Knowledgebases are collections of individual data sources, that are indexed for use in generating responses to user questions via Assistants for Qlik Answers.
- GET/v1/knowledgebases
- POST/v1/knowledgebases
- GET/v1/knowledgebases/{id}
- PATCH/v1/knowledgebases/{id}
- DELETE/v1/knowledgebases/{id}
- POST/v1/knowledgebases/{id}/datasources
- PUT/v1/knowledgebases/{id}/datasources/{datasourceId}
- DELETE/v1/knowledgebases/{id}/datasources/{datasourceId}
- POST/v1/knowledgebases/{id}/datasources/{datasourceId}/actions/cancel
- POST/v1/knowledgebases/{id}/datasources/{datasourceId}/actions/download
- POST/v1/knowledgebases/{id}/datasources/{datasourceId}/actions/sync
- GET/v1/knowledgebases/{id}/datasources/{datasourceId}/histories
- GET/v1/knowledgebases/{id}/datasources/{datasourceId}/histories/{syncId}
- GET/v1/knowledgebases/{id}/datasources/{datasourceId}/schedules
- POST/v1/knowledgebases/{id}/datasources/{datasourceId}/schedules
- DELETE/v1/knowledgebases/{id}/datasources/{datasourceId}/schedules
- GET/v1/knowledgebases/{id}/histories
Returns a list of all knowledgebases the user has access to.
Rate limit | Tier 1 (1000 requests per minute) |
Categories |
Query Parameters
- limitinteger
The number of knowledgebases to get.
- nextstring
Optional parameter to request the next page.
- prevstring
Optional parameter to request the previous page.
- sortstring
Optional resource field name to sort on, case insensitive, eg. name. Can be prefixed with - to set descending order, defaults to ascending.
- countTotalbooleanDeprecated
Optional parameter to request total count for query
Successful Operation.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- dataarray of objectsRequired
data properties
- idstringRequired
Unique identifier of the knowledgebase
- namestringRequired
Name of the knowledgebase
- tagsarray of stringsRequired
List of tags associated with the knowledgebase.
- ownerIdstringRequired
The unique identifier of the knowledgebase owner
- spaceIdstringRequired
The unique identifier of the space containing the knowledgebase
- tenantIdstring
Unique identifier of the tenant
- createdAtstringRequired
Datetime when the knowledgebase was created
- createdBystringRequired
Unique identifier of the user who created the knowledgebase
- updatedAtstringRequired
Datetime when the knowledgebase was updated
- updatedBystringRequired
The unique identifier of the user who last updated the knowledgebase
- descriptionstringRequired
Description of the knowledgebase
- lastIndexedAtstring
Datetime when the knowledgebase was last indexed
- contentSummaryobjectRequired
contentSummary properties
- fileSizeintegerRequired
- textSizeintegerRequired
- fileCountintegerRequired
- effectivePagesintegerRequired
- selectedErrorsCountinteger
Number of selected errors to store in the case of any failed datasources.
- linksobject
links properties
- nextobject
next properties
- hrefstring
- prevobject
prev properties
- hrefstring
- selfobject
self properties
- hrefstring
The request is in incorrect format.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
The user does not have privileges to perform the requested action.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
curl "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify("")
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/knowledgebases',
'method': 'GET',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
"data": [
"id": "f256b3e4-03e0-4f74-ae46-a4d43882ee5d",
"name": "Organization wide knowledgebase",
"tags": [
"ownerId": "507f191e810c19729de860ea",
"spaceId": "507f191e810c19729de860ea",
"tenantId": "507f191e810c19729de860ea",
"createdAt": "2021-10-02T14:20:50.52Z",
"createdBy": "507f191e810c19729de860ea",
"updatedAt": "2021-10-02T14:20:50.52Z",
"updatedBy": "507f191e810c19729de860ea",
"description": "This knowledgebase is used for...",
"lastIndexedAt": "2021-10-02T14:20:50.52Z",
"contentSummary": {
"fileSize": 42,
"textSize": 42,
"fileCount": 42,
"effectivePages": 42
"selectedErrorsCount": 10
"links": {
"next": {
"href": "string"
"prev": {
"href": "string"
"self": {
"href": "string"
Creates a new knowledgebase.
Rate limit | Tier 2 (100 requests per minute) |
Categories |
Request Body
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- namestringRequired
Name of the knowledgebase
- tagsarray of strings
List of tags for knowledgebase
- spaceIdstringRequired
Unique identifier of the space to contain the knowledgebase
- descriptionstring
Description of the knowledgebase
- selectedErrorsCountinteger
Number of selected errors to store in the case of any failed datasources. Optional value with a default of 10.
Successfully created a new knowledgebase.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- idstringRequired
Unique identifier of the knowledgebase
- namestringRequired
Name of the knowledgebase
- tagsarray of stringsRequired
List of tags associated with the knowledgebase.
- ownerIdstringRequired
The unique identifier of the knowledgebase owner
- spaceIdstringRequired
The unique identifier of the space containing the knowledgebase
- tenantIdstring
Unique identifier of the tenant
- createdAtstringRequired
Datetime when the knowledgebase was created
- createdBystringRequired
Unique identifier of the user who created the knowledgebase
- updatedAtstringRequired
Datetime when the knowledgebase was updated
- updatedBystringRequired
The unique identifier of the user who last updated the knowledgebase
- descriptionstringRequired
Description of the knowledgebase
- lastIndexedAtstring
Datetime when the knowledgebase was last indexed
- contentSummaryobjectRequired
contentSummary properties
- fileSizeintegerRequired
- textSizeintegerRequired
- fileCountintegerRequired
- effectivePagesintegerRequired
- selectedErrorsCountinteger
Number of selected errors to store in the case of any failed datasources.
The request is in incorrect format.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
The user does not have privileges to perform the requested action.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
curl "" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
-d '{"name":"Organization wide knowledgebase","tags":["Red","Sales"],"spaceId":"507f191e810c19729de860ea","description":"This knowledgebase is used for...","selectedErrorsCount":10}'
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify({"name":"Organization wide knowledgebase","tags":["Red","Sales"],"spaceId":"507f191e810c19729de860ea","description":"This knowledgebase is used for...","selectedErrorsCount":10})
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/knowledgebases',
'method': 'POST',
'headers': {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
"name": "Organization wide knowledgebase",
"tags": [
"spaceId": "507f191e810c19729de860ea",
"description": "This knowledgebase is used for...",
"selectedErrorsCount": 10
"id": "f256b3e4-03e0-4f74-ae46-a4d43882ee5d",
"name": "Organization wide knowledgebase",
"tags": [
"ownerId": "507f191e810c19729de860ea",
"spaceId": "507f191e810c19729de860ea",
"tenantId": "507f191e810c19729de860ea",
"createdAt": "2021-10-02T14:20:50.52Z",
"createdBy": "507f191e810c19729de860ea",
"updatedAt": "2021-10-02T14:20:50.52Z",
"updatedBy": "507f191e810c19729de860ea",
"description": "This knowledgebase is used for...",
"lastIndexedAt": "2021-10-02T14:20:50.52Z",
"contentSummary": {
"fileSize": 42,
"textSize": 42,
"fileCount": 42,
"effectivePages": 42
"selectedErrorsCount": 10
Retrieves a specific knowledgebase.
Rate limit | Tier 1 (1000 requests per minute) |
Categories |
Path Parameters
- idstringRequired
The id of the knowledgebase to retrieve.
Successfully retrieved the knowledgebase.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- idstringRequired
Unique identifier of the knowledgebase
- namestringRequired
Name of the knowledgebase
- tagsarray of stringsRequired
List of tags associated with the knowledgebase.
- ownerIdstringRequired
The unique identifier of the knowledgebase owner
- spaceIdstringRequired
The unique identifier of the space containing the knowledgebase
- tenantIdstring
Unique identifier of the tenant
- createdAtstringRequired
Datetime when the knowledgebase was created
- createdBystringRequired
Unique identifier of the user who created the knowledgebase
- updatedAtstringRequired
Datetime when the knowledgebase was updated
- updatedBystringRequired
The unique identifier of the user who last updated the knowledgebase
- descriptionstringRequired
Description of the knowledgebase
- lastIndexedAtstring
Datetime when the knowledgebase was last indexed
- contentSummaryobjectRequired
contentSummary properties
- fileSizeintegerRequired
- textSizeintegerRequired
- fileCountintegerRequired
- effectivePagesintegerRequired
- selectedErrorsCountinteger
Number of selected errors to store in the case of any failed datasources.
