size exceeded.
- "REP-400018" Excel string length exceeded.
- "REP-403019" Export is not available for app with enabled directQuery feature.
- "REP-409001" App conflict.
- "REP-503001" Rest Engine Error.
- "REP-400020" Invalid Issuer.
- "REP-400028" Invalid Tags.
- "REP-409021" Reload timestamp constraint not met.
- "REP-429022" Enigma generic abort.
- "REP-500023" Validate Report Request Tags failure.
- "REP-400024" Cannot extract claims from JWT.
- "REP-403025" No entitlement to perform the operation.
- "REP-403026" No entitlement to perform the operation. Export capability is off.
- "REP-403027" Object without Hypercube or unsupported object type.
- "REP-422030" Apply variables error.
- "REP-500200" Report Generator error.
- "REP-400035" Multiple selections detected in a field having OneAndOnlyone attribute.
- "REP-400036" No selection detected in a field having OneAndOnlyone attribute.
- "REP-400037" Max number of images exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400038" Max number of nested levels exceeded in report.
- "REP-400039" Max number of objects exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400040" Max number of templates exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400041" Unsupported dimension type for level tag.
- "REP-500240" Engine Global generic closure error.
- "REP-500260" Engine Websocket generic closure error.
- "REP-500280" Engine proxy generic closure error.
- "REP-400240" Engine Client Global generic closure error
- "REP-400260" Engine Client generic closure error.
- "REP-400280" Engine Client proxy generic closure error.
- "REP-500045" Failure setting Bookmark timestamp.
- "REP-400050" Error retrieving outputs.
- "REP-400052" Report Request Aborted from internal error.
- "REP-500053" Unexpected number of generated cycle reports.
- "REP-400054" The number of generated cycle reports exceeds the maximum allowed.
- "REP-400055" Export options not allowed for this object.
- metaobject
Define the export error metadata. Each property is filled if it is related to the export error type.
meta properties
- appErrorsarray of objects
Errors occurring when dealing with the app.
appErrors properties
- appIdstring
app id
- methodstring
The method that is failing.
- parametersobject
Parameters of method that fails.
- selectionErrorsarray of objects
Errors occurring in selections.
selectionErrors properties
- detailstring
Details about the field selection error.
- errorTypestring
Can be one of: "fieldMissing""fieldValuesMissing""stateMissing""groupStateGroupMissing""groupStateGroupNotApplicable""groupStateFieldDefMissing"
- fieldNamestring
The field name that is missing.
- stateNamestring
The state name that is missing.
- missingValuesarray of objects
In order to apply a selection just one of text/number needs to be set, this must be associated with the correct isNumeric bool. In some scenarios both text and number may be set.
missingValues properties
- textstring
String value of the field value.
- numbernumber
- isNumericboolean
IsNumeric tells whether the field value is text or number. Default value is equal to defaultIsNumeric property in QSelection.
- isFieldNameMissingbooleanDeprecated
Deprecated, use errorType instead. True if the fieldName is missing. The missingValues array is empty in this case
- titlestringRequired
A summary in english explaining what went wrong.
- detailstring
Optional. MAY be used to provide more concrete details.
Forbidden, the user does not have access rights.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
Errors occured during report generation.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
The unique code for the error
- "REP-400000" Bad request. The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax.
- "REP-400008" Selections error.
- "REP-400009" Maximum 16384 columns limit exceeded. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the number of columns you can download.
- "REP-400010" Maximum 1048566 rows limit exceeded. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the number of rows you can download.
- "REP-400011" The size of the downloaded Excel file exceed 100 MB limit. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the amount of data you can download.
- "REP-400015" Bad request in enigma request. The patch value has invalid JSON format.
- "REP-401000" Unauthorized. The client must authenticate itself to get the requested response.
- "REP-401001" Unauthorized, bad JWT.
- "REP-403000" Forbidden. The client does not have access rights to the content.
- "REP-403001" App forbidden, the user does not have read permission on the app.
- "REP-403002" Chart type not supported.
- "REP-404000" Not found. The server can not find the requested resource.
- "REP-404001" App not found, the app does not exist or it has been deleted.
- "REP-404002" Chart not found, the chart does not exist or it has been deleted.
- "REP-404003" Sheet not found, the sheet does not exist or it has been deleted or it is unavailable.
- "REP-404004" Story not found, the story does not exist or it has been deleted or it is unavailable.
- "REP-429000" Too many request. The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time ("rate limiting").
- "REP-429012" Exceeded max session tenant quota. A tenant has opened too many different sessions at the same time.
- "REP-429014" The export could not be completed within the requested deadline.
- "REP-429016" Exceeded max session tenant quota per day.
- "REP-500000" Fail to resolve resource.
- "REP-500006" Fail to get report session parameters.
- "REP-503005" Engine unavailable, qix-sessions error no engines available.
- "REP-503013" Session unavailable. The engine session used to create the report is unavailable.
- "REP-500100" Image rendering generic error on Sense client.
- "REP-500101" Image rendering could not set cookies error on Sense client.
- "REP-400102" Image rendering invalid strategy error on Sense client.
- "REP-500103" Image rendering JS timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500104" Image rendering load URL timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500105" Image rendering max paint attempts exceeded error on Sense client.
- "REP-500106" Image rendering max JS attempts exceeded error on Sense client.
- "REP-500107" Image rendering render timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500108" Image rendering JS failure due to timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500109" Image rendering generic JS failure error on Sense client.
- "REP-400029" Reload Entitlement Limit Reached.
- "REP-409046" Report aborted due to app reload.
- "REP-500047" Error setting GroupState.
- "REP-403048" Forbidden. User does not have permission to export the report (access control usePermission)
- "REP-422051" There is no report to produce due to empty dataset or missing fields (the measure/dimension was removed or omitted in Section Access)
- "REP-500014" The app did not open within 10 minutes.
- "REP-400017" Static App size exceeded.
- "REP-400018" Excel string length exceeded.
- "REP-403019" Export is not available for app with enabled directQuery feature.
- "REP-409001" App conflict.
- "REP-503001" Rest Engine Error.
- "REP-400020" Invalid Issuer.
- "REP-400028" Invalid Tags.
- "REP-409021" Reload timestamp constraint not met.
- "REP-429022" Enigma generic abort.
- "REP-500023" Validate Report Request Tags failure.
- "REP-400024" Cannot extract claims from JWT.
- "REP-403025" No entitlement to perform the operation.
- "REP-403026" No entitlement to perform the operation. Export capability is off.
- "REP-403027" Object without Hypercube or unsupported object type.
- "REP-422030" Apply variables error.
- "REP-500200" Report Generator error.
- "REP-400035" Multiple selections detected in a field having OneAndOnlyone attribute.
- "REP-400036" No selection detected in a field having OneAndOnlyone attribute.
- "REP-400037" Max number of images exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400038" Max number of nested levels exceeded in report.
- "REP-400039" Max number of objects exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400040" Max number of templates exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400041" Unsupported dimension type for level tag.
- "REP-500240" Engine Global generic closure error.
- "REP-500260" Engine Websocket generic closure error.
- "REP-500280" Engine proxy generic closure error.
- "REP-400240" Engine Client Global generic closure error
- "REP-400260" Engine Client generic closure error.
- "REP-400280" Engine Client proxy generic closure error.
- "REP-500045" Failure setting Bookmark timestamp.
- "REP-400050" Error retrieving outputs.
- "REP-400052" Report Request Aborted from internal error.
- "REP-500053" Unexpected number of generated cycle reports.
- "REP-400054" The number of generated cycle reports exceeds the maximum allowed.
- "REP-400055" Export options not allowed for this object.
- metaobject
Define the export error metadata. Each property is filled if it is related to the export error type.
meta properties
- appErrorsarray of objects
Errors occurring when dealing with the app.
appErrors properties
- appIdstring
app id
- methodstring
The method that is failing.
- parametersobject
Parameters of method that fails.
- selectionErrorsarray of objects
Errors occurring in selections.
selectionErrors properties
- detailstring
Details about the field selection error.
- errorTypestring
Can be one of: "fieldMissing""fieldValuesMissing""stateMissing""groupStateGroupMissing""groupStateGroupNotApplicable""groupStateFieldDefMissing"
- fieldNamestring
The field name that is missing.
- stateNamestring
The state name that is missing.
- missingValuesarray of objects
In order to apply a selection just one of text/number needs to be set, this must be associated with the correct isNumeric bool. In some scenarios both text and number may be set.
missingValues properties
- textstring
String value of the field value.
- numbernumber
- isNumericboolean
IsNumeric tells whether the field value is text or number. Default value is equal to defaultIsNumeric property in QSelection.
- isFieldNameMissingbooleanDeprecated
Deprecated, use errorType instead. True if the fieldName is missing. The missingValues array is empty in this case
- titlestringRequired
A summary in english explaining what went wrong.
- detailstring
Optional. MAY be used to provide more concrete details.
Not found.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
Errors occured during report generation.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
The unique code for the error
- "REP-400000" Bad request. The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax.
- "REP-400008" Selections error.
- "REP-400009" Maximum 16384 columns limit exceeded. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the number of columns you can download.
- "REP-400010" Maximum 1048566 rows limit exceeded. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the number of rows you can download.
- "REP-400011" The size of the downloaded Excel file exceed 100 MB limit. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the amount of data you can download.
- "REP-400015" Bad request in enigma request. The patch value has invalid JSON format.
- "REP-401000" Unauthorized. The client must authenticate itself to get the requested response.
- "REP-401001" Unauthorized, bad JWT.
- "REP-403000" Forbidden. The client does not have access rights to the content.
- "REP-403001" App forbidden, the user does not have read permission on the app.
- "REP-403002" Chart type not supported.
- "REP-404000" Not found. The server can not find the requested resource.
- "REP-404001" App not found, the app does not exist or it has been deleted.
- "REP-404002" Chart not found, the chart does not exist or it has been deleted.
- "REP-404003" Sheet not found, the sheet does not exist or it has been deleted or it is unavailable.
- "REP-404004" Story not found, the story does not exist or it has been deleted or it is unavailable.
- "REP-429000" Too many request. The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time ("rate limiting").
- "REP-429012" Exceeded max session tenant quota. A tenant has opened too many different sessions at the same time.
- "REP-429014" The export could not be completed within the requested deadline.
- "REP-429016" Exceeded max session tenant quota per day.
- "REP-500000" Fail to resolve resource.
- "REP-500006" Fail to get report session parameters.
- "REP-503005" Engine unavailable, qix-sessions error no engines available.
- "REP-503013" Session unavailable. The engine session used to create the report is unavailable.
- "REP-500100" Image rendering generic error on Sense client.
- "REP-500101" Image rendering could not set cookies error on Sense client.
- "REP-400102" Image rendering invalid strategy error on Sense client.
- "REP-500103" Image rendering JS timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500104" Image rendering load URL timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500105" Image rendering max paint attempts exceeded error on Sense client.
- "REP-500106" Image rendering max JS attempts exceeded error on Sense client.
- "REP-500107" Image rendering render timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500108" Image rendering JS failure due to timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500109" Image rendering generic JS failure error on Sense client.
- "REP-400029" Reload Entitlement Limit Reached.
- "REP-409046" Report aborted due to app reload.
- "REP-500047" Error setting GroupState.
- "REP-403048" Forbidden. User does not have permission to export the report (access control usePermission)
- "REP-422051" There is no report to produce due to empty dataset or missing fields (the measure/dimension was removed or omitted in Section Access)
- "REP-500014" The app did not open within 10 minutes.
- "REP-400017" Static App size exceeded.
- "REP-400018" Excel string length exceeded.
- "REP-403019" Export is not available for app with enabled directQuery feature.
- "REP-409001" App conflict.
- "REP-503001" Rest Engine Error.
- "REP-400020" Invalid Issuer.
- "REP-400028" Invalid Tags.
- "REP-409021" Reload timestamp constraint not met.