- datasourcesarray of objects
Specification on where to fetch the files for. This is required when the type == 'file'. Only one of path and files can be set. Path takes precedence if both are provided.
datasources properties
- idstringRequired
Unique identifier of the datasource
- namestring
Name of the datasource
- typestringRequired
Can be one of: "file""web""database"
- spaceIdstring
The unique identifier of the space containing the datasource
- chunkingobject
chunking properties
- sizeintegerRequired
Size of chunks
- typestringRequired
Chunking strategy
- overlapintegerRequired
Chunk overlap, should be less than size
- separatorsarray of stringsRequired
List of separators to chunk by
- keepSeparatorbooleanRequired
Allows to keep or remove separators used
- syncInfoobject
syncInfo properties
- statusstringRequired
Sync status
Can be one of: "neverIndexed""progress""completed""completedWithError""toAdd""toDelete"
- startedAtstringRequired
Datetime when the sync task was started
- lastSyncIdstring
sync Id
- completedAtstringRequired
Datetime when the sync task was completed
- fileConfigobject
Specification on where to fetch the files for. This is required when the type == 'file'. Only one of path and files can be set. Path takes precedence if both are provided.
fileConfig properties
- filesarray of strings
- scopeobject
Scope for the file crawler.
scope properties
- depthintegerRequired
The number of levels of sub folders that should be considered
- maxSizeinteger
Optional parameter. Max size of downloaded files in bytes
- extensionsarray of strings
list of file extensions to be considered
- maxFilesTotalinteger
Total number of files that should be considered
- modifiedAfterstring
only files modified after this time should be indexed. If set older files will be removed from index.
- maxFilesPerFolderinteger
Maximum number of files per folder that should be considered
- folderstring
Root folder for traversing.
- userIdstringRequired
userId of the owner of the datasource fileConfig
- connectionIdstringRequired
connection id to be used to retrieve the raw data
- crawlPatternsarray of objects
Pattern matching links to crawl
crawlPatterns properties
- typestringRequired
include or exclude
Can be one of: "include""exclude"
- patternstringRequired
Regex patterna to filter links on
- sourceCountinteger
The number of times that a datasource was referenced as a source in an answer
- crawlerConfigobject
Configuration for webcrawling
crawlerConfig properties
- urlstringRequired
Seed URL that crawling will start on.
- scopeobjectRequired
Scope for th webcrawler
scope properties
- depthintegerRequired
The number of levels of links the crawler will traverse
- scopestringRequired
The scope that the crawler will crawl.
Can be one of: "all""domain""subdomain"
- maxSizeinteger
Optional parameter. Max size of downloaded files in bytes
- maxLinksinteger
Maximum number of links per page that will be extracted
- downloadFilesboolean
if set to true crawler will try to download and index other supported content like pdf:s from links
- crawlPatternsarray of objects
Pattern matching links to crawl
crawlPatterns properties
- typestringRequired
include or exclude
Can be one of: "include""exclude"
- patternstringRequired
Regex patterna to filter links on
- indexPatternsarray of objects
Pattern matching links to index
indexPatterns properties
- typestringRequired
include or exclude
Can be one of: "include""exclude"
- patternstringRequired
Regex patterna to filter links on
- contentSummaryobjectRequired
contentSummary properties
- fileSizeintegerRequired
- textSizeintegerRequired
- fileCountintegerRequired
- effectivePagesintegerRequired
The request is in incorrect format.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
The operation failed due to insufficient permissions.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
The knowledgebase is not found
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
curl "{id}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify("")
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/knowledgebases/{id}',
'method': 'GET',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
"id": "f256b3e4-03e0-4f74-ae46-a4d43882ee5d",
"name": "Organization wide knowledgebase",
"tags": [
"ownerId": "507f191e810c19729de860ea",
"spaceId": "507f191e810c19729de860ea",
"tenantId": "507f191e810c19729de860ea",
"createdAt": "2021-10-02T14:20:50.52Z",
"createdBy": "507f191e810c19729de860ea",
"updatedAt": "2021-10-02T14:20:50.52Z",
"updatedBy": "507f191e810c19729de860ea",
"description": "This knowledgebase is used for...",
"lastIndexedAt": "2021-10-02T14:20:50.52Z",
"contentSummary": {
"fileSize": 42,
"textSize": 42,
"fileCount": 42,
"effectivePages": 42
"selectedErrorsCount": 10,
"datasources": [
"id": "f256b3e4-03e0-4f74-ae46-a4d43882ee5d",
"name": "string",
"type": "file",
"spaceId": "507f191e810c19729de860ea",
"chunking": {
"size": 1024,
"type": "recursive",
"overlap": 20,
"separators": [
" "
"keepSeparator": false
"syncInfo": {
"status": "neverIndexed",
"startedAt": "2021-10-02T14:20:50.52Z",
"lastSyncId": "f256b3e4-03e0-4f74-ae46-a4d43882ee5d",
"completedAt": "2021-10-02T14:20:50.52Z"
"fileConfig": {
"files": [
"scope": {
"depth": 1,
"maxSize": 1000000,
"extensions": [
"maxFilesTotal": 50,
"modifiedAfter": "2021-10-02T14:20:50.52Z",
"maxFilesPerFolder": 100
"folder": "folderA/folderB",
"userId": "507f191e810c19729de860ea",
"connectionId": "f256b3e4-03e0-4f74-ae46-a4d43882ee5d",
"crawlPatterns": [
"type": "include",
"pattern": "(.*)example(.*)"
"sourceCount": 10,
"crawlerConfig": {
"url": "",
"scope": {
"depth": 1,
"scope": "all",
"maxSize": 1000000,
"maxLinks": 100,
"downloadFiles": false
"crawlPatterns": [
"type": "include",
"pattern": "(.*)example(.*)"
"indexPatterns": [
"type": "include",
"pattern": "(.*)example(.*)"
"contentSummary": {
"fileSize": 42,
"textSize": 42,
"fileCount": 42,
"effectivePages": 42
Updates properties of a specific knowledgebase.
Rate limit | Tier 2 (100 requests per minute) |
Categories |
Header Parameters
- if-matchstring
Optional header to do conditional updates. Using the Etag value that was returned the last time the knowledgebase was fetched.
Path Parameters
- idstringRequired
The knowledgebase id.
Request Body
An array of JSON Patch documents
- application/jsonarray of objects
An array of JSON Patch documents
application/json properties
- opstringRequired
The operation to be performed.
Can be one of: "REPLACE"
- pathstringRequired
A JSON Pointer.
- valuestring|number|booleanRequired
The value to be used for this operation.
One of:- string
- number
- boolean
Knowledgebase updated successfully.
Bad request. Payload could not be parsed to a JSON Patch or Patch operations are invalid.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
Not authorized.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
The operation failed due to insufficient permissions.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
The term to patch was not found.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
Request has been rate limited.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
curl "{id}" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
-d '[{"op":"replace","path":"/name","value":"new name"},{"op":"replace","path":"/description","value":"new description"}]'
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify([{"op":"replace","path":"/name","value":"new name"},{"op":"replace","path":"/description","value":"new description"}])
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/knowledgebases/{id}',
'method': 'PATCH',
'headers': {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
"op": "replace",
"path": "/name",
"value": "new name"
"op": "replace",
"path": "/description",
"value": "new description"
Deletes a knowledgebase and all of its resources.
Rate limit | Tier 2 (100 requests per minute) |
Categories |
Path Parameters
- idstringRequired
The id of the knowledgebase to delete.
Successful Operation.
The request is in incorrect format.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
The operation failed due to insufficient permissions.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
The knowledgebase is not found
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
curl "{id}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify("")
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/knowledgebases/{id}',
'method': 'DELETE',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
Adds a datasource to a knowledgebase.
Rate limit | Tier 2 (100 requests per minute) |
Categories |
Path Parameters
- idstringRequired
The id of the knowledgebase.
Request Body
Specification on where to fetch the files for. This is required when the type == 'file'. Only one of path and files can be set. Path takes precedence if both are provided.
- application/jsonobject
Specification on where to fetch the files for. This is required when the type == 'file'. Only one of path and files can be set. Path takes precedence if both are provided.
application/json properties
- namestringRequired
Name of the datasource
- typestringRequired
Can be one of: "file""web""database"
- fileConfigobject
Specification on where to fetch the files for. This is required when the type == 'file'. Only one of path and files can be set. Path takes precedence if both are provided.
fileConfig properties
- filesarray of strings
- scopeobject
Scope for the file crawler.
scope properties
- depthintegerRequired
The number of levels of sub folders that should be considered
- maxSizeinteger
Optional parameter. Max size of downloaded files in bytes
- extensionsarray of strings
list of file extensions to be considered
- maxFilesTotalinteger
Total number of files that should be considered
- modifiedAfterstring
only files modified after this time should be indexed. If set older files will be removed from index.
- maxFilesPerFolderinteger
Maximum number of files per folder that should be considered
- folderstring
Root folder for traversing.
- userIdstringRequired
userId of the owner of the datasource fileConfig
- connectionIdstringRequired
connection id to be used to retrieve the raw data
- crawlPatternsarray of objects
Pattern matching links to crawl
crawlPatterns properties
- typestringRequired
include or exclude
Can be one of: "include""exclude"
- patternstringRequired
Regex patterna to filter links on
- crawlerConfigobject
Configuration for webcrawling
crawlerConfig properties
- urlstringRequired
Seed URL that crawling will start on.
- scopeobjectRequired
Scope for th webcrawler
scope properties
- depthintegerRequired
The number of levels of links the crawler will traverse
- scopestringRequired
The scope that the crawler will crawl.
Can be one of: "all""domain""subdomain"
- maxSizeinteger
Optional parameter. Max size of downloaded files in bytes
- maxLinksinteger
Maximum number of links per page that will be extracted
- downloadFilesboolean
if set to true crawler will try to download and index other supported content like pdf:s from links
- crawlPatternsarray of objects
Pattern matching links to crawl
crawlPatterns properties
- typestringRequired
include or exclude
Can be one of: "include""exclude"
- patternstringRequired
Regex patterna to filter links on
- indexPatternsarray of objects
Pattern matching links to index
indexPatterns properties
- typestringRequired
include or exclude
Can be one of: "include""exclude"
- patternstringRequired
Regex patterna to filter links on
Successfully added a datasource to the knowledgebase.
Specification on where to fetch the files for. This is required when the type == 'file'. Only one of path and files can be set. Path takes precedence if both are provided.
- application/jsonobject
Specification on where to fetch the files for. This is required when the type == 'file'. Only one of path and files can be set. Path takes precedence if both are provided.
application/json properties
- idstringRequired
Unique identifier of the datasource
- namestring
Name of the datasource
- typestringRequired
Can be one of: "file""web""database"
- spaceIdstring
The unique identifier of the space containing the datasource
- chunkingobject
chunking properties
- sizeintegerRequired
Size of chunks
- typestringRequired
Chunking strategy
- overlapintegerRequired
Chunk overlap, should be less than size
- separatorsarray of stringsRequired
List of separators to chunk by
- keepSeparatorbooleanRequired
Allows to keep or remove separators used
- syncInfoobject
syncInfo properties
- statusstringRequired
Sync status
Can be one of: "neverIndexed""progress""completed""completedWithError""toAdd""toDelete"
- startedAtstringRequired
Datetime when the sync task was started
- lastSyncIdstring
sync Id
- completedAtstringRequired
Datetime when the sync task was completed
- fileConfigobject
Specification on where to fetch the files for. This is required when the type == 'file'. Only one of path and files can be set. Path takes precedence if both are provided.
fileConfig properties
- filesarray of strings
- scopeobject
Scope for the file crawler.
scope properties
- depthintegerRequired
The number of levels of sub folders that should be considered
- maxSizeinteger
Optional parameter. Max size of downloaded files in bytes
- extensionsarray of strings
list of file extensions to be considered
- maxFilesTotalinteger
Total number of files that should be considered
- modifiedAfterstring
only files modified after this time should be indexed. If set older files will be removed from index.
- maxFilesPerFolderinteger
Maximum number of files per folder that should be considered
- folderstring
Root folder for traversing.
- userIdstringRequired
userId of the owner of the datasource fileConfig
- connectionIdstringRequired
connection id to be used to retrieve the raw data
- crawlPatternsarray of objects
Pattern matching links to crawl
crawlPatterns properties
- typestringRequired
include or exclude
Can be one of: "include""exclude"
- patternstringRequired
Regex patterna to filter links on
- sourceCountinteger
The number of times that a datasource was referenced as a source in an answer
- crawlerConfigobject
Configuration for webcrawling
crawlerConfig properties
- urlstringRequired
Seed URL that crawling will start on.
- scopeobjectRequired
Scope for th webcrawler
scope properties
- depthintegerRequired
The number of levels of links the crawler will traverse
- scopestringRequired
The scope that the crawler will crawl.
Can be one of: "all""domain""subdomain"
- maxSizeinteger
Optional parameter. Max size of downloaded files in bytes
- maxLinksinteger
Maximum number of links per page that will be extracted
- downloadFilesboolean
if set to true crawler will try to download and index other supported content like pdf:s from links
- crawlPatternsarray of objects
Pattern matching links to crawl
crawlPatterns properties
- typestringRequired
include or exclude
Can be one of: "include""exclude"
- patternstringRequired
Regex patterna to filter links on
- indexPatternsarray of objects
Pattern matching links to index
indexPatterns properties
- typestringRequired
include or exclude
Can be one of: "include""exclude"
- patternstringRequired
Regex patterna to filter links on
- contentSummaryobjectRequired
contentSummary properties
- fileSizeintegerRequired
- textSizeintegerRequired
- fileCountintegerRequired
- effectivePagesintegerRequired
The request is in incorrect format.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
The user does not have privileges to perform the requested action.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
The knowledgebase is not found.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
curl "{id}/datasources" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
-d '{"name":"string","type":"file","fileConfig":{"files":["string"],"scope":{"depth":1,"maxSize":1000000,"extensions":["pdf"],"maxFilesTotal":50,"modifiedAfter":"2021-10-02T14:20:50.52Z","maxFilesPerFolder":100},"folder":"folderA/folderB","userId":"507f191e810c19729de860ea","connectionId":"f256b3e4-03e0-4f74-ae46-a4d43882ee5d","crawlPatterns":[{"type":"include","pattern":"(.*)example(.*)"}]},"crawlerConfig":{"url":"","scope":{"depth":1,"scope":"all","maxSize":1000000,"maxLinks":100,"downloadFiles":false},"crawlPatterns":[{"type":"include","pattern":"(.*)example(.*)"}],"indexPatterns":[{"type":"include","pattern":"(.*)example(.*)"}]}}'
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify({"name":"string","type":"file","fileConfig":{"files":["string"],"scope":{"depth":1,"maxSize":1000000,"extensions":["pdf"],"maxFilesTotal":50,"modifiedAfter":"2021-10-02T14:20:50.52Z","maxFilesPerFolder":100},"folder":"folderA/folderB","userId":"507f191e810c19729de860ea","connectionId":"f256b3e4-03e0-4f74-ae46-a4d43882ee5d","crawlPatterns":[{"type":"include","pattern":"(.*)example(.*)"}]},"crawlerConfig":{"url":"","scope":{"depth":1,"scope":"all","maxSize":1000000,"maxLinks":100,"downloadFiles":false},"crawlPatterns":[{"type":"include","pattern":"(.*)example(.*)"}],"indexPatterns":[{"type":"include","pattern":"(.*)example(.*)"}]}})
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/knowledgebases/{id}/datasources',
'method': 'POST',
'headers': {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
"name": "string",
"type": "file",
"fileConfig": {
"files": [
"scope": {
"depth": 1,
"maxSize": 1000000,
"extensions": [
"maxFilesTotal": 50,
"modifiedAfter": "2021-10-02T14:20:50.52Z",
"maxFilesPerFolder": 100
"folder": "folderA/folderB",
"userId": "507f191e810c19729de860ea",
"connectionId": "f256b3e4-03e0-4f74-ae46-a4d43882ee5d",
"crawlPatterns": [
"type": "include",
"pattern": "(.*)example(.*)"
"crawlerConfig": {
"url": "",
"scope": {
"depth": 1,
"scope": "all",
"maxSize": 1000000,
"maxLinks": 100,
"downloadFiles": false
"crawlPatterns": [
"type": "include",
"pattern": "(.*)example(.*)"
"indexPatterns": [
"type": "include",
"pattern": "(.*)example(.*)"
"id": "f256b3e4-03e0-4f74-ae46-a4d43882ee5d",
"name": "string",
"type": "file",
"spaceId": "507f191e810c19729de860ea",
"chunking": {
"size": 1024,
"type": "recursive",
"overlap": 20,
"separators": [
" "
"keepSeparator": false
"syncInfo": {
"status": "neverIndexed",
"startedAt": "2021-10-02T14:20:50.52Z",
"lastSyncId": "f256b3e4-03e0-4f74-ae46-a4d43882ee5d",
"completedAt": "2021-10-02T14:20:50.52Z"
"fileConfig": {
"files": [
"scope": {
"depth": 1,
"maxSize": 1000000,
"extensions": [
"maxFilesTotal": 50,
"modifiedAfter": "2021-10-02T14:20:50.52Z",
"maxFilesPerFolder": 100
"folder": "folderA/folderB",
"userId": "507f191e810c19729de860ea",
"connectionId": "f256b3e4-03e0-4f74-ae46-a4d43882ee5d",
"crawlPatterns": [
"type": "include",
"pattern": "(.*)example(.*)"
"sourceCount": 10,
"crawlerConfig": {
"url": "",
"scope": {
"depth": 1,
"scope": "all",
"maxSize": 1000000,
"maxLinks": 100,
"downloadFiles": false
"crawlPatterns": [
"type": "include",
"pattern": "(.*)example(.*)"
"indexPatterns": [
"type": "include",
"pattern": "(.*)example(.*)"
"contentSummary": {
"fileSize": 42,
"textSize": 42,
"fileCount": 42,
"effectivePages": 42
Updates a specified datasource.