- "REP-429022" Enigma generic abort.
- "REP-500023" Validate Report Request Tags failure.
- "REP-400024" Cannot extract claims from JWT.
- "REP-403025" No entitlement to perform the operation.
- "REP-403026" No entitlement to perform the operation. Export capability is off.
- "REP-403027" Object without Hypercube or unsupported object type.
- "REP-422030" Apply variables error.
- "REP-500200" Report Generator error.
- "REP-400035" Multiple selections detected in a field having OneAndOnlyone attribute.
- "REP-400036" No selection detected in a field having OneAndOnlyone attribute.
- "REP-400037" Max number of images exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400038" Max number of nested levels exceeded in report.
- "REP-400039" Max number of objects exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400040" Max number of templates exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400041" Unsupported dimension type for level tag.
- "REP-500240" Engine Global generic closure error.
- "REP-500260" Engine Websocket generic closure error.
- "REP-500280" Engine proxy generic closure error.
- "REP-400240" Engine Client Global generic closure error
- "REP-400260" Engine Client generic closure error.
- "REP-400280" Engine Client proxy generic closure error.
- "REP-500045" Failure setting Bookmark timestamp.
- "REP-400050" Error retrieving outputs.
- "REP-400052" Report Request Aborted from internal error.
- "REP-500053" Unexpected number of generated cycle reports.
- "REP-400054" The number of generated cycle reports exceeds the maximum allowed.
- "REP-400055" Export options not allowed for this object.
- metaobject
Define the export error metadata. Each property is filled if it is related to the export error type.
meta properties
- appErrorsarray of objects
Errors occurring when dealing with the app.
appErrors properties
- appIdstring
app id
- methodstring
The method that is failing.
- parametersobject
Parameters of method that fails.
- selectionErrorsarray of objects
Errors occurring in selections.
selectionErrors properties
- detailstring
Details about the field selection error.
- errorTypestring
Can be one of: "fieldMissing""fieldValuesMissing""stateMissing""groupStateGroupMissing""groupStateGroupNotApplicable""groupStateFieldDefMissing"
- fieldNamestring
The field name that is missing.
- stateNamestring
The state name that is missing.
- missingValuesarray of objects
In order to apply a selection just one of text/number needs to be set, this must be associated with the correct isNumeric bool. In some scenarios both text and number may be set.
missingValues properties
- textstring
String value of the field value.
- numbernumber
- isNumericboolean
IsNumeric tells whether the field value is text or number. Default value is equal to defaultIsNumeric property in QSelection.
- isFieldNameMissingbooleanDeprecated
Deprecated, use errorType instead. True if the fieldName is missing. The missingValues array is empty in this case
- titlestringRequired
A summary in english explaining what went wrong.
- detailstring
Optional. MAY be used to provide more concrete details.
Conflicted request. Report aborted.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
Errors occured during report generation.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
The unique code for the error
- "REP-400000" Bad request. The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax.
- "REP-400008" Selections error.
- "REP-400009" Maximum 16384 columns limit exceeded. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the number of columns you can download.
- "REP-400010" Maximum 1048566 rows limit exceeded. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the number of rows you can download.
- "REP-400011" The size of the downloaded Excel file exceed 100 MB limit. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the amount of data you can download.
- "REP-400015" Bad request in enigma request. The patch value has invalid JSON format.
- "REP-401000" Unauthorized. The client must authenticate itself to get the requested response.
- "REP-401001" Unauthorized, bad JWT.
- "REP-403000" Forbidden. The client does not have access rights to the content.
- "REP-403001" App forbidden, the user does not have read permission on the app.
- "REP-403002" Chart type not supported.
- "REP-404000" Not found. The server can not find the requested resource.
- "REP-404001" App not found, the app does not exist or it has been deleted.
- "REP-404002" Chart not found, the chart does not exist or it has been deleted.
- "REP-404003" Sheet not found, the sheet does not exist or it has been deleted or it is unavailable.
- "REP-404004" Story not found, the story does not exist or it has been deleted or it is unavailable.
- "REP-429000" Too many request. The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time ("rate limiting").
- "REP-429012" Exceeded max session tenant quota. A tenant has opened too many different sessions at the same time.
- "REP-429014" The export could not be completed within the requested deadline.
- "REP-429016" Exceeded max session tenant quota per day.
- "REP-500000" Fail to resolve resource.
- "REP-500006" Fail to get report session parameters.
- "REP-503005" Engine unavailable, qix-sessions error no engines available.
- "REP-503013" Session unavailable. The engine session used to create the report is unavailable.
- "REP-500100" Image rendering generic error on Sense client.
- "REP-500101" Image rendering could not set cookies error on Sense client.
- "REP-400102" Image rendering invalid strategy error on Sense client.
- "REP-500103" Image rendering JS timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500104" Image rendering load URL timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500105" Image rendering max paint attempts exceeded error on Sense client.
- "REP-500106" Image rendering max JS attempts exceeded error on Sense client.
- "REP-500107" Image rendering render timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500108" Image rendering JS failure due to timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500109" Image rendering generic JS failure error on Sense client.
- "REP-400029" Reload Entitlement Limit Reached.
- "REP-409046" Report aborted due to app reload.
- "REP-500047" Error setting GroupState.
- "REP-403048" Forbidden. User does not have permission to export the report (access control usePermission)
- "REP-422051" There is no report to produce due to empty dataset or missing fields (the measure/dimension was removed or omitted in Section Access)
- "REP-500014" The app did not open within 10 minutes.
- "REP-400017" Static App size exceeded.
- "REP-400018" Excel string length exceeded.
- "REP-403019" Export is not available for app with enabled directQuery feature.
- "REP-409001" App conflict.
- "REP-503001" Rest Engine Error.
- "REP-400020" Invalid Issuer.
- "REP-400028" Invalid Tags.
- "REP-409021" Reload timestamp constraint not met.
- "REP-429022" Enigma generic abort.
- "REP-500023" Validate Report Request Tags failure.
- "REP-400024" Cannot extract claims from JWT.
- "REP-403025" No entitlement to perform the operation.
- "REP-403026" No entitlement to perform the operation. Export capability is off.
- "REP-403027" Object without Hypercube or unsupported object type.
- "REP-422030" Apply variables error.
- "REP-500200" Report Generator error.
- "REP-400035" Multiple selections detected in a field having OneAndOnlyone attribute.
- "REP-400036" No selection detected in a field having OneAndOnlyone attribute.
- "REP-400037" Max number of images exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400038" Max number of nested levels exceeded in report.
- "REP-400039" Max number of objects exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400040" Max number of templates exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400041" Unsupported dimension type for level tag.
- "REP-500240" Engine Global generic closure error.
- "REP-500260" Engine Websocket generic closure error.
- "REP-500280" Engine proxy generic closure error.
- "REP-400240" Engine Client Global generic closure error
- "REP-400260" Engine Client generic closure error.
- "REP-400280" Engine Client proxy generic closure error.
- "REP-500045" Failure setting Bookmark timestamp.
- "REP-400050" Error retrieving outputs.
- "REP-400052" Report Request Aborted from internal error.
- "REP-500053" Unexpected number of generated cycle reports.
- "REP-400054" The number of generated cycle reports exceeds the maximum allowed.
- "REP-400055" Export options not allowed for this object.
- metaobject
Define the export error metadata. Each property is filled if it is related to the export error type.
meta properties
- appErrorsarray of objects
Errors occurring when dealing with the app.
appErrors properties
- appIdstring
app id
- methodstring
The method that is failing.
- parametersobject
Parameters of method that fails.
- selectionErrorsarray of objects
Errors occurring in selections.
selectionErrors properties
- detailstring
Details about the field selection error.
- errorTypestring
Can be one of: "fieldMissing""fieldValuesMissing""stateMissing""groupStateGroupMissing""groupStateGroupNotApplicable""groupStateFieldDefMissing"
- fieldNamestring
The field name that is missing.
- stateNamestring
The state name that is missing.
- missingValuesarray of objects
In order to apply a selection just one of text/number needs to be set, this must be associated with the correct isNumeric bool. In some scenarios both text and number may be set.
missingValues properties
- textstring
String value of the field value.
- numbernumber
- isNumericboolean
IsNumeric tells whether the field value is text or number. Default value is equal to defaultIsNumeric property in QSelection.
- isFieldNameMissingbooleanDeprecated
Deprecated, use errorType instead. True if the fieldName is missing. The missingValues array is empty in this case
- titlestringRequired
A summary in english explaining what went wrong.
- detailstring
Optional. MAY be used to provide more concrete details.
Too many request. Indicates the user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time, aka "rate limiting".
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
Errors occured during report generation.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
The unique code for the error
- "REP-400000" Bad request. The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax.
- "REP-400008" Selections error.
- "REP-400009" Maximum 16384 columns limit exceeded. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the number of columns you can download.
- "REP-400010" Maximum 1048566 rows limit exceeded. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the number of rows you can download.
- "REP-400011" The size of the downloaded Excel file exceed 100 MB limit. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the amount of data you can download.
- "REP-400015" Bad request in enigma request. The patch value has invalid JSON format.
- "REP-401000" Unauthorized. The client must authenticate itself to get the requested response.
- "REP-401001" Unauthorized, bad JWT.
- "REP-403000" Forbidden. The client does not have access rights to the content.
- "REP-403001" App forbidden, the user does not have read permission on the app.
- "REP-403002" Chart type not supported.
- "REP-404000" Not found. The server can not find the requested resource.
- "REP-404001" App not found, the app does not exist or it has been deleted.
- "REP-404002" Chart not found, the chart does not exist or it has been deleted.
- "REP-404003" Sheet not found, the sheet does not exist or it has been deleted or it is unavailable.
- "REP-404004" Story not found, the story does not exist or it has been deleted or it is unavailable.
- "REP-429000" Too many request. The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time ("rate limiting").
- "REP-429012" Exceeded max session tenant quota. A tenant has opened too many different sessions at the same time.
- "REP-429014" The export could not be completed within the requested deadline.
- "REP-429016" Exceeded max session tenant quota per day.
- "REP-500000" Fail to resolve resource.
- "REP-500006" Fail to get report session parameters.
- "REP-503005" Engine unavailable, qix-sessions error no engines available.
- "REP-503013" Session unavailable. The engine session used to create the report is unavailable.
- "REP-500100" Image rendering generic error on Sense client.
- "REP-500101" Image rendering could not set cookies error on Sense client.
- "REP-400102" Image rendering invalid strategy error on Sense client.
- "REP-500103" Image rendering JS timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500104" Image rendering load URL timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500105" Image rendering max paint attempts exceeded error on Sense client.
- "REP-500106" Image rendering max JS attempts exceeded error on Sense client.
- "REP-500107" Image rendering render timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500108" Image rendering JS failure due to timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500109" Image rendering generic JS failure error on Sense client.
- "REP-400029" Reload Entitlement Limit Reached.
- "REP-409046" Report aborted due to app reload.
- "REP-500047" Error setting GroupState.
- "REP-403048" Forbidden. User does not have permission to export the report (access control usePermission)
- "REP-422051" There is no report to produce due to empty dataset or missing fields (the measure/dimension was removed or omitted in Section Access)
- "REP-500014" The app did not open within 10 minutes.
- "REP-400017" Static App size exceeded.
- "REP-400018" Excel string length exceeded.
- "REP-403019" Export is not available for app with enabled directQuery feature.
- "REP-409001" App conflict.
- "REP-503001" Rest Engine Error.
- "REP-400020" Invalid Issuer.
- "REP-400028" Invalid Tags.
- "REP-409021" Reload timestamp constraint not met.
- "REP-429022" Enigma generic abort.
- "REP-500023" Validate Report Request Tags failure.
- "REP-400024" Cannot extract claims from JWT.
- "REP-403025" No entitlement to perform the operation.
- "REP-403026" No entitlement to perform the operation. Export capability is off.