Rate limit | Tier 2 (100 requests per minute) |
Categories |
Path Parameters
- datasourceIdstringRequired
The id of the datasource to update.
- idstringRequired
The id of a knowledgebase.
Request Body
Specification on where to fetch the files for. This is required when the type == 'file'. Only one of path and files can be set. Path takes precedence if both are provided.
- application/jsonobject
Specification on where to fetch the files for. This is required when the type == 'file'. Only one of path and files can be set. Path takes precedence if both are provided.
application/json properties
- idstringRequired
Unique identifier of the datasource
- namestring
Name of the datasource
- typestringRequired
Can be one of: "file""web""database"
- spaceIdstring
The unique identifier of the space containing the datasource
- chunkingobject
chunking properties
- sizeintegerRequired
Size of chunks
- typestringRequired
Chunking strategy
- overlapintegerRequired
Chunk overlap, should be less than size
- separatorsarray of stringsRequired
List of separators to chunk by
- keepSeparatorbooleanRequired
Allows to keep or remove separators used
- syncInfoobject
syncInfo properties
- lastSyncIdstring
sync Id
- fileConfigobject
Specification on where to fetch the files for. This is required when the type == 'file'. Only one of path and files can be set. Path takes precedence if both are provided.
fileConfig properties
- filesarray of strings
- scopeobject
Scope for the file crawler.
scope properties
- depthintegerRequired
The number of levels of sub folders that should be considered
- maxSizeinteger
Optional parameter. Max size of downloaded files in bytes
- extensionsarray of strings
list of file extensions to be considered
- maxFilesTotalinteger
Total number of files that should be considered
- modifiedAfterstring
only files modified after this time should be indexed. If set older files will be removed from index.
- maxFilesPerFolderinteger
Maximum number of files per folder that should be considered
- folderstring
Root folder for traversing.
- userIdstringRequired
userId of the owner of the datasource fileConfig
- connectionIdstringRequired
connection id to be used to retrieve the raw data
- crawlPatternsarray of objects
Pattern matching links to crawl
crawlPatterns properties
- typestringRequired
include or exclude
Can be one of: "include""exclude"
- patternstringRequired
Regex patterna to filter links on
- sourceCountinteger
The number of times that a datasource was referenced as a source in an answer
- crawlerConfigobject
Configuration for webcrawling
crawlerConfig properties
- urlstringRequired
Seed URL that crawling will start on.
- scopeobjectRequired
Scope for th webcrawler
scope properties
- depthintegerRequired
The number of levels of links the crawler will traverse
- scopestringRequired
The scope that the crawler will crawl.
Can be one of: "all""domain""subdomain"
- maxSizeinteger
Optional parameter. Max size of downloaded files in bytes
- maxLinksinteger
Maximum number of links per page that will be extracted
- downloadFilesboolean
if set to true crawler will try to download and index other supported content like pdf:s from links
- crawlPatternsarray of objects
Pattern matching links to crawl
crawlPatterns properties
- typestringRequired
include or exclude
Can be one of: "include""exclude"
- patternstringRequired
Regex patterna to filter links on
- indexPatternsarray of objects
Pattern matching links to index
indexPatterns properties
- typestringRequired
include or exclude
Can be one of: "include""exclude"
- patternstringRequired
Regex patterna to filter links on
- contentSummaryobjectRequired
contentSummary properties
- fileSizeintegerRequired
- textSizeintegerRequired
- fileCountintegerRequired
- effectivePagesintegerRequired
Successfully updated the datasource.
Specification on where to fetch the files for. This is required when the type == 'file'. Only one of path and files can be set. Path takes precedence if both are provided.
- application/jsonobject
Specification on where to fetch the files for. This is required when the type == 'file'. Only one of path and files can be set. Path takes precedence if both are provided.
application/json properties
- idstringRequired
Unique identifier of the datasource
- namestring
Name of the datasource
- typestringRequired
Can be one of: "file""web""database"
- spaceIdstring
The unique identifier of the space containing the datasource
- chunkingobject
chunking properties
- sizeintegerRequired
Size of chunks
- typestringRequired
Chunking strategy
- overlapintegerRequired
Chunk overlap, should be less than size
- separatorsarray of stringsRequired
List of separators to chunk by
- keepSeparatorbooleanRequired
Allows to keep or remove separators used
- syncInfoobject
syncInfo properties
- statusstringRequired
Sync status
Can be one of: "neverIndexed""progress""completed""completedWithError""toAdd""toDelete"
- startedAtstringRequired
Datetime when the sync task was started
- lastSyncIdstring
sync Id
- completedAtstringRequired
Datetime when the sync task was completed
- fileConfigobject
Specification on where to fetch the files for. This is required when the type == 'file'. Only one of path and files can be set. Path takes precedence if both are provided.
fileConfig properties
- filesarray of strings
- scopeobject
Scope for the file crawler.
scope properties
- depthintegerRequired
The number of levels of sub folders that should be considered
- maxSizeinteger
Optional parameter. Max size of downloaded files in bytes
- extensionsarray of strings
list of file extensions to be considered
- maxFilesTotalinteger
Total number of files that should be considered
- modifiedAfterstring
only files modified after this time should be indexed. If set older files will be removed from index.
- maxFilesPerFolderinteger
Maximum number of files per folder that should be considered
- folderstring
Root folder for traversing.
- userIdstringRequired
userId of the owner of the datasource fileConfig
- connectionIdstringRequired
connection id to be used to retrieve the raw data
- crawlPatternsarray of objects
Pattern matching links to crawl
crawlPatterns properties
- typestringRequired
include or exclude
Can be one of: "include""exclude"
- patternstringRequired
Regex patterna to filter links on
- sourceCountinteger
The number of times that a datasource was referenced as a source in an answer
- crawlerConfigobject
Configuration for webcrawling
crawlerConfig properties
- urlstringRequired
Seed URL that crawling will start on.
- scopeobjectRequired
Scope for th webcrawler
scope properties
- depthintegerRequired
The number of levels of links the crawler will traverse
- scopestringRequired
The scope that the crawler will crawl.