- "REP-403027" Object without Hypercube or unsupported object type.
- "REP-422030" Apply variables error.
- "REP-500200" Report Generator error.
- "REP-400035" Multiple selections detected in a field having OneAndOnlyone attribute.
- "REP-400036" No selection detected in a field having OneAndOnlyone attribute.
- "REP-400037" Max number of images exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400038" Max number of nested levels exceeded in report.
- "REP-400039" Max number of objects exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400040" Max number of templates exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400041" Unsupported dimension type for level tag.
- "REP-500240" Engine Global generic closure error.
- "REP-500260" Engine Websocket generic closure error.
- "REP-500280" Engine proxy generic closure error.
- "REP-400240" Engine Client Global generic closure error
- "REP-400260" Engine Client generic closure error.
- "REP-400280" Engine Client proxy generic closure error.
- "REP-500045" Failure setting Bookmark timestamp.
- "REP-400050" Error retrieving outputs.
- "REP-400052" Report Request Aborted from internal error.
- "REP-500053" Unexpected number of generated cycle reports.
- "REP-400054" The number of generated cycle reports exceeds the maximum allowed.
- "REP-400055" Export options not allowed for this object.
- metaobject
Define the export error metadata. Each property is filled if it is related to the export error type.
meta properties
- appErrorsarray of objects
Errors occurring when dealing with the app.
appErrors properties
- appIdstring
app id
- methodstring
The method that is failing.
- parametersobject
Parameters of method that fails.
- selectionErrorsarray of objects
Errors occurring in selections.
selectionErrors properties
- detailstring
Details about the field selection error.
- errorTypestring
Can be one of: "fieldMissing""fieldValuesMissing""stateMissing""groupStateGroupMissing""groupStateGroupNotApplicable""groupStateFieldDefMissing"
- fieldNamestring
The field name that is missing.
- stateNamestring
The state name that is missing.
- missingValuesarray of objects
In order to apply a selection just one of text/number needs to be set, this must be associated with the correct isNumeric bool. In some scenarios both text and number may be set.
missingValues properties
- textstring
String value of the field value.
- numbernumber
- isNumericboolean
IsNumeric tells whether the field value is text or number. Default value is equal to defaultIsNumeric property in QSelection.
- isFieldNameMissingbooleanDeprecated
Deprecated, use errorType instead. True if the fieldName is missing. The missingValues array is empty in this case
- titlestringRequired
A summary in english explaining what went wrong.
- detailstring
Optional. MAY be used to provide more concrete details.
Internal server error.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
Errors occured during report generation.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
The unique code for the error
- "REP-400000" Bad request. The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax.
- "REP-400008" Selections error.
- "REP-400009" Maximum 16384 columns limit exceeded. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the number of columns you can download.
- "REP-400010" Maximum 1048566 rows limit exceeded. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the number of rows you can download.
- "REP-400011" The size of the downloaded Excel file exceed 100 MB limit. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the amount of data you can download.
- "REP-400015" Bad request in enigma request. The patch value has invalid JSON format.
- "REP-401000" Unauthorized. The client must authenticate itself to get the requested response.
- "REP-401001" Unauthorized, bad JWT.
- "REP-403000" Forbidden. The client does not have access rights to the content.
- "REP-403001" App forbidden, the user does not have read permission on the app.
- "REP-403002" Chart type not supported.
- "REP-404000" Not found. The server can not find the requested resource.
- "REP-404001" App not found, the app does not exist or it has been deleted.
- "REP-404002" Chart not found, the chart does not exist or it has been deleted.
- "REP-404003" Sheet not found, the sheet does not exist or it has been deleted or it is unavailable.
- "REP-404004" Story not found, the story does not exist or it has been deleted or it is unavailable.
- "REP-429000" Too many request. The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time ("rate limiting").
- "REP-429012" Exceeded max session tenant quota. A tenant has opened too many different sessions at the same time.
- "REP-429014" The export could not be completed within the requested deadline.
- "REP-429016" Exceeded max session tenant quota per day.
- "REP-500000" Fail to resolve resource.
- "REP-500006" Fail to get report session parameters.
- "REP-503005" Engine unavailable, qix-sessions error no engines available.
- "REP-503013" Session unavailable. The engine session used to create the report is unavailable.
- "REP-500100" Image rendering generic error on Sense client.
- "REP-500101" Image rendering could not set cookies error on Sense client.
- "REP-400102" Image rendering invalid strategy error on Sense client.
- "REP-500103" Image rendering JS timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500104" Image rendering load URL timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500105" Image rendering max paint attempts exceeded error on Sense client.
- "REP-500106" Image rendering max JS attempts exceeded error on Sense client.
- "REP-500107" Image rendering render timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500108" Image rendering JS failure due to timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500109" Image rendering generic JS failure error on Sense client.
- "REP-400029" Reload Entitlement Limit Reached.
- "REP-409046" Report aborted due to app reload.
- "REP-500047" Error setting GroupState.
- "REP-403048" Forbidden. User does not have permission to export the report (access control usePermission)
- "REP-422051" There is no report to produce due to empty dataset or missing fields (the measure/dimension was removed or omitted in Section Access)
- "REP-500014" The app did not open within 10 minutes.
- "REP-400017" Static App size exceeded.
- "REP-400018" Excel string length exceeded.
- "REP-403019" Export is not available for app with enabled directQuery feature.
- "REP-409001" App conflict.
- "REP-503001" Rest Engine Error.
- "REP-400020" Invalid Issuer.
- "REP-400028" Invalid Tags.
- "REP-409021" Reload timestamp constraint not met.
- "REP-429022" Enigma generic abort.
- "REP-500023" Validate Report Request Tags failure.
- "REP-400024" Cannot extract claims from JWT.
- "REP-403025" No entitlement to perform the operation.
- "REP-403026" No entitlement to perform the operation. Export capability is off.
- "REP-403027" Object without Hypercube or unsupported object type.
- "REP-422030" Apply variables error.
- "REP-500200" Report Generator error.
- "REP-400035" Multiple selections detected in a field having OneAndOnlyone attribute.
- "REP-400036" No selection detected in a field having OneAndOnlyone attribute.
- "REP-400037" Max number of images exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400038" Max number of nested levels exceeded in report.
- "REP-400039" Max number of objects exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400040" Max number of templates exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400041" Unsupported dimension type for level tag.
- "REP-500240" Engine Global generic closure error.
- "REP-500260" Engine Websocket generic closure error.
- "REP-500280" Engine proxy generic closure error.
- "REP-400240" Engine Client Global generic closure error
- "REP-400260" Engine Client generic closure error.
- "REP-400280" Engine Client proxy generic closure error.
- "REP-500045" Failure setting Bookmark timestamp.
- "REP-400050" Error retrieving outputs.
- "REP-400052" Report Request Aborted from internal error.
- "REP-500053" Unexpected number of generated cycle reports.
- "REP-400054" The number of generated cycle reports exceeds the maximum allowed.
- "REP-400055" Export options not allowed for this object.
- metaobject
Define the export error metadata. Each property is filled if it is related to the export error type.
meta properties
- appErrorsarray of objects
Errors occurring when dealing with the app.
appErrors properties
- appIdstring
app id
- methodstring
The method that is failing.
- parametersobject
Parameters of method that fails.
- selectionErrorsarray of objects
Errors occurring in selections.
selectionErrors properties
- detailstring
Details about the field selection error.
- errorTypestring
Can be one of: "fieldMissing""fieldValuesMissing""stateMissing""groupStateGroupMissing""groupStateGroupNotApplicable""groupStateFieldDefMissing"
- fieldNamestring
The field name that is missing.
- stateNamestring
The state name that is missing.
- missingValuesarray of objects
In order to apply a selection just one of text/number needs to be set, this must be associated with the correct isNumeric bool. In some scenarios both text and number may be set.
missingValues properties
- textstring
String value of the field value.
- numbernumber
- isNumericboolean
IsNumeric tells whether the field value is text or number. Default value is equal to defaultIsNumeric property in QSelection.
- isFieldNameMissingbooleanDeprecated
Deprecated, use errorType instead. True if the fieldName is missing. The missingValues array is empty in this case
- titlestringRequired
A summary in english explaining what went wrong.
- detailstring
Optional. MAY be used to provide more concrete details.
curl "" \-X POST \-H "Content-type: application/json" \-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \-d '{"type":"composition-1.0","output":{"type":"pdfcomposition","outputId":"composition1","pdfCompositionOutput":{"pdfOutputs":[{"size":"A4","align":{"vertical":"middle","horizontal":"center"},"resizeType":"autofit","orientation":"A"},{"size":"A4","align":{"vertical":"middle","horizontal":"center"},"resizeType":"autofit","orientation":"A"}]}},"definitions":{"selectionsByState":{"sel1":{"$":[{"values":[{"text":"Arizona","isNumeric":false}],"fieldName":"Region","defaultIsNumeric":false}]}}},"compositionTemplates":[{"type":"sense-sheet-1.0","senseSheetTemplate":{"appId":"2451e58e-a1b9-4047-abf6-315e91d8a610","sheet":{"id":"5ffe3801-1b6d-439d-a849-84d0748358f1"},"selectionsByStateDef":"sel1"}},{"type":"sense-sheet-1.0","senseSheetTemplate":{"appId":"2451e58e-a1b9-4047-abf6-315e91d8a610","sheet":{"id":"ffrxJyA"},"selectionsByStateDef":"sel1"}}]}'
const https = require('https') const data = JSON.stringify({"type":"composition-1.0","output":{"type":"pdfcomposition","outputId":"composition1","pdfCompositionOutput":{"pdfOutputs":[{"size":"A4","align":{"vertical":"middle","horizontal":"center"},"resizeType":"autofit","orientation":"A"},{"size":"A4","align":{"vertical":"middle","horizontal":"center"},"resizeType":"autofit","orientation":"A"}]}},"definitions":{"selectionsByState":{"sel1":{"$":[{"values":[{"text":"Arizona","isNumeric":false}],"fieldName":"Region","defaultIsNumeric":false}]}}},"compositionTemplates":[{"type":"sense-sheet-1.0","senseSheetTemplate":{"appId":"2451e58e-a1b9-4047-abf6-315e91d8a610","sheet":{"id":"5ffe3801-1b6d-439d-a849-84d0748358f1"},"selectionsByStateDef":"sel1"}},{"type":"sense-sheet-1.0","senseSheetTemplate":{"appId":"2451e58e-a1b9-4047-abf6-315e91d8a610","sheet":{"id":"ffrxJyA"},"selectionsByStateDef":"sel1"}}]}) const options = { 'hostname': '', 'port': 443, 'path': '/api/v1/reports', 'method': 'POST', 'headers': { 'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>' } } const req = https.request(options) req.write(data)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
{ "type": "composition-1.0", "output": { "type": "pdfcomposition", "outputId": "composition1", "pdfCompositionOutput": { "pdfOutputs": [ { "size": "A4", "align": { "vertical": "middle", "horizontal": "center" }, "resizeType": "autofit", "orientation": "A" }, { "size": "A4", "align": { "vertical": "middle", "horizontal": "center" }, "resizeType": "autofit", "orientation": "A" } ] } }, "definitions": { "selectionsByState": { "sel1": { "$": [ { "values": [ { "text": "Arizona", "isNumeric": false } ], "fieldName": "Region", "defaultIsNumeric": false } ] } } }, "compositionTemplates": [ { "type": "sense-sheet-1.0", "senseSheetTemplate": { "appId": "2451e58e-a1b9-4047-abf6-315e91d8a610", "sheet": { "id": "5ffe3801-1b6d-439d-a849-84d0748358f1" }, "selectionsByStateDef": "sel1" } }, { "type": "sense-sheet-1.0", "senseSheetTemplate": { "appId": "2451e58e-a1b9-4047-abf6-315e91d8a610", "sheet": { "id": "ffrxJyA" }, "selectionsByStateDef": "sel1" } } ]}
Rate limit | Tier 1 (1000 requests per minute) |
Categories | build |
Path Parameters
- idstringRequired
Identifier of the request.
Returns the request processing status.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- statusstringRequired
Status of the requested report.
Can be one of: "queued""processing""done""failed""aborted""visiting""aborting"
- reasonsarray of objectsDeprecated
Present when status is failed. Deprecated. Use /reports/{id}/outputs instead.
reasons properties
- traceIdstring
- outputIdstring
The output identifier which uniquely identifies an output (PDF, image etc.) within the same request.
- exportErrorsarray of objects
Errors occured during report generation.
exportErrors properties
- codestringRequired
The unique code for the error
- "REP-400000" Bad request. The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax.
- "REP-400008" Selections error.
- "REP-400009" Maximum 16384 columns limit exceeded. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the number of columns you can download.
- "REP-400010" Maximum 1048566 rows limit exceeded. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the number of rows you can download.
- "REP-400011" The size of the downloaded Excel file exceed 100 MB limit. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the amount of data you can download.
- "REP-400015" Bad request in enigma request. The patch value has invalid JSON format.
- "REP-401000" Unauthorized. The client must authenticate itself to get the requested response.
- "REP-401001" Unauthorized, bad JWT.
- "REP-403000" Forbidden. The client does not have access rights to the content.
- "REP-403001" App forbidden, the user does not have read permission on the app.
- "REP-403002" Chart type not supported.
- "REP-404000" Not found. The server can not find the requested resource.
- "REP-404001" App not found, the app does not exist or it has been deleted.
- "REP-404002" Chart not found, the chart does not exist or it has been deleted.
- "REP-404003" Sheet not found, the sheet does not exist or it has been deleted or it is unavailable.
- "REP-404004" Story not found, the story does not exist or it has been deleted or it is unavailable.
- "REP-429000" Too many request. The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time ("rate limiting").
- "REP-429012" Exceeded max session tenant quota. A tenant has opened too many different sessions at the same time.
- "REP-429014" The export could not be completed within the requested deadline.
- "REP-429016" Exceeded max session tenant quota per day.
- "REP-500000" Fail to resolve resource.
- "REP-500006" Fail to get report session parameters.
- "REP-503005" Engine unavailable, qix-sessions error no engines available.
- "REP-503013" Session unavailable. The engine session used to create the report is unavailable.
- "REP-500100" Image rendering generic error on Sense client.
- "REP-500101" Image rendering could not set cookies error on Sense client.
- "REP-400102" Image rendering invalid strategy error on Sense client.
- "REP-500103" Image rendering JS timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500104" Image rendering load URL timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500105" Image rendering max paint attempts exceeded error on Sense client.
- "REP-500106" Image rendering max JS attempts exceeded error on Sense client.
- "REP-500107" Image rendering render timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500108" Image rendering JS failure due to timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500109" Image rendering generic JS failure error on Sense client.
- "REP-400029" Reload Entitlement Limit Reached.
- "REP-409046" Report aborted due to app reload.
- "REP-500047" Error setting GroupState.
- "REP-403048" Forbidden. User does not have permission to export the report (access control usePermission)
- "REP-422051" There is no report to produce due to empty dataset or missing fields (the measure/dimension was removed or omitted in Section Access)
- "REP-500014" The app did not open within 10 minutes.
- "REP-400017" Static App size exceeded.
- "REP-400018" Excel string length exceeded.
- "REP-403019" Export is not available for app with enabled directQuery feature.
- "REP-409001" App conflict.
- "REP-503001" Rest Engine Error.
- "REP-400020" Invalid Issuer.
- "REP-400028" Invalid Tags.
- "REP-409021" Reload timestamp constraint not met.
- "REP-429022" Enigma generic abort.
- "REP-500023" Validate Report Request Tags failure.
- "REP-400024" Cannot extract claims from JWT.
- "REP-403025" No entitlement to perform the operation.
- "REP-403026" No entitlement to perform the operation. Export capability is off.
- "REP-403027" Object without Hypercube or unsupported object type.
- "REP-422030" Apply variables error.
- "REP-500200" Report Generator error.
- "REP-400035" Multiple selections detected in a field having OneAndOnlyone attribute.
- "REP-400036" No selection detected in a field having OneAndOnlyone attribute.
- "REP-400037" Max number of images exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400038" Max number of nested levels exceeded in report.
- "REP-400039" Max number of objects exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400040" Max number of templates exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400041" Unsupported dimension type for level tag.
- "REP-500240" Engine Global generic closure error.
- "REP-500260" Engine Websocket generic closure error.
- "REP-500280" Engine proxy generic closure error.
- "REP-400240" Engine Client Global generic closure error
- "REP-400260" Engine Client generic closure error.
- "REP-400280" Engine Client proxy generic closure error.
- "REP-500045" Failure setting Bookmark timestamp.
- "REP-400050" Error retrieving outputs.
- "REP-400052" Report Request Aborted from internal error.
- "REP-500053" Unexpected number of generated cycle reports.
- "REP-400054" The number of generated cycle reports exceeds the maximum allowed.
- "REP-400055" Export options not allowed for this object.
- metaobject
Define the export error metadata. Each property is filled if it is related to the export error type.
meta properties
- appErrorsarray of objects
Errors occurring when dealing with the app.
appErrors properties
- appIdstring
app id
- methodstring
The method that is failing.
- parametersobject
Parameters of method that fails.
- selectionErrorsarray of objects
Errors occurring in selections.
selectionErrors properties
- detailstring
Details about the field selection error.
- errorTypestring
Can be one of: "fieldMissing""fieldValuesMissing""stateMissing""groupStateGroupMissing""groupStateGroupNotApplicable""groupStateFieldDefMissing"
- fieldNamestring
The field name that is missing.
- stateNamestring
The state name that is missing.
- missingValuesarray of objects
In order to apply a selection just one of text/number needs to be set, this must be associated with the correct isNumeric bool. In some scenarios both text and number may be set.
missingValues properties
- textstring
String value of the field value.
- numbernumber
- isNumericboolean
IsNumeric tells whether the field value is text or number. Default value is equal to defaultIsNumeric property in QSelection.
- isFieldNameMissingbooleanDeprecated
Deprecated, use errorType instead. True if the fieldName is missing. The missingValues array is empty in this case
- titlestringRequired
A summary in english explaining what went wrong.
- detailstring
Optional. MAY be used to provide more concrete details.
- resultsarray of objectsDeprecated
Present when the status is "done". Deprecated. Use /reports/{id}/outputs instead.
results properties
- locationstringRequired
Location to download the generated report.
- outputIdstringRequired
The output identifier which uniquely identifies an output (PDF, image etc.) within the same request.
- exportErrorsarray of objects
Errors occured during report generation.
exportErrors properties
- codestringRequired
The unique code for the error
- "REP-400000" Bad request. The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax.
- "REP-400008" Selections error.
- "REP-400009" Maximum 16384 columns limit exceeded. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the number of columns you can download.
- "REP-400010" Maximum 1048566 rows limit exceeded. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the number of rows you can download.
- "REP-400011" The size of the downloaded Excel file exceed 100 MB limit. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the amount of data you can download.
- "REP-400015" Bad request in enigma request. The patch value has invalid JSON format.
- "REP-401000" Unauthorized. The client must authenticate itself to get the requested response.
- "REP-401001" Unauthorized, bad JWT.
- "REP-403000" Forbidden. The client does not have access rights to the content.
- "REP-403001" App forbidden, the user does not have read permission on the app.
- "REP-403002" Chart type not supported.
- "REP-404000" Not found. The server can not find the requested resource.
- "REP-404001" App not found, the app does not exist or it has been deleted.
- "REP-404002" Chart not found, the chart does not exist or it has been deleted.
- "REP-404003" Sheet not found, the sheet does not exist or it has been deleted or it is unavailable.
- "REP-404004" Story not found, the story does not exist or it has been deleted or it is unavailable.
- "REP-429000" Too many request. The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time ("rate limiting").
- "REP-429012" Exceeded max session tenant quota. A tenant has opened too many different sessions at the same time.
- "REP-429014" The export could not be completed within the requested deadline.
- "REP-429016" Exceeded max session tenant quota per day.
- "REP-500000" Fail to resolve resource.
- "REP-500006" Fail to get report session parameters.
- "REP-503005" Engine unavailable, qix-sessions error no engines available.
- "REP-503013" Session unavailable. The engine session used to create the report is unavailable.
- "REP-500100" Image rendering generic error on Sense client.
- "REP-500101" Image rendering could not set cookies error on Sense client.
- "REP-400102" Image rendering invalid strategy error on Sense client.
- "REP-500103" Image rendering JS timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500104" Image rendering load URL timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500105" Image rendering max paint attempts exceeded error on Sense client.
- "REP-500106" Image rendering max JS attempts exceeded error on Sense client.
- "REP-500107" Image rendering render timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500108" Image rendering JS failure due to timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500109" Image rendering generic JS failure error on Sense client.
- "REP-400029" Reload Entitlement Limit Reached.
- "REP-409046" Report aborted due to app reload.
- "REP-500047" Error setting GroupState.
- "REP-403048" Forbidden. User does not have permission to export the report (access control usePermission)
- "REP-422051" There is no report to produce due to empty dataset or missing fields (the measure/dimension was removed or omitted in Section Access)
- "REP-500014" The app did not open within 10 minutes.
- "REP-400017" Static App size exceeded.
- "REP-400018" Excel string length exceeded.
- "REP-403019" Export is not available for app with enabled directQuery feature.
- "REP-409001" App conflict.
- "REP-503001" Rest Engine Error.
- "REP-400020" Invalid Issuer.
- "REP-400028" Invalid Tags.
- "REP-409021" Reload timestamp constraint not met.
- "REP-429022" Enigma generic abort.
- "REP-500023" Validate Report Request Tags failure.
- "REP-400024" Cannot extract claims from JWT.
- "REP-403025" No entitlement to perform the operation.
- "REP-403026" No entitlement to perform the operation. Export capability is off.
- "REP-403027" Object without Hypercube or unsupported object type.
- "REP-422030" Apply variables error.
- "REP-500200" Report Generator error.
- "REP-400035" Multiple selections detected in a field having OneAndOnlyone attribute.
- "REP-400036" No selection detected in a field having OneAndOnlyone attribute.
- "REP-400037" Max number of images exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400038" Max number of nested levels exceeded in report.
- "REP-400039" Max number of objects exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400040" Max number of templates exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400041" Unsupported dimension type for level tag.
- "REP-500240" Engine Global generic closure error.
- "REP-500260" Engine Websocket generic closure error.
- "REP-500280" Engine proxy generic closure error.
- "REP-400240" Engine Client Global generic closure error
- "REP-400260" Engine Client generic closure error.
- "REP-400280" Engine Client proxy generic closure error.
- "REP-500045" Failure setting Bookmark timestamp.
- "REP-400050" Error retrieving outputs.
- "REP-400052" Report Request Aborted from internal error.
- "REP-500053" Unexpected number of generated cycle reports.
- "REP-400054" The number of generated cycle reports exceeds the maximum allowed.
- "REP-400055" Export options not allowed for this object.
- metaobject
Define the export error metadata. Each property is filled if it is related to the export error type.
meta properties
- appErrorsarray of objects
Errors occurring when dealing with the app.
appErrors properties
- appIdstring
app id
- methodstring
The method that is failing.
- parametersobject
Parameters of method that fails.
- selectionErrorsarray of objects
Errors occurring in selections.
selectionErrors properties
- detailstring
Details about the field selection error.
- errorTypestring
Can be one of: "fieldMissing""fieldValuesMissing""stateMissing""groupStateGroupMissing""groupStateGroupNotApplicable""groupStateFieldDefMissing"
- fieldNamestring
The field name that is missing.
- stateNamestring
The state name that is missing.