Can be one of: "all""domain""subdomain"
- maxSizeinteger
Optional parameter. Max size of downloaded files in bytes
- maxLinksinteger
Maximum number of links per page that will be extracted
- downloadFilesboolean
if set to true crawler will try to download and index other supported content like pdf:s from links
- crawlPatternsarray of objects
Pattern matching links to crawl
crawlPatterns properties
- typestringRequired
include or exclude
Can be one of: "include""exclude"
- patternstringRequired
Regex patterna to filter links on
- indexPatternsarray of objects
Pattern matching links to index
indexPatterns properties
- typestringRequired
include or exclude
Can be one of: "include""exclude"
- patternstringRequired
Regex patterna to filter links on
- contentSummaryobjectRequired
contentSummary properties
- fileSizeintegerRequired
- textSizeintegerRequired
- fileCountintegerRequired
- effectivePagesintegerRequired
The request is in incorrect format.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
The operation failed due to insufficient permissions.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
The record is not found
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
curl "{id}/datasources/{datasourceId}" \
-X PUT \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
-d '{"id":"f256b3e4-03e0-4f74-ae46-a4d43882ee5d","name":"string","type":"file","spaceId":"507f191e810c19729de860ea","chunking":{"size":1024,"type":"recursive","overlap":20,"separators":["\n","."," "],"keepSeparator":false},"syncInfo":{"lastSyncId":"f256b3e4-03e0-4f74-ae46-a4d43882ee5d"},"fileConfig":{"files":["string"],"scope":{"depth":1,"maxSize":1000000,"extensions":["pdf"],"maxFilesTotal":50,"modifiedAfter":"2021-10-02T14:20:50.52Z","maxFilesPerFolder":100},"folder":"folderA/folderB","userId":"507f191e810c19729de860ea","connectionId":"f256b3e4-03e0-4f74-ae46-a4d43882ee5d","crawlPatterns":[{"type":"include","pattern":"(.*)example(.*)"}]},"sourceCount":10,"crawlerConfig":{"url":"","scope":{"depth":1,"scope":"all","maxSize":1000000,"maxLinks":100,"downloadFiles":false},"crawlPatterns":[{"type":"include","pattern":"(.*)example(.*)"}],"indexPatterns":[{"type":"include","pattern":"(.*)example(.*)"}]},"contentSummary":{"fileSize":42,"textSize":42,"fileCount":42,"effectivePages":42}}'
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify({"id":"f256b3e4-03e0-4f74-ae46-a4d43882ee5d","name":"string","type":"file","spaceId":"507f191e810c19729de860ea","chunking":{"size":1024,"type":"recursive","overlap":20,"separators":["\n","."," "],"keepSeparator":false},"syncInfo":{"lastSyncId":"f256b3e4-03e0-4f74-ae46-a4d43882ee5d"},"fileConfig":{"files":["string"],"scope":{"depth":1,"maxSize":1000000,"extensions":["pdf"],"maxFilesTotal":50,"modifiedAfter":"2021-10-02T14:20:50.52Z","maxFilesPerFolder":100},"folder":"folderA/folderB","userId":"507f191e810c19729de860ea","connectionId":"f256b3e4-03e0-4f74-ae46-a4d43882ee5d","crawlPatterns":[{"type":"include","pattern":"(.*)example(.*)"}]},"sourceCount":10,"crawlerConfig":{"url":"","scope":{"depth":1,"scope":"all","maxSize":1000000,"maxLinks":100,"downloadFiles":false},"crawlPatterns":[{"type":"include","pattern":"(.*)example(.*)"}],"indexPatterns":[{"type":"include","pattern":"(.*)example(.*)"}]},"contentSummary":{"fileSize":42,"textSize":42,"fileCount":42,"effectivePages":42}})
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/knowledgebases/{id}/datasources/{datasourceId}',
'method': 'PUT',
'headers': {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
"id": "f256b3e4-03e0-4f74-ae46-a4d43882ee5d",
"name": "string",
"type": "file",
"spaceId": "507f191e810c19729de860ea",
"chunking": {
"size": 1024,
"type": "recursive",
"overlap": 20,
"separators": [
" "
"keepSeparator": false
"syncInfo": {
"lastSyncId": "f256b3e4-03e0-4f74-ae46-a4d43882ee5d"
"fileConfig": {
"files": [
"scope": {
"depth": 1,
"maxSize": 1000000,
"extensions": [
"maxFilesTotal": 50,
"modifiedAfter": "2021-10-02T14:20:50.52Z",
"maxFilesPerFolder": 100
"folder": "folderA/folderB",
"userId": "507f191e810c19729de860ea",
"connectionId": "f256b3e4-03e0-4f74-ae46-a4d43882ee5d",
"crawlPatterns": [
"type": "include",
"pattern": "(.*)example(.*)"
"sourceCount": 10,
"crawlerConfig": {
"url": "",
"scope": {
"depth": 1,
"scope": "all",
"maxSize": 1000000,
"maxLinks": 100,
"downloadFiles": false
"crawlPatterns": [
"type": "include",
"pattern": "(.*)example(.*)"
"indexPatterns": [
"type": "include",
"pattern": "(.*)example(.*)"
"contentSummary": {
"fileSize": 42,
"textSize": 42,
"fileCount": 42,
"effectivePages": 42
"id": "f256b3e4-03e0-4f74-ae46-a4d43882ee5d",
"name": "string",
"type": "file",
"spaceId": "507f191e810c19729de860ea",
"chunking": {
"size": 1024,
"type": "recursive",
"overlap": 20,
"separators": [
" "
"keepSeparator": false
"syncInfo": {
"status": "neverIndexed",
"startedAt": "2021-10-02T14:20:50.52Z",
"lastSyncId": "f256b3e4-03e0-4f74-ae46-a4d43882ee5d",
"completedAt": "2021-10-02T14:20:50.52Z"
"fileConfig": {
"files": [
"scope": {
"depth": 1,
"maxSize": 1000000,
"extensions": [
"maxFilesTotal": 50,
"modifiedAfter": "2021-10-02T14:20:50.52Z",
"maxFilesPerFolder": 100
"folder": "folderA/folderB",
"userId": "507f191e810c19729de860ea",
"connectionId": "f256b3e4-03e0-4f74-ae46-a4d43882ee5d",
"crawlPatterns": [
"type": "include",
"pattern": "(.*)example(.*)"
"sourceCount": 10,
"crawlerConfig": {
"url": "",
"scope": {
"depth": 1,
"scope": "all",
"maxSize": 1000000,
"maxLinks": 100,
"downloadFiles": false
"crawlPatterns": [
"type": "include",
"pattern": "(.*)example(.*)"
"indexPatterns": [
"type": "include",
"pattern": "(.*)example(.*)"
"contentSummary": {
"fileSize": 42,
"textSize": 42,
"fileCount": 42,
"effectivePages": 42
Deletes a specified datasource and all its resources.
Rate limit | Tier 2 (100 requests per minute) |
Categories |
Path Parameters
- datasourceIdstringRequired
The id of the datasource to delete.
- idstringRequired
The id of the knowledgebase the datasource belongs to.
Successful Operation.
The request is in incorrect format.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
The operation failed due to insufficient permissions.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
The knowledgebase is not found
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
curl "{id}/datasources/{datasourceId}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify("")
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/knowledgebases/{id}/datasources/{datasourceId}',
'method': 'DELETE',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
Cancels ongoing sync for a specified datasource.
Rate limit | Tier 2 (100 requests per minute) |
Categories |
Path Parameters
- datasourceIdstringRequired
The id of the datasource to cancel sync for.
- idstringRequired
The id of the knowledgebase the datasource belongs to.
Successfully cancelled sync.
Response when a datasource sync is started, contains the sync Id
- application/jsonobject
Response when a datasource sync is started, contains the sync Id
application/json properties
- idstringRequired
Unique identifier of the sync
The request is in incorrect format.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
The user does not have privileges to perform the requested action.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
The resource does not exist.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
curl "{id}/datasources/{datasourceId}/actions/cancel" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify("")
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/knowledgebases/{id}/datasources/{datasourceId}/actions/cancel',
'method': 'POST',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
"id": "f256b3e4-03e0-4f74-ae46-a4d43882ee5d"
Downloads a specified reference.
Rate limit | Tier 2 (100 requests per minute) |
Categories |
Path Parameters
- datasourceIdstringRequired
The id of the datasource to download from.
- idstringRequired
The id of the knowledgebase the datasource belongs to.
Request Body
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- pathstringRequired
file path to the file to downlaod.
Download a file from a datasource.
Download information for the file.
- application/jsonobject
Download information for the file.
application/json properties
- urlstringRequired
URL to download the file.
- namestringRequired
The requested file name.
- spaceIdstringRequired
Space id the file belongs in.
- fileSizeintegerRequired
Size of downloaded file.
- mimeTypestringRequired
The mimetype of the file.
- lastUpdatedAtstringRequired
Date for last time the file was modified.
The request is in incorrect format.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
The user does not have privileges to perform the requested action.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
The resource does not exist.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
curl "{id}/datasources/{datasourceId}/actions/download" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
-d '{"path":"folder/file.pdf"}'
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify({"path":"folder/file.pdf"})
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/knowledgebases/{id}/datasources/{datasourceId}/actions/download',
'method': 'POST',
'headers': {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
"path": "folder/file.pdf"
"url": "/v1/temp-contents/65f4287d785c400fe6d1e861",
"name": "stories/content/billy.txt",
"spaceId": "507f191e810c19729de860ea",
"fileSize": 542,
"mimeType": "text/plain",
"lastUpdatedAt": "2020-04-16T23:17:28Z"
Starts syncing a specified datasource to a specified knowledgebase index.
Rate limit | Tier 2 (100 requests per minute) |
Categories |
Query Parameters
- migrateboolean
Optional parameter to migrate indexed files to docdetails collection
Path Parameters
- datasourceIdstringRequired
The id of the datasource to sync.
- idstringRequired
The id of the knowledgebase the datasource belongs to.
Successfully started sync.