- missingValuesarray of objects
In order to apply a selection just one of text/number needs to be set, this must be associated with the correct isNumeric bool. In some scenarios both text and number may be set.
missingValues properties
- textstring
String value of the field value.
- numbernumber
- isNumericboolean
IsNumeric tells whether the field value is text or number. Default value is equal to defaultIsNumeric property in QSelection.
- isFieldNameMissingbooleanDeprecated
Deprecated, use errorType instead. True if the fieldName is missing. The missingValues array is empty in this case
- titlestringRequired
A summary in english explaining what went wrong.
- detailstring
Optional. MAY be used to provide more concrete details.
- requestErrorsarray of objects
Errors occured during report generation.
requestErrors properties
- codestringRequired
The unique code for the error
- "REP-400000" Bad request. The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax.
- "REP-400008" Selections error.
- "REP-400009" Maximum 16384 columns limit exceeded. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the number of columns you can download.
- "REP-400010" Maximum 1048566 rows limit exceeded. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the number of rows you can download.
- "REP-400011" The size of the downloaded Excel file exceed 100 MB limit. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the amount of data you can download.
- "REP-400015" Bad request in enigma request. The patch value has invalid JSON format.
- "REP-401000" Unauthorized. The client must authenticate itself to get the requested response.
- "REP-401001" Unauthorized, bad JWT.
- "REP-403000" Forbidden. The client does not have access rights to the content.
- "REP-403001" App forbidden, the user does not have read permission on the app.
- "REP-403002" Chart type not supported.
- "REP-404000" Not found. The server can not find the requested resource.
- "REP-404001" App not found, the app does not exist or it has been deleted.
- "REP-404002" Chart not found, the chart does not exist or it has been deleted.
- "REP-404003" Sheet not found, the sheet does not exist or it has been deleted or it is unavailable.
- "REP-404004" Story not found, the story does not exist or it has been deleted or it is unavailable.
- "REP-429000" Too many request. The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time ("rate limiting").
- "REP-429012" Exceeded max session tenant quota. A tenant has opened too many different sessions at the same time.
- "REP-429014" The export could not be completed within the requested deadline.
- "REP-429016" Exceeded max session tenant quota per day.
- "REP-500000" Fail to resolve resource.
- "REP-500006" Fail to get report session parameters.
- "REP-503005" Engine unavailable, qix-sessions error no engines available.
- "REP-503013" Session unavailable. The engine session used to create the report is unavailable.
- "REP-500100" Image rendering generic error on Sense client.
- "REP-500101" Image rendering could not set cookies error on Sense client.
- "REP-400102" Image rendering invalid strategy error on Sense client.
- "REP-500103" Image rendering JS timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500104" Image rendering load URL timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500105" Image rendering max paint attempts exceeded error on Sense client.
- "REP-500106" Image rendering max JS attempts exceeded error on Sense client.
- "REP-500107" Image rendering render timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500108" Image rendering JS failure due to timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500109" Image rendering generic JS failure error on Sense client.
- "REP-400029" Reload Entitlement Limit Reached.
- "REP-409046" Report aborted due to app reload.
- "REP-500047" Error setting GroupState.
- "REP-403048" Forbidden. User does not have permission to export the report (access control usePermission)
- "REP-422051" There is no report to produce due to empty dataset or missing fields (the measure/dimension was removed or omitted in Section Access)
- "REP-500014" The app did not open within 10 minutes.
- "REP-400017" Static App size exceeded.
- "REP-400018" Excel string length exceeded.
- "REP-403019" Export is not available for app with enabled directQuery feature.
- "REP-409001" App conflict.
- "REP-503001" Rest Engine Error.
- "REP-400020" Invalid Issuer.
- "REP-400028" Invalid Tags.
- "REP-409021" Reload timestamp constraint not met.
- "REP-429022" Enigma generic abort.
- "REP-500023" Validate Report Request Tags failure.
- "REP-400024" Cannot extract claims from JWT.
- "REP-403025" No entitlement to perform the operation.
- "REP-403026" No entitlement to perform the operation. Export capability is off.
- "REP-403027" Object without Hypercube or unsupported object type.
- "REP-422030" Apply variables error.
- "REP-500200" Report Generator error.
- "REP-400035" Multiple selections detected in a field having OneAndOnlyone attribute.
- "REP-400036" No selection detected in a field having OneAndOnlyone attribute.
- "REP-400037" Max number of images exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400038" Max number of nested levels exceeded in report.
- "REP-400039" Max number of objects exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400040" Max number of templates exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400041" Unsupported dimension type for level tag.
- "REP-500240" Engine Global generic closure error.
- "REP-500260" Engine Websocket generic closure error.
- "REP-500280" Engine proxy generic closure error.
- "REP-400240" Engine Client Global generic closure error
- "REP-400260" Engine Client generic closure error.
- "REP-400280" Engine Client proxy generic closure error.
- "REP-500045" Failure setting Bookmark timestamp.
- "REP-400050" Error retrieving outputs.
- "REP-400052" Report Request Aborted from internal error.
- "REP-500053" Unexpected number of generated cycle reports.
- "REP-400054" The number of generated cycle reports exceeds the maximum allowed.
- "REP-400055" Export options not allowed for this object.
- metaobject
Define the export error metadata. Each property is filled if it is related to the export error type.
meta properties
- appErrorsarray of objects
Errors occurring when dealing with the app.
appErrors properties
- appIdstring
app id
- methodstring
The method that is failing.
- parametersobject
Parameters of method that fails.
- selectionErrorsarray of objects
Errors occurring in selections.
selectionErrors properties
- detailstring
Details about the field selection error.
- errorTypestring
Can be one of: "fieldMissing""fieldValuesMissing""stateMissing""groupStateGroupMissing""groupStateGroupNotApplicable""groupStateFieldDefMissing"
- fieldNamestring
The field name that is missing.
- stateNamestring
The state name that is missing.
- missingValuesarray of objects
In order to apply a selection just one of text/number needs to be set, this must be associated with the correct isNumeric bool. In some scenarios both text and number may be set.
missingValues properties
- textstring
String value of the field value.
- numbernumber
- isNumericboolean
IsNumeric tells whether the field value is text or number. Default value is equal to defaultIsNumeric property in QSelection.
- isFieldNameMissingbooleanDeprecated
Deprecated, use errorType instead. True if the fieldName is missing. The missingValues array is empty in this case
- titlestringRequired
A summary in english explaining what went wrong.
- detailstring
Optional. MAY be used to provide more concrete details.
- statusLocationstring
Relative path to status location.
- resolutionAttemptsinteger
Count how many times the resolution of this report was attempted.
Bad request. Malformed syntax, errors in params.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
Errors occured during report generation.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
The unique code for the error
- "REP-400000" Bad request. The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax.
- "REP-400008" Selections error.
- "REP-400009" Maximum 16384 columns limit exceeded. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the number of columns you can download.
- "REP-400010" Maximum 1048566 rows limit exceeded. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the number of rows you can download.
- "REP-400011" The size of the downloaded Excel file exceed 100 MB limit. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the amount of data you can download.
- "REP-400015" Bad request in enigma request. The patch value has invalid JSON format.
- "REP-401000" Unauthorized. The client must authenticate itself to get the requested response.
- "REP-401001" Unauthorized, bad JWT.
- "REP-403000" Forbidden. The client does not have access rights to the content.
- "REP-403001" App forbidden, the user does not have read permission on the app.
- "REP-403002" Chart type not supported.
- "REP-404000" Not found. The server can not find the requested resource.
- "REP-404001" App not found, the app does not exist or it has been deleted.
- "REP-404002" Chart not found, the chart does not exist or it has been deleted.
- "REP-404003" Sheet not found, the sheet does not exist or it has been deleted or it is unavailable.
- "REP-404004" Story not found, the story does not exist or it has been deleted or it is unavailable.
- "REP-429000" Too many request. The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time ("rate limiting").
- "REP-429012" Exceeded max session tenant quota. A tenant has opened too many different sessions at the same time.
- "REP-429014" The export could not be completed within the requested deadline.
- "REP-429016" Exceeded max session tenant quota per day.
- "REP-500000" Fail to resolve resource.
- "REP-500006" Fail to get report session parameters.
- "REP-503005" Engine unavailable, qix-sessions error no engines available.
- "REP-503013" Session unavailable. The engine session used to create the report is unavailable.
- "REP-500100" Image rendering generic error on Sense client.
- "REP-500101" Image rendering could not set cookies error on Sense client.
- "REP-400102" Image rendering invalid strategy error on Sense client.
- "REP-500103" Image rendering JS timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500104" Image rendering load URL timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500105" Image rendering max paint attempts exceeded error on Sense client.
- "REP-500106" Image rendering max JS attempts exceeded error on Sense client.
- "REP-500107" Image rendering render timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500108" Image rendering JS failure due to timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500109" Image rendering generic JS failure error on Sense client.
- "REP-400029" Reload Entitlement Limit Reached.
- "REP-409046" Report aborted due to app reload.
- "REP-500047" Error setting GroupState.
- "REP-403048" Forbidden. User does not have permission to export the report (access control usePermission)
- "REP-422051" There is no report to produce due to empty dataset or missing fields (the measure/dimension was removed or omitted in Section Access)
- "REP-500014" The app did not open within 10 minutes.
- "REP-400017" Static App size exceeded.
- "REP-400018" Excel string length exceeded.
- "REP-403019" Export is not available for app with enabled directQuery feature.
- "REP-409001" App conflict.
- "REP-503001" Rest Engine Error.
- "REP-400020" Invalid Issuer.
- "REP-400028" Invalid Tags.
- "REP-409021" Reload timestamp constraint not met.
- "REP-429022" Enigma generic abort.
- "REP-500023" Validate Report Request Tags failure.
- "REP-400024" Cannot extract claims from JWT.
- "REP-403025" No entitlement to perform the operation.
- "REP-403026" No entitlement to perform the operation. Export capability is off.
- "REP-403027" Object without Hypercube or unsupported object type.
- "REP-422030" Apply variables error.
- "REP-500200" Report Generator error.
- "REP-400035" Multiple selections detected in a field having OneAndOnlyone attribute.
- "REP-400036" No selection detected in a field having OneAndOnlyone attribute.
- "REP-400037" Max number of images exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400038" Max number of nested levels exceeded in report.
- "REP-400039" Max number of objects exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400040" Max number of templates exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400041" Unsupported dimension type for level tag.
- "REP-500240" Engine Global generic closure error.
- "REP-500260" Engine Websocket generic closure error.
- "REP-500280" Engine proxy generic closure error.
- "REP-400240" Engine Client Global generic closure error
- "REP-400260" Engine Client generic closure error.
- "REP-400280" Engine Client proxy generic closure error.
- "REP-500045" Failure setting Bookmark timestamp.
- "REP-400050" Error retrieving outputs.
- "REP-400052" Report Request Aborted from internal error.
- "REP-500053" Unexpected number of generated cycle reports.
- "REP-400054" The number of generated cycle reports exceeds the maximum allowed.
- "REP-400055" Export options not allowed for this object.
- metaobject
Define the export error metadata. Each property is filled if it is related to the export error type.
meta properties
- appErrorsarray of objects
Errors occurring when dealing with the app.
appErrors properties
- appIdstring
app id
- methodstring
The method that is failing.
- parametersobject
Parameters of method that fails.
- selectionErrorsarray of objects
Errors occurring in selections.
selectionErrors properties
- detailstring
Details about the field selection error.
- errorTypestring
Can be one of: "fieldMissing""fieldValuesMissing""stateMissing""groupStateGroupMissing""groupStateGroupNotApplicable""groupStateFieldDefMissing"
- fieldNamestring
The field name that is missing.
- stateNamestring
The state name that is missing.
- missingValuesarray of objects
In order to apply a selection just one of text/number needs to be set, this must be associated with the correct isNumeric bool. In some scenarios both text and number may be set.
missingValues properties
- textstring
String value of the field value.