Response when a datasource sync is started, contains the sync Id
- application/jsonobject
Response when a datasource sync is started, contains the sync Id
application/json properties
- idstringRequired
Unique identifier of the sync
The request is in incorrect format.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
The user does not have privileges to perform the requested action.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
The resource does not exist.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
curl "{id}/datasources/{datasourceId}/actions/sync" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify("")
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/knowledgebases/{id}/datasources/{datasourceId}/actions/sync',
'method': 'POST',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
"id": "f256b3e4-03e0-4f74-ae46-a4d43882ee5d"
Retrieves sync history for a specified datasource in a knowledgebase. Returns a 404
if there is no sync history, or if the calling user doesn't have access to the datasource.
Rate limit | Tier 1 (1000 requests per minute) |
Categories |
Query Parameters
- limitinteger
The number of knowledgebases to get.
- nextstring
Optional parameter to request the next page.
- prevstring
Optional parameter to request the previous page.
- sortstring
Optional resource field name to sort on, case insensitive, eg. name. Can be prefixed with - to set descending order, defaults to ascending.
Can be one of: "COMPLETED""-COMPLETED"
Path Parameters
- datasourceIdstringRequired
The id of the datasource.
- idstringRequired
The id of the knowledgebase the datasource belongs to.
List of sync items ordered by the completed time.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- dataarray of objectsRequired
data properties
- idstringRequired
sync id
- statusstringRequired
Sync status
Can be one of: "neverIndexed""progress""completed""completedWithError"
- docStatsobjectRequired
Summary of documents processed
docStats properties
- addedintegerRequired
- errorsintegerRequired
- deletedintegerRequired
- updatedintegerRequired
- deltaBytesintegerRequired
- deltaTextSizeintegerRequired
- largestFileSizeintegerRequired
- deltaEffectivePagesintegerRequired
- totalBytesProcessedintegerRequired
- startedAtstringRequired
Datetime when the sync task was started
- completedAtstring
Datetime when the sync task was completed
- triggerTypestringRequired
Datasource trigger type, was it manually or automatically synced
- connectionIdstringRequired
Connection id that the datasource used
- datasourceIdstringRequired
datasource id
- selectedErrorsarray of strings
populated with up to the first selectedErrorsCount errors if there were any during sync
- metaobject
meta properties
- countTotalinteger
- linksobject
links properties
- nextobject
next properties
- hrefstring
- prevobject
prev properties
- hrefstring
- selfobject
self properties
- hrefstring
The request is in incorrect format.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
The user does not have privileges to perform the requested action.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
The datasource is not found, the datasource has no sync history (no syncs have been run), or the calling user doesn't have access to this datasource in the knowledgebase.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
curl "{id}/datasources/{datasourceId}/histories" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify("")
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/knowledgebases/{id}/datasources/{datasourceId}/histories',
'method': 'GET',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
"data": [
"id": "f256b3e4-03e0-4f74-ae46-a4d43882ee5d",
"status": [
"neverIndexed | progress | completed | completedWithError"
"docStats": {
"added": 1,
"errors": 0,
"deleted": 0,
"updated": 0,
"deltaBytes": 0,
"deltaTextSize": 0,
"largestFileSize": 123044444,
"deltaEffectivePages": 0,
"totalBytesProcessed": 123044444
"startedAt": "2021-10-02T14:20:50.52Z",
"completedAt": "2021-10-02T14:20:50.52Z",
"triggerType": [
"manual | schedule"
"connectionId": "ee6a390c-5d33-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc",
"datasourceId": "f256b3e4-03e0-4f74-ae46-a4d43882ee5d",
"selectedErrors": [
"unsupported file extension"
"meta": {
"countTotal": 42
"links": {
"next": {
"href": "string"
"prev": {
"href": "string"
"self": {
"href": "string"
Retrieves detailed sync history for a specified datasource.
Path Parameters
- datasourceIdstringRequired
The id of the datasource.
- idstringRequired
The id of the knowledgebase the datasource belongs to.
- syncIdstringRequired
The sync identifier.
List of sync items ordered by the start time.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- idstringRequired
document Id
- errorstring
error if one happened during sync
- actionstringRequired
acion performed
Can be one of: "add""delete""update"
- chunksinteger
number of chunks
- sourcestringRequired
Source of the document
- syncIdstringRequired
sync Id
- durationobject
duration properties
- chunkintegerRequired
- embedintegerRequired
- parseintegerRequired
- storeintegerRequired
- downloadintegerRequired
- fileSizeinteger
file size
- syncedAtstringRequired
Datetime when the sync task was executed
- chunkSizeinteger
chunk size
- explicitPagesintegerRequired
page count
- fileStartedAtstring
Datetime when the file processing started
- fileCompletedAtstring
Datetime when the file processing finished
- fileLastModifiedstring
Datetime when the file was last modified
The request is in incorrect format.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
The user does not have privileges to perform the requested action.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
The resource does not exist.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
curl "{id}/datasources/{datasourceId}/histories/{syncId}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify("")
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/knowledgebases/{id}/datasources/{datasourceId}/histories/{syncId}',
'method': 'GET',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
"id": "f256b3e4-03e0-4f74-ae46-a4d43882ee5d",
"error": "unsupported file extension",
"action": "add",
"chunks": 10,
"source": "myfile.pdf",
"syncId": "f256b3e4-03e0-4f74-ae46-a4d43882ee5d",
"duration": {
"chunk": 0,
"embed": 996,
"parse": 0,
"store": 3653363805,
"download": 207
"fileSize": 123044444,
"syncedAt": "2021-10-02T14:20:50.52Z",
"chunkSize": 14721,
"explicitPages": 42,
"fileStartedAt": "2021-10-02T14:20:50.52Z",
"fileCompletedAt": "2021-10-02T14:21:50.52Z",
"fileLastModified": "2024-02-16T20:06:02Z"
Returns a datasource schedule.
Rate limit | Tier 1 (1000 requests per minute) |
Categories |
Path Parameters
- datasourceIdstringRequired
The id of the datasource the schedule belongs to.
- idstringRequired
The id of the knowledgebase the schedule belongs to.
Successfully created a schedule.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- ownerIdstringRequired
- spaceIdstring
- tenantIdstringRequired
- calendarsarray of objectsRequired
An event specification relative to the calendar, similar to a traditional cron specification.
calendars properties
- hourarray of objectsRequired
Hour range to match (0-23). Default matches 0
hour properties
- endinteger
End of the range (inclusive). If end < start, then end is interpreted as equal to start. Optional, defaulted to Start
- stepinteger
Step to be take between each value. Optional, defaulted to 1
- startintegerRequired
Start of the range (inclusive)
- yeararray of objectsRequired
Year range to match. Default matches all years
year properties
- endinteger
End of the range (inclusive). If end < start, then end is interpreted as equal to start. Optional, defaulted to Start
- stepinteger
Step to be take between each value. Optional, defaulted to 1
- startintegerRequired
Start of the range (inclusive)
- montharray of objectsRequired
Month range to match (1-12). Default matches all months
month properties
- endinteger
End of the range (inclusive). If end < start, then end is interpreted as equal to start. Optional, defaulted to Start
- stepinteger
Step to be take between each value. Optional, defaulted to 1
- startintegerRequired
Start of the range (inclusive)
- minutearray of objectsRequired
Minute range to match (0-59). Default matches 0
minute properties
- endinteger
End of the range (inclusive). If end < start, then end is interpreted as equal to start. Optional, defaulted to Start
- stepinteger
Step to be take between each value. Optional, defaulted to 1
- startintegerRequired
Start of the range (inclusive)
- secondarray of objectsRequired
Second range to match (0-59). Default matches 0
second properties
- endinteger
End of the range (inclusive). If end < start, then end is interpreted as equal to start. Optional, defaulted to Start
- stepinteger
Step to be take between each value. Optional, defaulted to 1
- startintegerRequired
Start of the range (inclusive)
- commentstringRequired
Description of the intention of this schedule
- dayOfWeekarray of objectsRequired
DayOfWeek range to match (0-6; 0 is Sunday). Default matches all days of the week
dayOfWeek properties
- endinteger
End of the range (inclusive). If end < start, then end is interpreted as equal to start. Optional, defaulted to Start
- stepinteger
Step to be take between each value. Optional, defaulted to 1
- startintegerRequired
Start of the range (inclusive)
- dayOfMontharray of objectsRequired
DayOfMonth range to match (1-31). Default matches all days
dayOfMonth properties
- endinteger
End of the range (inclusive). If end < start, then end is interpreted as equal to start. Optional, defaulted to Start
- stepinteger
Step to be take between each value. Optional, defaulted to 1
- startintegerRequired
Start of the range (inclusive)
- intervalsarray of objects
For example, an
of 1 hour withoffset
of zero would match every hour, on the hour. The sameevery
but anoffset
of 19 minutes would match everyxx:19:00
.intervals properties
- everystringRequired
The period to repeat the interval
- offsetstring
A fixed offset added to the intervals period. Optional, defaults to 0
- datasourceIdstring
- knowledgebaseIdstringRequired
The request is in incorrect format.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
The user does not have privileges to perform the requested action.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
The resource does not exist.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
curl "{id}/datasources/{datasourceId}/schedules" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify("")
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/knowledgebases/{id}/datasources/{datasourceId}/schedules',
'method': 'GET',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
"ownerId": "507f191e810c19729de860ed",
"spaceId": "507f191e810c19729de860ec",
"tenantId": "507f191e810c19729de860eb",
"calendars": [
"hour": [
"end": 42,
"step": 1,
"start": 42
"year": [
"end": 42,
"step": 1,
"start": 42
"month": [
"end": 42,
"step": 1,
"start": 42
"minute": [
"end": 42,
"step": 1,
"start": 42
"second": [
"end": 42,
"step": 1,
"start": 42
"comment": "string",
"dayOfWeek": [
"end": 42,
"step": 1,
"start": 42
"dayOfMonth": [
"end": 42,
"step": 1,
"start": 42
"intervals": [
"every": "5h30m",
"offset": "0s"
"datasourceId": "f256b3e4-03e0-4f74-ae46-a4d43882ee5d",
"knowledgebaseId": "f256b3e4-03e0-4f74-ae46-a4d43882ee5d"
Creates or updates a specified datasource schedule.