- numbernumber
- isNumericboolean
IsNumeric tells whether the field value is text or number. Default value is equal to defaultIsNumeric property in QSelection.
- isFieldNameMissingbooleanDeprecated
Deprecated, use errorType instead. True if the fieldName is missing. The missingValues array is empty in this case
- titlestringRequired
A summary in english explaining what went wrong.
- detailstring
Optional. MAY be used to provide more concrete details.
Unauthorized, JWT invalid or not provided.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
Errors occured during report generation.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
The unique code for the error
- "REP-400000" Bad request. The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax.
- "REP-400008" Selections error.
- "REP-400009" Maximum 16384 columns limit exceeded. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the number of columns you can download.
- "REP-400010" Maximum 1048566 rows limit exceeded. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the number of rows you can download.
- "REP-400011" The size of the downloaded Excel file exceed 100 MB limit. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the amount of data you can download.
- "REP-400015" Bad request in enigma request. The patch value has invalid JSON format.
- "REP-401000" Unauthorized. The client must authenticate itself to get the requested response.
- "REP-401001" Unauthorized, bad JWT.
- "REP-403000" Forbidden. The client does not have access rights to the content.
- "REP-403001" App forbidden, the user does not have read permission on the app.
- "REP-403002" Chart type not supported.
- "REP-404000" Not found. The server can not find the requested resource.
- "REP-404001" App not found, the app does not exist or it has been deleted.
- "REP-404002" Chart not found, the chart does not exist or it has been deleted.
- "REP-404003" Sheet not found, the sheet does not exist or it has been deleted or it is unavailable.
- "REP-404004" Story not found, the story does not exist or it has been deleted or it is unavailable.
- "REP-429000" Too many request. The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time ("rate limiting").
- "REP-429012" Exceeded max session tenant quota. A tenant has opened too many different sessions at the same time.
- "REP-429014" The export could not be completed within the requested deadline.
- "REP-429016" Exceeded max session tenant quota per day.
- "REP-500000" Fail to resolve resource.
- "REP-500006" Fail to get report session parameters.
- "REP-503005" Engine unavailable, qix-sessions error no engines available.
- "REP-503013" Session unavailable. The engine session used to create the report is unavailable.
- "REP-500100" Image rendering generic error on Sense client.
- "REP-500101" Image rendering could not set cookies error on Sense client.
- "REP-400102" Image rendering invalid strategy error on Sense client.
- "REP-500103" Image rendering JS timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500104" Image rendering load URL timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500105" Image rendering max paint attempts exceeded error on Sense client.
- "REP-500106" Image rendering max JS attempts exceeded error on Sense client.
- "REP-500107" Image rendering render timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500108" Image rendering JS failure due to timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500109" Image rendering generic JS failure error on Sense client.
- "REP-400029" Reload Entitlement Limit Reached.
- "REP-409046" Report aborted due to app reload.
- "REP-500047" Error setting GroupState.
- "REP-403048" Forbidden. User does not have permission to export the report (access control usePermission)
- "REP-422051" There is no report to produce due to empty dataset or missing fields (the measure/dimension was removed or omitted in Section Access)
- "REP-500014" The app did not open within 10 minutes.
- "REP-400017" Static App size exceeded.
- "REP-400018" Excel string length exceeded.
- "REP-403019" Export is not available for app with enabled directQuery feature.
- "REP-409001" App conflict.
- "REP-503001" Rest Engine Error.
- "REP-400020" Invalid Issuer.
- "REP-400028" Invalid Tags.
- "REP-409021" Reload timestamp constraint not met.
- "REP-429022" Enigma generic abort.
- "REP-500023" Validate Report Request Tags failure.
- "REP-400024" Cannot extract claims from JWT.
- "REP-403025" No entitlement to perform the operation.
- "REP-403026" No entitlement to perform the operation. Export capability is off.
- "REP-403027" Object without Hypercube or unsupported object type.
- "REP-422030" Apply variables error.
- "REP-500200" Report Generator error.
- "REP-400035" Multiple selections detected in a field having OneAndOnlyone attribute.
- "REP-400036" No selection detected in a field having OneAndOnlyone attribute.
- "REP-400037" Max number of images exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400038" Max number of nested levels exceeded in report.
- "REP-400039" Max number of objects exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400040" Max number of templates exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400041" Unsupported dimension type for level tag.
- "REP-500240" Engine Global generic closure error.
- "REP-500260" Engine Websocket generic closure error.
- "REP-500280" Engine proxy generic closure error.
- "REP-400240" Engine Client Global generic closure error
- "REP-400260" Engine Client generic closure error.
- "REP-400280" Engine Client proxy generic closure error.
- "REP-500045" Failure setting Bookmark timestamp.
- "REP-400050" Error retrieving outputs.
- "REP-400052" Report Request Aborted from internal error.
- "REP-500053" Unexpected number of generated cycle reports.
- "REP-400054" The number of generated cycle reports exceeds the maximum allowed.
- "REP-400055" Export options not allowed for this object.
- metaobject
Define the export error metadata. Each property is filled if it is related to the export error type.
meta properties
- appErrorsarray of objects
Errors occurring when dealing with the app.
appErrors properties
- appIdstring
app id
- methodstring
The method that is failing.
- parametersobject
Parameters of method that fails.
- selectionErrorsarray of objects
Errors occurring in selections.
selectionErrors properties
- detailstring
Details about the field selection error.
- errorTypestring
Can be one of: "fieldMissing""fieldValuesMissing""stateMissing""groupStateGroupMissing""groupStateGroupNotApplicable""groupStateFieldDefMissing"
- fieldNamestring
The field name that is missing.
- stateNamestring
The state name that is missing.
- missingValuesarray of objects
In order to apply a selection just one of text/number needs to be set, this must be associated with the correct isNumeric bool. In some scenarios both text and number may be set.
missingValues properties
- textstring
String value of the field value.
- numbernumber
- isNumericboolean
IsNumeric tells whether the field value is text or number. Default value is equal to defaultIsNumeric property in QSelection.
- isFieldNameMissingbooleanDeprecated
Deprecated, use errorType instead. True if the fieldName is missing. The missingValues array is empty in this case
- titlestringRequired
A summary in english explaining what went wrong.
- detailstring
Optional. MAY be used to provide more concrete details.
Forbidden, user did not authenticate.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
Errors occured during report generation.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
The unique code for the error
- "REP-400000" Bad request. The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax.
- "REP-400008" Selections error.
- "REP-400009" Maximum 16384 columns limit exceeded. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the number of columns you can download.
- "REP-400010" Maximum 1048566 rows limit exceeded. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the number of rows you can download.
- "REP-400011" The size of the downloaded Excel file exceed 100 MB limit. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the amount of data you can download.
- "REP-400015" Bad request in enigma request. The patch value has invalid JSON format.
- "REP-401000" Unauthorized. The client must authenticate itself to get the requested response.
- "REP-401001" Unauthorized, bad JWT.
- "REP-403000" Forbidden. The client does not have access rights to the content.
- "REP-403001" App forbidden, the user does not have read permission on the app.
- "REP-403002" Chart type not supported.
- "REP-404000" Not found. The server can not find the requested resource.
- "REP-404001" App not found, the app does not exist or it has been deleted.
- "REP-404002" Chart not found, the chart does not exist or it has been deleted.
- "REP-404003" Sheet not found, the sheet does not exist or it has been deleted or it is unavailable.
- "REP-404004" Story not found, the story does not exist or it has been deleted or it is unavailable.
- "REP-429000" Too many request. The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time ("rate limiting").
- "REP-429012" Exceeded max session tenant quota. A tenant has opened too many different sessions at the same time.
- "REP-429014" The export could not be completed within the requested deadline.
- "REP-429016" Exceeded max session tenant quota per day.
- "REP-500000" Fail to resolve resource.
- "REP-500006" Fail to get report session parameters.
- "REP-503005" Engine unavailable, qix-sessions error no engines available.
- "REP-503013" Session unavailable. The engine session used to create the report is unavailable.
- "REP-500100" Image rendering generic error on Sense client.
- "REP-500101" Image rendering could not set cookies error on Sense client.
- "REP-400102" Image rendering invalid strategy error on Sense client.
- "REP-500103" Image rendering JS timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500104" Image rendering load URL timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500105" Image rendering max paint attempts exceeded error on Sense client.
- "REP-500106" Image rendering max JS attempts exceeded error on Sense client.
- "REP-500107" Image rendering render timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500108" Image rendering JS failure due to timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500109" Image rendering generic JS failure error on Sense client.
- "REP-400029" Reload Entitlement Limit Reached.
- "REP-409046" Report aborted due to app reload.
- "REP-500047" Error setting GroupState.
- "REP-403048" Forbidden. User does not have permission to export the report (access control usePermission)
- "REP-422051" There is no report to produce due to empty dataset or missing fields (the measure/dimension was removed or omitted in Section Access)
- "REP-500014" The app did not open within 10 minutes.
- "REP-400017" Static App size exceeded.
- "REP-400018" Excel string length exceeded.
- "REP-403019" Export is not available for app with enabled directQuery feature.
- "REP-409001" App conflict.
- "REP-503001" Rest Engine Error.
- "REP-400020" Invalid Issuer.
- "REP-400028" Invalid Tags.
- "REP-409021" Reload timestamp constraint not met.
- "REP-429022" Enigma generic abort.
- "REP-500023" Validate Report Request Tags failure.
- "REP-400024" Cannot extract claims from JWT.
- "REP-403025" No entitlement to perform the operation.
- "REP-403026" No entitlement to perform the operation. Export capability is off.
- "REP-403027" Object without Hypercube or unsupported object type.
- "REP-422030" Apply variables error.
- "REP-500200" Report Generator error.
- "REP-400035" Multiple selections detected in a field having OneAndOnlyone attribute.
- "REP-400036" No selection detected in a field having OneAndOnlyone attribute.
- "REP-400037" Max number of images exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400038" Max number of nested levels exceeded in report.
- "REP-400039" Max number of objects exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400040" Max number of templates exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400041" Unsupported dimension type for level tag.
- "REP-500240" Engine Global generic closure error.
- "REP-500260" Engine Websocket generic closure error.
- "REP-500280" Engine proxy generic closure error.
- "REP-400240" Engine Client Global generic closure error
- "REP-400260" Engine Client generic closure error.
- "REP-400280" Engine Client proxy generic closure error.
- "REP-500045" Failure setting Bookmark timestamp.
- "REP-400050" Error retrieving outputs.
- "REP-400052" Report Request Aborted from internal error.
- "REP-500053" Unexpected number of generated cycle reports.
- "REP-400054" The number of generated cycle reports exceeds the maximum allowed.
- "REP-400055" Export options not allowed for this object.
- metaobject
Define the export error metadata. Each property is filled if it is related to the export error type.
meta properties
- appErrorsarray of objects
Errors occurring when dealing with the app.
appErrors properties
- appIdstring
app id
- methodstring
The method that is failing.
- parametersobject
Parameters of method that fails.
- selectionErrorsarray of objects
Errors occurring in selections.
selectionErrors properties
- detailstring
Details about the field selection error.
- errorTypestring
Can be one of: "fieldMissing""fieldValuesMissing""stateMissing""groupStateGroupMissing""groupStateGroupNotApplicable""groupStateFieldDefMissing"
- fieldNamestring
The field name that is missing.
- stateNamestring
The state name that is missing.
- missingValuesarray of objects
In order to apply a selection just one of text/number needs to be set, this must be associated with the correct isNumeric bool. In some scenarios both text and number may be set.
missingValues properties
- textstring
String value of the field value.
- numbernumber
- isNumericboolean
IsNumeric tells whether the field value is text or number. Default value is equal to defaultIsNumeric property in QSelection.
- isFieldNameMissingbooleanDeprecated
Deprecated, use errorType instead. True if the fieldName is missing. The missingValues array is empty in this case
- titlestringRequired
A summary in english explaining what went wrong.