Rate limit | Tier 2 (100 requests per minute) |
Categories |
Path Parameters
- datasourceIdstringRequired
The id of the datasource the schedule belongs to.
- idstringRequired
The id of the knowledgebase the schedule belongs to.
Request Body
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- calendarsarray of objects
An event specification relative to the calendar, similar to a traditional cron specification.
calendars properties
- hourarray of objectsRequired
Hour range to match (0-23). Default matches 0
hour properties
- endinteger
End of the range (inclusive). If end < start, then end is interpreted as equal to start. Optional, defaulted to Start
- stepinteger
Step to be take between each value. Optional, defaulted to 1
- startintegerRequired
Start of the range (inclusive)
- yeararray of objectsRequired
Year range to match. Default matches all years
year properties
- endinteger
End of the range (inclusive). If end < start, then end is interpreted as equal to start. Optional, defaulted to Start
- stepinteger
Step to be take between each value. Optional, defaulted to 1
- startintegerRequired
Start of the range (inclusive)
- montharray of objectsRequired
Month range to match (1-12). Default matches all months
month properties
- endinteger
End of the range (inclusive). If end < start, then end is interpreted as equal to start. Optional, defaulted to Start
- stepinteger
Step to be take between each value. Optional, defaulted to 1
- startintegerRequired
Start of the range (inclusive)
- minutearray of objectsRequired
Minute range to match (0-59). Default matches 0
minute properties
- endinteger
End of the range (inclusive). If end < start, then end is interpreted as equal to start. Optional, defaulted to Start
- stepinteger
Step to be take between each value. Optional, defaulted to 1
- startintegerRequired
Start of the range (inclusive)
- secondarray of objectsRequired
Second range to match (0-59). Default matches 0
second properties
- endinteger
End of the range (inclusive). If end < start, then end is interpreted as equal to start. Optional, defaulted to Start
- stepinteger
Step to be take between each value. Optional, defaulted to 1
- startintegerRequired
Start of the range (inclusive)
- commentstringRequired
Description of the intention of this schedule
- dayOfWeekarray of objectsRequired
DayOfWeek range to match (0-6; 0 is Sunday). Default matches all days of the week
dayOfWeek properties
- endinteger
End of the range (inclusive). If end < start, then end is interpreted as equal to start. Optional, defaulted to Start
- stepinteger
Step to be take between each value. Optional, defaulted to 1
- startintegerRequired
Start of the range (inclusive)
- dayOfMontharray of objectsRequired
DayOfMonth range to match (1-31). Default matches all days
dayOfMonth properties
- endinteger
End of the range (inclusive). If end < start, then end is interpreted as equal to start. Optional, defaulted to Start
- stepinteger
Step to be take between each value. Optional, defaulted to 1
- startintegerRequired
Start of the range (inclusive)
- intervalsarray of objects
For example, an
of 1 hour withoffset
of zero would match every hour, on the hour. The sameevery
but anoffset
of 19 minutes would match everyxx:19:00
.intervals properties
- everystringRequired
The period to repeat the interval
- offsetstring
A fixed offset added to the intervals period. Optional, defaults to 0
Successfully created a schedule.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- ownerIdstringRequired
- spaceIdstring
- tenantIdstringRequired
- calendarsarray of objectsRequired
An event specification relative to the calendar, similar to a traditional cron specification.
calendars properties
- hourarray of objectsRequired
Hour range to match (0-23). Default matches 0
hour properties
- endinteger
End of the range (inclusive). If end < start, then end is interpreted as equal to start. Optional, defaulted to Start
- stepinteger
Step to be take between each value. Optional, defaulted to 1
- startintegerRequired
Start of the range (inclusive)
- yeararray of objectsRequired
Year range to match. Default matches all years
year properties
- endinteger
End of the range (inclusive). If end < start, then end is interpreted as equal to start. Optional, defaulted to Start
- stepinteger
Step to be take between each value. Optional, defaulted to 1
- startintegerRequired
Start of the range (inclusive)
- montharray of objectsRequired
Month range to match (1-12). Default matches all months
month properties
- endinteger
End of the range (inclusive). If end < start, then end is interpreted as equal to start. Optional, defaulted to Start
- stepinteger
Step to be take between each value. Optional, defaulted to 1
- startintegerRequired
Start of the range (inclusive)
- minutearray of objectsRequired
Minute range to match (0-59). Default matches 0
minute properties
- endinteger
End of the range (inclusive). If end < start, then end is interpreted as equal to start. Optional, defaulted to Start
- stepinteger
Step to be take between each value. Optional, defaulted to 1
- startintegerRequired
Start of the range (inclusive)
- secondarray of objectsRequired
Second range to match (0-59). Default matches 0
second properties
- endinteger
End of the range (inclusive). If end < start, then end is interpreted as equal to start. Optional, defaulted to Start
- stepinteger
Step to be take between each value. Optional, defaulted to 1
- startintegerRequired
Start of the range (inclusive)
- commentstringRequired
Description of the intention of this schedule
- dayOfWeekarray of objectsRequired
DayOfWeek range to match (0-6; 0 is Sunday). Default matches all days of the week
dayOfWeek properties
- endinteger
End of the range (inclusive). If end < start, then end is interpreted as equal to start. Optional, defaulted to Start
- stepinteger
Step to be take between each value. Optional, defaulted to 1
- startintegerRequired
Start of the range (inclusive)
- dayOfMontharray of objectsRequired
DayOfMonth range to match (1-31). Default matches all days
dayOfMonth properties
- endinteger
End of the range (inclusive). If end < start, then end is interpreted as equal to start. Optional, defaulted to Start
- stepinteger
Step to be take between each value. Optional, defaulted to 1
- startintegerRequired
Start of the range (inclusive)
- intervalsarray of objects
For example, an
of 1 hour withoffset
of zero would match every hour, on the hour. The sameevery
but anoffset
of 19 minutes would match everyxx:19:00
.intervals properties
- everystringRequired
The period to repeat the interval
- offsetstring
A fixed offset added to the intervals period. Optional, defaults to 0
- datasourceIdstring
- knowledgebaseIdstringRequired
Successfully created a schedule.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- ownerIdstringRequired
- spaceIdstring
- tenantIdstringRequired
- calendarsarray of objectsRequired
An event specification relative to the calendar, similar to a traditional cron specification.
calendars properties
- hourarray of objectsRequired
Hour range to match (0-23). Default matches 0
hour properties
- endinteger
End of the range (inclusive). If end < start, then end is interpreted as equal to start. Optional, defaulted to Start
- stepinteger
Step to be take between each value. Optional, defaulted to 1
- startintegerRequired
Start of the range (inclusive)
- yeararray of objectsRequired
Year range to match. Default matches all years
year properties
- endinteger
End of the range (inclusive). If end < start, then end is interpreted as equal to start. Optional, defaulted to Start
- stepinteger
Step to be take between each value. Optional, defaulted to 1
- startintegerRequired
Start of the range (inclusive)
- montharray of objectsRequired
Month range to match (1-12). Default matches all months
month properties
- endinteger
End of the range (inclusive). If end < start, then end is interpreted as equal to start. Optional, defaulted to Start
- stepinteger
Step to be take between each value. Optional, defaulted to 1
- startintegerRequired
Start of the range (inclusive)
- minutearray of objectsRequired
Minute range to match (0-59). Default matches 0
minute properties
- endinteger
End of the range (inclusive). If end < start, then end is interpreted as equal to start. Optional, defaulted to Start
- stepinteger
Step to be take between each value. Optional, defaulted to 1
- startintegerRequired
Start of the range (inclusive)
- secondarray of objectsRequired
Second range to match (0-59). Default matches 0
second properties
- endinteger
End of the range (inclusive). If end < start, then end is interpreted as equal to start. Optional, defaulted to Start
- stepinteger
Step to be take between each value. Optional, defaulted to 1
- startintegerRequired
Start of the range (inclusive)
- commentstringRequired
Description of the intention of this schedule
- dayOfWeekarray of objectsRequired
DayOfWeek range to match (0-6; 0 is Sunday). Default matches all days of the week
dayOfWeek properties
- endinteger
End of the range (inclusive). If end < start, then end is interpreted as equal to start. Optional, defaulted to Start
- stepinteger
Step to be take between each value. Optional, defaulted to 1
- startintegerRequired
Start of the range (inclusive)
- dayOfMontharray of objectsRequired
DayOfMonth range to match (1-31). Default matches all days
dayOfMonth properties
- endinteger
End of the range (inclusive). If end < start, then end is interpreted as equal to start. Optional, defaulted to Start
- stepinteger
Step to be take between each value. Optional, defaulted to 1
- startintegerRequired
Start of the range (inclusive)
- intervalsarray of objects
For example, an
of 1 hour withoffset
of zero would match every hour, on the hour. The sameevery
but anoffset
of 19 minutes would match everyxx:19:00
.intervals properties
- everystringRequired
The period to repeat the interval
- offsetstring
A fixed offset added to the intervals period. Optional, defaults to 0
- datasourceIdstring
- knowledgebaseIdstringRequired
The request is in incorrect format.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
The user does not have privileges to perform the requested action.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
The resource does not exist.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
curl "{id}/datasources/{datasourceId}/schedules" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
-d '{"calendars":[{"hour":[{"end":42,"step":1,"start":42}],"year":[{"end":42,"step":1,"start":42}],"month":[{"end":42,"step":1,"start":42}],"minute":[{"end":42,"step":1,"start":42}],"second":[{"end":42,"step":1,"start":42}],"comment":"string","dayOfWeek":[{"end":42,"step":1,"start":42}],"dayOfMonth":[{"end":42,"step":1,"start":42}]}],"intervals":[{"every":"5h30m","offset":"0s"}]}'
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify({"calendars":[{"hour":[{"end":42,"step":1,"start":42}],"year":[{"end":42,"step":1,"start":42}],"month":[{"end":42,"step":1,"start":42}],"minute":[{"end":42,"step":1,"start":42}],"second":[{"end":42,"step":1,"start":42}],"comment":"string","dayOfWeek":[{"end":42,"step":1,"start":42}],"dayOfMonth":[{"end":42,"step":1,"start":42}]}],"intervals":[{"every":"5h30m","offset":"0s"}]})
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/knowledgebases/{id}/datasources/{datasourceId}/schedules',
'method': 'POST',
'headers': {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
"calendars": [
"hour": [
"end": 42,
"step": 1,
"start": 42
"year": [
"end": 42,
"step": 1,
"start": 42
"month": [
"end": 42,
"step": 1,
"start": 42
"minute": [
"end": 42,
"step": 1,
"start": 42
"second": [
"end": 42,
"step": 1,
"start": 42
"comment": "string",
"dayOfWeek": [
"end": 42,
"step": 1,
"start": 42
"dayOfMonth": [
"end": 42,
"step": 1,
"start": 42
"intervals": [
"every": "5h30m",
"offset": "0s"
"ownerId": "507f191e810c19729de860ed",
"spaceId": "507f191e810c19729de860ec",
"tenantId": "507f191e810c19729de860eb",
"calendars": [
"hour": [
"end": 42,
"step": 1,
"start": 42
"year": [
"end": 42,
"step": 1,
"start": 42
"month": [
"end": 42,
"step": 1,
"start": 42
"minute": [
"end": 42,
"step": 1,
"start": 42
"second": [
"end": 42,
"step": 1,
"start": 42
"comment": "string",
"dayOfWeek": [
"end": 42,
"step": 1,
"start": 42
"dayOfMonth": [
"end": 42,
"step": 1,
"start": 42
"intervals": [
"every": "5h30m",
"offset": "0s"
"datasourceId": "f256b3e4-03e0-4f74-ae46-a4d43882ee5d",
"knowledgebaseId": "f256b3e4-03e0-4f74-ae46-a4d43882ee5d"
Deletes a datasource schedule.
Rate limit | Tier 2 (100 requests per minute) |
Categories |
Path Parameters
- datasourceIdstringRequired
The id of the datasource the schedule belongs to.
- idstringRequired
The id of the knowledgebase the schedule belongs to.
Successfully deleted a schedule.
The request is in incorrect format.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
The user does not have privileges to perform the requested action.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
The resource does not exist.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
curl "{id}/datasources/{datasourceId}/schedules" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify("")
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/knowledgebases/{id}/datasources/{datasourceId}/schedules',
'method': 'DELETE',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
Retrieves sync history for the specified knowledgebase. Will return a 404
if no sync history exists, or if the calling user does not have access to synced datasources.
Rate limit | Tier 1 (1000 requests per minute) |
Categories |
Query Parameters
- limitinteger
The number of sync histories to get.
- nextstring
Optional parameter to request the next page.
- prevstring
Optional parameter to request the previous page.
- sortstring
Optional resource field name to sort on, case insensitive, eg. name. Can be prefixed with - to set descending order, defaults to ascending.
Can be one of: "COMPLETED""-COMPLETED"
Path Parameters
- idstringRequired
The id of the knowledgebase.
List of sync items ordered by the completed time.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- dataarray of objectsRequired
data properties
- idstringRequired
sync id
- statusstringRequired
Sync status
Can be one of: "neverIndexed""progress""completed""completedWithError"
- docStatsobjectRequired
Summary of documents processed
docStats properties
- addedintegerRequired
- errorsintegerRequired
- deletedintegerRequired
- updatedintegerRequired
- deltaBytesintegerRequired
- deltaTextSizeintegerRequired
- largestFileSizeintegerRequired
- deltaEffectivePagesintegerRequired
- totalBytesProcessedintegerRequired
- startedAtstringRequired
Datetime when the sync task was started
- completedAtstring
Datetime when the sync task was completed
- triggerTypestringRequired
Datasource trigger type, was it manually or automatically synced
- connectionIdstringRequired
Connection id that the datasource used
- datasourceIdstringRequired
datasource id
- selectedErrorsarray of strings
populated with up to the first selectedErrorsCount errors if there were any during sync
- metaobject
meta properties
- countTotalinteger
- linksobject
links properties
- nextobject
next properties
- hrefstring
- prevobject
prev properties
- hrefstring
- selfobject
self properties
- hrefstring
The request is in incorrect format.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
The user does not have privileges to perform the requested action.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
The knowledgebase is not found, the knowledgebase has no sync history, or the calling user doesn't have access to the datasources in the knowledgebase.
- application/jsonobject
application/json properties
- errorsarray of objects
errors properties
- codestring
- titlestring
- detailstring
- traceIdstring
curl "{id}/histories" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
const https = require('https')
const data = JSON.stringify("")
const options = {
'hostname': '',
'port': 443,
'path': '/api/v1/knowledgebases/{id}/histories',
'method': 'GET',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'
const req = https.request(options)
This API is not included yet in qlik-cli
"data": [
"id": "f256b3e4-03e0-4f74-ae46-a4d43882ee5d",
"status": [
"neverIndexed | progress | completed | completedWithError"
"docStats": {
"added": 1,
"errors": 0,
"deleted": 0,
"updated": 0,
"deltaBytes": 0,
"deltaTextSize": 0,
"largestFileSize": 123044444,
"deltaEffectivePages": 0,
"totalBytesProcessed": 123044444
"startedAt": "2021-10-02T14:20:50.52Z",
"completedAt": "2021-10-02T14:20:50.52Z",
"triggerType": [
"manual | schedule"
"connectionId": "ee6a390c-5d33-11e8-9c2d-fa7ae01bbebc",
"datasourceId": "f256b3e4-03e0-4f74-ae46-a4d43882ee5d",
"selectedErrors": [
"unsupported file extension"
"meta": {
"countTotal": 42
"links": {
"next": {
"href": "string"
"prev": {
"href": "string"
"self": {
"href": "string"