- detailstring
Optional. MAY be used to provide more concrete details.
Not found.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
Errors occured during report generation.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
The unique code for the error
- "REP-400000" Bad request. The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax.
- "REP-400008" Selections error.
- "REP-400009" Maximum 16384 columns limit exceeded. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the number of columns you can download.
- "REP-400010" Maximum 1048566 rows limit exceeded. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the number of rows you can download.
- "REP-400011" The size of the downloaded Excel file exceed 100 MB limit. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the amount of data you can download.
- "REP-400015" Bad request in enigma request. The patch value has invalid JSON format.
- "REP-401000" Unauthorized. The client must authenticate itself to get the requested response.
- "REP-401001" Unauthorized, bad JWT.
- "REP-403000" Forbidden. The client does not have access rights to the content.
- "REP-403001" App forbidden, the user does not have read permission on the app.
- "REP-403002" Chart type not supported.
- "REP-404000" Not found. The server can not find the requested resource.
- "REP-404001" App not found, the app does not exist or it has been deleted.
- "REP-404002" Chart not found, the chart does not exist or it has been deleted.
- "REP-404003" Sheet not found, the sheet does not exist or it has been deleted or it is unavailable.
- "REP-404004" Story not found, the story does not exist or it has been deleted or it is unavailable.
- "REP-429000" Too many request. The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time ("rate limiting").
- "REP-429012" Exceeded max session tenant quota. A tenant has opened too many different sessions at the same time.
- "REP-429014" The export could not be completed within the requested deadline.
- "REP-429016" Exceeded max session tenant quota per day.
- "REP-500000" Fail to resolve resource.
- "REP-500006" Fail to get report session parameters.
- "REP-503005" Engine unavailable, qix-sessions error no engines available.
- "REP-503013" Session unavailable. The engine session used to create the report is unavailable.
- "REP-500100" Image rendering generic error on Sense client.
- "REP-500101" Image rendering could not set cookies error on Sense client.
- "REP-400102" Image rendering invalid strategy error on Sense client.
- "REP-500103" Image rendering JS timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500104" Image rendering load URL timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500105" Image rendering max paint attempts exceeded error on Sense client.
- "REP-500106" Image rendering max JS attempts exceeded error on Sense client.
- "REP-500107" Image rendering render timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500108" Image rendering JS failure due to timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500109" Image rendering generic JS failure error on Sense client.
- "REP-400029" Reload Entitlement Limit Reached.
- "REP-409046" Report aborted due to app reload.
- "REP-500047" Error setting GroupState.
- "REP-403048" Forbidden. User does not have permission to export the report (access control usePermission)
- "REP-422051" There is no report to produce due to empty dataset or missing fields (the measure/dimension was removed or omitted in Section Access)
- "REP-500014" The app did not open within 10 minutes.
- "REP-400017" Static App size exceeded.
- "REP-400018" Excel string length exceeded.
- "REP-403019" Export is not available for app with enabled directQuery feature.
- "REP-409001" App conflict.
- "REP-503001" Rest Engine Error.
- "REP-400020" Invalid Issuer.
- "REP-400028" Invalid Tags.
- "REP-409021" Reload timestamp constraint not met.
- "REP-429022" Enigma generic abort.
- "REP-500023" Validate Report Request Tags failure.
- "REP-400024" Cannot extract claims from JWT.
- "REP-403025" No entitlement to perform the operation.
- "REP-403026" No entitlement to perform the operation. Export capability is off.
- "REP-403027" Object without Hypercube or unsupported object type.
- "REP-422030" Apply variables error.
- "REP-500200" Report Generator error.
- "REP-400035" Multiple selections detected in a field having OneAndOnlyone attribute.
- "REP-400036" No selection detected in a field having OneAndOnlyone attribute.
- "REP-400037" Max number of images exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400038" Max number of nested levels exceeded in report.
- "REP-400039" Max number of objects exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400040" Max number of templates exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400041" Unsupported dimension type for level tag.
- "REP-500240" Engine Global generic closure error.
- "REP-500260" Engine Websocket generic closure error.
- "REP-500280" Engine proxy generic closure error.
- "REP-400240" Engine Client Global generic closure error
- "REP-400260" Engine Client generic closure error.
- "REP-400280" Engine Client proxy generic closure error.
- "REP-500045" Failure setting Bookmark timestamp.
- "REP-400050" Error retrieving outputs.
- "REP-400052" Report Request Aborted from internal error.
- "REP-500053" Unexpected number of generated cycle reports.
- "REP-400054" The number of generated cycle reports exceeds the maximum allowed.
- "REP-400055" Export options not allowed for this object.
- metaobject
Define the export error metadata. Each property is filled if it is related to the export error type.
meta properties
- appErrorsarray of objects
Errors occurring when dealing with the app.
appErrors properties
- appIdstring
app id
- methodstring
The method that is failing.
- parametersobject
Parameters of method that fails.
- selectionErrorsarray of objects
Errors occurring in selections.
selectionErrors properties
- detailstring
Details about the field selection error.
- errorTypestring
Can be one of: "fieldMissing""fieldValuesMissing""stateMissing""groupStateGroupMissing""groupStateGroupNotApplicable""groupStateFieldDefMissing"
- fieldNamestring
The field name that is missing.
- stateNamestring
The state name that is missing.
- missingValuesarray of objects
In order to apply a selection just one of text/number needs to be set, this must be associated with the correct isNumeric bool. In some scenarios both text and number may be set.
missingValues properties
- textstring
String value of the field value.
- numbernumber
- isNumericboolean
IsNumeric tells whether the field value is text or number. Default value is equal to defaultIsNumeric property in QSelection.
- isFieldNameMissingbooleanDeprecated
Deprecated, use errorType instead. True if the fieldName is missing. The missingValues array is empty in this case
- titlestringRequired
A summary in english explaining what went wrong.
- detailstring
Optional. MAY be used to provide more concrete details.
Conflicted request. Report aborted.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
Errors occured during report generation.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
The unique code for the error
- "REP-400000" Bad request. The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax.
- "REP-400008" Selections error.
- "REP-400009" Maximum 16384 columns limit exceeded. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the number of columns you can download.
- "REP-400010" Maximum 1048566 rows limit exceeded. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the number of rows you can download.
- "REP-400011" The size of the downloaded Excel file exceed 100 MB limit. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the amount of data you can download.
- "REP-400015" Bad request in enigma request. The patch value has invalid JSON format.
- "REP-401000" Unauthorized. The client must authenticate itself to get the requested response.
- "REP-401001" Unauthorized, bad JWT.
- "REP-403000" Forbidden. The client does not have access rights to the content.
- "REP-403001" App forbidden, the user does not have read permission on the app.
- "REP-403002" Chart type not supported.
- "REP-404000" Not found. The server can not find the requested resource.
- "REP-404001" App not found, the app does not exist or it has been deleted.
- "REP-404002" Chart not found, the chart does not exist or it has been deleted.
- "REP-404003" Sheet not found, the sheet does not exist or it has been deleted or it is unavailable.
- "REP-404004" Story not found, the story does not exist or it has been deleted or it is unavailable.
- "REP-429000" Too many request. The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time ("rate limiting").
- "REP-429012" Exceeded max session tenant quota. A tenant has opened too many different sessions at the same time.
- "REP-429014" The export could not be completed within the requested deadline.
- "REP-429016" Exceeded max session tenant quota per day.
- "REP-500000" Fail to resolve resource.
- "REP-500006" Fail to get report session parameters.
- "REP-503005" Engine unavailable, qix-sessions error no engines available.
- "REP-503013" Session unavailable. The engine session used to create the report is unavailable.
- "REP-500100" Image rendering generic error on Sense client.
- "REP-500101" Image rendering could not set cookies error on Sense client.
- "REP-400102" Image rendering invalid strategy error on Sense client.
- "REP-500103" Image rendering JS timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500104" Image rendering load URL timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500105" Image rendering max paint attempts exceeded error on Sense client.
- "REP-500106" Image rendering max JS attempts exceeded error on Sense client.
- "REP-500107" Image rendering render timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500108" Image rendering JS failure due to timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500109" Image rendering generic JS failure error on Sense client.
- "REP-400029" Reload Entitlement Limit Reached.
- "REP-409046" Report aborted due to app reload.
- "REP-500047" Error setting GroupState.
- "REP-403048" Forbidden. User does not have permission to export the report (access control usePermission)
- "REP-422051" There is no report to produce due to empty dataset or missing fields (the measure/dimension was removed or omitted in Section Access)
- "REP-500014" The app did not open within 10 minutes.
- "REP-400017" Static App size exceeded.
- "REP-400018" Excel string length exceeded.
- "REP-403019" Export is not available for app with enabled directQuery feature.
- "REP-409001" App conflict.
- "REP-503001" Rest Engine Error.
- "REP-400020" Invalid Issuer.
- "REP-400028" Invalid Tags.
- "REP-409021" Reload timestamp constraint not met.
- "REP-429022" Enigma generic abort.
- "REP-500023" Validate Report Request Tags failure.
- "REP-400024" Cannot extract claims from JWT.
- "REP-403025" No entitlement to perform the operation.
- "REP-403026" No entitlement to perform the operation. Export capability is off.
- "REP-403027" Object without Hypercube or unsupported object type.
- "REP-422030" Apply variables error.
- "REP-500200" Report Generator error.
- "REP-400035" Multiple selections detected in a field having OneAndOnlyone attribute.
- "REP-400036" No selection detected in a field having OneAndOnlyone attribute.
- "REP-400037" Max number of images exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400038" Max number of nested levels exceeded in report.
- "REP-400039" Max number of objects exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400040" Max number of templates exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400041" Unsupported dimension type for level tag.
- "REP-500240" Engine Global generic closure error.
- "REP-500260" Engine Websocket generic closure error.
- "REP-500280" Engine proxy generic closure error.
- "REP-400240" Engine Client Global generic closure error
- "REP-400260" Engine Client generic closure error.
- "REP-400280" Engine Client proxy generic closure error.
- "REP-500045" Failure setting Bookmark timestamp.
- "REP-400050" Error retrieving outputs.
- "REP-400052" Report Request Aborted from internal error.
- "REP-500053" Unexpected number of generated cycle reports.
- "REP-400054" The number of generated cycle reports exceeds the maximum allowed.
- "REP-400055" Export options not allowed for this object.
- metaobject
Define the export error metadata. Each property is filled if it is related to the export error type.
meta properties
- appErrorsarray of objects
Errors occurring when dealing with the app.
appErrors properties
- appIdstring
app id
- methodstring
The method that is failing.
- parametersobject
Parameters of method that fails.
- selectionErrorsarray of objects
Errors occurring in selections.
selectionErrors properties
- detailstring
Details about the field selection error.
- errorTypestring
Can be one of: "fieldMissing""fieldValuesMissing""stateMissing""groupStateGroupMissing""groupStateGroupNotApplicable""groupStateFieldDefMissing"
- fieldNamestring
The field name that is missing.
- stateNamestring
The state name that is missing.
- missingValuesarray of objects
In order to apply a selection just one of text/number needs to be set, this must be associated with the correct isNumeric bool. In some scenarios both text and number may be set.
missingValues properties
- textstring
String value of the field value.
- numbernumber
- isNumericboolean
IsNumeric tells whether the field value is text or number. Default value is equal to defaultIsNumeric property in QSelection.
- isFieldNameMissingbooleanDeprecated
Deprecated, use errorType instead. True if the fieldName is missing. The missingValues array is empty in this case
- titlestringRequired
A summary in english explaining what went wrong.
- detailstring
Optional. MAY be used to provide more concrete details.
Too many request. Indicates the user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time, aka "rate limiting".
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
Errors occured during report generation.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
The unique code for the error
- "REP-400000" Bad request. The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax.
- "REP-400008" Selections error.
- "REP-400009" Maximum 16384 columns limit exceeded. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the number of columns you can download.
- "REP-400010" Maximum 1048566 rows limit exceeded. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the number of rows you can download.
- "REP-400011" The size of the downloaded Excel file exceed 100 MB limit. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the amount of data you can download.
- "REP-400015" Bad request in enigma request. The patch value has invalid JSON format.
- "REP-401000" Unauthorized. The client must authenticate itself to get the requested response.
- "REP-401001" Unauthorized, bad JWT.
- "REP-403000" Forbidden. The client does not have access rights to the content.
- "REP-403001" App forbidden, the user does not have read permission on the app.
- "REP-403002" Chart type not supported.
- "REP-404000" Not found. The server can not find the requested resource.
- "REP-404001" App not found, the app does not exist or it has been deleted.
- "REP-404002" Chart not found, the chart does not exist or it has been deleted.
- "REP-404003" Sheet not found, the sheet does not exist or it has been deleted or it is unavailable.
- "REP-404004" Story not found, the story does not exist or it has been deleted or it is unavailable.
- "REP-429000" Too many request. The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time ("rate limiting").
- "REP-429012" Exceeded max session tenant quota. A tenant has opened too many different sessions at the same time.
- "REP-429014" The export could not be completed within the requested deadline.
- "REP-429016" Exceeded max session tenant quota per day.
- "REP-500000" Fail to resolve resource.
- "REP-500006" Fail to get report session parameters.
- "REP-503005" Engine unavailable, qix-sessions error no engines available.
- "REP-503013" Session unavailable. The engine session used to create the report is unavailable.
- "REP-500100" Image rendering generic error on Sense client.
- "REP-500101" Image rendering could not set cookies error on Sense client.
- "REP-400102" Image rendering invalid strategy error on Sense client.
- "REP-500103" Image rendering JS timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500104" Image rendering load URL timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500105" Image rendering max paint attempts exceeded error on Sense client.
- "REP-500106" Image rendering max JS attempts exceeded error on Sense client.
- "REP-500107" Image rendering render timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500108" Image rendering JS failure due to timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500109" Image rendering generic JS failure error on Sense client.
- "REP-400029" Reload Entitlement Limit Reached.
- "REP-409046" Report aborted due to app reload.
- "REP-500047" Error setting GroupState.
- "REP-403048" Forbidden. User does not have permission to export the report (access control usePermission)
- "REP-422051" There is no report to produce due to empty dataset or missing fields (the measure/dimension was removed or omitted in Section Access)
- "REP-500014" The app did not open within 10 minutes.
- "REP-400017" Static App size exceeded.
- "REP-400018" Excel string length exceeded.
- "REP-403019" Export is not available for app with enabled directQuery feature.
- "REP-409001" App conflict.
- "REP-503001" Rest Engine Error.
- "REP-400020" Invalid Issuer.
- "REP-400028" Invalid Tags.
- "REP-409021" Reload timestamp constraint not met.
- "REP-429022" Enigma generic abort.
- "REP-500023" Validate Report Request Tags failure.
- "REP-400024" Cannot extract claims from JWT.
- "REP-403025" No entitlement to perform the operation.
- "REP-403026" No entitlement to perform the operation. Export capability is off.
- "REP-403027" Object without Hypercube or unsupported object type.
- "REP-422030" Apply variables error.
- "REP-500200" Report Generator error.
- "REP-400035" Multiple selections detected in a field having OneAndOnlyone attribute.
- "REP-400036" No selection detected in a field having OneAndOnlyone attribute.
- "REP-400037" Max number of images exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400038" Max number of nested levels exceeded in report.
- "REP-400039" Max number of objects exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400040" Max number of templates exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400041" Unsupported dimension type for level tag.
- "REP-500240" Engine Global generic closure error.
- "REP-500260" Engine Websocket generic closure error.
- "REP-500280" Engine proxy generic closure error.
- "REP-400240" Engine Client Global generic closure error
- "REP-400260" Engine Client generic closure error.
- "REP-400280" Engine Client proxy generic closure error.
- "REP-500045" Failure setting Bookmark timestamp.
- "REP-400050" Error retrieving outputs.
- "REP-400052" Report Request Aborted from internal error.
- "REP-500053" Unexpected number of generated cycle reports.
- "REP-400054" The number of generated cycle reports exceeds the maximum allowed.
- "REP-400055" Export options not allowed for this object.
- metaobject
Define the export error metadata. Each property is filled if it is related to the export error type.
meta properties
- appErrorsarray of objects
Errors occurring when dealing with the app.
appErrors properties
- appIdstring
app id
- methodstring
The method that is failing.
- parametersobject
Parameters of method that fails.
- selectionErrorsarray of objects
Errors occurring in selections.
selectionErrors properties
- detailstring
Details about the field selection error.
- errorTypestring
Can be one of: "fieldMissing""fieldValuesMissing""stateMissing""groupStateGroupMissing""groupStateGroupNotApplicable""groupStateFieldDefMissing"
- fieldNamestring
The field name that is missing.
- stateNamestring
The state name that is missing.
- missingValuesarray of objects
In order to apply a selection just one of text/number needs to be set, this must be associated with the correct isNumeric bool. In some scenarios both text and number may be set.
missingValues properties
- textstring
String value of the field value.
- numbernumber
- isNumericboolean
IsNumeric tells whether the field value is text or number. Default value is equal to defaultIsNumeric property in QSelection.
- isFieldNameMissingbooleanDeprecated
Deprecated, use errorType instead. True if the fieldName is missing. The missingValues array is empty in this case
- titlestringRequired
A summary in english explaining what went wrong.
- detailstring
Optional. MAY be used to provide more concrete details.
Internal server error.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
Errors occured during report generation.
errors properties
- codestringRequired
The unique code for the error
- "REP-400000" Bad request. The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax.
- "REP-400008" Selections error.
- "REP-400009" Maximum 16384 columns limit exceeded. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the number of columns you can download.
- "REP-400010" Maximum 1048566 rows limit exceeded. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the number of rows you can download.
- "REP-400011" The size of the downloaded Excel file exceed 100 MB limit. Download data in a visualization can't generate an .xlsx file due to limitations to the amount of data you can download.
- "REP-400015" Bad request in enigma request. The patch value has invalid JSON format.
- "REP-401000" Unauthorized. The client must authenticate itself to get the requested response.
- "REP-401001" Unauthorized, bad JWT.
- "REP-403000" Forbidden. The client does not have access rights to the content.
- "REP-403001" App forbidden, the user does not have read permission on the app.
- "REP-403002" Chart type not supported.
- "REP-404000" Not found. The server can not find the requested resource.
- "REP-404001" App not found, the app does not exist or it has been deleted.
- "REP-404002" Chart not found, the chart does not exist or it has been deleted.
- "REP-404003" Sheet not found, the sheet does not exist or it has been deleted or it is unavailable.
- "REP-404004" Story not found, the story does not exist or it has been deleted or it is unavailable.
- "REP-429000" Too many request. The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time ("rate limiting").
- "REP-429012" Exceeded max session tenant quota. A tenant has opened too many different sessions at the same time.
- "REP-429014" The export could not be completed within the requested deadline.
- "REP-429016" Exceeded max session tenant quota per day.
- "REP-500000" Fail to resolve resource.
- "REP-500006" Fail to get report session parameters.
- "REP-503005" Engine unavailable, qix-sessions error no engines available.
- "REP-503013" Session unavailable. The engine session used to create the report is unavailable.
- "REP-500100" Image rendering generic error on Sense client.
- "REP-500101" Image rendering could not set cookies error on Sense client.
- "REP-400102" Image rendering invalid strategy error on Sense client.
- "REP-500103" Image rendering JS timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500104" Image rendering load URL timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500105" Image rendering max paint attempts exceeded error on Sense client.
- "REP-500106" Image rendering max JS attempts exceeded error on Sense client.
- "REP-500107" Image rendering render timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500108" Image rendering JS failure due to timeout error on Sense client.
- "REP-500109" Image rendering generic JS failure error on Sense client.
- "REP-400029" Reload Entitlement Limit Reached.
- "REP-409046" Report aborted due to app reload.
- "REP-500047" Error setting GroupState.
- "REP-403048" Forbidden. User does not have permission to export the report (access control usePermission)
- "REP-422051" There is no report to produce due to empty dataset or missing fields (the measure/dimension was removed or omitted in Section Access)
- "REP-500014" The app did not open within 10 minutes.
- "REP-400017" Static App size exceeded.
- "REP-400018" Excel string length exceeded.
- "REP-403019" Export is not available for app with enabled directQuery feature.
- "REP-409001" App conflict.
- "REP-503001" Rest Engine Error.
- "REP-400020" Invalid Issuer.
- "REP-400028" Invalid Tags.
- "REP-409021" Reload timestamp constraint not met.
- "REP-429022" Enigma generic abort.
- "REP-500023" Validate Report Request Tags failure.
- "REP-400024" Cannot extract claims from JWT.
- "REP-403025" No entitlement to perform the operation.
- "REP-403026" No entitlement to perform the operation. Export capability is off.
- "REP-403027" Object without Hypercube or unsupported object type.
- "REP-422030" Apply variables error.
- "REP-500200" Report Generator error.
- "REP-400035" Multiple selections detected in a field having OneAndOnlyone attribute.
- "REP-400036" No selection detected in a field having OneAndOnlyone attribute.
- "REP-400037" Max number of images exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400038" Max number of nested levels exceeded in report.
- "REP-400039" Max number of objects exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400040" Max number of templates exceeded in a report.
- "REP-400041" Unsupported dimension type for level tag.
- "REP-500240" Engine Global generic closure error.
- "REP-500260" Engine Websocket generic closure error.
- "REP-500280" Engine proxy generic closure error.
- "REP-400240" Engine Client Global generic closure error
- "REP-400260" Engine Client generic closure error.
- "REP-400280" Engine Client proxy generic closure error.
- "REP-500045" Failure setting Bookmark timestamp.
- "REP-400050" Error retrieving outputs.
- "REP-400052" Report Request Aborted from internal error.
- "REP-500053" Unexpected number of generated cycle reports.
- "REP-400054" The number of generated cycle reports exceeds the maximum allowed.
- "REP-400055" Export options not allowed for this object.
- metaobject
Define the export error metadata. Each property is filled if it is related to the export error type.
meta properties
- appErrorsarray of objects
Errors occurring when dealing with the app.
appErrors properties
- appIdstring
app id
- methodstring
The method that is failing.
- parametersobject
Parameters of method that fails.
- selectionErrorsarray of objects
Errors occurring in selections.
selectionErrors properties
- detailstring
Details about the field selection error.
- errorTypestring
Can be one of: "fieldMissing""fieldValuesMissing""stateMissing""groupStateGroupMissing""groupStateGroupNotApplicable""groupStateFieldDefMissing"
- fieldNamestring
The field name that is missing.
- stateNamestring
The state name that is missing.
- missingValuesarray of objects
In order to apply a selection just one of text/number needs to be set, this must be associated with the correct isNumeric bool. In some scenarios both text and number may be set.
missingValues properties
- textstring
String value of the field value.
- numbernumber
- isNumericboolean
IsNumeric tells whether the field value is text or number. Default value is equal to defaultIsNumeric property in QSelection.
- isFieldNameMissingbooleanDeprecated
Deprecated, use errorType instead. True if the fieldName is missing. The missingValues array is empty in this case
- titlestringRequired
A summary in english explaining what went wrong.
- detailstring
Optional. MAY be used to provide more concrete details.
curl "{id}/status" \-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https') const data = JSON.stringify("") const options = { 'hostname': '', 'port': 443, 'path': '/api/v1/reports/{id}/status', 'method': 'GET', 'headers': { 'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>' } } const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
{ "status": "done", "results": [ { "location": "", "outputId": "output1" } ], "statusLocation": "/reports/01562a37-23e3-4b43-865d-84c26122276c/status", "resolutionAttempts": 1}